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4875700 No.4875700[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is some kinds of good british/England specific candy I can get?

It's me and my girlfriends anniversary soon, and she and her family are very English, but live here in murkuh; so I'd like to give her some good sweets.

Are there even England/British specific candies?

>> No.4875704

Fruit gums. Also, English chocolate tastes better than North American for whatever reason. Get her a flake.

>> No.4875735

She doesn't like gummy/jelly stuff, so I think fruit gums aren't really an option.

Is there a best kind of flake to buy? I know you can make it fairly easily, but I'd rather just buy her the stuff.

>> No.4875740

It's not really British specific, but get her some Galaxy bars. Everyone loves those - she'd appreciate it.
Also, do you get Terry's Chocolate Oranges in the US? THose things are delicious as fuck.

>> No.4875748


(Not OP) We can, but I'm pretty sure ours aren't as good.

>> No.4875765

Well, fuck. Chocolate Oranges are awesome here in the UK.
I wish I could give more recs but I have no idea what you get in the USA.
Yorkie chocolate?
Crunchie bars?
Dairy Milk?
Liquorice allsorts?
Maybe just get a tin of Cadbury Heroes?

>> No.4875770

>Is there a best kind of flake to buy?
Cadburys Flake are the best.

>> No.4875782

Also, she loves tea, is there a specific "best" english breakfast I could get her or something?

I buy loose leaf myself, but she never seems to like the kinds I buy.

>> No.4875866


Creme egg if you can get it.

>> No.4875869


That's a question I'm afraid can't be answered easily. Everyone has their own taste and all.

>> No.4875880

Yeah, that's what I was afraid of.

What if I just bought her some "plain" black tea of really high quality?

>> No.4875885
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quality street

>> No.4875893

Sherbet lemons in a paper bag.

>> No.4876754


To be honest it's not something I know too much about either. Is she from South or North England?

>> No.4876760

Blackpool rock
Edinborough rock
Frys Orange cream

>> No.4876938

Is it true Cadbury creme eggs are available year-round in England?

I saw a Halloween version here in the US the other day, so at least we've got twice-a-year availability now.

>> No.4876945


could get her a box of yorkshire/tetley tea bags

cola cubes might be a hit if she likes them

>> No.4876946




fuck yes it feels like christmas already

>> No.4876948

Don't bother, nothing is made in Britain anymore.
You'll just look stupid and they'll have to look pleased which puts them in an awkward situation in multiple ways.

>> No.4876950

Kendal mint cake

>> No.4876953
File: 678 KB, 1024x641, sweetshop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to a traditional English sweet shop! The sort of places that have jars of sweets everywhere, like pic related. That's the only way to try some traditional English stuff - I'm surprised no-one has said it yet.

Try things like bonbons, sherbet lemons, liquorice cream rock, liquorice allsorts, aniseed balls, cinder toffee, and probably loads more I can't think of. Ask whoever is working there for the most traditional English stuff, because there's also a fair amount of non-traditional stuff in those shops nowadays.

Also, try lots of English chocolate. Quality Street is a good idea, and try some chocolate teacakes and a caramel wafer. Try some run-of-the-mill stuff like Galaxy and Dairy Milk too.

As for tea, everyone has a favourite really, but Rington's tea is a nice (and really traditional) tea to try.

>> No.4876955

>quality street

>not celebrations

>> No.4876956

Some fudge too! Fuck yeah, some English fudge!

>> No.4876958

Ah, man, I just read the actual OP. I got carried away without even reading it before posting. You could still go to an online version of a traditional shop though...?

You should try to find a way to get her a mix-up online.

>> No.4876961

Fruit pastilles. Wine gums. Jelly babies...

Traditional boiled sweets; pineapple cubes, strawberries and cream, sherbert lemons..

Flake bars, milky way bars (although the same brand, the item is quite different and far superior here), caramac, kinder bueno, smarties...

Cadbury eclairs.

>> No.4876964

You know what I haven't seen in forever fellow Brits?

Aniseed balls. I used to love those fuckers.

>> No.4876966

For the british already in this thread

I recommend their best ___ you've ever tasted own brand.

>> No.4876976

fucking hate cola cubes they pretty much seem to be made of glue

>> No.4877988


That's as traditional you can get.

>> No.4877992

No Murray Mints.
No coconut ice.


>> No.4878125
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Tunnock candy bars are good. They have tea cakes and snowballs too.

http://www.tunnock co uk/products/caramel-wafer aspx

>> No.4878130
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>> No.4878146
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Buy her some of these biscuits and some PG tips tea, receive blowjob.

>> No.4878198

Just get her one of those absolutely massive bars of dairy milk
Nothing more British when it comes to chocolate.

>> No.4878205
File: 1.86 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not going a mint one.

>> No.4878206

>Not galaxy ripple

>> No.4878216

>Not getting that Christmas feeling everytime you open a chocolate

>> No.4878225

Pg tips is horrible. Assuming supermarket tea, it's either got to beYorkshire tea or Twining's.

>> No.4878392

uk/usfag here. chocolate oranges are just as good in the us. around easter, you can get cadburys mini eggs and easter eggs in the us; they are made by hersheys, but taste just as good as in the uk. check the international aisle of your local kroger; they have a british section and you can get some british sweets there. mine has aero bars; they are so good....i wish i could get wispa bars here through.

>> No.4878418
