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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4923764 No.4923764[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>girlfriend pressuring me to go Vegan
>allergic to soy and nuts

>> No.4923767

Then tell her to fuck off.

It's crazy enough to go vegan, but making you go vegan when you're allergic is batshit insane, does she know this?

>> No.4923766

just tell her you're allergic to soy and nuts then you beta fuck
and if she keeps pressuring you after that, then fucking break up with her
at that point it's obvious she cares more about her fucking agenda than your health

>> No.4923770

What does that have to do with anything? Eating soy isn't a requirement to being vegan

>> No.4923771

I dare you to find a good vegan recipe that uses neither soy nor nuts.

>> No.4923774

>dating a crazy vegan bitch
You fucked up.

>> No.4923780

She is literally trying to kill you. Cut her off like a gangrenous limb.

>> No.4923784

Meet her halfway and say you'll try vegetarian. It will be a thousand times easier for you.

>> No.4923789

tell her your allergic. if she's a bitch then drop her like a hot rock

>> No.4923790

tell her to fuck off. then eat a steak while doing her in the butt.

>> No.4923791

Probably seitan something or other.

>> No.4923793

>eating soy products, ever

I went vegan for about 6 months and never touched soy. It's trash. Like junk food level trash. Also, you don't need soy or nuts and you can still be vegan or vegetarian.

>> No.4923794


It's like you want OP to commit suicide.

>> No.4923795

Would you want to be around a person who forces you to get rid of multiple food groups? Think about it, man.

>> No.4923803

>multiple food groups

Meat has substitutes.
Dairy has substitutes.

This isn't 1965 anymore little boy.

>> No.4923805


I dare you to know how to cook anything that isn't meat. Learn how to cook lentils, chickpeas, beans, rice, pasta, potatoes, and all manner of vegetables. Also remind yourself that fruit exists and tastes good

>> No.4923808
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Oh no, next she'll want you to do moderate exercise a few days a week. Maybe you'll even have to shower-- DAILY!

>> No.4923813

She's controlling, dump the whore. Daily showering? Fuck her, she can mind her own.

>> No.4923815
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Start eating meat exclusively

It'll bring a fun dynamic to your relationship

>> No.4923816

If she really cared about you, she wouldn't pressure you. Pressuring someone (particularly in a relationship) is the wrong way to enact change. Pressure and force only leads to resentment and separation. Tell her that. That, and that you'll change your eating habits if and when you have done some thoughtful information gathering of your own, and not just because she insists you should. And if she gives you an ultimatum says that's a dealbreaker, then so be it. Believe me, you don't want to be with someone who wants to control you. There's plenty more women out there.

>> No.4923820

And those substitutes are fucking disgusting and full of fillers, colorants, flavorings, shit ,and wank.

>> No.4923828


The fuck do you care? You eat factory-farmed, grain-and-antiobiotic-fed meat. You're just as fucked either way, but if you take substitute for meat to mean alternative protein source, you have many healthy options to choose from

>> No.4923839

vegans eat vegetables. but you are actually disadvantaged if you're allergic to soy and nuts.

so look to mycoprotien, and a company called "Quorn". they make some actually really delicious faux meat product.

why is your lady pressuring you to change your diet? For health? Has she been a vegan and just wants you to try it?

i say just give it a shot. balance healthy fats and oils, whole complex carbohydrates, and a ton of fruits and veggies, apples, carrots, potatos, beans, etc. and eat the quorn for protein. try it for a few weeks. it cant do you any harm, and you'll feel good, i guarantee.

>> No.4923838

And some good old IBS

>> No.4923842
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>being this delusional

>> No.4923844

the soy is completely unnecessary, i agree.
nuts tend to be a staple of a proper vegan diet though.
but yeah, you can do without. it'll just be a lot more difficult to get by.

those substitutes often contain eggs and milk derivatives.
they're probably the dumbest scam ever.
>here's your animal product replacement sir, it's made with animal products haha, hope you don't mind

>> No.4923849

seitan is wheat gluten. its heavy, but if made properly its not bad.

lol this. the horror.

not true. OP could be massively overweight, and eat mccdonalds every day.

>coconut milk
>full of everything BUT coconut

come on, dont be silly.

>not being this delusional
thats just a side effect from meat consumption. it hinders brain function. it doesnt have enough potassium to maintain your bodies electricity for a healthy brain. do you even know what potassium is?

>> No.4923854


What are you, retarded? The ones with egg/dairy in it are for vegetarians, the ones without them are for vegans

>> No.4923859

either way, they're both horribly overpriced and undernutrianated.

>> No.4923864


I agree, but they aren't a staple food, they're like vegan junk food. They're more of a transitional food that people buy because the US diet is so meat-focused that most people have no idea how to feed themselves with plants

>> No.4923865

yes, hence my remarks. the people who buy these things actually think they're "helping the animals", while completely disregarding the actual contents.

>> No.4923866

>implying that people who eat meat don't know how to cook vegetables, grains and beans

Are you fucking dense?

>> No.4923868

>OP could be massively overweight, and eat mccdonalds every day.

generalized presumptions do not excuse her behavior. You're not being rational.

>> No.4923870


Well technically they are still helping the animals if they're buying the non-egg/dairy ones


Apparently they don't, from all the "vegan food SUCKS" posts I read on this board. It's like 90% of /ck/ doesn't like anything that doesn't have cheese and bacon on it

>> No.4923872

>implying everyone is an americunt

>> No.4923873

I cook my side dishes well, but they're just that, side dishes. I don't even cook all meat anways. I eat vegetarian (read vegetarian, not vegan) once or twice a week.

>> No.4923874

those are rather scarce over here.
regular supermarkets all stock the soy+egg+milk variants.
for the proper vegan ones you'll need to go to the specialized health/bio shops.

>> No.4923876

if he is overweight, and his health is suffering, her pressure is a manifestation of love.

it would be cruel of her to let OP continue to ignore his health. but we dont even know if hes got health issues. but are you actually contesting that eating mccdonalds is wise?

>> No.4923880

I'm 6'0 and 190 pounds.

Overweight but far from fat. Not to mention I have a fairly hypersthenic build with very broad shoulders.

>> No.4923881
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>Overweight but far from fat

Oh, the things fat people say.

>> No.4923883

There's a huge difference between being 20 pounds above ideal and 100. I'm about 20 (actually probably less due to my muscle mass).

>> No.4923885


>It's all muscle, brah

What other fat people tropes will I see today

>> No.4923886

thats pretty healthy.

so whys your woman trying to get you to change your diet?

>> No.4923889

Because she's a vegan. Hardcore bleeding liberal type too. I don't know her reasoning to be honest. It's not like we live together or anything and we don't even talk to each other every day (we're both of the highly independant, borderline (or in her case straight up) anti-social disorder type).

>> No.4923895

Ugh, I know that type. Bitch wanted me to give up my guns. Fuck no I said, Obama can't take them away so you think you can? Bitch needed her priorities straight.

>> No.4923896

....forget everything i said. drop her like a sack of bricks and run as far away and as quickly as you can.

lol i kid. but seriously, try the vegan thing for a while, and if it doesnt work out for you, you could settle for cutting out some meat from your diet. and if shes not okay with that, then you can run.

but really man, what were you thinking even starting a relationship with her liberal feminazi self?

>> No.4923898

Settle down there Cletus.

>> No.4923901

She ain't no feminazi. Thinks the whole thing is laughable. Actually browses 4chan a hell of a lot more than I do. She's just very liberal when it comes to other things (government, education, health care, animal rights, etc.). Ironic because she works for big oil and I work for city planning, but there you have it.

>> No.4923905
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>> No.4923936

>but are you actually contesting that eating mccdonalds is wise?

I hate dumb people like you who interject their own thought processes onto other people. Your brand of counterclockwise thinking is what makes it so hard to educate people on reality vs. propaganda. In no shape or form did anyone say anything about McDonalds, besides you. You're a fuckwit.

>> No.4923947

he said that making generalized assumptions, without saying much else. i questioned if he implied if i was suggesting that it is a general belief that eating mccdonalds is unhealthy, as people Can eat shit food, and still be healthy.

i appologize on anons behalf for being vague and not adding to the conversation.

>> No.4923951

So, you made generalized assumptions once, and then continued to again. You're just chock full of crap tonight, aren't you? And now you're attempting to backpedal, and it's a no-go.

>> No.4923960
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sure pal. im going in full reverse from your hostility. right on. looks like you won this one. i am so full of shit and everything is say is retarded. Please rape my face and castrate me. i will never return to /ck/ again after this. so fuck my ass hole and rape a horse. shits fucked. game over man. game over.

>> No.4923961

Relationships are a game of give & take. If she's important to you, then let her know you're willing to TRY it, but have her help find items you won't possibly die from. It shows you're willing to make an effort if she is, and also lets her know you trust & respect her.

>> No.4923968


Also, make sure she knows it's on a trial basis. Set that expectation up front!

>> No.4923969

This thread is bait everyone stop posting.

>> No.4923972
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>> No.4923988

>pressing you to follow her lifestyle.

If it's not OK about religion or politics why is it OK with food?

>> No.4923993

Go to Vegas instead and say you misheard her.

>> No.4923995


Because it could save lives

>> No.4924000

>Implying politics or religion can't
> leave shitpoistingveganscum

>> No.4924001

The lives of farm animals do not matter

>> No.4924002


They can't


I mean your own life. Heart disease is our number 1 killer

>> No.4924004

She has no power over you. Tell her she can go vegan if she wants. But what you eat is up to you.

>> No.4924006

The right politician or pasture have turned many defunct lives around.
Try again.

>> No.4924010


You're talking a personal life change, not saving someone from dying from something. And no, those pastors that claim to heal people are bullshit

>> No.4924012

>Because it could save lives
And (change in) politics/religion can't?

Makes no sense. The meat industry keeps animals alive. Cows wouldn't be if it wasn't for humans need for them. Just look at any predator that isn't domesticated that humans have a liking to like tigers or elephants or whales.

I much rather see vegans go be green-peacers (even if I consider them an extreme organization) than have them try and stop meat production.

>Heart disease
Frankly, I like meat enough for it to be worth it. And I have a friend I've grown up with who had a vegan family, I ate with them frequently. It's not good food. Then again I'm saying this on /ck/ so someone is going to prove me wrong. I couldn't give up animal products though.

Also on the politics it might not be the case in America for Americans (because there's no difference between the parties and it's a two party system). But even America has foreign politics and foreign relations that affect people. And they're starting to wear on those relations.

>> No.4924016
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>The meat industry keeps animals alive.

>> No.4924022
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Break up with her if she doesn't start eating animal products.

>> No.4924021

>not saving someone from dying from something
Drug problems have often lead to death, plenty of legeslation protects citizens. A less politically engaged person might claim that Obamacare is helping Americans.
>those pastors that claim to heal people are bullshit
Is your world just filled with magic or something? Because you don't view the world as grounded as it is. Priests in western society is a sort of psychologist. And churches/temples tend to be great places for people to relax. Not me personally but my mom really feels that way and she really needs it.

Though I'm from Sweden and I had a priest at my conformation camp tell me that she didn't believe in any of the miracles in the bible. So perhaps my situation isn't ordinary.

To kill them and eat them. But as a species, yes.

>> No.4924028

She just wants you to be healthy so you can be like that 93 year old vegan yoga instructor


>> No.4924029

It is true, some breeds of cattle bred for their meat would not exist if we were not eating them.
There are some rare breeds of cattle that really do need us to eat them to create demand for them so that they continue to breed them, it sounds strange but it is true.

>> No.4924034


I think they'd be better off if we'd just let them die off.

>> No.4924035

Why not keep them as house pets?

>> No.4924036
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God damn. Makes you feel like a piece of shit when a 93 year old woman can do that and you can't.

>> No.4924038

Is she hot? I'll take her off your hands if she is since I'm already vegan.

>> No.4924042
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Why not honor their noble spirits by feasting on their flesh?

>> No.4924073

>implying anything will stop eat-eaters from trolling and veganfags from preaching and whining.