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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 46 KB, 1024x558, BY-X6gyIMAEHpR4.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4942156 No.4942156[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This is what a Mc"Rib" looks like without sauce.

Delicious foodmatter.

>> No.4942158

>I don't care it tastes good
>All food looks gross uncooked
>It's McDonalds I know it is shit but I still eat it

There OP, there are your responses

>> No.4942159

we had this thread like 7 times already,
we know
we dont care
its still fucking delicious

>> No.4942164
File: 82 KB, 790x477, 34-insolite-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And nuggets come from real nuggets bred open air.

>> No.4942167

Ronaldfags on damage limitation. Also
don't try to speak for people you don't know, burgershill.

>> No.4942168
File: 150 KB, 600x902, HbDC9fY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the animal Mcribs come from

>> No.4942170

I don't think any part of OP pic is organic matter.

>> No.4942197

i read that mcnuggets are primarily corn products, but the ingredient list has chicken as the main ingredient. what is the truth?

>> No.4942198

its just cheap pork scraps an a number of fillers, a low grade scrapple

never eaten them myself

>> No.4942199

don't care, eat at least a dozen every time they reappear. delicious as fuck

>> No.4942201

a restaurant buys in bulk in has to freeze their food so it doesn't spoil? OH THE HUMANITY

>> No.4942204

>what is the truth?
The truth is they're under so much scrutiny from every "concerned" organization just waiting to find something horrible in their food, they have been forced to use actual chicken in their chicken nuggets.

>> No.4942227

you seem to be missing the point. They are wholly reconstituted. Real ribs are not uniformly spaced from animal to animal.

Everyone in this thread would take the blue pill.

>> No.4942233

They are mcribs


They still taste great and would rather buy this than make an actual rib sandwich

>> No.4942235

We know all this. Have for years. Tastes good.

>> No.4942252

It's McDonalds, it's shit and I would never eat it.

There, you missed one.

>> No.4942254

>would rather buy this than make an actual rib sandwich

Why? A rib sandwich, or better yet a pulled-pork sandwich are even better, and cheaper to make. Why pay more money for a worse product? Are people really that lazy?

>> No.4942260


are you under the impression that anyone thought the mcrib was an actual rack of ribs?

>> No.4942262


wow it looks like a real rib!

>> No.4942267

I was wondering how they got the bones so tender.
Boy do I feel stupid.

>> No.4942265

>minced meat is not meat

>> No.4942284

You answered you're own question.

Plus, some of us can't cook or don't have time.

That being said I'd prefer actual ribs, but I'll settle for shitty not-ribs on a bun. Seriously.

>> No.4942286
File: 28 KB, 401x301, dgg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the Mcrib

>> No.4942294

If you wanted to make a "real" McRib you could use finger meat, but yes, nobody actually thinks the McRib you get is anything but a reconstituted patty.

>> No.4942301

they taste fucking disgusting

>> No.4942346

Well then let us know when you open your fast food joint and start selling genuine rib and pulled pork sandwiches for $1.99.

>> No.4942479


>> No.4942534

>wanting low priced food.

I'd rather have more expensive food.

>> No.4942550


Pork shoulder costs about $2 per lb and buns, onions, pickes, and sauce are pretty damn cheap. So for a few bucks you could make yourself a dozen BBQ pork sandwiches. Pulled pork is also great for a lazy cook because there's not much to do. Season the pork, then get it in your smoker/slow cooker/oven and wait. It's pretty damn hard to screw up, and it's made from cheap meat.

>> No.4942556

OP's pic would make for a great viral attack ad by McD's competitors, except all of them use food that looks just as gross. :-) While I had no illusions that McRibs were in any way wholesome or natural, the pic does look worse than expected: it's much paler, very unlike meat, and the rib stripes and overall patty are more perfectly squared off in an industrial way than I'd have envisioned. Guess I kind of figured they'd press it into a mold, rather than just extrude a continuous sheet and slice it.

>> No.4942559

im more disgusted that the guy in ops picture is handling food without gloves

>> No.4942560

You know what i don't like about these? They are pressed to look like ribs right? Well, the raised areas of real ribs are solid BONE. Every time I see McRibs I think of chomping down into the sandwich and chipping a tooth on an actual rib.

Not exactly the best mental image for selling me human pet food.

>> No.4942574

your vegan is showing m8

>> No.4942581

No, he's right, I think of the same thing and I'm a card carrying omnivore. You just obviously don't eat much real food. I bet you subsist on bagged snacks, soda, and fast food.

>> No.4942587

The amount of harassment McD receives about its food ensures nothing is wrong with the food, since if ti was a hundred million vegan harpies would sue to protect their non-existent children from something a child wouldn't be able to get without their parents' help.

>> No.4942589

>LITERALLY not understand why people buy fast food
>hundreds of millions of people buying fat food every day
>every single one of these people is a complete mystery to this guy

>> No.4942591

pig is a pale meat when it's frozen.

>> No.4942592

I JUST had my first Mc.Ribwich.

Gonna be honest, it isn't "that" bad, it taste pretty much like a standard pulled pork sandwich with just a little too much barbecue sauce: texture is good, taste is alright, little sweet but not too bad.

I mean, I can understand the "rarity" fuss, but if we had this all the time we'd get tired of it quickly.


We literally don't give a shit. "Real" food comes out of living animals that poop and eat, are we supposed to be shocked at that slab of vague-meat? Oh no. OOHHH NO, how dare they reshape my meat???

>> No.4942595



Fuck off back to the Huffington Post with this shit.

>> No.4942594

It's like you really have missed the last 20 years of documentary films.

>> No.4942599
File: 61 KB, 630x354, 005-mcrib-cleantop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you expect? It's McDonalds. You get what you pay for and that's a $2 sandwich.

It's nothing new.

I personally wouldn't eat it because >McDonalds, but to others have their own opinion. If it's good to them then it's good to them.

>> No.4942602

>thinking mcD or any fast food restaurant is going to sell something you can choke on so you can sue them
> I'm a card carrying omnivore
no one but vegans use this type on nomenclature.

>> No.4942603

ronaldfags. i bet you ain't even paid for this sub-spam spam.

>> No.4942609

Is that meant to be meat?

It looks like a Greggs pasty that got run over by a tank.

>> No.4942610

It's like you really believe people don't know McDonald's is shit food.

Who the fuck goes into a McDonald's expecting quality, hand-made food? You're buying bottom of the barrel meat at basement-level prices.

The people who say "Ew McDonald's, it's so bad 4 u" are just making a vain attempt to appear more worldly and health conscious.

People know it's shit. People don't care that it's shit. People will never care that it's shit.

>> No.4942615

youre arguing with "vegans" this is what you get

>> No.4942616

Nah, I just used to work in a non-US McDs.

I couldn't give a shit what the US side of the chain does, since I only ever eat at the EU ones, where they'd be sued to the ground if their meat wasn't high quality, or if they used any GMOs in anything ever.

>> No.4942619
File: 131 KB, 886x546, mcrib_parts1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4942623
File: 1.51 MB, 995x867, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that so?

>> No.4942624
File: 65 KB, 850x388, mcrib_pyramid2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still order my McRib with extra pickles.

>> No.4942628

Please. First off, the chicken feet I just prepped would like a word with you.
Secondly, are you so stupid you don't understand imagery?

>> No.4942630

> McD
> basement-level prices
this is an oft-repeated lie

>> No.4942640

is it wrong to eat horse in america?
Also, the mislabelled burgers were sold by supermarkets, not McD

>> No.4942644

>implying there's anything wrong with eating penis

>> No.4942647

It's not "wrong" per se, just uncommon. And the horse issue wasn't that they were eating horse, but that they were eating horse not LABELLED as such.

In America, our meat is actually inspected to prevent just such occurrences.

>> No.4942652

In europe ours is too, else it wouldn't have been caught

>> No.4942653

I'd inspect your meat <3

>> No.4942659

Nothing wrong with eating horse in America, it's perfectly legal as long as it's properly prepped and labeled. However, it's illegal to slaughter horses for food in the US, or import their meat, so you'd have to have some years-old horsemeat for it to be legal. We cram our old & excess horses into trucks and keep them alive until they make it over the Canadian or Mexican borders, where slaughterhouses kill, process, and re-export them.

>> No.4942662

could you import the carcass, then process it into meat?

>> No.4942681


Aussie here

When they brought McRibs here I seriously took the burger apart honestly expecting actual ribs

I was severely disappointed, screamed "FUCKING CUNT" in the food court, threw my McRib on the ground with all my shit and left

Never been back to that food court, been 2 years now.

>> No.4942713

As far as I understand the rules set forth, it is acceptable for a slaughterhouse/butcher to process a horse if it has the proper license. The problem is that they don't give out said licenses. Therefore, it should be legal for you to slaughter and process your own horses so long as you don't distribute or make a profit from it

>> No.4942806


>$2 sandwich
>expecting real ribs

go be poor somewhere else

>> No.4942812
File: 24 KB, 400x400, omgwtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4942816

go away you npr reading liberalshit

>> No.4942921

> read
You republitards are hilarious

>> No.4942941

you can get a bbq sandwich with real bbq in the south for 2$

>> No.4942969

Why the fuck does this thread even exist? Hipster foodies really need to get their whole "OH MAN IF ONLY THE POOR PLEBS KNEW THE TRUTH ABOUT THE SHITTY FOOD THEY'RE EATING!!" complex. You're not some beacon of light, conveying truth to the unwashed masses, and you need to stop acting like you are.

>> No.4942976
File: 90 KB, 550x366, subway_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why we never get threads like this about sandwich shops, despite the fact that all their meats are just as processed

>> No.4942979

implying freezing minced meat is some how disgusting

>> No.4942991

Everytime I go to Subway, I see those chicken breasts just sitting there...and it just depresses me out man.
They look like something you'd buy in a frozen aisle and microwave at midnight while you cry yourself back to sleep.

>> No.4942992
File: 108 KB, 1134x771, crazywoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah I worked at a jimmy johns for a brief period, wish I had taken pictures of all the boxes of meat back in the freezer.

or not.

>tfw that vegan kind life thread just got deleted

>> No.4943000

ice is organic

>> No.4943003

Scrapple is fucking delicious. It's one of the things since I moved out of Philadelphia. That, Wawa sandwiches, and real fucking soft pretzels.

>> No.4943009
