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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4934488 No.4934488[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Examples of when you feel cheated

>> No.4934496
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>> No.4934522

>Mom is Pescetarian (only eats Fish)
>"Hey Mom, Taco Bell has Shrimp Tacos now, so you can eat there"
>"Oh wow, let's go try it"

Fucking 3 salad shrimp in hers.

>> No.4934529
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>go to restaurant
>unsure if the prices are high because it's a fancy place with a low key feel or they have giant portions of lower quality food
>It's a small portion of lower quality food

>> No.4935151

I spent over $100 on a few tiny meatballs and a single ravioli once. They weren't even good. Fuck "high end" restaurants.

>> No.4935181


Name the restaurant or it didn't happen.

>> No.4935211

There are five shrimp. Open your damned eyes.

>implying it is not sold at a fair price

>> No.4935224

Anytime I go to a restaurant. Don't deny this /ck/.

>$2-3 for a drink
>$8 or more for an entree

I get mad every time.

>> No.4935252

You aren't just paying for the goddamned food. Look at all the dishes, the lighting, the chairs, expensive chemicals required to clean all that shit, the 100,000 dollar dish machine, the wind ovens that are 12,000 dollars apiece, the 20,000 dollar salamander, the 150,000+ coolers and freezer, the 8,000 dollar flat-top, the licensing, the franchise fees, the high water usage, the 300,000 vent system (hooray fire codes).

A kitchen is a lot like a hospital in a way. A lot of what you pay is keeping up with code. And you're a real fucking moron if you thinking paying three times the raw ingredient cost for your dinner to be all-but-spoonfed to you is a ripoff.

>> No.4935268


The troll you're responding to is a big problem with /ck/, but YOU sir are an enabler.

>> No.4935279

My apologies. I am far too used to dealing with retarded customers and business school graduates that know fucking nothing about a kitchen ruining my cheery disposition.

>> No.4935285
File: 16 KB, 641x651, lone ranger smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's okay, anon. We all have to learn sometime.

>> No.4935286

God damn I hate those fucking sandwiches. They actually taste pretty good, atleast as much as a refrigerated sandwich can. But they are such huge rips

>> No.4935320

I'm learning more and more to just not care about anything more than myself. Not to sound sociopathic, I mean my own evaluation of the situation including how it affects others. Most people are too stupid to determine what should be done.

>lone ranger smiling.jpg
>not zorro
Shame on you.

>> No.4935333

any hipster breakfast place
fucking $17 for an egg benedict, yes only one, I didn't even get the other half of the english muffin and it didn't come with sides either. but what can you expect when they charge $8 for a cappuccino
>drinking cappuccino at breakfast time