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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4892760 No.4892760[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> drunk and hungry
> decide to order pizza
> girl on the phone asks "would you like to donate a dollar to help end world hunger?"
> mfw
> guy shows up with my order
> "alright, that'll be $15.67 plus tip"
> slam the door in his face
> mfw

>> No.4892765


>> No.4892768


>> No.4892769

>plus tip


>> No.4892780

Have you been to Taco bell lately? They usually leave out the word help when you order. So they say "Would you like to give a dollar to end world hunger?" It always makes me laugh when I say no.

>> No.4892793

>plus tip

>> No.4893627

So.. you just gave the delivery boy a free pizza?

>> No.4893642

Taco Bell since someone else mentioned it in the last 3 months has tried to end world hunger and help kids graduate 1 dollar at a time. Arby's wanted me to kick in a dollar to help fund reading programs. Burger King has asked for a dollar to help support local Catholic schools. Speedway asks if I'll buy 4 king sized candy bars to help Riley's Childrens Hospital.

>> No.4893684


>tfw im going to make a fast food chain with a promotion of donating $1 so another customer can get a free cookie with $1.

>> No.4893701

haha you told them us free thinking individuals wont succumb to corporate schemes like this *tips fedora*

>> No.4893709

>order pizza
>it arrives, pay for it
>take pizzas, waiting for my change
>guy just stands there looking at me
>"oh do you want your change?"
>it like $17 - "yes"
>well I just hate giving change and coins it's really annoying you know
>"well fine just give me $15 in notes"
>"you know a tip is would be nice since I delivered it so fast and everything"
>"on second thought I will have my $17"

what an entitled prick, I couldn't beleive that shit. this is goddam straya not some backwards ass country that tips.

>> No.4893710

>Be a Britfag
>Pizza arrives promptly
>Pay the driver
>'Have a good night and enjoy your pizza! :D'
>'Thanks, have a good one.'

Sometimes if the pizza's around £24 and I pay £25 I'll tell them not to bother with the £1 because they have other pizza to deliver and shit.

Other than that we don't have entitled as fuck delivery drivers here, just people who get your food to you, on time and don't expect anything in return aside from their pay for the week.

>> No.4893712


>paying $40 for dominos

how do Britbongs live with themselves?

>> No.4893714

It sucks, but we get vouchers like crazy over here. I tend to only order if I have a money-off code for online.

I remember once I nabbed a 50% off £40.

I got a large pizza, three side, dessert and two bottles of cherry coke for £20 - the price of my usual large pizza.

I got real fat that month.

>> No.4893715

Not him but fellow britbong
Its about £17 for a single pizza now, large

But you usually get an offer, i.e. £23 for 2 large pizzas/wedges/drink, buy one get one free, etc.

>> No.4893720

Norway here.

A large pizza with a large soda delivered to your door will cost about about $70.

>> No.4893721


I'm the >$40 guy.

I also live in England and I'm guilty of the same thing so I dunno why I was giving you guys shit about it. BUT I would like to point out that there are plenty of kebab shops that make quality pizzas for a fraction of the price. Got a shop around the corner that makes a killer large doner pizza for only 6 pounds

>> No.4893723


Jesus God, and people pay for it or has pizza delivery gone out of business?

>> No.4893724

I live in a city center and the kebab shops are pretty shit
Ill usually pick up a papa johns for £8 or something

>> No.4893728


which city?

>> No.4893729

They would have told you the price before he even left, and they don't ask for a tip.


>> No.4893730

Considering minimum wage is $28, and it's extremely uncommon to make as little as minimum wage even by flipping burgers it's not that bad. It just sounds bad compared to other countries.

>> No.4893733



where did you get those figures? last i checked the minimum wage was around seven pounds

>> No.4893735


>> No.4893737


whoops, thought you were britbong. my bad

>> No.4893738

More like 16.30 pounds.

Are you sure you're properly following the conversation?

>> No.4893739

m8, I pay 5 quid for a large dominoes if I order before 5 and since I work evenings that is every time.

>> No.4893736

Do they really say "plus tip"?

>> No.4893740


no shit, I live in metheringham. are you talking about the kebab shop over on silver street?

>> No.4893741


i wasn't. my bad.

>> No.4893743

Clasketgate, the one next to silver street

Romeos is the place

>> No.4893747


ahhh that's the one. yeah, i've one been there after a night of drinking, so i can't say with the best of judgement that it's good. i usually just order from the pizza plus right around the corner on the high street here in the village. it's breddy gud

>> No.4893748
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It's a damned small world, son
Yeah I usually stop by after getting bladdered at Tokyo or Home. I mean it's alright, it's just not that special. I've been ordering in lately cos i've been lazy, getting a kebab like 3 times this week cos i hate myself. All the places are more or less the same

>> No.4893750



mah nigga. I haven't been to Tokyo yet, though. Usually I'm not all that adventurous, just have a few up at the Magna Carta on Bailgate or maybe the Straight and Narrow over on (can't remember the street, it's off of Neuland when you're going up the hill)

>> No.4893751
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Yeah I saw Mr B at S&N. Nice little place, but i'm not really a beer drinker so I don't go there often. Tokyo is pretty nice, the balconies are a lot nicer than Home. I'm the kinda guy who gets a drink to just chill out with like a Disaronno and Coke and just hang out rather than knock back shots and rave to dubstep so Tokyo is pretty nice. I miss Dogma though, they closed that down. But yeah up the hill is great for ales.

>> No.4893758


I really like S&N. the owner's really in to hip-hop (Mr. B makes sense, sorry I missed it) so I like to hang out a listen while nursing a couple of lagers. I was only able to go to Dogma ONCE before they closed down. I usually don't go to clubs, though. I have to be in the right mood (read: sufficiently annihilated and not tired)

>> No.4893762

Yeah I barely drink, on my final year of my undergrad masters so no time

Dogma was nice, it was more of a lounge than a club. Places like S&N makes me wish i could stomach ales. Feel embarrassed going to an ale place and ordering a spirit/mixer.

>> No.4893768

lol fgt drink ale son

>> No.4893774
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You sir, are a prick. Hopefully you are less so when sober.

>> No.4893780

I haven't seen Danny Devito without glasses in a while.

>> No.4893781
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Fine. Those are the rules society goes by in your country.
Here in the USA we tip. Those of us fronting all high and mighty about not tipping are either liars or they don't eat at/order from the same place on a regular basis.

You keep going into a place and not tipping? Spit in your food.

You order pizzas and slam the door in the guy's face, laughing at the very nerve of him expecting a tip?
Spit in your food. Sometimes much, much worse.

These assholes talk a big game here, and I used to get worked up about it, being a decent tipper and a service industry worker myself.
But I know what happens to the real assholes, and it's fitting justice. The rest are posers and trolls.

>> No.4893784

Not the same anon, But no one actually have their pizza delivered here in Norway, unless it is for some kind of event or meeting where it's payed for by a company and such.

>> No.4893797

>Give me more money than you need to or I'll mess with your food
Great system, fatties.

>> No.4893808

It's either that or pay more in taxes so their shitty wage can be increased. I'd rather tip the ones who do their job correctly than support every shit ass delivery boy who doesn't give two fucks about the customer.

>> No.4893811

>or pay more in taxes so their shitty wage can be increased

This post game me cancer...

... for fuck sake man... is it american education or what?

>> No.4893813

jesus h. christ

hitler was right

in canada, with an online coupon, a large 2 topping pizza is $15 delivered, plus tip

>> No.4893822

Are you retarded?

>> No.4893828

Customers pay for food and service, the owner or employer pays the employees.
Employees pay tax.
Are you actually saying that the rest of the population pays more tax to correct this (obviously) flawed system i just described?

>> No.4893836
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Don't buy to that assholes anymore! At least they don't started to talk about dignity buying local grow food.

>> No.4893837

Absolutely. Since a lot of people who earn minimum wage need federal assistance to survive. Increasing the minimum wage will actually do nothing since the price of goods would go up with it. So I suppose you're right.

>> No.4893839
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You clearly cannot even grasp the concept of tipping.

It's not about giving away extra money for no reason, though on the surface it seems to be.

As a customer, you understand that it's part of the service. The restaurant the person works for pays them minimum wage, and they are usually in some way or another disadvantaged. Many are students, others single parents, some may be uneducated or otherwise less employable. Unless they are overtly rude or did shoddy work, they get a tip

To the server, the tip is part of their pay. They depend on that money because of the social contract that states they can. Denying a tip is tantamount to docking their pay, and if they didn't fail to perform their duty, this is unwarranted. Assholes who decide they will NOT ABIDE by the social contract throw a kink in the system, and those that flout convention outwardly and proudly and matter-of-factly in the same places to the same employees day after day after day deserve to eat spit and jizz, goddammit!

>> No.4893846

I was being sarcastic m9.
I work as a god damn dishwasher here and if I worked full time on the wage I receive I could live pretty comfortably.

>> No.4893859

>As a customer, you understand that it's part of the service
No I don't. Tipping isn't in place as a manner of social stability or law, it's a consequence of social pressure, and if you believe social pressure is a natural force of social stability, you obviously have no idea what an ad populum fallacy is. Supporting the tipping system and assuming it belongs isn't bettering service culture or its constituent workers; it's fighting against rebels to controversial systems in order to cure a symptom of an economic disease rather than the disease itself

>> No.4893861

I hate these fucking threads. If your a lazy fat fuck, or to stupid to cook for yourself, you deserve to be charged overpriced prices. And should tip the guy who actually got off his ass and is working to bring your fucktard ass hot food while you jack off to your MLP and CP threads.

>an hero you faggot

>> No.4893865

Not my fault you don't pay your workers properly. I pay for my (already overpriced) food, not your fucking wage packet.

>> No.4893873

Living in Australia where there is basically no tipping code in place, I still tip $5-$10 minimum when I feel the service was exceptional.
Like last week when I went to a nice pub, the barmaid kept a beer in my hand for the entire session, coming right out to the corner of the beer garden to do so, left a $20.

>> No.4893877

Fight the power, you highfalutin cheapskate!!

>> No.4893880

yes, it's because I'm a cheapskate
not because of the moral outrage of my food being held ransom for an undetermined and unmetered charge
or because of the problem of gender/race inequality in the payment system
or knowing that a small adjustment and maybe a little bit of loss on the part of the manager could erase any real need for the tip
or the fact that the entire remainder of the developed world (>implying America is developed) eschews such problematic systems
or the fact that tipping is found to actually decrease quality of service
it's because I'm a stealth jew

>> No.4893887
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>Burger King has asked for a dollar to help support local Catholic schools

Fuck them, they can support their selves. Not to sound Euphoric or anything, but the thought of donating to any religious foundation makes me want to make sure nobody donated to them.

>> No.4893891
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Argumentum ad populum is a bit much, don't you think? You can go on and on about how you're standing up for a better economic system by voting with your wallet, but on a very real level you're just personally screwing over the person that waited on you.
How does this help? Are you hoping that more will join you so servers will be forced to quit their jobs which will force the restaurants to pay more fairly? Then everyone will follow you, and you will be the majority, and I'll feel the need to kowtow to YOUR social pressure. Comes full circle doesn't it?

"Cough up a buck, ya cheap bastard!"

>> No.4893897

Tipping isn't tipping anymore if it's required.
How do you entitled bitch servers not understand this?

>> No.4893902
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My people have been through Hell, and you have no call to bring Hebrew stereotypes into this discussion!!

>> No.4893980

Where is this mythical place where servers ask for a tip, which in my experience of working in customer service would get someone fired.

Tip = Gratuity. Not something that gets asked for. Jesus Christ it just shows how little experience of the real world you idiots have.

>> No.4894038


>> No.4894081



haha what a faggot

>> No.4894126

I bet it was a large plain pizza too but with a $4 delivery charge. Then they ask for a tip on top of that? Here's a tip: Don't deliver for a place that charges delivery fees and pays you shit because they are basically stealing your tip money.

>> No.4894145

TIPS: To Insure Proper Service

Always tip, niggers

>> No.4894151

>go to burger king
>so much to choose from
>go for their new burger combo thing
>$10 after tax and tip
Never again.

>> No.4894152
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>> No.4894163

>give a dollar
>not just giving the profit of one day out of the year to niggers

>> No.4894165

I usually tip but I feel like there's a gray area - What if the stuff is so expensive its like the tip is already included? I've been to places where they charge $5 for a beer and $9.97 for a burger and fries and. And its not an upscale restaurant, its not even in the upscale neighborhood, its fucking buffalo wild wings. Is there really any reason why I should tip them?

>> No.4894167

>inb4 he siphons petrol from your tank to enter the dreamtime

>> No.4894169

Fuck B-Dubs, it's overpriced disgusting bullshit, I'd rather go to Applebees

>> No.4894176

Can't wait for drone delivered food

>> No.4894177

>implying any upscale restaurant would only charge 10$ for a burger and fries and that 5$ for a beer isnt standard for most restaurants (assuming its a craft beer and not domestic swill)
what are you in a poorfag country or something? thats like standard costs for a fucking red robin.

>> No.4894182

Even as someone who relies on tips, this kind of shit pisses me off.
I'm perfectly fine accepting that if I dont receive a tip, it's because of shitty service. Fuck my coworkers that think they should get a tip just for showing up.

>> No.4894184

>Buffalo Wild Wings
>Patronizing any place that campaigns against human rights

You sicken me.

>> No.4894186

I work as a bartender, and where I work we only receive tip. No hourly wage.

I know Eurofags don't really tip because higher minimum wage or some shit, but I've always thought bartenders where the exception: do ya'll not tip them either?

>> No.4894188

>only receive tip
>no hourly wage

Okay, now that shit's straight up illegal. You need to report your boss.

>> No.4894191

The only thing I tip is my fedora.

>> No.4894193

>where I work we only receive tip. No hourly wage.
That's a lie.

>> No.4894194

you might consider that pizza delivery boys are being paid american minimum wage (7.25) if they're lucky and are not being re-embursed for damage to their vehicle, gasoline, or personal harm (they get beat up all the time, also stiffed for their money)
delivery fee's are the companies way of fucking you over. basically a charge for something that used to be expected because they know if you're already getting delivery you're too drunk/lazy/stoned to go get it so you'll pay whatever just to get food to your door

i'm not saying some delivery people arent rude
but i am saying you can toss a dude two bucks as a thanks nigga when you're about to pork out on your fatass for the rest of the night

>> No.4894197

Lol wut how much is the median wage/salary there though?

>> No.4894201


We sign away our paychecks at the end of the month, in exchange we get a lot of other intangible benefits from the job.

>> No.4894205

lol you enjoying your nigger-rich burgers?

>> No.4894215

that was my point faggot. why oder a burger at a nice place. why not get something thats real food.

>> No.4894218

The only thing I tip is my fedora

>> No.4894220

in cali tipped people and non tipped have 2 seperate minimum wages, your employer gets to apply your tip amount to your wages and only has to make up the difference if your shit tipped worker wage and tips dont add up to state minimum

>> No.4894223

I'm a delivery driver here in Australia and I think any driver who thinks they're entitled to a tip is fucking ridiculous. I get paid $28 an hour I don't need anything fucking extra for just driving a car to a location and back. You did the right thing asking for your money back.

>> No.4894235

so you do receive an hourly wage
dont lie nigger

>> No.4894248

sorry I misunderstood. I'm more of a rib fan anyway, I just use hamburgers as a way to show price differences between restaurants.

>> No.4894261

This plus a free Cola or fizzy drink.

>> No.4894266

>Treating people like shit when they know where you live

>> No.4894268

>implying I should be scared of a little white boy

>> No.4894281

getting paid in negro beads doesnt count ausfag.

>> No.4894285
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>> No.4894298

Tip the bartender?
If i'm not ordering some gay cocktail he is just turning a tap on to fill a glass.
At the end of an evening IF I have been provided with some conversation and they've gone out of their way to help, I'll say. "put one in for yourself" for the last round of the evening.

>> No.4894301

Average Income in Norway is about 85k usd a year, but i think most people find 70 dollars a bit steep for a pizza

>> No.4894314

I think It's their plan to keep Euros healthy and fit. If you don't want to over pay for calorie dense food with no real nutritional value, you'll probably go and eat like a dozen bananas.

>> No.4894336
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>not playing a game of cat and mouse with a pizza guy where you order from different locations and different pizza places every time in order to stiff them on the no-spit-bribe-tip

>> No.4894344

REDFORD, MI - When James Wethers heard three gunshots around 11 p.m. Monday night, he looked outside and saw a frantic pizza delivery driver and a man face down on the driveway across the street from his Michigan home.

Redford Township police say the pizza delivery driver opened fire as he was being robbed by 20-year-old Tajuan Boyd.

Boyd was later pronounced dead at a Michigan hospital.

After the shooting, witnesses say they saw a possible accomplice speeding away from the scene.

Detectives from Detroit suburb's police department are still investigating the incident.

Read more: http://www.abc15.com/dpp/news/national/Pizza-delivery-driver-shoots-and-kills-armed-robber-trying-to-steal-cash1382546113551#ixzz2ifSZ3cYv

>> No.4894409


I guess, it's a little bit of a different circumstance. I bar tend in a college town where large amounts of people come and order specialty shots in high volume.

If you are just filling beer at a pub I can understand your sentiment, but if you are trying to serve hundreds of people a variety of drinks in a timely fashion I feel a tip is justified.

>> No.4894469


>> No.4894697

>you're just personally screwing over the person that waited on you
if people that tip are still in the majority, I'm not screwing anyone. since tipping isn't going anywhere fast, I can only assume that wait service right now is divided into two groups: those who are paid sufficiently by those who want to tip, and those who either don't deserve to be tipped or who demonstrate the inequality of the system. I personally am not doing anything; I'm not obligated to tip, society just thinks I am because ad populum. I will however tip in good conscience if it's well deserved, but I will not pay because it's "expected." I expect a lot of things from society that I don't receive, so I have no moral obligation.

>how does this help
On a personal level it's self-vindication. On a macro level it's fighting against a problematic system.

>what if everyone didn't tip
Then the country would be better. Why shouldn't there exist a social pressure to abolish bad systems?

>> No.4894705

>$28 an hour for delivering pizzas
what the fuck

>> No.4894723

>implying you would pay for insurance after your surgery has finished
>implying that's even what it stands for or is an acronym in the first place

Actually it stands for Ten-Inch PeniseS. It's a joke from the country club where they decided to launch the idea for the plebs to make us fight against each other for generations

>> No.4894730

you shouldn't. there's not even any room for a tip in bartending, you're just filling glasses and stirring. people tip you because you make good conversation and/or look good, not because of your actual service quality.

>> No.4894732

>working for gay blowjobs
this is why I don't tip

>> No.4894773
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>$28 an hour to deliver pizza

>> No.4894935

When I worked at a pizza place as the delivery guy I got around $50-$60USD per hour just because of tips. It was in a city of about 14,000-15,000 people, but only 2 pizza places delivered. The place I worked at had a drive-by, pickup window. Delivery drivers just pulled around back, to the window, loaded up, and left without getting out of the vehicle. By the time you had your deliveries done several more were waiting for you when you got back to the window.

I basically stayed in my car all day long expect for walking to the customers' doors. It fucking sucked, but the pay was excellent. You were not hired and were not paid by the pizza place. You just had to know someone to get the job and be dependable. There'd be several people doing deliveries as a pickup job just 1 night a week or maybe to get some quick cash for the evening. Everyone worked for tips. It was kind of a neat system.

>> No.4894940

Yeah that's bullshit.
When I was pizza delivering in Sydney I didn't expect shit. I got free pizza so I would just share the love.
You should of called up his pizza shop and complained to the boss

>> No.4894941

My friend tipped a delivery guy $20 once.

>> No.4894948

No fucking way. You'd have to be dropping off a delivery every ten minutes and getting a ten dollar tip for every delivery. I'm calling bullshit here. The only way to make good tips as a driver is if you live in a big city and do lots of catering orders for big companies. I'm talking orders well over $100 each.

>> No.4895175

You know you do take more then 1 delivery a delivery run, lol. And if its a small town and you know all the streets, quite possible.... faggot

>> No.4895219

You'd rarely ever only be taking one delivery out. It is a college town so there's tons of frat/sorority houses and student housing. Half of the deliveries when there. They tipped less most of the time though.

>> No.4895268

>Sometimes if the pizza's around £24 and I pay £25
The fuck? I would rather tip a few bucks than pay those prices.

>> No.4895287

What the fuck, I can't believe someone would have the audacity to fucking do that, if some cunt did that to me I'd flip shit.

>well I just hate giving change and coins it's really annoying you know

I don't even, normally delivery drivers just give me the pizza, give me back change and leave. They are mostly all indian cunt too.

>> No.4895681
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>> No.4895904

Taiwan speaking. A friend of mine came over to visit a couple of weekends ago, and brought his kids. We decided to get a pizza from Domino's. Pizza, 1L soda, and some side things came to about US$20. I gave the delivery guy an extra about US$5 because he drove to the edge of his delivery area in shitty weather. He didn't understand why I was forcing this extra money on him, and when my friend explained it to him, he went away with his mind blown that anyone would do such a thing.

tl;dr: tipping is unheard of in Taiwan; delivery drivers have a sacred duty to get you your goddamn food for whatever their bosses are willing to pay them.

>> No.4895911

no wonder my life turned out so shitty

all that wanking as a kid

>> No.4895947
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Don't forget that in many states, the servers aren't paid any wage whatsoever, and rely SOLELY on tips.
Even if I agreed with all the cheap fuckheads "making a stand", which I don't, I challenge them to justify not tipping when they know the server won't be paid for their time otherwise.

Anyone care to field that one?

>> No.4895950


>> No.4895980

legally they have to be reimbursed the necessary amount, even if they get fired for asking. employees can fire them legally for that request because they can claim that not earning tips is an indication of poor service quality, and it is, because America has such a tip-based economy.

the argument is always the same: "if you don't tip them they won't make minimum!" Well if I don't hand out money to beggars on the street they won't make minimum either, but you don't see me walking around with a sign demanding money from people. Hint if you missed the analogy: tips are money paid for services not rendered. Ask your boss for the money, he already collected it from me when he charged me for the food.

>> No.4896002

I work in the service industry too and I tell all you faggots if you expect a time you're a huge cunt. If you ever mess with a customer because he doesn't tip you deserve to be blacklisted from any business. You're lazy pricks who want huge dosh for doing shit grow a spine you worthless fucks holy shit

>> No.4896830
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>doner pizza
I'm disgusted with my pleb self every time I get one of these but fuck are they good

>> No.4897545

why should you be? here in nipland we have bulgogi pizza and it's the bees' knees

>> No.4898165

85k a year? Holy shit. Time to become an immigrant! Don't worry, I'm white.

Anyone know how much an Argentina -> Norway flight costs these days?

>> No.4898200
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should have learned to cook

>> No.4898206

>argentinans pretending to be white
is this a meme now or did argentina just get internet in the past 2 years?

>> No.4898243

I bet they fap onto peoples pizzas...

>> No.4898259

thats such bullshit, you cannot get a whole fucking chicken for 37 cents

>> No.4898262

A whole roaster is 8-9 bucks here. You can't get a fucking quarter for a dollar.

That whole image is retarded trolling incarnate actually. One penny of tempeh. What the fuck? Did you buy a brick and scratch it once with an emery board?

>> No.4898263


man this troll pic always gets me. a 100% tip and the bottom is more than 20 dollars

>> No.4898265

Its like that picture that shows that buying your own food for a meal is cheaper than mcdonalds, while listing prices that are entirely unrealistic; prices which the article authors stated "blah blah blah we got them on sale, with coupons, at the ghetto stores etc".

>> No.4898278

Those are ALWAYS bullshit.
I don't know why they embellish when it is of course cheaper to cook for yourself.

>> No.4898281

Maybe you have to hatch one of the eggs?

I just bought a whole chicken today for 5 bucks, was pretty small though, 1.2kg.

>> No.4898286
File: 967 KB, 245x245, 1380698142663.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait so it really is cheaper to eat at McDonalds? Fuck.

>> No.4898292

No you moron.
It's cheaper to but it yourself, but the picture is embellishing on how much cheaper it is.
For no good reason really.
You can still make like 10 mc donalds size burgers yourself for the price of 1 big mac.

>> No.4898296

I don't trust that. The kinds of people who eat at McDonald's have an equal amount of access to stores where you can get chicken breasts at 1.50-2.25/lb, whole grain bread for 1.50 a loaf, and frozen vegetables 1.00/lb, water or diet drinks for cheap as free, which is still a pretty big meal for 5 bucks.

>> No.4898298

>You can still make like 10 mc donalds size burgers yourself for the price of 1 big mac.

No you can't. A Big Mac is like $3. Buns and meat will cost more than that.

>> No.4898306 [DELETED] 

>can't get 3.2 oz of meat, and negligable amounts of flour, water, yeast, tomato, and iceburg lettuce for 3 USD
So what you're saying is, you're paying fifteen dollars a pound for meat?

For fuck sakes, even after every last condiment, and if you're buying premade buns, a pound of ground beef is usually 3-4 dollars, fucking chuck steak is 5-6.

You can't fucking get a bun, LTO, and a couple of slices of cheese to go along with your fucking pound of cheese? You think bread and vegetables for a sandwich will cost you NINE FUCKING DOLLARS?

>> No.4898309

Chuck steak, 5-6 USD a lb at most.
3.2 ounces, (aka one-fifth pound) is 1 to 1.20.
So you're having trouble finding an equivalent weight iceburg lettuce, tomato, onion, and flour for less than TWICE THE COST OF GROUND BEEF. Bullshit.

>> No.4898311

No you fucking can't. I don't know why people pretend that prices can be that low. There is no way you are going to get the materials for 10 Mcdonalds size burgers for 3 dollars. It is impossible. You can definitely make 10 home made burgers that are better than 10 Big Macs for cheaper but don't exaggerate so damn much.

>> No.4898320

I didn't say ten you fucking cunt. Apologies for deletion though, I wanted to redo the math to smaller scale. See-

And what fucking McDonalds is selling you Big Macs for 33 cents a piece!? I go to McDonalds twice a month or so when I haven't had breakfast yet and it's 9PM, but fuck your lazy ass for trying to make excuses. IT IS NOT CHEAPER.

>> No.4898324

If Speedway asked me to buy a whole pizza to help Riley's, I'd drown in empty pizza boxes.

>> No.4898328

You did say ten.
>10 mc donalds size burgers yourself for the price of 1 big mac.

10 for the price of 1 big mac. Unless you meant something else.

>> No.4898334

I regret deleting that post. Now I'll be haunted by trolling and lies. Oh wait, I don't care. You're full of shit and championing McDonalds as being cheaper than doing it yourself.

Go be fat somewhere else.

>> No.4898347

Regret what, bitch? Everyone can clearly see what that shit says.

>> No.4898349

I read the post too. That's exactly what you said, fucktard. 10 burgers for the price of 1 big mac.

>> No.4898354

>finds post
That's a different anon you dumbfuck.

>> No.4898369

Then you should have said something. If you are responding for somebody speak up or else people will assume you are the person they first talked to.

>> No.4898377

Hey dumbass, when I directly use math to refute someone claiming you can't make a single Big Mac for less than three US dollars, I shouldn't have to activate a tripcode. Crawl back to /soc/ or whatever shithole you came from. He or you made a dumb goddamned statement and should have expected more than one person to respond.

>> No.4898489


BALLS! 10/10

>> No.4898498

What the fuck are you talking about? It seems like you are twisting this shit.

>> No.4898925

Not him (To satisfy your autism) but come on. Assuming that you're always speaking to the same person is incredibly stupid to do on an imageboard.

>> No.4898948

I was curious if your claim could be correct, so I calculated some stuff.
Frozen ground beef can cost as little as $1.89/lb year round currently in Philadelphia, US. Bargain stores such as Save A Lot, Deal$, Thriftway, Aldi, Bottom Dollar and others will have frozen 80:20 beef for such a cheap price. Sometimes the price at one store will rise for a time and another will fall, but between each of the bargain stores, it's highly likely that you can find a tube of 80:20 ground beef for $1.89/lb. So there's that.
The same bargain stores will also carry burger buns. Some are as low as 69¢ for 8, but it's more likely they'll be 99¢.
Each patty in a standard McDonald's hamburger, not the quarter pounder, is 2oz. There are 16oz to the pound, so you can make eight patties from a pound of beef. Goes perfectly with the eight buns.
Chopped onion, ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise and pickle slice are minimal costs, adding maybe 35¢ to the total price, at most.
You can make eight McDonald's-sized, McDonald's-style hamburgers for about $3.25 or around 41¢ each, so ten of them will cost about $4.10.
According to The Economist 2013 Big Mac Index last published July of this year, that's less than the average cost of one Big Mac in the US by 46¢.
So while ten seems impossible, quite the reverse is true. One can easily make ten McDonald's hamburgers for the price of one Big Mac. Even eleven of them, since the leftover 46¢ cost difference between the cost of ten homemade burgers and one big mac is enough to make one more.
Quite odd, that.

>> No.4899923

FUN FACT: Any company who asks you to donate to a charity has already donated their own money.

They do this to recoup their loss. Anything over what they donated that is collected will sometimes be donated as well. Usually the company will just line their pockets with the excess.

>> No.4899933

>tipping someone at burger king

Yuropoor detected

>> No.4900003

Except for the bit where you have to buy condiments by the bottle/jar, and the time taken to prepare and cook it all is worth quite a bit more than fucking nothing. So.... no. McDonalds is still cheaper. Deal with it.

>> No.4900090

what you mean to say is, economically speaking everything costs exactly what it's worth based on the equilibrium between how much a consumer will pay and how much a producer wants to make from that transaction? wow!

>> No.4900349

No, what I'm saying is that making nearly a dozen burgers myself takes too fucking long, and I only wanted one anyway and most of the rest of this shit is going to go bad. Fuck you for making my buy it. Fuck you in your stupid ugly face.

>> No.4900376

but making one doesn't take that long at all, and it only costs a tenth of what a big mac would

>> No.4901657

So it's extortion then. "Gimme more money or you wob't have good service".

>> No.4901688
File: 999 KB, 500x243, idonttip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not my job to pay someone for a bad career choice

Get over yourself you entitled fuck it's not difficult to take a food order and make sure drinks aren't empty.

>> No.4902199

>this thread has been up for a long time for shitposting
>oh look, someone mentioned tips

Why can't we agree to disagree?

>> No.4902293

ITT: Stories that never happened

>> No.4902311

then i banged a chick and punched this black dude and looked at a girl in the eyes while talking in an articulate manner after my parents were proud of me and the doctor said I was in great shape and not a fatty at all

>> No.4902316

You're doing god's work, OP.

>> No.4902698


>> No.4902728

They're usually based on what you pay about per serving, this one is bullshit, but yeah if you buy a whole chicken for yourself and aren't a fatty, one serving is about $1. Eggs about $0.40-$0.80 depending on the kind of eggs you get

>> No.4902734

>donate a dollar to durrrr
why so tacobell can get a tax break?
fuck off.

>> No.4903065

Not to mention the cost of cooking and the time it takes to wash all those dishes

>> No.4903102

Americans don't get reimbursed for mileage traveled on the job for food deliveries.

Food places expect us to pay their wages so they can pay them less than minimum and it's 'justified'

>> No.4903364

>plus tip
They actually say that? shameless

>> No.4904004

Where the fuck did my sides go?

>> No.4904015

15$ for a pizza? shit's cray...here in Italy a delivered pizza is like 8$ with a free drink

>> No.4904027

Norway here.
You're looking at $50 if not more for a delivered pizza

>> No.4904067

Yep. Norway was my first trip, and it was fucking expensive. Will always remember how we ate spaghettis in mugs, using our toothbrushes as forks. With salt, picked by McDonald.

>> No.4905985

>I only wanted one anyway and most of the rest of this shit is going to go bad.
buy a freezer you dumbass

>> No.4906001

my sides

>> No.4906030

I did that once, but I think it was like $40. I don't smoke pot anymore.

>> No.4906035


i love this idea that you can somehow buy food in that small of quantity

>> No.4906056

Never respond to that troll image.

>00.01 USD of anything
>it's of tempeh
>less than a gram of tempeh (mushroomy tofu)

>> No.4906086

pfft. The entitlement of servers is always astounding. "You're not gonna pay me extra for moving plates around? Then inform me before hand so I can give you shit service!"
That's not how it works, retards. I worked service too. I didn't expect tips. they were a nice bonus when I got them, sure, but they're not an obligation. Stop acting like immature brats.
>inb4 "Wahhh, I don't get paid enough! I DESERVE extra money"
Find a different job if you're really being stiffed that much. It's really not that hard, you already have customer service experience, corporate eats that up. It's like some homeless guy that lives under a train bridge complaining about the noise. Go elsewhere, not that hard to figure out, anyone with a working brain can do it.

>> No.4906500

Some old hag at the grocery store asked me if I wanted to give a dollar for veterans. I smiled, shook my head no, and plainly said "No thanks." She got this bitchy look on her face and said, "I'm sorry? WOULD YOU LIKE TO GIVE A DOLLAR FOR VETERANS?" so that everyone around me could hear.

I'm usually pretty low-key, but it really pissed me off for some reason, so I leaned real close to her face and yelled NO THANKS! so that everyone around me could hear. Felt strangely good.

>> No.4906510

epik simply epik xddd
How do these threads even get bumped is beyond fucking me. How and why do people think this is /ck/ thread material, rather than /b/?