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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4883363 No.4883363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /ck/ think of MREs?

>> No.4883367
File: 355 KB, 800x500, Chicken-Tetrazzini-MRE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken tetrazzini

>> No.4883370

Aw man is that a dreamsicle cookie in the bottom left? Oh shit man you got lucky I'll trade you my MRE's skittles for that cookie.

>> No.4883375
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>> No.4883383

Aw man is that a dreamsicle cookie in the bottom left? Oh shit man you got lucky I'll trade you my MRE's skittles for that cookie.

But yeah, I basically remember some funny ass arguments over MRE food in Basic. They aren't bad, but they do get a bit funny as they get older (and a lot of them are not new at all) and they WILL clog you up. Also they have tons of calories.

>> No.4883384
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Polish rations

>> No.4883387
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Japan, Canada and Taiwan don't look that bad

>> No.4883389


>> No.4883400

Mongolia has a military?
Also-mmmmmm, dat catfood in the Chinese one.

>> No.4883402

Chinese one looks god Awful

>> No.4883463


The Mongolian military doesn't really issue food or MREs as a general rule. When they deploy soldiers to the boarder or throughout Mongolia, everyone is expected to hunt and fish and forage or grow all of their own food. You HAVE to be able to feed yourself and live off the land. They don't truck in or fly in food on the steppe. They just don't have the money, the food supplies, or the infrastructure to do that sort of thing.

>> No.4883477

They are actually pretty damn good.
I remember in 03 in my last week before my discharge I was working in the laundry room, in which we stored boxes of these.

I had one. Can't remember what it was. meatloaf maybe? nah.. was something in one of the awesome heat pouches that were like space technology. Just add water and shake and the thing damn near got boiling hot. awesome.

Anyway, for those 3 days I ate like 50 of the fuckers. Each one had a hershey bar or something likewise inside, a napkin pack, and a tiny bottle of tobasco sauce. Everyone saved the tobasco though, you knew to save those for when you actually had to eat in the mess hall.

god damn.. now I want to buy a few boxes of MRE's

>> No.4883478

The only good looking one there is Germany's.

>> No.4883483
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>buying MREs
Why not make your own? If /k/ can do it, I know /ck/ can.

>> No.4883520

because I sold my stove? And I don't cook anything I can't microwave?

>> No.4883523

The "modern day" MRE's, for the last 10 years or so, are miles better then that ziplocked stuff.

I remember getting them handed out and I ended up with a vegan rice and beans one time and fuck my life it really wasn't that bad at all. Those crazy scientists do come up with good shit every now and then

>> No.4883525

one pound of food

two pounds of plastic trash

>> No.4883530

>"...anything that can be consumed raw or cooked only in water."
>You definitely don't need a stove for raw food and you can boil water in your microwave.


>> No.4883533

don't understand
don't care
as long as it cooks in the microwave I"mg ood.

>> No.4883539

>as long as it cooks in the microwave I'm good

And here I thought my faith in /ck/ couldn't decrease any further.

Well, enjoy your bland life, person.

>> No.4885639

hmm, never thought of that..cool.

>> No.4885784
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They have an average in the 1200 calorie range. Not much at all. An active soldier would need 3 to not lose any weight.

What they do have is an average of almost 4000mg of sodium.

>> No.4885796

You eat MREs to survive, and no other reason. MREs are not, and never will be, gourmet meals. They are injected with thousands of calories because people that need them are either being shot at 24 hours a day or isolated in the wilderness for long periods of time

>> No.4885808

>thousands of calories
pick one

>> No.4885837

They're fucking amazing. Good times in Cadets where you could steal a few dessert packets during mealtimes and eat them when everybody else was asleep.

>> No.4885850

The vegetarian lasagna one with the tabasco sauce is magical.

And the fucking pound cake. I would stick my dick in the marbled pound cake.

>> No.4885912


The Taiwanese get theirs at the local convenience store by the looks of it.

>> No.4885944

rations taste good for the first day but, after eating them for 2 weeks straight they are fucking shit

>> No.4885973

>2 weeks straight
Why the fuck would you do that?

>> No.4885980



>> No.4885985
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Except I highly fucking doubt that considering nearly every country's military that issues MRE's don't allow them to be served for more than 6 days at a time and aside from that you've got food service specialists deployed.

>> No.4886007


we took a pallet of that shit out bush for 10 people during a sergeants course

>> No.4886022

There are so many things wrong with that I don't even know where to begin. I'm just going to have to assume you were in the Brazilian army and close thread.

>> No.4886032

Nah, my brothers in the Airborne, and he is gone on field exercises for weeks at a time, i guess that MRE's are all they have for that time

>> No.4886039


nah mate, aus army

>> No.4886286
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Much like guns, they're stockpiled by the wrong kind of people for the wrong reasons.

In theory, of course, they are useful in limited circumstances and have perfectly valid applications.

Whenever I see some guy going off on being 'prepared' for unspecified Jesus rapture in an MRE thread, I imagine he's someone like pic related.

>> No.4886337

Fuck. Yes!

Chicken Tetrazzini is fucking GOOD!!

>> No.4886343

Am getting conscripted into singaporean army next year, anyone know how good the mre and/or canteen food is?

>> No.4886344

Should add, any differences in muslim, non muslim and vegetarian meals?

>> No.4886376


I wouldn't know about the army, but i did 9 months in prison last year. The halal/kosher meals were lightyears better than the normal slop. There was actually real meat in them.

>> No.4886391

Thanks, will tell them im muslim. Hopefully I dont get into trouble

>> No.4887385

Love the veggie burger. Would always trade at MCT and boot camp for it.

>> No.4887388


Isn't religion part of your national identity card?

>> No.4887392

some are good.

>> No.4887397

Someone post the greentext about the constipation

>> No.4887510

I think they constipate me to the point of needing medical intervention. At least the American military ones I've eaten have. I'm not joking about the medical intervention either. It finally came out in the hospital bathroom and I thought I'd just shit a table leg.

>> No.4887532

Extremely calore dense... keep in mind this is engineered for people doing INTENSE physical activity all day every day.
Not meant for your regular ol' Joe.
Never eat these unless you are very underweight and/or need to repair internal damage.

>> No.4887541

When I was active duty in 06-10 I used to love eating MREs. Unless I got stuck with cheese omelet. Their menu changes year to year but my favourites were sloppy joe, veggie burger, and pot roast.

>> No.4887556

Army MP here, they keep you from starving. Fun fact is that you mix the creamer and suger together, hold it over a lighter, and it makes a cookier

>> No.4887599
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MRE time

>> No.4887606
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>> No.4887616
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>> No.4887621
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>> No.4887626

My asshole was never the same after I got out, thanks to MREs

>> No.4887643

Any more stories? These are hilarious

>> No.4887676
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>> No.4887680
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>> No.4887688
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>> No.4887706

thats the last one

>> No.4887761

Thanks anon

>> No.4887782

Canada's are way better than the US ones, UK are way better than Canada's

>> No.4887856

There's something almost creepy about seeing an MRE's contents on actual tableware.
It just seems... wrong.

>> No.4890179
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Forgot one.

>> No.4890429

My father was in the Air Force and used to bring a lot of them home, especially after maneuvers. Eventually they became real popular with non-military and they had to start rationing them because people were taking them home by the dozens and selling them. Luckily you can still buy them at the base commissary for like $8 a piece.

Personally I loved them. I enjoy bland thick and slimy foods so I never bothered heating them, even now when they include the special chemical heaters.

>> No.4890441

I enjoyed some of them that my brother brought home with him when be came back from Afghan and such

>> No.4890469

I just got some today from my friends store, beef brisket. I live in an area where we can get 2 feet of snow in a day, or tornado's to wipe out half a town in 5 minutes. MRE's keep a long time and as long as you drink LOTS of water you can deal with them fine, but you need a LOT of water.

>> No.4890523

My dad was also Air Force and brought a whole bunch back around Desert Storm. I remember cherry picking all the best stuff as a little kid, mostly the dehydrated fruit mixes. It was just a novelty then.

More recently, we had some of them for hurricane Ike, which was not necessary but pretty cool to actually have a reason to properly prepare them and stuff.

I wouldn't want to live off them, but I like them well enough.

>> No.4890525

I used to take my dad's all of the time. Delicious as fuck to an 11 year old. I wish I could buy some but they're so expensive.

>> No.4890557

I ordered a box once because I had the money and curiosity.

Me and a buddy of mine would eat them while drinking by a fire in the fields by his house. I loved them. I'd get them all the time but they're too expensive unfortunately.

>> No.4890666

You know, I was planning a canoe trip with some friends, I was thinking about bringing some MREs.

After reading this thread... I'm having second thoughts.

Christ we'd be better off eating squirrel guts and swamp tubors.

>> No.4890674

Sorry but you need to realize that not all the iterations of MREs are the same. Some legitimately have about 2000 calories in them. And sometimes you will get feed them 3 times a day while doing only light duty. Shit will suck.

>> No.4890681
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Now available in grocery stores

>> No.4891151

Mmmm, Chinese rations.

Made from the ground up remains of unwanted daughters.

>> No.4891182

For a day or two? Not bad, actually pretty yummy, but cut it with fat or fiber, ideally both...

If you don't, for a week you will not shit.

Then, on the seventh day, Mount St. Helens will erupt from your asshole.