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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4909564 No.4909564 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever dined and dashed, /ck/? Do you know someone who has? What was the reasoning? Poor and hungry? Drunk and feeling invincible?

Have any food related workers had anyone dine and dash from your place of work?

>> No.4909595

No. /ck/ doesn't have a large population of niggers.

>> No.4909627

Yes, at pic related and I don't regret anything about it. They would've charged me 16€ for the most god-awful excuse of a pizza I've ever put into my mouth. I just couldn't pay for this garbage, finished about a quarter of it, stood up and left.

>> No.4909631

When I was little my dad pulled us out of the emergency exit of a Pizza Hut. When I realized what had happened I started screaming in the parking lot. Guess he forgot his wallet or something.

>> No.4909632
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>> No.4909637

Sort of a related thing- My mom would always grab a coke as soon as she got inside the grocery store, and drink it as she was shopping.
...sometimes she remembered to pay for it.

>> No.4909638

a few months ago i caught 2 teenage girls trying to dine and dash on me. i told them to sit back down and pay the bill or i would call the cops one girl said she left her wallet in the car and went out to fetch it while i escorted the other back to their table. about five minutes later the girl came back and paid the bill with cash.

i want to say the bill was 31$ and she paid the last 3 dollars in a mash of pennies and nickels. they left no tip and just pretty much threw a handful of change at me with the rest of the cash.

i havent seen them again in the restaurant and i used to see them probably every other sunday night.

i remember the hero of another restaurant i had worked in actually ran after a mother with her two kids in the parking lot with a bill and actually dove onto the hood of her car. the lady complained she had bad service and didnt want to pay. he calmly explained u will pay for your meal or i will call the cops and have you arrested and her kids cried and she paid the bill.

lulz were had all around

>> No.4909640

>Have you ever dined and dashed, /ck/?
Yes, solely to fuck over our socially retarded Indian friend

>Have any food related workers had anyone dine and dash
Yes. Worked at a retirement home kitchen and one of the residents thought it was a real restaurant and she would always wheel out before the time she thought would be the check.

>> No.4909654

>Have you ever dined and dashed?
No, and honestly I don't even get how people work up the gall to rush out of there. If I did do it I'd want to be someplace far, far away from my hometown where nobody would know me and so I couldn't be shamed even if I were recognized.

When I worked as a grocery store cashier a lot of people used to hand me their "trash" aka candy wrappers and empty soda bottles that they had taken off the shelves and pretended was theirs. We used to call it grazing because the fat sows couldn't wait until they paid for something to eat it. You know, even though their whole grocery trip was a whopping 45 minutes and I'm sure none of them were starving.
Honestly I just let it go because I think people are pigshit pathetic if they're too cheap to pay for a $1 candy bar. Also at many stores associates weren't allowed to 'accuse' customers of being immoral thieves anyway. Hurt wittle feels=lawlsuit

>> No.4909657


This isn't a dine and dash imo.

If the service or food is total utter shit, and you walk out after eating some.. it's entirely legitimate.

Personally I like to flip everything on the table upside down when the service is nigger tier.

>> No.4909658

This is what I don't understand. Self-entitled little shits who actually believe that stealing is okay if you don't like the product/service. And yet you still ate it.

>> No.4909660


I mean there are some tells that a product is gonna be entire shit, but you have to taste some to figure it out firsthand.

Now if you eat the whole portion and don't pay then fuck you.

>> No.4909662

> candy wrappers and empty soda bottles that they had taken off the shelves and pretended was theirs
Why does your store stock empty wrappers and bottles?
And why do people pretend they own said wrappers and pay for them if there's no food inside?

>> No.4909663

That wasn't very good, anon. I'm sorry.

>> No.4909677

I didn't eat it, I tasted it and neither wanted to finish it nor pay a dime (cent in this case) for it. It surely was a one-time thing, now I know that I should avoid ""Pizza" Hut" like the plague.
(maybe I was also tripping balls)
>Personally I like to flip everything on the table upside down when the service is nigger tier.
heh, passive aggressiveness at its finest. Can totally understand that, though.

>> No.4909686

only when i've been over-served and forget to pay. somehow out of the dozen or more times this has happened i haven't been stopped.

>> No.4909691

I've never done it on purpose but I nearly did it on accident once. I was pigging out on gyoza at a local place, the sort of hole-in-the-wall shack that has room for like 1 employee and 6 customers in the entire restaurant. I was the only guy there at the time. I finished my food, packed up, and strolled out the door. I got about halfway down the block when I heard frantic footsteps chasing after me. Look around out of curiosity, it's the owner running me down. I had a moment of "Wait, what?" before realizing I hadn't paid the tab. I felt so bad, mostly because the food was great, but apparently I looked so shocked when I realized what'd happened that the guy believed me when I told him it wasn't intentional.

>> No.4909694


Did the alarm go off?

>> No.4909700

Never done it, don't know anyone who's admitted doing it, witnessed it once when I was probably 8 or so years old at our family's fave Chinese restaurant...the proprietor took off after a guy who walked out but didn't catch him.

>> No.4909708

I did at a Red Lobster. The service was awful and the food was cold and tasteless. We felt it wasn't worth the $100+ bill and left.

>> No.4909709

I did once on accident.

I was sitting in a teriyaki place in the next town over. It was a nice place, and they'd come take your order at the table and bring you the food, etc. I got my food and had just finished eating when I got a frantic phone call from my sister about her car breaking down and she needed to get to work. Not thinking about it I just left to go pick her up.

I did go back the next day and apologize and pay because I felt really bad. The owner was mad, but was glad I came back to pay.

>> No.4909717

>Red Lobster

Shit, I don't blame you. They seem to have this reputation for being a higher-end place but literally the only thing I've ever enjoyed there has been the biscuits.

The biscuits are fucking delicious though, just for the record.

>> No.4909719

The biscuits were the only thing good about the meal. I don't know about other Red Lobsters, but this one is frequented and staffed almost exclusively by niggers it that says anything.

>> No.4909735

I once went out to eat with a friend at a pretty decent steakhouse that was kind of new in town, forgot my wallet in the car.

Went out to get it, as I'm coming back to the building some dickhead lower management looking type comes out moving in a hurry. I suppose he thought I was trying to dine and dash. Didn't even apologize.

Good steak. Won't be giving them any more of my money though, fucking douchebags.

>> No.4909773

Did it a couple times.

1. At Smitty's. Service abysmal, they put us in a backroom then forgot about us. My friend got strawberry waffles and the strawberry ssauce was caked on the plate like it had been sitting under a heat lamp for a while. I just left without paying.

2. At a bar they had cheap taco night. They kept giving excuses after we waited over an hour, then they said they only had 1/3 how many we ordered or so. We all walked out without paying and we had had a few beers so it was ssubstantial.

3. Drunk in strange city. Didn't have enough cash so we decided to underpay. We hear the server calling to us outside and someone went back to pay saying error.

Not something I would do now unless the service was incredibly bad and I walked out before eating

>> No.4909775


>go to grocery store to give them $250
>be thirsty while shopping
>drink a soda
>instead of easily throwing it away unnoticed, I decide to be honest and have them scan and charge the drink I consumed
>cashier sniggers about me being a fat grazing cow

you are truly the worst kind of person. I hope you work in a grocery store projecting your insecurities onto people who have real jobs for the rest of your life.

>> No.4909777

Ahh the joys of being Canadian.

>> No.4909810

Yes! I did it when I was in Krakow, at an Indian restaurant. I got a table next to a door leading outside, I ordered a butter chicken, a mango smoothy and naan bread. I hadn't planned on doing it when I walked in, and I had the money. I just wanted to experience it. And fuck me my heart was pumping with adrenalin! I had conveniently had a flight booked for an hour after I did it too :3

Would do it again.

>> No.4909820

Same guy here. I also have another time I did it accidentally. I was in Amsterdam, at an Italian restaurant. Had some glorious pasta cabonara and was using my phone for a while after it, I got up and walked out. I was in a hostel literally next door and it hit me I didn't pay, I walked back in there and told them that I forgot to pay, and the server reached into his pocket and pulled out MY PASSPORT which I had dropped in there! We had a laugh and it was all good!

Fucking karma!

>> No.4909849

So you forgot your wallet and think the restaurant is bad for thinking you were leaving.

What a god damned retard.

>> No.4909871

>Went out to get it, as I'm coming back to the building some dickhead lower management....
Yeah no, you were the dickhead here.

>> No.4909878

that sounds awesome. i can imagine the adrenaline as you're running down the road.

>> No.4909885

A friend did this to Roscoe's after he forgot his wallet. He said he would have returned to pay, had the food not been dog shit.

>> No.4909906

My mom works at a diner where most of the customers are grumpy old people who have nothing better to do than spout uneducated opinions about today's generation.

There was a guy who didn't like the food. He hated it so much that he matter-of-factly said that he was only going to pay $3 (the meal was $8.50) and never coming back.

He didn't give the staff a chance to resolve the issue, he was dead-set on paying only $3 and walking away.

Unfortunately, that was the end of that. My mom is actually pretty beta and non-confrontational, and the owner of the diner is even less confrontational than my mother.

Had I worked there, I would've insisted on an alternate resolution (such as remaking the order to the customer's liking, like what most restaurants do). If I was still unsuccessful, well, too bad. If he's not gonna pay the full price and if he's unwilling to let us fix the problem, I would report him for theft of services. I am willing to try anything to keep my customers satisfied, but the gloves are off if they think they can walk all over me. Sorry if that sounded like a long rant, it just irritates me knowing that there are assholes who treat my mom & even other people like this.

>> No.4909928

My friend is in the military, and he was at a bar with all his military buddies, having some drinks.

They are generally really nice people, but there were two of them that were douchebags. They weren't with my friend's group, but they happened to be in uniform, and they happened to be at the same bar. THEY'RE the ones who skipped out on their bill. My friend's group were honest and paid their own bills properly. However, the waitress tried to charge them for the two guys that walked out on theirs'.

Evidently, this was bullshit. This was some guilt-by-association bullshit, as the waitress was trying to charge my friend for what some two unrelated assholes did, just because they work in the same place. My friend's group paid their appropriate portions of the bill and just left the bar. Any leftover change wasn't nearly enough to cover the drink-and-dash, they just hurriedly paid their bills and left.

Right outside, there was a single taxi parked (presumably there as a convenient means for drunk people to get home). They all rush over to the taxi and request a ride back to the base. Unfortunately, the taxi driver is unwilling to give them a ride.

>"I'm sorry, I can't take all of you, there isn't enough room in my car."
He was right. The taxi could only hold 3, maybe 4 passengers. There were 7 soldiers huddled outside the taxi. Then they see the waitress sprinting towards them.

>"...Unless you pay $50 extra."
All 7 of them crammed in there, and the taxi driver made an extra $50. Still cheaper than paying those two douchebags' bills, apparently.

>> No.4909937


good thing you don't work there then. You would become widely known as the restaurant that called in the cops and pressed charges against a poor old man over a $5 dispute.

Even if local media (which is most watched by seniors) didn't have a field day with that one, you underestimate the vindictiveness of a single senior citizen scorned. Considering the place relies on them for business, he could singlehandedly destroy your reputation among your largest customer base.

>> No.4909951

My town doesn't work that way at all. A quaint, podunk town, not a bustling city in the US.

Our local newspapers absolutely do not give a shit about local businesses.

Television news doesn't even cover my town. Not even the serious issues like drugs or murder (which happen very infrequently to begin with).

I'm not even sure if this guy could put a dent on the clientele. This is nigh-literally the only place seniors can go to eat. Their only options are this place, cooking at home, or eating the crap they serve in retirement homes (if they live there). My town is that stagnant.

If he did attempt some stupid revolution over his own adamant prejudices, I doubt the other old people would even have the energy for a boycott of what is pretty much their only place to get breakfast & chat with friends. Plus he stole from a diner, that's kind of pathetic.

>> No.4909962


It happened a few times that I "forgot my wallet", but I went back to pay every time. No, wait, when I was younger I dined and dashed a few times, maybe twice or thrice, at the same place.

It was a grand restaurant, too, one of the finest in the city. The place was a real ballroom, like, CSI: New York. It was an absolutely awesome place.

>> No.4909963

Yes. Though not intentionally.

I went out to a chinese buffet with some two friends, the kind of place where you pay near the door before leaving.

When we were done and ready to leave, there was a pretty long queue, so we gave one guy our share of the bill, and went outside to wait.

A few minutes later he came out, and handed our money back.

>> No.4909972

pretty sure the guy you're quoting is talking about people who do this:
>get soda while shopping
>drink soda while shopping
>give cashier empty soda bottle saying "this is just trash, I brought it in with me." Or "I found this lying in the aisle/on a shelf."
People did this all the time where I used to work.

>> No.4909985

I thought it was funny

>> No.4909988


>> No.4910025

I did, only ever once, though. Over 10 years ago.

There was an all hours diner in my town, breakfast anytime kind of place. Me and a few friends would get off of work on Friday nights, go to the place, sit down at a tabletop, and have some coffee and munchies while we played a game of D&D. Place was usually empty on fridays, and we made sure every hour or so to order more stuff (Chicken finger baskets, appetizer samplers). We were hungry and knew the place needed a reason to justify a table taken up.

One week we show up, and the new manager (A short, angry little middle eastern fellow) tells us in his broken accent "No, you guys, no. We need table. You no come." Now the place WAS actually busy for once, but with a lot of loud, angry, brash, obviously drunken people. Turns out they advertised in local bars to come to the diner at last call. Well we argued that we weren't gonna play, but we still wanted to eat, and he told us "fine yes, eat go".

We sat, ordered, and tried to deal with the noise and sometimes physical disruptions of people screaming, threatening to fight each other and stumbling drunkenly into our table (before, at least twice, throwing up on the carpet). We all agreed this place went downhill fast, and decided to just ask for the check and (this is important) a "to-go" box for the rest of our finger foods. Waitress brought us the check at 12:47am...no box.

>> No.4910026


We waited. And waited. Waited some more. after almost an hour of waiting, we flagged down a different server and asked her what the holdup was. "Are you gusy out of take home boxes" we asked?

"Oh no, hold on" she said, as she walked to the corner, reached behind a door (without ever leaving the dining area or our sight) and grabbed one from a shelf just beyond the door.

We handed HER a $10 bill as a thank you, boxed up our food, and then held the check under the take home tray. The server thought we were taking the bill up to the front counter to pay before we left, and the front counter thought we left the check and cash on the table. For years, I kept the unpaid check as a keepsake, a reminder of a restaurant that used to be accommodating, friendly, and provided excellent food and service to locals that turned to shit when management changed and they were eager for that easy drunk money. They closed down4 months later after numerous troubles and desperate attempts to bring back sober clientele.

>> No.4910054

You thought wrong.

>> No.4910062

>growing up in poverty with trailertrash parents, by Anon

>> No.4910102

Went to a diner around midnight with a friend. Sat down for a bite and some coffee. I kept dozing off in the booth. Wake up around 3am, friend is still eating her food. I look around and we are the only ones in the place. Our bill is on the table, about $25. I open my wallet and only have $13 (my friend had no money as I agreed to pay her meal beforehand). I left the $13 on the table and we quickly exit and get in my car. Just as we are turning out of the parking lot the manager comes to my car and starts yelling "you didn't pay the bill!" to which I replied "I put the money on the table". We go back and forth like this for a while, until I say "so you want me to go back inside and pay?" she says "yes!" and starts to walk back inside, my car is still running so I cut the wheel and drive around the back of the diner and out the parking lot which exits right onto the highway. My friend and I had a really good laugh but I feel pretty bad about it afterwards, it's a diner I used to go to a lot as a kid and it used to suck. I hadn't been there in years and the place was really enjoyable this time around. I've considered going back and apologizing.

>> No.4910120

not the same guy, but he was dining with a friend, wasn't he? so I suppose the friend stayed in the restaurant while he went to the car to get his wallet.

just read before you call someone a retard.

>> No.4910195

I had the opportunity to on Sunday. I went to Burger King drive thru and ordered some food. Someone was at the window but walked off as soon as I pulled up. I waited for like a few minutes. I think they were busy. Finally a different person walks up and hands me my food. She asked if I already paid. This is where I could've lied and drove off. But I decided to be truthful and pay for the food.

>> No.4910420

I never have, I am not a thief.

I witnessed two spoiled cunts eating $50 worth of food, and they left without paying.
The poor girl who was waitressing was in tears , probably was gonna be fired for not being aware and I felt bad, so I paid for the meal.

Later was given a free meal as a result, since they caught the two people, and the girl banged me later. Sometimes it pays to be a white knight.

>> No.4910432

I have, as an act of revenge. I'm a regular at a kebab place and on new year's eve they charged double because there were so many people about. I called them out on it but they ignored me. I got the food and ran.

>> No.4910436

yeah I believe you

>> No.4910443
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>They seem to have this reputation for being a higher-end place

>> No.4910444

The only time I remember doing something like that was at a Chinese restaurant where the service was abominable. Left a penny on the check and walked out.

>> No.4910459

Only once while in high school (christ 10+ years ago). A friend and I were totally broke and starving so we went into it knowing we'd be dining and dashing. We picked a place that would probably feel it the least so we settled on Chili's. It couldn't have worked out anymore perfectly...

>get sat right next to the door
>waiter is some dudebrah chad motherfucker who disappears for long stints
>order two simple burgers, no appetizers, waters
>finish up just as we see chadly walking back to the kitchen area
>it's go time
>walk out to massive piece of shit car that starts up effortlessly on the first try (pretty much unheard of by my car at the time)
>drive off before anyone even noticed

Not my proudest moment but it was like poetry.

>> No.4910460

My mom did it accidentally once. There is this bagel place in my hometown and we go there every time I visit. They would bring you your food and then you'd pay on the way out. One day we finished up eating and my mom walked straight out the door. I stopped her and told her we forgot to pay. She came back and apologized profusely, totally slipped her mind. The girl working there had no idea we had even left.

>> No.4910472
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>have a day off in a town I'll most likely never visit again in my life
>sit on a table outside some generic döner-baguette-salad etc. diner
>waiter comes, order orange juice and pizza
>orange juice comes, waiter spills some on the table
>doesn't clean it up
>pizza comes
>it's quite good
>finish eating and sit there for some more time cause it's a nice sunny day and I have nothing to do
>waiter doesn't return to my table
>phone with my gf for a few minutes
>still no waiter
>fuck them, I'm not gonna go inside to pay
>sit there for almost half an hour
>no waiter
>casually get up and walk around the corner
it's their fault for being shitty waitstaff

>> No.4910491


>> No.4910518

That's really not an excuse for forgetting one's wallet while visiting a restaurant with a friend.

When else do you need a wallet?

>> No.4910516

I cant remember that I have, but my dad told me he did it once while studying (~25 years ago).
He and a friend had dinner at some random restaurant, didnt have any money, so one of them went to the bathroom, climbed out the window and retrieved the car and pulled up front. Then my dad hear a horn and ran outside.

>> No.4910524

>god-awful excuse of a pizza
>ate a quarter of it

Yeah, nah, you're a cunt.

>> No.4910611

i got so blitzed that i wasn't allowed on my connecting flight and had to stay in a hotel. I left the hotel in search of food and found a crowded sports bar type restaurant.

had a few more beers, noshed on a delicious burger, and didn't resist the temptation to slip out the door.

It was so crowded and they were so short staffed that i bet the waitress didn't notice for a while. did it for the thrill of risking getting caught.

it's the only time i've ever done it, i still feel a little bad. been 5 years, i've calmed down, drink less, and take less risk.

>> No.4910651

I work at a relatively nice place in a small town, we don't get dine and dashed often, except now and then when one of the regulars is drunk and forgets to pay the tab. They always pay for it next time that come in, though.

We did have the power go out for like 4 hours one night and lost a few tables. Cooking by candlelight was fun. At least nobody could see if we fucked up their food.

>> No.4910654


You're a sad human being.

Send them money and a letter of excuse and live life, bro.

>> No.4910733

Did it a few times when I was homeless. It was pretty rare though because it was kind of a hassle and I had to look totally presentable or else they'd realize what I was doing.

I was never starving or anything, but most of my food was stuff like packaged, processed food, stale bread and donuts, etc. Even if it was as at Applebee's or something, eating a nice, big, warm meal was a real treat for me.

Never felt bad about it. I don't know if the server had to pay for my food but whatever, servers make a shitload of money anyway. They can afford to give up $20 from the $200+ that they made that night.

>> No.4910778

While my friend is still sitting at the table, you know, the table we were still eating our food at.

And holy shit, I forgot to put my wallet back in my pocket, sweet jesus what a douchebag I am.

>That's really not an excuse for forgetting one's wallet while visiting a restaurant with a friend.
>When else do you need a wallet?

Yeah, like I purposely left my wallet sitting in the ride and went out mid meal to retrieve it. God damn, what a retard.

>> No.4910779

I've d'n'ded at a Frisch's Big Boy and a Cracker Barrell. No regrets.

>> No.4910786

>theft thread
wow, didn't know /ck/ had so many basketball-americans browsing

>> No.4910795


>white people don't steal things

what an embarrassing opinion

>> No.4910799

I think you mean, "crystal clear documented fact", Mr. Trayvon.

>> No.4910800


On your side, friend. Dude was out of line, especially if your friend was still at the goddamn table.

>> No.4910802

He's right.
White people embezzle millions of dollars instead of stealing 10 bucks worth of food.

>> No.4910811

>one of the residents thought it was a real restaurant and she would always wheel out before the time she thought would be the check.


>> No.4910813

>top embezzelment crimes are almost always japs, indians, sandfrican americans, and juden
>b-b-but white people have done a crime be'fo ;_;

>> No.4910854


>bernie madoff
>biggest financial scandals ever, not white guys

ok kid.

>> No.4910870


That's semi-similar to my story. I was poor as hell, living off Ramen and other such luxuries. One day I was semi-buzzed and drinking on an empty stomach.

I went to a shitty Chinese Buffet, ate a shit ton, and then sprinted the fuck out. Some waitress came out, screaming YOU NO PAY, YOU NO PAY! GET BACK HE!

I just kept sprinting, ran into some woords, and I was so out of breath and paranoid I ended up vomiting in the woods, before I slowly made my way back out into the parking lot I had parked my car (like three stores down, way out of sight).

Got home, felt so guilty. That was 2 years ago, and I also have been drinking less, am better off with money, a job, etc. but I sometimes still think of that and cringe because of it.

>> No.4910885

yeah i have. long ago. earliest time was when as a 16 year old. a can of chunky soup spilled. ( did not work) ye oldwave at the desk several times they think I am taking care of them, but they are taking care of me dodge.trust me. aint nothing new under the sun. and it rises. shit ys thought was so funny or anti establishment almost always comes home. I like betoveen 9 or 5. also game of thrones. piano, viola or violin. or styx ( castle walls). never discount anyone.if you do, tis to your disadavantage. aces and 8's. and many take it flor granted, but can be hard( difficult) for some to talk (speak).

>> No.4910914

I live in a town that's 99.9% white, so they really have no excuse.

Most of them are rednecks, welfare collectors, or both. There's a whole lot of trash here.

They do small-time crimes all the time. The most advanced thing they do is credit card fraud, and even then they fail miserably at it.

>> No.4910918

I stole 2 packages of frozen salisbury steaks from a house party of someone I didn't know once.
Sorry if it was yours, I was hungry and drunk.

>> No.4910921

I live in a town that is almost 100% white and there is virtually no crime.
That would never be the case in a 100% black/other minority area.

>> No.4910922

>not eating it at their house

I once managed to eat a whole box of Froot Loops, a few potatoes (there was a bonfire in the backyard and I cooked them there), some tomatoes, half a cantaloupe, and a bag of chips.

Damn, I was high.

>> No.4910940
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He's getting worse.

>> No.4910980
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It was my first time in a Pizza Hut and I was hungry, couldn't know that the whole pizza was shit and I wasn't alone there, too. But yeah, I don't need to justify myself, I already know that it was a dick-move. Still don't regret it, it was that awful.

>> No.4911602

Been coming on here for years, how have I never noticed this guy until tonight? Second post I've seen from him

>> No.4911714

shit we must've been at the same restaurant. exact thing happened to me at that same age.

>> No.4911774

I drank and dashed once, but it was more of a sip and saunter.

Some friends and I were at a busy hotel bar. Once we got the bartender's attention he gave us our drinks and ignored the payment we tried to give him. We didn't think much of it and figured we would pay at the end of the night.
Once we were ready to move on we finished our drinks and tried to pay again. We desperately tried to get his attention to no avail. Meanwhile new patrons came to the bar, ordered, drank, paid and left. He didn't look at us once.

After 30 minutes of trying to get his attention we gave up and slowly walked out, waving at him, hoping that he would realize we didn't pay. He never noticed.

>> No.4911857

I don't know if this counts, but I did feel like an asshole.

I was at one of those pizza shops where you can buy individual slices instead of the whole pizza. I had a coupon for a free slice with the purchase of a medium drink.

So I did just that: I ordered a single slice and a medium drink. The guy who took my order took a while to read my coupon, then tried to send me off. I told him I still had to pay for the drink, and he was trying to convince me that I was wrong. So we got into an argument over this. Nothing heated, mind you, but I didn't want him to get in trouble.

I had to carefully and slowly read the stipulations of the coupon to him so that he would understand. So, just as I was about to pay for my drink, he's STILL convinced that I'm wrong. He puts the money back in my hands and tells me we're good.

I really hope he didn't get in too much trouble. I've been in his shoes before, and my boss flipped a shit over it.

Fact of the matter is, I still walked out without paying for anything, and I failed to do anything about it.

>> No.4911958


Don't pay any attention to him, or those who draw attention to him. Doing so makes /ck/ a far worse board.

"The best thing we can is pretend it doesn't exist, and hope it goes away."

>> No.4911961

He's a better poster than you

>> No.4911984
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>> No.4911986


why the hell would someone do that instead of just throwing it out or leaving it in the aisles? One option involves nearly zero risk of confrontation, the other is basically walking up to loss prevention's front line defense and saying "hey I clearly stole this shit, and I just wanted to go ahead and present my crime to you along with the world's worst excuse for it."

>> No.4912004

>till monkeys
>front line defense


Supermarkets without security guards have basically no defense at all. Without it you're fucked. General staff are not allowed to be confrontational at all, only managerial staff are allowed to handle that kind of situation. And there's no way the response from them will be quick enough. You can't challenge a customer for having an empty drink bottle in their hand unless you saw them pick it up from the shelf either, really. You need to see the moment of theft and get managerial\security attention. A till monkey will never have the opportunity to see this, and the people out in the aisles are too busy with their own shelf-stacking/customers 95% of the time.

>> No.4912020

Fuck off, tripfag. You're just as cancerous.

>> No.4912025 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 548x618, euphoric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you had your edgy pills today? Make sure to take two before you head out to the Fedora shop.

I'm sorry my presence offends you so. Alas, I try to remain on topic.

Is that my downfall?

>> No.4912032 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 548x618, euphoric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Have you had your edgy pills today? Make sure to take two before you head out to the Fedora shop.

I'm sorry my presence offends you so. Alas, I try to remain on topic, while you simply attack ad hominem.

>> No.4912038

Are you kidding? Your whole post is 100 million % more euphoric than "fuk of tripfag cancer"

>> No.4912050

No, but I saw the darndest thing today.

I was at Taco Bell (because Taco Bell is awesome, if you disagree, you're objectively wrong), and saw a parents and 2 boys ordering some food. The parents were busy trying to order something that came with beans and were trying to get them to substitute it for chicken. They also asked for water cups and gave them to the kids.

The older fatter boy starts filling up the water cup with some pepsi, and the young one starts telling him he can't do that, because the cup is for water. "The cups for water you can't do that!" While the fat one is filling up he starts yelling at the cashier saying his brother is filling up the water cup with pepsi. "My brother is filling his cup with pepsi!"

So his parents move him aside, and he tries to fill up his cup with water. His mother then proceeds to dump out his cup and refill it with sprite. The kid is screaming, sounds like he is about to cry, as the family leaves. "But I got water! I got water! I got water!"

Poor kid. What the fuck.

>> No.4912053

drink dat sprite bitch
drink it all up

>> No.4912062

And by Sprite I mean Sierra Mist because Taco Bell is YUM! Foods which only dispenses Pepsico drinks. Also Baja Blast is objectively amazing.

>> No.4912070

I work at a restaurant and if someone dines and dashes I don't give a shit. I also let people go if they're short.

>> No.4912071

I don't know how that kid learned to be honest, but muchos respectos to him.

If he doesn't remember and use this for when he gets a "don't lie" lecture I will be disappointed.

>> No.4912073

No, it's not ok just to leave the restaurant without paying if you don't like the food. Talk it out with the manager, and if he is a dick and won't compensate, cut your losses and never return.

>> No.4912088

Why the heck didn't you complain the moment you felt something was wrong? You could probably got out of the bill legally if you had.

>> No.4912097

My favorite /ck/ poster by far.

>> No.4912101 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 800x1094, 3431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you kidding bro? Are you seriously kidding me here, bro? You breaking my balls here, son?

How so?

Or are you just being completely insipid and retarded?

I was simply responding to undue natural hatred to "tripfags"

"Fuck off, tripfag. You're just as cancerous"

How worthy and insightful.

My other response was simply in jest, due to the anon posting who is seemingly delving deep into the maelstrom. Sorry you have no insight, no comprehension, and no social skills.

As-salam alaykum; peace be upon you.

>> No.4912105

Dude, you're enforcing the stereotype of egotistical tripfag jerk.
Just let it go and be the good tripfag, the kind who just posts quality shit.

>> No.4912117

I just looked at this entire conversation tree. Rambling maniac is fun. You're not, you self-important, euphoric git. Thank god you've got a trip we can filter.

>> No.4912132
File: 11 KB, 200x200, Hate_me_now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t, you self-important, euphoric git.

I lol'd. You must be punching through your computer screen and eating pounds of Ramen, you fat gluttonous Hutt.

Even Jabba stares in awe.

>Dude, you're enforcing the stereotype of egotistical tripfag jerk.

Will continue being so, then, because I was simply responding duly.

>the kind who just posts quality shit.

Am planning on posting my breakfast tomorrow. 2 eggs over easy, Thick Potato Bread Toast, and Blackberry Jam.

I'm not gonng be the kind, anymore, who posts ramen, Stouffers, and TGI's in jest.

But I'm also not going to accept insults on the chin.

AND if you're you're just going to wait to post or judge until I pose my breakfast, you can wait with all your insipid undue hatred.

One without the other.

>> No.4912145

So what if he insulted you? Are you so delicate you can't ignore it and move on? THAT shit is why people think tripfags are pricks. I don't care if you post the best damn breakfast ever every morning, you're still niggering up the place with your insistence on being exactly what people think you are.

>> No.4912164 [DELETED] 

What a bunch of Jabba the Fucking fat Hutts.

Fuckin' sloth's who can't even prepare a common response.

You are all so apathetic and slow, like cattle and sow.

>> No.4912170 [DELETED] 
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You must love that word and fall back on it when you have no valid rebuttal.

You git, bastard piece of git.

Git out of here, git, because you didn't read anything, aside from 3 posts, in ONE thread.

Fucking git'in git.

>paying attention to tripfags, much less the code

Fuckin' git.

>babie bikinga

Oh, so relevant.

>> No.4912181 [DELETED] 
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>you're still niggering up the place

I'm doing nothing of the sort. The fact you think so is simply "laughable".

Go ahead and filter. That just showcases your own (not you, in particular) insecurity. Can't beat 'em, pretend they don't exist and ignore em.

>> No.4912211

>That just showcases your own (not you, in particular) insecurity. Can't beat 'em, pretend they don't exist and ignore em.

>"The best thing we can is pretend it doesn't exist, and hope it goes away."

God, you are such a shit.

>> No.4912270 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 289x216, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not understanding or getting the inside joke

God, you are such an idiot.

>> No.4912286

Does going to Mcdonalds drive thru and ordering 5 different combo meals (all specialized--no pickles, extra onion etc) and then driving off count?

If so, no I have never done this

>> No.4912309
File: 53 KB, 935x500, ANaGkn1[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmm, feels good. Even better, the report button is still there. Thank you based moot for the inline extension.

>> No.4912325

I have never dined and dashed. The only time i did anything like that was by accident. I bought gas at the only gas station in town (population of like 600). The cashier and I got to talking about something for a little bit and then she rung me up, i paid with a card. I didn't pay attention and neither did she, she only rang up the food i bought and not my gas. I got a phone call about half an hour later from my dad (the cashier knew him and had his number, but not my number) telling me what happened, took the 2 minute drive and went and paid for my gas. A good laugh was had by all.

>> No.4912338

Fucking Smitty's, man. How is it that an entire franchise is just such shit?

>> No.4912350

My mom and I went for lunch one time. We got our menus and some drinks and never saw the waiter again.

We were the only two people in the restaurant. If the place was connected to a strip bar and a hotel, I think it would have gone under years ago.

>> No.4912351


>bernie madoff

Learn to fucking read, moron.

>> No.4912352

Sorry, I meant to say if the place WASN'T connected.

>> No.4912353

I've only done it once. It was at some chain place like Friday's or Chili's. I asked 3 different people for my check and waited for half an hour and they never brought it. So I got tired of waiting and left.

>> No.4912356


Bernie madoff is JEWISH.

>> No.4912362

Oh my God. Just reading this post made a fedora appear on my head.

>> No.4912540

on the topic of dining and dashing, has anyone ever felt obligated to stay after bread/oil/popcorn/some other freebie because they wanted to avoid the feel of dining and dashing, despite, for any number of reasons, wanting to leave?

>> No.4912550

i was with my wife at a red robin and after our meal was finished the waiter came by and i asked for the check

15 minutes later, waiter no where to be seen
then i saw him go outside with another waiter and smoke

i told my wife to gather her things and we left
i will not be held hostage