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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 36 KB, 432x306, PotChili1726243608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4903781 No.4903781[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is your favorite chili recipe / ck/?
I have made this one: http://www.cookingcomically.com/?page_id=33 several times and its allways damn tasty. I have mine cooking right now, have been cooking for about two hours and i am probably gonna wait two more before i finally eat.
(mine not pictured).

>> No.4904911

Trying this out tonight with some variations. It's almost boiling now.

>> No.4904919
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> not putting a whole sleeve of ritz crackers into your chili and mashing it up

if you havent had it...try it...its fucking delicious

>> No.4904920

I'm usually cool with any chili recipe, as long as it has beans in it.
Also, the hotter the better

>> No.4904923
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This one's alright.

>> No.4904929

The only things I did different was add some salt, black pepper, habanero powder (Blair's death rain nitro), 4 jalapenos, used chipotle powder instead of cayenne powder, added some Defcon seasoning and I think that's it.

>> No.4905062


My chili is basically the same as this one, minus the bacon, which I don't bother with, and with the exact selection of chilies different because I'll just use one or two of whichever ones I have in at the time.

>> No.4905142
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Here it is. Still letting it simmer for a while longer but it's getting late and I'm starving. Added some shredded sharp cheddar and eating it with these garlic herb butter crackers that look like oyster crackers.

>> No.4906019

thx for the site op, seems cool gonna try some stuff

>> No.4906180


chili is kill


>> No.4906193

> Chili coRn carne

>> No.4906202
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I have this, never made it, looks ok though.

>> No.4906219

Nothing wrong with that. There are green beans in there too.

IMO chili should be whatever you make of it, not restricted like Texasfags claim. Fuck that.

That's the same thing s OPs link and what I made here. >>4905142

>> No.4906223

Oops, sorry. Didn't bother with the link. But at least now it's in this thread.

>> No.4906237

No problem. I did the same thing except for a few things. I didn't mention earlier but I used olive oil instead of coconut oil and this stuff >>4904929

Turned out pretty damn good...made a lot too so it should be even better today.

>> No.4906766
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I am about to make a chili to slow cook over night. Here is what's going into it.

1 red onion
1 yellow onion
1 red pepper
4 serranos
4 jalapenos
2 roma tomatoes
2 lb al pastor
1/2 bulb garlic
7oz chipotle peppers in adobo
2 cans black beans
2 cans corn
1 can painted pinto bean
1 can kidney bean
1 pint beer you like

Spices I never measure foe this recipe but lets say
1 tsp ground mustard
1 tbsp ground cumiin
1 tbsp sweet paprika
1 tbsp korean chili flakes

>> No.4906806

I made chili last night. I've going to be having leftovers for two weeks. Shit was good, but not as spicy as I'd have liked.

>> No.4906811


>> No.4906816

Traditional chili is kitchen sink.

Only butthurt tourneyfags think chili has to be certain things.

>> No.4906821

>4 cans of beans
>2 cans of corn

I........I can't watch this. This thread is hidden.

>> No.4906834

What the fuck is everyone's problem with corn in chili? It's really good. Is it because it looks like runny diarrhea?

>> No.4906874
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Browning the pork

>> No.4906925
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Cutting the veggies

>> No.4906927


what the fuck are you doing m8? STOP, it isn't too late. Only you, and you alone, can prevent this tragedy.

>> No.4906932
File: 183 KB, 692x444, watjabba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>browning pork
>posts picture of bolognese

>> No.4906961
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A note about the peppers
How hot you want it? I'm deveining two of each.

I've done this several times before and it also comes out amazing. Beef in chili is fine but I have found this to be superior.

>> No.4906999
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Throw all that chopped shit and pork into a warm crock pot. Pour in the beer

Its al pastor from a local mexi grocer so its got red spices all over it. Also chunks of pineapple. Secret ingredient

>> No.4907013

Are you making Hawaiian pizza topping?

>> No.4907032

>southern star

mah nigga. What city you in, texbro? I've never used a pale ale in chili, I either use Shiner Bock or Saint Arnold Lawnmower (weedwacker when feeling weird).

>> No.4907090
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Spices and cans in and the waiting begins. cook on low in crock pot for at least 8hr. I'm letting this one go for 18

Other notes. You need to add some salt. I just use about a cup of salsa lizano since its tasty and sodium heavy. Also the pot was getting full so I omitted 2 cans of beans and 1 can or corn

Actually I'm in SC. I get this at a neighborhood bottle shop. Its my fave pale. I've done this weird chili with stone porter, a belgian dubbel and old speckled hen pale before. Old specked made best chili.

>> No.4907193

It comes in the al pastor. A lot of chili recipes call for sugar or be added to the pot. The cuts of fruit and corn act as my sugars.

>> No.4907208

I've made this chili, its pretty bad.

>throw out chili packet
>use exact same ingredients
>half the fucking recipe is lolsofunny swearing.

Also I like putting just a little cocoa or dark chocolate in near the end. Adds a nice taste, not too much though.

>> No.4907256

Besides the obvious difference of not having any kind of pepper, what the difference between chilli and bolognese? Just the selection of spices? Because both of them are pretty much ground beef with tomato paste.

>> No.4907327

Real chili doesn't use ground beef. Whole cut, heavily spiced, NO beans or....i......I.....corn. I don't know anymore. Disregard all these chili threads, they are false prophets.

>> No.4907343

>real chili

See, that's your problem. There's no such thing as a real chili recipe, because chili is nothing but heavily seasoned meat with any kind of leftover you have laying around throwed in. In the mexican cuisine, beans just so happen to be the most common thing, and also the most filling to put together with the meat. Claiming to have a "real" chili recipe is just silly.

>> No.4907370

im not who you were talking to but stfu! real chili is chili seasoned with meat and some spices and some other ingredients! white people chili as you described is indeed heavily seasoned meat with the addition of a small amount of chili.

>> No.4907397


Agreed. The only defining characteristic of Chili is that it contains chilis--the peppers. Everything else is optional. Chili with meat is "chili con carne".

>> No.4907506

No thanks. I occasionally will scoop chili onto saltines, but crushing up handfuls of crackers into a bowl of chili is overkill, and rather childish.

>> No.4907553

>Because both of them are pretty much ground beef with tomato paste.

Chili doesn't have to have either of these. And even if it does, the focus of the dish should be the chili peppers, not the tomatoes and a whole other bunch of veggies.

>but chili can be anything blah blah blah

Of course it can. And honestly, spicy bolognese is tasty, I won't deny it for a second. But chili in which the sauce is made mainly, or even entirely, from rehydrated dried chilies, has a totally different and unique taste which I personally find much more enjoyable.

>> No.4908029

Not this thread again. God I'm getting sick of these,

>Real chili
There's your problem right there, that phrase.

You need to ditch this NOTION you have that there is such a thing, i.e. get your head out of your ass and see how chilli has been cooked for, oh I don't know, the last 50 years at least, and still is today, across the US and in various parts of the world. Even if you want to make reference to tradition or historical accuracy I assure you that all of the ideas you have about that are wrong, based on partial knowledge and/or false assumptions.

Chilli is a dish that has always varied, ALWAYS, so there can't be one 'true' way of doing it or one 'real' chilli that all purists should aspire to. Many award-winning chillis that have won cookoffs over the years have used unusual or non-standard ingredients, that should tell you a lot right there.

And the only reason they won't have beans in them is because of an ARBITRARY decision to exclude them. Many contestants at cookoffs, including some winners, use beans in their recipe at home, they just exclude them at the competitions because of the rules. If that doesn't show that that rule is BS I don't know what is.

>> No.4908046

>recipe sharing and food discussion

I think that person realizes full well that lots of people make chili with ground beef. He's just saying he doesn't think it's as good when you do so.

Similarly, lots of people use dried pasta, but I'd say that real pasta is made from scratch. Does that get your knickers in a twist too? What about 'real coffee is made from ground beans, not freeze-dried granules'?

I put beans in my chili most of the time but I swear you guys who insist that nobody should be allowed to tell anyone their preferences are more annoying than the ones who insist that chili should never have beans. At least they're just making a semantic argument, i.e. they will pretty much always follow it with "...it might be some delicious beef and bean broth, but it's not chili" so they basically just disagree with the word being used there. Silly, but much better than trying to shut down all discussion on the topic.

>> No.4908083

he's saying he's sick of seeing yet another beans vs no beans chili thread on /ck/. it got old a while back.

>> No.4910140


I just used to put lentils, red beans, onion, green pepper, jalapeños and 1/2 can of chipotle in adobo sauce in a pot with stewed tomatoes, molasses, oil and salt. Add the chili powder and the rest of the chipotle when it was done. Let it steep.

It's very good, but it's so fattening.

>> No.4910196

>putting anything in your chilli at all

muh freedoms

>> No.4910206

This. If your chili contains anything but chilies, it's not chili. HENCE THE NAME.

>> No.4910213


Just wait until people see their healthcare premium increase when they see you do a stunt.

>> No.4910228


Only I may decide.

>> No.4910245

show me a basic chili recipe that doesn't suck

>> No.4910274


1.First you get the chilli.
2.Then you get the power.
3.THEN you get the women.

>> No.4910277


>> No.4910381

Base chili:
2 24 oz can crushed tomatos
2 cups heinz ketchup
1 large onion, diced
2 pablano peppers, diced
2 can beans
2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 teaspoons dried parsley
1 teaspoon dried basil
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
4 teaspoons chili powder
1 tablespoon crushed red pepper
2 cups salt
1 tablespoon dried minced onion
1 tablespoon dried, minced garlic
1 cup white sugar

stew that shit.

>> No.4910657

It's funny to me that you can read so much into that other anon's intents or beliefs when posting and yet fail so spectacularly at seeing what I was getting at.

>beans vs no beans chili thread on /ck/. it got old a while back.
Amen brother, amen.

>> No.4910692

How could you be so apparently reasonable and yet be this obtuse?

>fresh pasta v. dried pasta
>coffee made from grounds v. freeze-dried coffee granules
A ridiculous false equivalence.

>I swear you guys who insist that nobody should be allowed to tell anyone their preferences are more annoying than the ones who insist that chili should never have beans.
Way to miss the point. It's not about telling others your preference, that's actually what people here should get into the habit of doing more. It's about TELLING other they CAN'T use an ingredient that is, and long has been, an integral part of the dish.

>> No.4910766

Beans are fine to put in chili, not everyone can afford to use only meat.

>> No.4911605

A spoonful of unsweetened cocoa is pretty good in chili.

>> No.4911629

i have a bag of powdered bhut jolokia , how much could i put in chili?

>> No.4911635

2:3 bean to bhut

>> No.4911668

You could put all of it in.
But that would be stupid.
You only need to stir in a little bit to get the heat.

>> No.4911775

Am I the only one who just wings it every time he makes chili?

>> No.4911781

No. Most people do.

>> No.4911786

ah shit I just got told didn't I
I used to use a recipe at any rate, I would just fuck with it so much that it was no different than just making shit up

>> No.4911838

Found a bunch of dried chillies at this fancy shmancy shop in town, they're pretty damn expensive though.
Anybody experienced in dried chillies have any recommendations? I plan on making chili powder with them

"New Mexican" whatever that might be

>> No.4911849


Chipotle is very smokey.
Habanero's have no fucking taste at all. They're just spice.

>> No.4911877

Made chili in OP. Came out way spicier than normal, to the point it was just burning slime to my mouth.

>> No.4912022

That's a silly question, how long is a piece of string dude?

Add a tiny pinch, like literally 1/8 tsp, and see how you like the spice level. You can always add more, you can't take it back out.

Always remember with ghost pepper: it's exponentially hotter than middling peppers, and more than double the capsaicin of the hottest hab you've ever eaten. That'll help use it with appropriate caution.

Seriously, they're ALL worthy trying.

Everyone has their own preferences and you've gotta try stuff for yourself to learn what you like.

>I plan on making chili powder with them
No cheaper way of acquiring chili powders? Far as I know there are a few good online vendors of chili and other Mex-type ingredients, although I haven't searched in a while.

>Habanero's have no fucking taste at all. They're just spice.
Not once you get used to that kind of heat level. After that you can appreciate the fruity note they add, it's one of the reasons they have such die-hard fans.

Habs and scotch bonnets are my two fav fresh chilis, and I always try to keep a few in the freezer to add to chili when I'm cooking to round out the flavour provided by the powders.

>> No.4912046

The heat level isn't anything I can't deal with. I put Jolokia in my chili.
Maybe I just got crappy habs.
By the way, Jolokia has a very distinct smoky flavor. It's quite nice.

>> No.4912268

>Habanero's have no fucking taste at all.

Whaaaaat? That's bull, habaneros have this amazing tropical fruity kinda taste. Even if you just smell them you'll get it.

>> No.4912312

what the fuck man, american scum
that's like putting cheese in a souvlaki
garlic powder is foul, what do you guys have a against fresh herbs as well

this is a man who can make a chilli

>> No.4912565

I've got 500 grams of red beans, how should I go about cooking to use them on chilli?

>> No.4912594

Raw? Soak for 6 hours or overnight in cold water. Discard soak water. Cover with fresh water, bring to the boil and simmer for 45 mins to 2 hours, depending on your beans. Top up fluid level if it drops too low.

Canned? GTFO with such a basic question ^__^

>> No.4912599

I know how to cook beans, I just thought there would be something different that I'd have to do.

>> No.4914743

So I'm gonna make chili for this girl I'm seeing and I want to make it easy (because I'm hopeless in a kitchen) but special.

I have decided to go with the following recipe:
>1 onion
>0,5 kg minced meat
>chili powder
>paprika powder
>1 tblspoon of soy
>500 g crushed tomatoes
>2x440 g heinz baked beans

I bought a mixed package of chilis (red, green, yellow), which ones should I use and which ones should I keep out?

Any other spices that I might have at home that makes it better?

When it's all mixed together and cooking in the pot, how long should I leave it cooking on low heat (if at all)?

>> No.4914832

>2 cups salt
Ok. Fuck you.

>> No.4916402

ok so i'm pretty much making this one today, this is my first post in this thread, anyway, its all in the slow cooker now, should it have water or something to bring the fluid level up to cover all the meat and veges n shit?