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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4873453 No.4873453[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hello /ck/
I've noticed that you guys seem to be all work and no play, why not post your favorite and your best desserts?

pic semi related

>> No.4873494
File: 89 KB, 367x500, WAITING FOR KIZU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ate a cinnabon and i regret it already. There goes 10 years of my lifespan.

>> No.4873517
File: 855 KB, 2048x2048, tiramisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those pictures always make me laugh.
Tiramisu lover here. I rarely eat desserts, but if tiramisu is an option I'll take it any day.

>> No.4873537

Can we all agree that we all hate fat people?

>> No.4873539


Why? It's genetics. Hating fat people is morally equivalent to the holocaust.

>> No.4873544
File: 606 KB, 236x153, tumblr_inline_mu8ekynRuQ1rpwuco.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the fuck up

>> No.4873551

>that pic

The Health At Every Size movement is not enabling the obese, hell even the fat acceptance movement isn't. Obese people enable themselves, you could still be losing weight and eating healthily and even be skinny to promote and support these movements.
While I don't agree that there is health at every size, there is health even if your bmi is in the overweight category. The HAES movement is telling people this. You don't have to be thin to be healthy.
Fun fact: whenever the government announced there was an obesity epidemic, life expectancy rates increased dramatically.

>> No.4873558

Grandma's ol' Cherry Chocolate Cake

Box of cake mix
Can of cherry pie filling

Chocolate chips

>> No.4873563

>life expectancy rates increased dramatically

Fat people are lazy. Lazy people are an epidemic. Fat people are an epidemic.

>> No.4873570

Medicine was around before those rates shot up. If medicine was the sole reason, the rates would have shot up before then.

Not all lazy people are fat, so you can't that fat people are an epidemic due to laziness. I know plenty of skinny lazy people.

>> No.4873574

yeah but ugly skinny people look far better than attractive fatties.

>> No.4873576

>attractive fatties
That's a damned oxymoron if I've ever seen one.

>> No.4873579

there are some grills that were stupid hot before gaining a couple (hundred) pounds. Still worth a pushing'.

>> No.4873583

All depends on who you ask.

>> No.4873586

No, I don't hate fat people. I know what it's like to be fat, though I have lost weight and it was a hell of a lot of work. Food companies are engineering our foods to be more addictive and stimulating than ever. Scientists recently discovered that Oreos are more pleasurable than heroin. Fat people are the result of food addiction and horriblehabits that have been engrained over time. Yes, some are lazy, but do you know how hard it is to be active when you're fat? Not easy. Overcoming these food addictions and/or habits and forming new ones necessitates a rewiring of the brain. Not easy at all. When your brain just screams FATSALTSUGAR all the time, it's fucking hard to refuse. Your brain controls your body, and when it wants those foods that make it feel good, it'll do what it takes it get it.
And some people just don't feel satiated or full, ever. Something in their brain doeent kick in. So they reach for more seeking satiety. And they overeat.
Some people use food to fill a void. Food is a comfort, and when you're eating, the world seems to quiet down while your brain goes VROOOOM. It's really soothing actually. Some fat people have this problem.

A good portion of fat people have viable reasons as to why their weight is the way it is,

>> No.4873588

What does this have to do with what I said?

>> No.4873590

*tips fedora*

>> No.4873594

Feeder (or possible negroid) detected.

You're part of the problem.

>> No.4873596
File: 73 KB, 1333x373, 1378018556424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fat people are a cancer to society. Even though it doesn't seem like they're hurting anyone but themselves, they are in fact damaging society slowly. For example, if one hamgalaxy had a heart attack because her internal black hole swallowed 4 supernovas worth of meterial, her insurance rate would now go up and it would be more expensive to maintain "it". Now imagine hundreads of thousands of hamgalaxies all imploding at once. What do you think would happen to everyone else's insurance rates, or if socialist countries, what would happen to our taxes? it would increase. the sheer mass of hamplanets would make everyones insurance rates more expensive because muh statistics or might bring up our taxes because muh underfunded hospitals. It doesnt matter who enables the hamplanets. The problem is that the enabling is allowed to persist in our society. And not only that, they have some smaller issues too, such as stealing the disabled electric shopping karts at walmart and leaving the real disabled people stranded. Or when they sit on buses/planes, they require more seating, thus taking away space for more potential customers. Being thin has many more benefits than being fat as shit. But being slightly under or overweight won't have any negative effects. You cant use personality to justify fatness either. Fat shaming is a good thing for society and overall improves us. Either the fatasses will kill themselves off(mostly women who cant into self-discipline) or see how theyre hurting themselves and become fit and healthy. the former and the latter would help reduce the fat epidemic, reduce prices on certain things, slightly lower taxes, and create more fuckable people who can then reproduce and add more healthy kids to the society.

tl;dr hamplanets should be shamed like theres no tomorrow. Theyll either kill themselves or actually change themselves, both of which would benefit us all.

>> No.4873599

>Scientists recently discovered that Oreos are more pleasurable than heroin.


>> No.4873602

'a good portion'
the vast majority of fat people have no willpower. As someone who lost 1/3rd of their body weight in roughly a year's time (70lbs), no.

Fat people are fat because they won't choose the less calorie food not because of their 'genetics' or their 'hormone imbalances'.

>> No.4873611

This is a terrible way to look at things. Do you have anything to prove that fat people are not paying their way in taxes and health insurance/bills? If they aren't then something does need to change, but if they are then their heart attacks are their own problem. I do agree that they shouldn't steal shopping carts, but they don't steal it solely due to their weight, it's because they as a person felt greedy and selfish enough to steal. I know plenty of fat people that have never and would never steal something as important as that. Skinny people steal things as well. While their weight might have triggered them to steal something related to weight, in the end, their personality is what's wrong here. If they were thin they would have stolen something else.
While I do agree with that last bit, fat shaming is NOT the way to deal with this, I repeat, fat shaming is NOT the way to deal with this. Fat shaming is void of any real explanation as to why they must get their weight down, and in the end leaves them feeling needlessly guilty, uninformed, and hurt. They'll probably eat more to soothe those negative emotions, perpetuating the weight you want them to lose.

>> No.4873616

As I've said, after a long time of eating these addictive foods it's an extremely tough cycle to break. Your brain wants these foods so badly, and to refuse it is just... extremely difficult. People say 'you just gotta have some willpower and just do it' like it's easy or of only moderate difficulty.

And this is coming from someone who also lost 1/3 of their bodyweight in six months or so. Food is very addictive honestly, and I can understand people's lack of willpower.

>> No.4873626

>Do you have anything to prove that fat people are not paying their way in taxes and health insurance/bills?
I never said that theyre not paying their fair share. Im saying that because of the vast numbers of fatasses in a country, it fucks with the statistics, and since statistics are the sole basis for dictating the basic insurance rates, they'll cause tge rates to go up, thus forcing the average person to pay extra for no extra benefit.

>If they aren't then something does need to change, but if they are then their heart attacks are their own problem.

>I do agree that they shouldn't steal shopping carts, but they don't steal it solely due to their weight, it's because they as a person felt greedy and selfish enough to steal.
no it is because of their weight, but greediness is caused by the weight. they feel that obesity is the same as having no legs, so they feel entitled to the carts.

>I know plenty of fat people that have never and would never steal something as important as that.
individual cases do not speak for everyone else

>Skinny people steal things as well.
never said they didnt. and this is irrelevant as were discussing fat people

>While their weight might have triggered them to steal something related to weight, in the end, their personality is what's wrong here. If they were thin they would have stolen something else.
being entitled =/= stealing. two different things. fat acceptance has taight them that its ok to do such things

>While I do agree with that last bit, fat shaming is NOT the way to deal with this
its a treatment, not a cure

>Fat shaming is void of any real explanation as to why they must get their weight down, and in the end leaves them feeling needlessly guilty, uninformed, and hurt.
agreed. Thats why we should educate them that being fat is not ok for anyone or themselves and abolish fat acceptance for good. motivation and willpower is their problems, not mine.

>> No.4873637
File: 108 KB, 625x458, potatoes-anna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This picture. Best laugh I've had all day.

>> No.4873652

How do you know it's just fat people screwing up the stats? There are other people that take advantage of the health care system. How do you know it's only or mainly fat people?

Greediness is not caused by thw weight. Greediness is caused by something more than weight. Not all fat people are greedy, and not all greedy people are fat.
You aren't in the mind of a fat person, you can't assume that.

That is true, but I said that as a way to say that weight doesn't automatically mean you're going to steal something. There are fat people that haven't stolen much of anything in their life.

>being entitled =/= stealing
I'm not understanding where you're coming from with this.

And a treatment js a way of dealing with things, and not a good treatment at that.

>> No.4873677

>How do you know it's just fat people screwing up the stats? There are other people that take advantage of the health care system. How do you know it's only or mainly fat people?
never claimed that their aren't other factors. im just saying that the fact that they can skew stats really should say something about them

>Greediness is not caused by thw weight. Greediness is caused by something more than weight. Not all fat people are greedy, and not all greedy people are fat.You aren't in the mind of a fat person, you can't assume that.
greediness is a possible symptom of their weight. a better word to describe it would be entitlement. but i do agree that not all are greedy.

>That is true, but I said that as a way to say that weight doesn't automatically mean you're going to steal something. There are fat people that haven't stolen much of anything in their life.
like i said, im using stealing synonymous with entitlement, not theft.

>>being entitled =/= stealing
meant to say theft. but by being an entitled douche, you essentially rob someone else of that good/service. ex. bus seats. because some fatass takes up 2 seats, people are now either required to sacrifice 1 extra position that someone else can take, of suffer being pinned tightly against one another.

>And a treatment js a way of dealing with things, and not a good treatment at that.
never said it was a good treatment, but it certainly beats fat acceptance any day. one of them can give people so much motivation, and the other is forcing society to accept your unhealthy habits in the name of "tolerance"

>> No.4873700

Well, that's true.

I don't agree that fat people are entitled. When I was fat, I never felt 'entitled' to things, I never felt like some things just had to be mine. Sure, food was a weakness of mine, but I never felt greed or entitlement. If anything I felt shame.

Yes, some people do take up more room than they should, but that isn't them feeling entitled to more room. When you're fat, that shit just happens. You feel really badly about it, but there isn't any immediate action you can take to fix that problem there and then, so you just kind of deal and feel shame.

Just because it's supposedly better than fat acceptance doesnt mean it's a legitimate treatment. There are other things we could do that would probably be more effective.

>> No.4873707

fat acceptance is enabling their entitled behavior. while some dont do this, a lot of them do. i think that if you're going to use up extra services to support yourself, then pay the extra fare as a type of fine. While pure fat shaming isnt the best tactic, discouragement and redirection is the best option. keep the message of self-discipline everywhere, and educate them about how unhealthy such habits are.

im going to end this here as im tired

>> No.4873716
File: 19 KB, 375x500, 1379722484129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you.

The only thing I feel is shame for my size. Especially on an airplane. I still fit in one chair and don't need the extended seat belt, but if I wiggle my neighbour feels it.

>> No.4873845


When it comes to food, the body is stupid. If you've been overeating for a long time, your body is used to that level of food intake and when some people cut back to try and lose weight their bodies complain and bitch and make them feel constantly hungry.

A lot of people find it too hard to say no to their bodies. But going on and on about how fat people are the cancer of society isn't going to help, if anything, it's only giving the fat acceptance movement people more examples to point to when they make campaigns to end fat victimization.

>> No.4873848
File: 31 KB, 460x290, 923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>greek style yoghurt with honey and walnuts
I don't really eat a lot of desserts, but you can wake me up in the middle of the night for one of these.

>> No.4874435
