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File: 115 KB, 537x223, pizza-delivery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4897267 No.4897267[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You work in a pizza place. Some places a 16.00 dollar order for delivery. The price includes delivery fee and taxes. When you arrive to your customer's house, he pays in cash and gives you a 6 dollar tip.

how do you respond?

is that tip just right? too much? too little?

>> No.4897270

I'd rather have a six inch tip. Is he hot or fat a slovenly?

>> No.4897276

It's too much, but I'll be damned if I bitch about being tipped too much.

>> No.4897279

depends on where you live

>> No.4897281

Its more than the average so I would be very happy with it. Also delivery fee and taxes dont go to the driver so that is irrelevant

>> No.4897283
File: 20 KB, 400x337, ron-jeremy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat n slovenly with a 9 1/2 inch cock

>> No.4897284

You thank him genuinely, mark him down as a preferred customer and snipe the other drivers every time he orders in the future.

>> No.4897299

I don't really see the point in giving excellent tips to drivers. There's no reason to go above average unless there's bad weather or it's a large order. The drivers can't do anything more than just give you your pizza in time. You're not going to magically get pizza in 20 minutes or get free food just because you tip well.

>> No.4897307

Ew. No thanks.

>> No.4897320

People who work in chain pizza restaurants or fast food don't even stay there for long. Even if you order from the same place every month and tip good, it's not like they'll remember you. New workers every month.

>> No.4897323

Rule when I grew up was no less than $3

>> No.4897343

Back when I was doing deliver I would sneak preferred costumers 2 liters of soda whenever I could and if they got sides like ranch or jalapenos I would bring way more than they would order. Also If I was on 2-3 house delivery run I would always go to the good tippers house first

>> No.4897354

"Enjoy your pizza."

That is too much of a tip, but I wouldn't say no. It'll cover the three other people who stiff me that night.

On sixteen bucks, one or two is a fine tip in my opinion. If it were a shit night out or some incredibly busy day like a holiday or a game night, I'd probably give them a 20 and tell them to keep the change.

>> No.4897400

honestly, both sides of my family 'tip' the same way for meals out and take-out, pay in notes, change is the 'tip'

>> No.4897411

Delivery is usually 10%, so 1.40-1.60 depending on pre- or post-tax. Or $1 if you're cheap and $2 being (relatively) generous. $6 is a ~40% tip.

>> No.4897424
File: 24 KB, 300x397, 35643654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't even eat at restaurants but this is such a big annoying issue that i want people to stop having wars over it.

i always feel like its unfair how waiters and other tippable-type jobs get paid, just because the boss thinks that these poor f****rs get enough and should earn the rest from people who just wanted to eat a sandwich, and are not expecting to give up even more money than the price of the food.

what a retarded paradoxical system.

waiters should get paid FULL wages, not a penny and "earn the rest if your so good" they are already working a job, they should get paid for it.

as for the people eating at a restaurant, they shouldn't have to worry about paying for anything other than the price of food, people go to restaurants to sit down and relax and pay the restaurant to prepare and cook the food and bring it to them, and they already pay much more than it would have costed them to buy all the ingredients and make it themselves at home, so for the pressure of needing to pay some poor kid tips to be there, it kind of screws everyone over, the waiter, the customer, etc.

imagine if you could just walk in, sit down, pay for your meal, eat it, go home.

imagine if you could go to work, get paid for working, and go home.

supposedly a study was done (I forget by who, you can probably find it on Google somewhere) which showed that if waiters and waitresses wages were changed to minimum wage that food prices at restaurants would go up by about ten cents at most. At restaurants the smallest expense which owners pay is the wages of their staff, and they are already so low that it won't make much difference. Additionally, there's this thing called balancing your budget and an owner could simply allocate a little money from one area and use it for wages, which would result in little or no change of food prices.

>> No.4897578

I don't accept tips.

>> No.4898867

Some are told to not look at the tip until after they leave. They are supposed to say 'thank you' as if you gave a good tip even though you gave bad or average tip.

>> No.4898877

I just give a flat rate of $5 when ordering a small order, $10 if it's for a party or something. Seems about right. Drivers deserve a higher tip percentage than waitresses because car upkeep costs/gas IS expensive.

>> No.4898888

say thanks give him a smile and leave

if i were getting the pizza, well i always just tip based on whatever im paying with
so if i was paying with a 20 then he'd get a 4 dollar tip
i am not a frugal man

>> No.4898918

In some states servers get minimum wage in addition to tips, and, at least in the US, if you don't make at least minimum wage in tips the business is required to cover the difference.

>> No.4898927


And all those corn farmers deserve their subsidies, right buddy?

>> No.4898938

if you can't afford to tip you shouldn't be ordering services that typically involve tipping

if you can afford it and just refuse to then you deserve the spit you eat

>> No.4898961

>if you can't afford to tip you shouldn't be ordering services that typically involve tipping

>> No.4898963

>if you can't afford to tip you shouldn't be ordering services that typically involve tipping
Include it in the price or fuck off. Stop blaming your employer's shortcomings on the customer.

>> No.4898972

>if you can't afford to tip you shouldn't be ordering services that typically involve tipping
>if you can afford it and just refuse to then you deserve the spit you eat

If the tip is mandatory then you should include it in the bill and advertise the price before an order is placed.

If the tip is voluntary you should stop complaining when people choose not to pay it.


>> No.4898985
File: 43 KB, 500x638, 1378946953398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if wearing clothes outside is mandatory I shouldn't get arrested for walking around in public with a boner jutting out unless there's a sign in front of my house telling me I can't

this is what you sound like

>> No.4898989

worst analogy I've ever read


>> No.4898997


That is the most fedora tier analogy I've ever heard, stop acting like an entitled spoiled child for god's sake.

>> No.4899028
File: 95 KB, 550x413, Food-Machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the solution to all problems

>> No.4899030

Soon we'll have robot servants who won't bicker or ask for donations.

>> No.4899035


And just like the post you quoted, it's completely true and anyone who disagrees is a crypto-fascist.

>> No.4899058

>hot water spout at table
glorious japon

>> No.4899098

This is awesome. Hot food whenever.

>> No.4900799

>ordered jimmy johns one night
>only a single sandwich
>guy arrives a hour late

worlds fastest delivery guys. didnt ttip the guy either.

>> No.4900814

I work at a Chinese restaurant. my usual orders are $35-$50 and I'm lucky to get a $2 tip every 3-5 deliveries. Australian's are so stingy.

>> No.4900827


Not all of those things dispense food in Japan. Some just print out a receipt to give to the waitress for your order which will be delivered to you at the table you are seated at. You pay before the meal in this case, but still receive the best service they have to offer because in Japan tips are completely alien.

>> No.4900833

not even gay and ron could rail me any day of the week

>> No.4900836

since I generally give two dollars for every ten, rounding up after every 5, it seems a little high.

>> No.4900843

yopu know we can argue till the cows come home but it is 'merrica. tip or not. if i everyone, they say, i;d have nothing left, i live on the outskirts, they have to come a long way. if i order a 20 buck pizza, they get ten. and my thanks but i seldom do that (order a pizza) but if they can make it in <30 min and its not upsiide and shaken ten is ok. but most times, i just make my own. all the bs aside, my heart goes out to meter readers, and delivery persons rev billy graham used to have has a sign " love thy neighbor, but watch my dogs. and thats funny, until you are THE one that has to deal with umpteen dogs. everyday. squit gun filled with ammonia. they might be your dogs, and i love dogs. but they are territorial. and guarding your home. they know you, but not me. put your dogsup.

>> No.4900870

Pizza guy here.

I say "hey thanks a lot; have a good night." and I would actually mean it.

>> No.4900897

Almost 40% tip on a pizza delivery? That's extremely generous. I'd tell him thanks and try to deliver more pizzas to him in the future.

>> No.4900922

>order a basic pizza with 3 toppings and a special crust
>takes over an hour to get to me even though I live half a mile from the pizza place
>driver doesn't even apologize for it being so late
>$0 tip
>take pizza inside when he leaves
>no special crust
>look at my breadsticks
>looks like they've been turned upside down and shaken around a lot because all the cheese is stuck to the top of the box
Remember when a pizza place would give you free shit for fucking up so badly?

>> No.4900941

No sign but it's written down in the law and is punishable with fees or jail.
On the other hand tipping is just charity because >muh american employees so cruel for my shitty job :(((((

Do you tip your trashman or your mailman?

>> No.4900969

I've never fully understood the concept of tipping a percentage of the cost of the food - the person serving you/delivering to you has nothing to do with what you're about to eat and how much it costs, their job is not significantly harder usually if something costs more. If you order a cheese pizza and it costs $15 instead of a pizza with a ton of toppings and it costs $25, why should the delivery driver get paid more or less, they did the same job - they drove to your house to give you 1 pizza

>> No.4900982

I'd tip four dollars. I tip whatever the change would be from the next bill up.

I try to tip around five to six dollars.

>> No.4900988

Dammit I would tip the trash guys but they run so damn early

>> No.4900996

Damn yo, I never really thought of it like that.

>> No.4901053

That makes quite a bit of sense. Wouldn't it be a better idea just to tip a percentage of their hourly wage (provided you know what it is?)

>> No.4901057

People tip based on some arbitrary mental reasoning, from sheer gratefulness, to empathy to working for tips, to incurring some favor with you, to not incurring some wrath. At the moment, anyone who is working deliveries is likely spending a hell of a lot on insurance, car maintenance and gasoline beyond what they even calculate makes sense to do that job.

>> No.4901083

I give it back to him/her or pocket it and thank him/her profusely.

>> No.4901087

The thing is in the UK, at least in our family, we do give Christmas gifts to the dustbin men, postmen, etc.

Might have to stop doing that now privatisation is destroying everything...

>> No.4901094

That policy must suck if dinner costs $51.

>> No.4901095

That tip is good. $5 is a good tip.

>> No.4901097

thats way more than would be expected, no reason to ever tip more than $2 on a single pizza

>> No.4901106

They still do anon, you have the right to complain and you'll most likely get a new order - but if you're scared then you can request a credit to be placed on your account. At least that's how my store works, and it's Domino's.

>> No.4901128

$16 is just about the perfect price for a delivery pizza place to charge

People often pay with $20 bills, $4 is a bit much for a tip, but most people would just say fuck it and give the driver the whole 20. Especially, if he takes forever to get the roll of 1s out. The pizza is there, you're hungry, just take the damn thing and go.

If they charged more, people may get upset, plus, unless they went over $20, they wouldn't necessarily be bringing in much more profit. Also, it would ruin the "I have 20 dollars, let's buy a pizza" mindset.

Just like when the price of a bottle of soda went over $1 in vending machines. When I was younger, I stopped buying soda when I saw it was $1.25, just because I don't carry quarters and wasting two dollars just wasn't worth it.

tl;dr pizza places are doing something right, there's a reason they're all $16.

If someone gave me a $6 tip on a $16 pizza it would be out of the ordinary if they gave me a 20 and two ones. If it was a mismatch of change, maybe it's difference. But still, they would have to stick two extra ones in there no matter what. Seems strange, considering $6 is a bit much for a pizza tip.

I'd just say thanks, have a nice night. Though, I've never delivered pizza or anything like that.

>> No.4901330

>Do you tip your trashman or your mailman?
Only at Christmas, but yeah, if they've done a decent job. Not usually cash, but a bottle or pack of drink and something edible is appreciated.

>> No.4901342

i fellate him
i've fucked customers before come at me bro

>> No.4901348

waiters would never go for that
you have fallen for their lies
waiters make way more than min wage on tips, if US switched to a no tip system, and gave them min wage, waiters would be fucked hard

and the study you are talking about was with fast food, and raising the wage to 15 an hour
and they guy fucked up the math, it was more like a dollar or 2

>> No.4901371

>take pics
>put on their facebook
>repost when they take it down
that's how i got blocked by marcos pizza when i found a pube in my cheeseybread

i was a good tipper too