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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 400x533, 20080908-pizzamachine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4867848 No.4867848[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.4867857


>> No.4867862


>> No.4867866
File: 1.32 MB, 2048x1536, french_fries_vending_machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4868008


i'm totally fine with this.

>> No.4868014

I've seen one that sells chicken wings.

>> No.4868020

What's the issue with this? I would like to see an assortment of food like this.

>> No.4868022


That has to be in some sort of dorm, where kitchens are seldom found.

>> No.4868024

That's awesome

>> No.4868026

Great idea IMO. Its no different than getting a frozen pizza and microwaving it. Do they have ones that sell burritos and tacos? Thatd be awesome.

>> No.4868029

As a kid I used to love going to the hospital because the cafeterias always had the best vending machines. Ice cream vending machines, hot chocolate vending machines, machines with nothing but bottled Snapple. They probably have something way cooler now.

>> No.4868035

Hah, the fry machine has a separate chute for sauce.

>> No.4868091

Man, Asia has so much better vending machines than the USA.

>> No.4868094
File: 125 KB, 604x849, GOAT vending machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I find one of these?

>> No.4868103

i am VERY happy to see stuff like this. Hopefully fast food can become more automized, and then there will be no need to deal with a bunch of shitty fast food workers with bad attitudes.

Can't wait for the day when I can order food from robots and machines, instead of shitty humans.

>> No.4868126
File: 23 KB, 507x388, Star_Trek_Replicator.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You were born too early to witness the invention of food replicators.

Feels fucking bad man

>> No.4868128

hell, we were probably born too early to witness the majority of human fast food workers getting replaced by machines.

feels bad man

>> No.4868141

No fast food worth eating can really be automized at the level of vending machines.

>> No.4868146

looks italian

>> No.4868154

are you saying that fast food cannot be automated? It's not difficult, dude. Make a machine that fries the meat, and then puts the meat on a bun and puts whatever toppings you ordered on it.

We already have the technology for that, but I guess it's being suppressed because if all of these minimum wage fast food workers were put out of a job, they'd start rioting. I mean, look at how apeshit most fast food workers already are getting, demanding 15 dollars an hour. If they were all suddenly unemployed and replaced by machines, you'd see a massive increase in the crime rate.

>> No.4868158

I'm from 2035 and most have been replaced with vending machine type setups. The real problem is that they are all voice commanded. And, it isn't all that good so you still end up with the same problems as you do with a real person as a drive through. At least you don't get pubic hair or spit in your food now.

Oh, and don't get a Monsanto food stamp card whatever you do.

>> No.4868164

>At least you don't get pubic hair or spit in your food now.

that's all i'm trying to say, dawg

>> No.4868169

They get $15 an hour in the first world.

>> No.4868172

There used to be a hot dog/brat vending machine in the basement of the office building used by the US Senate.

>> No.4868178
File: 1.58 MB, 1944x2592, DSCN5900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.4868181

and the first world is Australia, let me guess?

>> No.4868190

now that's awesome

>> No.4868191

>I mean, look at how apeshit most fast food workers already are getting, demanding 15 dollars an hour.

I live in the USA and non-managment fast food works get minimum wage ($7.25 still I think?) Bumping it up to twice that is fine so long as the food hikes up to accommodate it.


>> No.4868197

that is fucking awesome, saved pic

>> No.4868198


The fact that I wouldn't have to deal with someone to get it would make it 100000 times more edible, trust me.

>> No.4868213


>> No.4868215

yes, at least we wouldn't have to be worried that did the worker spit in our food or fuck with it?

The sooner that humans are replaced by machines, the better.

>> No.4868224
File: 1.04 MB, 1310x771, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4868225

fucking wow

>> No.4868226

You'd need dozens of special-purpose machines in a single enclosure to replicate a large chain's menu.
This place would also need to have a regular staff of fast food workers to replenish the machines, especially for fresh materials like cheese, tomatoes, and lettuce, to ensure quality control. They'd also have to be there to deal with complaints and with broken machines/botched orders/jammed quarters, since it'd be like normal vending machines but the throughput would be 10x higher.
The ordering would be complex to accomodate the large variety of options present on McDonalds burgers.
Without a grill, there's no way to make burgers that taste like McDonalds burgers, so you'd need to have some kind of grilling mechanism inside the machine, which is probably a fire hazard.
People who have social anxiety disorder can live on cup ramen, no one gives two shits about you.

>> No.4868229

Thank fuck I never worked customer service

>> No.4868235
File: 1.77 MB, 2592x1944, DSCN5902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished "product"

>> No.4868239

could be fully automated today. it would just be more expensive than paying low skill workers. but that wont last. the tech will get cheaper and cheaper while costs of having employees will go up and up. we will see highly automated fast food in the future.

>> No.4868240
File: 222 KB, 1366x765, 1369045133106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i get drugged all the fucking time in FF franchises.

there are a few safe spots, but it's rare.

for me tho it's not even that, i just like peace and quiet.

i think at some point we'll be, like, 1000 people left on earth a bit everywhere, machines will take care of everything, and life's gonna be pretty chill.

>> No.4868251

hrm. looks like those pre-cooke weiners in lunchables packs.

i see there's three brands of hot dog available for different prices, is there any difference?

>> No.4868254

>I give god 10%


>> No.4868256

Looks alright to me I'd eat it.

>> No.4868269

Its a church thing. When you "join" a church, its kinda an unwritten rule that throughout your time there you're supposed to donate 10% of your income to the church. Usually via the little tipping plates they pass around, and the rest by check or whatever later.

Don't think it's a much held idea now through, last time I was at church people were just throwing change into the plates. I remember when i was little you'd see $20's and $50's in there.

>> No.4868270

some churchgoers donate 10% of their income to their church, something about how churches use to collect as much in mandatory tithes.

>> No.4868276

It's not an unwritten rule, it's in the Torah, dude.

>> No.4868280

I meant more along the lines of when you register with a church they don't put it in the documentation that you must do it.

I'd surprised to meet many under 50 that still go to the church that retain that part of the scripture really

>> No.4868281

Hot Dog: $2
Brat/Sausage: $2.50
Cheddar Brat: $3

>> No.4868283

The thing that confuses me is that tithes are supposed to pay for a priest's livelihood, so in what sense is the priest himself giving tithes?

>> No.4868286

>to go to church

top kek

>> No.4868290


for those prices i think i'd rather go to the shady dude with a grill set up outside the walmart, but it's still a neat concept.

>> No.4868295

> When you "join" a church, its kinda an unwritten rule that throughout your time there you're supposed to donate 10% of your income to the church.
Genesis 14:18-20, Genesis 28:12-22, Deuteronomy 14:22-28, Deuteronomy 26:12-24, Leviticus 27:32-33, Numbers 18:26, Matthew 23:23/Luke 11:42 and Hebrews 7:1-10 would like to disprove you. It's very, very much a written rule.

>> No.4868301

the church won't tell you to stop coming if you don't do it

Hell, they're just glad people are still showing up

>> No.4868302

Most of my friends donate 10% straight to charity, but I prefer to give it to the church.

But you'd be surprised how many do ignore it.

>> No.4868308

B-but....10% of my income already goes to alcohol and tobacco products........I just couldn't afford it on my income.

>> No.4868313

tithes don't just go for pay, they also go for utilities, rent, missions, etc.

also there is a portion of showing that you trust God to provide for you and showing you don't need worldly things

>> No.4868319

oh ye of little faith. Sure, replacing humans with machines would probably bring it's own problems, but still, it would be a hell of a lot easier than dealing with humans. The smaller the staff of real humans, the better.

We put a man on the moon. And you seem to be saying that it's too complex to create machines that make food? Come on, dude.

>> No.4868339

Also for defending against child abuse lawsuits.

>> No.4868346

If vending-machine-style-fast-food isn't cost efficient, you won't ever see it being sold.
The space program wasn't concerned with making profit.

>> No.4868357

>Make a machine that fries the meat, and then puts the meat on a bun and puts whatever toppings you ordered on it.
This exists. Can't be fucked to find the link, but right now its prohibitively expensive. That won't be the case forever as another anon said, the tech will get cheaper and fast food laborers will get replaced

>> No.4868363

here's the link http://www.gizmag.com/hamburger-machine/25159/

>> No.4868432

plus a company is coming to market with a fairly expedient multi role industrial robot that is made for replacing low skill workers in really basic operations like simple assembly line work. basically, its like a humanoid thorax with arms and it can do simple repetitive shit like flip a burger. Its probably not ready for prime time at McDonalds yet, but its a first generation. the robot costs something like 30k and will run 24/7 for 3 years. given some time for the tech to develop, and a little creative streamlining of the kitchen design, a few of these things could replace the McDonalds back of house crew.

>> No.4868439

the priest gives time. preparing and performing the services, performing administration for the church, and helping others as needed.

it's a part to full time job for most

>> No.4868446


Where will all of societies' failures go to work then?

>> No.4868449

>all fast food will eventually become this
>people are striking right now saying that they deserve to be paid 15$ an hour to do the work a machine can do more efficiently and with a less surly/entitled attitude

>> No.4868456

digging ditches and in coal mines, where they used to be

>> No.4868472

This sounds much more reasonable than the other things mentioned in here.
You're talking about two jobs that are in severe decline...and coal mining is extremely regional.

>> No.4868476

that is the million dollar question.

not just failures either. there is early speculation that this type of tech is going to devastate economies of low wage manufacturers like china, india, Indonesia, and the like before it bends us over

>> No.4868483


Machines do that shit too.

>> No.4868490

both will also be done by machines

> janitorial?
>security guard?
>truck driver?

we must destroy skynet

>> No.4868541

google already has a functional robot car

>> No.4868846

>Not having a vending machine that actually MAKES pizza


>> No.4868854

I wanna stab the fuck out of them...

>> No.4868862


In Soviet Russia, Skynet destroys you!

I'm sorry. I just haven't really met a single person that I felt was worthy of life yet.

>> No.4868877

looks good but where do you get the condiments?

>> No.4868892

The ends of those hotdogs look like buttholes.

>> No.4868897

They are calling for it. They won't get it, though. If they get too uppity, they will hire Jose, Miguel, Jesus etc. to do the job for $7.25/hour.

>> No.4868901

>I'm sorry. I just haven't really met a single person that I felt was worthy of life yet.

That was pretty much the edgiest post I've ever read on 4chan.

What happens when you look in a mirror?

>> No.4868914


Light refracts off my body, then off the silver, the glass, and back to my retina, with some losses here and there. After that some carotenoids are expended in conversion, nerve signals are transmitted, my brain perceives colors, areas, etc. i make associations in my head, may or may not recognize myself, ... blah blah blah.

why? i don't like looking in mirrors, i grew-up without any, then i grew so much i couldn't see myself in them.

>> No.4868930
File: 55 KB, 257x354, 1380470640572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fucking shit >>>/r/athiesm

Please take your petulant pretentiousness with you on the way out.

>> No.4868944

who taught you how vision works?

>> No.4868965


>wanting a liveable wage is entitlement

What's it like it "sheltered spoiled stupid brat" land?

>> No.4868976

What is it like in the welfare line? Oh wait, they aren't giving handouts at the moment, that must be why you are being a shithead on the internet. Go back to your MTV, degenerate.

On a related note, Japan has some really interesting vending machines. I personally haven't seen any out of the ordinary machines, just the same miserable chips, soda, flavour of the month "health-water", and snapple machines over and over. I would love a coffee, tea, or hot cocoa machine, or something that made hot food, even if it were just reheated.

>> No.4868978

Oh, its just swell. See, in that land, I learned the following. Learn it, love it, live it, faggot:


>> No.4868992

You don't have those?

>> No.4868996

I have never seen any form of hot vending machine, but I live in a semi-rural area.

Considering my proximity to NYC and Philly one would image I'd come across something, but I have yet to.

>> No.4869016

>I am entitled to be paid

Who's the brat again? You sell your labor for what it's worth, nobody owes you anything.

>> No.4869282

How much should I tip the vending machine for producing my meal accurately and quickly?

>> No.4869286

>implying that they don't already
When I lived in Bellevue, WA, all the fast food places were staffed 100% by illegal immigrants for the lower-level workers. The manager might or might not be one depending on the place. About the only place where they understood what you were ordering was at Taco Bell.

>> No.4869294


...you've seriously never seen a coffee vending machine? Do you not have those in America, they're everywhere in the UK.

Then again, I heard you rarely drink instant coffee over there, perhaps that's got something to do with it.

>> No.4869303


We have them in America, I've never seen them in NYC or Philly but they're all over the midwest. Places like shitty rural bus stops, industrial parks, and so forth.

In NYC from 6 am to 10 am monday to friday there's an illegal immigrant on every street corner brewing coffee and frying eggs and toasting rolls for anyone with a dollar in his hand, so there's not much sense in having an actual vending machine for that.

>> No.4869343

not only catholics tithe

>> No.4869379
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck you, I'm eating!

>> No.4869397

do i pay or select first? why are machines so confusing?

>> No.4869400
File: 1.90 MB, 320x200, cao cao prance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Genesis 14:18-20

It's like a shitty death metal song that nonsensically asks for money afterwards. I wonder which recent century it was added in.

>> No.4869403


i bet you're the guy who goes "but i'm not a bundle of sticks (ha i'm so clever)

>> No.4869658

That is disgusting. That is beyond disgusting.

I won't even drink hot coffee from a machine because you know it's the instant crap.

>> No.4869703

I just realized that fry machine is on wheels

need to go steal one of those

>> No.4869788

>Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.
He was obviously so happy that he decided to donate.

>> No.4869871

>I wonder which recent century it was added in.
It already exists in the oldest surviving manuscripts (Aleppo/Lenigrad codices) which include the relevant books; those date to the late 10th/early 11th centuries AD.

>> No.4871704

should we still ride a bike everyday John?

>> No.4871794
File: 70 KB, 640x960, 1236389_519132288155147_1258383638_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh you have no Idea what kind they have there. I was stationed in Okinawa for 2 years and I can tell you from personal experience that you can get some weird shit in a Japanese vending machine.
>Sex Toys
>Girls Panties
>Clothing. Like actual shirts, pants, socks, underwear.
>Shoes. I'm not even joking. Not nice or good ones. Just simple shoes
>Cigars and Cigarettes
>Some weird ass "Sushi" thing that I still don't to this day know what it was
>Cold and Hot combo machines that are awesome and should be everywhere
>More Sex Toys. They're on the sides of roads hidden in little sheet metal shacks. Google map it if you don't believe me. It's like they're obsessed.
>Electronics. Duh it's Japan.

>> No.4871815

dat autism...