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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4870111 No.4870111[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>make food for someone
>they ask for salt
>say there's already salt in it
>"yeah, I know."
>they add like, two tbs

>> No.4870113


maybe you should season your food better, flava' hata'

>> No.4870116
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>Not making them eat a spoonful first

>> No.4870118


but they didn't even taste test it first.

>> No.4870119

>can't season well
>get butthurt and blame your guest
OP's in for a miserable life

>> No.4870120


Yeah, that's right little miss, never seasons shit right...I know all about your kind.

>> No.4870121
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>Make pasta for two friends
>Fresh tomato sauce, fresh veggies
>They taste it
>"Can I have some salt?"
>Sure, I guess. I'll get it.
>Other one yells at me as I'm walking towards the kitchen: "Could you bring the ketchup too?"

>> No.4870125


ITT: shitty cooks blame the diners for trying to mask the slop they've been served with *name anything*.

>> No.4870164

I have a friend that salts everything. Salads, pasta, etc even before tasting it.

I had another friend that put ranch dressing in her spaghetti because that's how her boyfriend liked it, therefor she started to eat it that way as well.

>> No.4870176

>I had another friend that put ranch dressing in her spaghetti
Is her name Honey Boo Boo?

>> No.4870186
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>no matter what I cook, if it has pasta, family will dump piles of powdered parmesean cheese all over it
>they add so much it would be so cheesy and salty you wouldnt fucking taste anything

>start cooking asian noodle dishes so they cnat dump cheese all over it

Wheres your cheese now?

>> No.4870187

>ranch dressing on pasta
Thanks for the tip, will try

>> No.4870196

Maybe you should take this a clue that you don't use enough salt.

>> No.4870210

>being a spiteful virgin
Why is /ck/ the most passive-aggressive board? Is it because cooking is mainly a gay mans and woman hobby, and the only way they know how to show disapproval is by being catty and underhnaded?

>> No.4870269

My mom does this, at every restaurant
>order food
>food comes
>"son, hand me the salt pls"
>"goddammit mom, have you tasted the damn food yet"
>"No, I like my food salty. Hand it over"

We also eat alot of Tex Mex and I have to request my own bowl of chips and salsa because she'll dump so much salt on both the chips and in the salsa that its inedible. I don't mind some salty foods, but fuck that salsa tastes like the Dead Sea by the time she's ruined it.

>> No.4870272

>>being a spiteful virgin

How did you get that from his post? And you're asking why other people are acting shitty?

>> No.4870282

>home from college
>trying to eat healthy
>cooking a big pot of Shchi for myself to eat over the week
>halfway through cooking, my stock is seasoned and salted perfectly
>watching TV
>mom walks in
>"soup smells good son, can I taste?"
>sure mom, its really good and nutritious
>goes and tries a little
>comes back
>"soup is good, it was sort of bland though so I added some salt to the pot"
>goddammit mom

At least she didn't ruin it though. I was on some all natural foods health kick and added barely any salt at all because I though it was unhealthy. Soup probably ended up tasting better, it was just the principle of it.

>> No.4870283

>not providing a huge bowlful of fresh grated parmesan at the table

What kind of a faggot are you?

>> No.4870298

A massive faggot, from the sound of it. Anyone who cooks Italian and isn't a complete dick will provide a bowl of freshly grated parmesan or romano for the guests to garnish the pasta with at their discretion.

>> No.4870307

>a gay mans and woman hobby,
Gay mans?
Nigga please.

But a lot of what you're seeing is just bullshit entitlement that is pervasive in the younger generations.

They think that just because they made something suited to what they think is good, everyone else has to stop liking things the way that everyone else likes things and like them however the self-centered git likes them.

Personally, I enjoy IRL trolling shits like these. I'd happily put ketchup on a $100 steak just to fuck with one of these assclowns.

>> No.4871019

My father will add salt to foods he cooks and does so with a heavy hand. He'll then salt it after he gets himself a plate. He'll also salt foods before even tasting them, if someone else has made em.

>> No.4871092

All I want is for them to try it first. After that, I won't mind if they add what they want. My only worry is that my guest is going to shake on more seasoning without tasting and then complain.

>> No.4871161

>but they didn't even taste test it first.
And some people like salted caramel.

>> No.4871165

I would say, salt yea, ketchup, fuck you!, you eat it like that and you're gonna like it or by GOD! I'll never feed you again you little shit!

If it needed 2 whole fucking tablespoons of salt you really didn't salt it, just let people eat as much salt as they want ya dingus

>> No.4871511

This thread makes me sick.
>faggots who can't eat something unless it's coated in salt and condiments.

>> No.4871677
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Yep, my father does this too.
One day I'll make a dish that's salty as can be, then sit back and laugh.

>> No.4871696

>mum never cooked with salt at all because sodium fears
>always ate totally unseasoned food
>mfw move out and just cook like her because I know what she cooks
>start learning about cooking properly
>mfw food

whenever I go home I do not look forward to dinnertime

>> No.4871713

Don't know if this helps, OP, but smokers have a deadened sense of taste, and thusly salt everything

>> No.4871722

I know that feel, my mom didnt even use any spices at all. Can you imagine sauce made with bland frankfurters that has no salt or any spices at all and it's thickened with flour so there's not even any cream in it.

My dad on the other hand, salt salt and even more salt.
>bake some cinnamon rolls
>son can you pass the salt i want to sprinkle it over these sweet and tasty perfect rolls

Thank god i dont live with my parents anymore, i only visit them few times a month.

>> No.4871754

My mother didn't use many spices either, having grew up with parents that lived through the depression. I was a pretty picky eater until I dated a sous chef in my twenties.
Salt becomes such a part of your dietary habit, it's not even a second thought

>> No.4871758

I never put seasoning on the food while its cooking

just carry a small basket to the table and let people put on whatever they want.

Got a lot of travel size packets and bottles in my purse for when we eat out as well

>> No.4871961

Why are you even on this board?

>> No.4872003

My boyfriend is one of those people who cooks with salt but just not enough that he still has to add salt to it after he cooks.
I was raised to cook my food to taste and then that way nothing had to be added after it was made. I get offended when I cook and he adds half a kg of salt before even tasting it.

>> No.4872013
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>some autistic idiot obsesses about how other people enjoy things
>thinks his freaky obsession is worthy of a thread

Never change, 4Chan retards!

>> No.4872018

To all of you people who are offended: why?
If a person over-seasons his dish without having tried it, so what? They know that they were the ones who added too much. It, in no way, reflects on you.

Cooking for others, when done right, isn't even about the food. It's about the companionship, the fellowship of sharing a meal. You all seem to want to make it about a "look at how awesome I am because I made this one thing".

More to the point, if we're talking about people who have, fairly often, eaten your cooking, they know how you generally cook--whether you generally season things too lightly for their tastes and how their tastes compare to other people's. If I've known you for years and know for a fact that I prefer things spicier/saltier/whateverier than you and that you cook to your tastes--then how am I wrong to go ahead and add some of that whatever because I know you didn't add it to the level I like it?

In a way it's akin to how I have two friends. If I ask one what the weather is like and he tell's me it feels great out, I grab a jacket. If I ask the other and she tells me it's freezing, I wear short sleeves.

Now, if you've attempted to tailor your cooking to someone else's tastes instead of how you normally cook, then it is your job to let them know that before they reach for any seasoning, but that's a different discussion altogether.

>> No.4872058

see ive been on the opposite side of this.
>girl friend makes soup
>not bad needs a little salt
>"your adding salt to the soup i just worked..bla blah blah you insult cooks when you do that you know"
>fuck you i like salty soup dont impose your shit onto me.
See if i added salt to her soup i could see the issue. The one thing that bothers me condiment wise is when people add way to much ketchup to something, I hate the smell of ketchup and anymore than a teaspoon overpowers every other scent.

>> No.4872103


Thats because they know that 98% of th epopulation would consider the amount of salt they prefer to be offensive to th epalate and they are trusting that you are a skilled enough cook to understand this.

Can you work the rest out for yourself yet?

>> No.4872134

>I'd happily put ketchup on a $100 steak just to fuck with one of these assclowns.
You'd happily waste a hundred dollar meal, just to spite someone? Are you twelve?

>> No.4872159

>waste a hundred dollar mea
I don't think it's a "waste" because I'm not horrified at the idea of ketchup on beef. Is it the best use of such a steak? Nope, but is it OMGFUCKTERRIBLE INEDIBLE GARBAGE? No, no it's not.

>implying the reactions wouldn't be worth every penny
>implying that is any different from looking for a positive reaction to some expensive meal

>> No.4872308

for food.
not cooking.

>> No.4872497

Sicilian grandmothers disapprove.

>> No.4872567


>take a lot of time to cook for a friend I haven't seen in a long time
>it's gratinated and been in the oven for half an hour or so to get the cheese nice and brown
>give my friend a plate searing hot dish
>he immediately starts slurping and loudly chewing it down

Why. Why can't you wait a bit until it's cooled down? You cannot taste anything when you eat it like that. Why.

>> No.4872643


thought you misspelled the soup name, but I googled it, and will try in the near future. why can't /ck/ be filled with more cultural transactions rather than shitposting and bitching?

>> No.4872652


eating a $100 steak with ketchup on it ruins the flavor. so yes; it is inedible for a decent portion of the population.

>> No.4872656
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Yea, its a pretty great dish, not sure why it isn't more popular here in Murrica. Very healthy, filling, inexpensive, and relatively easy to make. Make sure to add the sour cream to it though, I thought it would be gross til I tried it. And dill seeds, use those.

>> No.4872857

I smoke all day erryday and I don't do that shit. I know this because I see how my non smoker friends salt the fuck out of everything

>> No.4872860

enjoy your bland/over seasoned food, pleb.

>> No.4872873

Pass the soy sauce

>> No.4872885

How is beef+ketchup ruining the flavor? Since when do these flavors not go together? Sure there are better pairings, but this one is not this horribad concoction you people make it out to be, especially not to the point of it being inedible.

You're both putting steak of any variety on too high a pedestal and your head too far up your own ass.

>> No.4872897

>make food for someone
>they ask for salt

so fucking what? Let them have some salt/pepper. Human taste differs from one person to the next. Just feed your family/friends good food, and relax. Don't be so uptight. Feeding people tasty and nutritious food is a pleasure and also one of the best things you can do.

>> No.4872960

>Mother used to make soups very very well
>One day gets step dad
>They start turning inedible salty
>Mention it numerous times and she finally gets it
>Step dad starts bitching it tastes bland

Latinos in charge of salt intake. There is candy that's literally made of salt sours and spices and nothing else. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.4873008
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You don't know what you're missing, bro.

>> No.4873017

I will judge you if you order your steak ANYTHING but rare.

>> No.4873028

I'm with this guy. Steak isn't some god sent life changer. And ketchup isn't some satan spawned overpower everything goo.

Maybe I'm getting the wrong ketchup, but I can even taste bland, no salt, french fries, even when swimming in ketchup.

If ketchup overpowers your steak, what you have there, is shitty beef, and thus you could probably use some ketchup on that bad boy.

I prefer HP or horseradish, and both of those blow ketchup out of the water as far as intensity. Can still taste the meat with those on a steak too.

Maybe all the ketchup haters just have such an unrefined palette, they are unable to differentiate more than one flavour at a time.

>> No.4873038

>make a cup of tea for family
>they ask for milk and sugar
>explain to them that you don't need that with this tea
>it's green tea
>they do it anyway without tasting it first

You might as well drink milk in boiling water at this point.

>> No.4873042

I also have a friend who'll just gobble down anything you serve him, it doesn't even matter if its a hotdog or a steak. And he's still hungry after eating twice the amount of food as the rest.
And he won't even say it's good, he'll just say he's still hungry
But when I eat at his place he has a can of sausages on the counter and some buns.

I am diagnosed with asperger's but still, how think it's righteuos that I, or anybody else ever cooks for this guy again

>> No.4873213

medium rare?
my grandparents would eat the steak still attached to the living cow

>> No.4873393

Because I'm not a medieval journeyman, sweetmeats set off my babby palette warning. While there is good ketchup, it's not found in the store or on the table at a restaurant.

>> No.4873403

>I'm Hispanic and my mother tends to use adobo sometimes in her cooking.
>My girlfriend is white and just recently discovered adobo through my mother.
>Now she puts it in everything and I can't stand it.
My mom made spaghetti the other day. It was spicy and delicious. And the first thing my girlfriend does is pore adobo all over it and I'm just like, fuck.

>> No.4873408

Just tell your girlfriend not to do that. Tell her it's too much and you're getting annoyed.

>> No.4873419

Yeah I should do that

>> No.4873421

or you can stop being annoyed by other peoples eating habbits, what the fuck do i care how something tastes to somebody else? if you wanna eat a steak topped with whipped cream i'll think youre an ass, but go for it....youre only ruining your own meal, aint got shit to do with my stomach

>> No.4873559

I live in korea atm, i have a coworker who skips out on the semi decent school lunches provided and buys convinience store gimbap (like california rolls sushi) and covers it in ranch dressing, like 0.75:1 ranch to gimbap, revolting

>> No.4873805

if i prepared the meal for someone i would expect them to eat the way I intended, not according to their fucked up taste buds

>> No.4873810

jesus why dont they just go to Mcdonalds and pretend they are home

>> No.4873829
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>Make sushi for someone
>Fucking drowns it in soy sauce.
>"I like it like this"

Might as well have bought some refrigerated trash from the supermarket.

>> No.4873835

I liek ketchup on my salt!!!!
If it's a restaurant, fuck you, remember who's paying who.
I'm not there for you, I'm paying you and I'll put ketchup on my salt wherever I want and you can fuck off!

>> No.4873837

>have shit taste
>behave like a kid that hates unusual flavors
>drown things in ketchup

>> No.4873842

Mister Rogers Remixed | Garden of Your Mind | PBS Digital Studios

>> No.4873854
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>Make fries for my friend
>Salt them right in front of his face
>Hey can you give me the salt please.

>> No.4874082

>calls a widely enjoyed flavor combination babby palette
> doesn't know that sweetmeat does not in any way refer to meat with some form of sweetness added to it.

God this faux sophistication is painful.

>> No.4874085

Don't cook for anyone, ever.

>> No.4874092

>sweetmeat is pastries
>sweetbread is offal

what the fuck is wrong with english

>> No.4874108

Culinary version of driving on parkways and parking on driveways I guess.

>> No.4874143


I'm sick and tired of Europeans attacking Americans on this board. Don't you have another country to be obsessed with? We put a man on the moon. On THE MOON, got it yuropoors?

>> No.4874185


English does not equal USofA. Both of those words existed before north America was discovered by Europeans.

>> No.4874243

Are there any foods that don't taste better with salt?


>> No.4874257

These days it actually pretty much does, but in fairness, Americans are not to blame for this bit of linguistic stupidity.

>> No.4874258

salted butter and coffee seems to be becoming a popular combination

>> No.4874271
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I smoke, so most times I add salt to food. It amplifies the flavor to make up for my somewhat dull sense of taste. If I wasn't such a slave to Joe Camel's smoky swingin' salami of cancer, this wouldn't be an issue.

>> No.4874274


Daring statement, kind sir.
I hope you choke on your parmesan

>> No.4874282

It seems like a lot of chefs, food critics and food personalities in general are either smokers or used to be smokers.

>> No.4874314
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Hey bro! If you dig Joe Camel's smoky swingin' salami of cancer, then you HAVE to try our new Kickin' Wiccan Pipe Tobacco! It has that FULL funky fresh flavor that will go great with your new Flamed-striped xtreme corn cobb pipe!

>> No.4874328
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>live in dorm
>make huge lasagne
>came out great, delicious meat sauce
>friend from room next door pops in and sees it
>we offer him a portion
>before even trying it, asks for ketchup
>smothers it in ketchup

>> No.4874331
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>> No.4874654


>perpetuating the ketchup meme

Fuck off

>> No.4874676 [DELETED] 

As an actual italian, I want to burn your friend.

>> No.4876775
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>have salt deficit
>would die without eating a pound salt a day
>put some on my food
>asshole stares at me like I'm a criminal