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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4941204 No.4941204 [Reply] [Original]

ITT thanksgiving fuck ups

last year I cooked the turkey upside down

>> No.4941206

We don't celebrate thanksgiving over here. Thanks for the laugh though. How the fuck do you cook poultry upside down anyway?

>> No.4941225

im not even sure it just kind of happened
I think it turned out better the breast stayed submerged in juice

>> No.4941231

That's how my family does it every year, cook it upside down and it stays juicier, just flip it over towards the end to get some color on the top

>> No.4942543

I tried to deep fry a turkey and caught my driveway on fire

>> No.4942558

One year I put too much salt in the brine. Then the next year I didn't have enough salt. The year after that I stopped brining. :(

>> No.4942577

One year I used my pressure canner to cook the turkey. It was done in less than 20 minutes and even the bones were a bit soft. I might do that again this year if I get a second turkey.

Did you use a gas fryer instead of an electric one?

>> No.4942583

yeah I used propane
it boiled over as soon as I put the bird in so I said fuck it pulled it out of the burning oil and baked it

>> No.4942601


If you have a v-rack, you can roast it upside down and then turn it over at the very to crisp up the skin. It works quite well for keeping the breast for overcooking.

>> No.4942660

I accidentally the cranberry sauce

>> No.4943526

But the next year it would have been perfect if you met the proportions in the middle! try again and I'm sure you'll get it :)

>> No.4943532

No disasters come to mind, but I always find it weird that my kids do not like the stuffing I make (outside of the bird) while it's one of my favorite flavors around the holidays. And they'll each ask for a turkey leg, which is weird.

>> No.4943723

Keeps the breast moist too.

>> No.4943741

You accidently what?

>> No.4943743

your newfag is showing

>> No.4943746

youre reddit is showing

>> No.4943766

your retarded is showing

>> No.4943769

your tumblr is showing

>> No.4943774

I've never eaten or tasted Turkey? Is it really just like chicken with more meat?

>> No.4943784
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in college my friends and I bought a 21lb bird for four people and ate it after just 4 hours in the oven

pic related - its our turkey after being "cooked"

>> No.4943810

It's similar to chicken, but with stronger flavor and is more savory by default, IMO. Of course that can be fucked up if you cook it wrong.

Duck is best (easily available) bird though.

>> No.4943812
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there's no way this is true

>> No.4943950

No thanks giving just me tonight
> caught a brown trout earlyer today
>decide to try a salt crust
>have egg yokes left over so decide to do hollandaise
>try method using oven to heat butter and stick mixer rather then a usual baymerie method
>pour butter into mixture wonder why isnt thiking ( being a dump ass string with a spoon not mixer)
>decide to add xylum gum to thicken
>realise i did mix properly before hand
and that is how i made hollandaise play-dough
atleast the fish came out nice