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File: 472 KB, 460x816, Southern-Tier-Pumking-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4857241 No.4857241[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

do you like beer?

>> No.4857246

Every pumpkin / thanksgiving themed beer I've ever tried has been terrible.

>> No.4857249


inb4 but muh pet beer is the exception you should try it

nah I think I'm good

>> No.4857258

I fucking love Pumking.

That being said, I had it on tap at a bar two weekends ago and it didn't taste nearly the same as last year. I'm still going to track down a bottle and compare it because the keg quality might have been lower.

>> No.4857271
File: 257 KB, 800x600, woodchuck-fall-cider.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not really beer but i really like woodchucks fall cider

in b4 pleb

>> No.4857269

pumpkick just does not taste better than regular fat tire

>> No.4857278

Haven't tried it. I don't care too much for ciders though.

>> No.4857279

Agreed. I'd love to try a more traditional pumpkin beer like the colonials used to make, not just something flavored to taste like pumpkin pie. It would probably taste like ass, but I want at least to know. Anyway, I have no tolerance for spice beers, including modern pumpkin pie beers and Christmas ales.

>> No.4857282
File: 237 KB, 600x450, cinnfulappleangryorchard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, woodchuck is too sweet for me. If you want an autumn themed alcoholic drink, go for the cinnamon Angry Orchard.

>> No.4857285

Have you had unflavored, unsweetened pumpkin? It tastes like squash. I mean if you're into that I'd say go for it, but I'm not a fan of savory vegetable beers so it doesn't sound appealing to me.

>> No.4857313

Artificial pumpkin flavored beer
Apple juice
Big red flavored apple juice

...I like flavored beers, I enjoy new flavors both experimental or just well done. None of these are good. This beer is delicious with real vanilla flavor that enhances the stout and is great for fall.


>> No.4857333
File: 22 KB, 300x277, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every review on it is "WAY TOO SWEET"

I may need to look into this. The only problem is I can never find Southern Tier beers in my area.

>> No.4857337

It was way too sweet. Their chocolate flavoured beer was quite good though.

>> No.4857338

Don't get me wrong, it's dessert but those retards all want their beer to taste like a fucking pine tree mixed with its own sap. I keep a few bottles around and break it out like port or something ater after a meal. But it's actually good real beer that isn't clench your teeth sweet and fake tasting.

>> No.4857766

I hate beer.

I just drank a bottle of my mom's Blue Moon, the first beer that I've had in probably over a year. You know how you swallow medicine really quickly so that you don't have to taste it? That was me drinking that beer.

Every beer that I've ever had has been the same shit. Imports, microbrews, it doesn't matter. It all tastes like piss. Actually, a bottle of piss might taste better.

And to add insult to injury, it didn't even get me drunk.

>> No.4857773

Oh man, I gotta find that. Delicious.

Drank a Dragon Lady Dopplebock tonight, it was pretty decent.

>> No.4858000
File: 20 KB, 480x360, billy madison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I disagree, beer is a very good drink, but I think Rum is the best drink ever.

>> No.4858008

It definitely is a dessert beer. I had it by myself just to try it out. First couple sips were pretty good, then I got sick of it. Have someone to share it with is my recommendation.

>> No.4858019

I like beer. It's a great social beverage, and it can be drunk on its own, unlike wine, which is best with food. With a meal I prefer wine if the food pairs well with wine, but I'm not one to turn down a beer.

The only styles of beer I don't like are sweet and over hopped. I'm not into sweet drinks (especially if they have alcohol in them - that's a recipe for a bad time), and while I love hops I'm not a fan of overkill. Hop overkill has become pretty popular among craft brewers, and I'm not a fan of that.

>> No.4858124
File: 4 KB, 118x165, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U wot m8?

>> No.4858135

>IPA in a can

I don't know why but this seems weird.

>> No.4858157

I've seen an IPA with packaging that insisted you drink it from a can. I didn't buy it so I'm not sure if this was for taste/perception reasons or because it looked ugly in a glass.

>> No.4858161

These days with new canning technology beer is actually preserved better in a can than a bottle. No air permeation, no UV rays getting in to skunk up the beer.

Think of them as mini kegs with a pop top.

>> No.4858217


but... but...
>muh bottle conditioning

>> No.4858232

All that means is they let the beer "finish" its fermentation process in the bottle instead of finishing it in the fermenting tank. Nothing magical about it, in fact most homebrewer's carb their beers this way. I don't like to wait that long so I prefer kegging. However it would be possible to bottle condition in a can if you have the equipment for it.

>> No.4858308
File: 46 KB, 458x617, Brand_Pale_Ale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

y'all like pale ale?

>> No.4858800

>not drinking Big Eye IPA

I like beers in bottles usually but I can see how canning an IPA would be a good idea. IPA is best when its very fresh, like only a few weeks old. The can keeps any light from getting in so it stays even fresher. Also, better canning technology.

>> No.4859323

>implying /ck/ likes food, drinks, or cooking

>> No.4859352

>air permeation
Not an issue with properly bottled beer.

>no UV rays
Not an issue with opaque bottles that are in cases and properly stored. How often is your beer exposed to direct UV light?

Cans are shit. Enjoy BPA.

>> No.4860796


I've tried yeungling, miller lite, and a few other shit tiers, and they do taste like cold piss.

But one time I had a honey-berry mead beer, and that was fucking delicious. Shame I can't remember the label.

I just picked up one pumpkin ale by bluemoon, and a honeycrisp apple wheat beer by shocktop. The local liquor store lets you buy single bottles instead of just six packs, and they must have 200 kinds of beer at least.

>> No.4860808


but muh microbreweries

>> No.4862060

u mad that the US is best at beer now too?

>b-b-b-but Americans only drink bud light

>> No.4862080

I really love beer.

I just don't discuss online because people are such snobs - makes me feel inadequate when I don't understand when something's "too hoppy" or that an IPA is shit no matter who the brewer.

Bah. I just stick to buying a new craft every weekend and picking a favorite occasionally.

>> No.4862093

IPA's are goddamng glorious if its done the right way. Don't let these nonhopfags discourage you from trying them, some of them are legitimately good. There are plenty of bad ones too, just like any beer style.

>> No.4862101

I drink only PBR and the rest of you who don't are missing out and pissing money away.

In 1893 it won a goddamn blue medal. You know what a blue medal means? First place. Since then, it's been game over. I've seen beers come, I've seen beers go. For a while I was even a miller high life man because i thought the comparisons to champagne were laser scoped directly on fountain of truth. Turns out I was wrong - high life has never won a blue ribbon so I stopped acting like a loser and I quit miller high life to move to PBR. Why? Because of the blue ribbon. The blue ribbon means #1.

So screw your southern tier seasonal, OP. I'll consider trying it when it has a blue ribbon. Until then, I think it's prudent to trust my thirst to the beverage that safely rests on the laurels of falcon punching the brew competition in the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago.

>> No.4862145

>This is what Amerilards actually believe

>> No.4862147
File: 204 KB, 500x800, Phillips-Crooked-Tooth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this, and I don't really care for 'flavoured' beers.

>> No.4862153

I like Heineken.

inb3 >spoilers

>> No.4862155

Yeah, don't listen to those people. They claim to have superior taste and all that, but it's mostly unfounded and contrarian.

>> No.4862158

Beer's pretty alright. I like my girly drinks though. Especially whisky-gingers and vodka-cranberries.

>> No.4862187

How could you possibly argue that america doesn't make the best beer in 2013?

Stop living in the past, all educated men versed in beer throughout the world agree america does it the best

>> No.4862192

What are some Berliner Weissbiers[sp?] available in the US.
I want to try more

>> No.4862196

any of the ones by cigar city or smuttynose

>> No.4862198

The New Glarus one is real good, but only sold in Wisconsin (and probably pretty close to being sold out now)

>> No.4862202

> (and probably pretty close to being sold out now)
Ruh roh, I can always do a Sunday beer run, I'm pretty close

>> No.4862226
File: 123 KB, 268x265, 1368811958849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europe has thousands of great micro breweries
>America has some great micro breweries

Stop exaggerating. It's people like you that ignite Anti-Americanism everywhere. No doubt that the American beer industry has made a huge leap over the last decades, still it's waiting to be refined over time. And for that it will still take a long time. But I guess you may also believe in what American media tells you to believe. You're like the obnoxious young kid trying to impress the older kids.

>> No.4862229

FUN FACT: by the end of 2014, even if it's a slow year in terms of growth rates, the United States will have more breweries than the entire European Union.

So yeah, your country sucks our countries limp beer dick. limp from so much delicious beer.

>> No.4862232

>open brewery
>make low-tier brew
>recieve hipsterbux

Don't take this the wrong way, but there is a lot of mediocre breweries out there, and retards on the internet/hipsters treat them like the second coming of Jesus.

>> No.4862243

Minnesota here, there's a ton of microbrews available at every liquor store and bore, and they're not purchased by ironic people with horn rimmed glasses and and sporting a soul patch. A lot of the clientele are older, and working class, who want to have a little fun after the day is done or when they have downtime. So we go to the bar and have a couple of beers while listening to the music, then go home to crash for another day.

>> No.4862251


>Europe has thousands of great micro-breweries

But.. Europe doesn't. Europe's microbrewery scene is still nascent. Europe has some great brews, but their microbrew scene isn't of the same scale or quality as America's.

It doesn't mean Europe doesn't have some of the absolute best beers in the world, it just means that they don't have the diversity that comes with a booming microbrew scene like what America has.

>> No.4862270
File: 236 KB, 1936x1936, 412190_10150638621220664_717720663_11319778_1893190107_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, Europe has plenty of amazing microbreweries.

>> No.4862280

But.. Europe does.

USA, pop. ~314M, 2.483 micro/craft breweries. (2013)
Germany, pop. ~80M, 916 (2012)
Austria, pop. ~8.5M, ~100 (2012)

And the german and austrian numbers don't include all the brewpubs with their small breweries on location.
Look for the numbers of other countries for yourself, but they won't be any different.

I'm not saying your microbrews are shit (had a few tasty ones last time my uncle came to visit), or that the USA will overtake us in number of breweries some time in the future. But to claim that Europe has no micro breweries is a bit of a sacrilege.
Do you know how many monasteries there were that started all that shit and that that beer still exists somewhere?
We got beer culture that's older than your country.

sources for your ignorant ass:


>> No.4862281

*or that the USA will NOT overtake

>> No.4862362


>> No.4863930 [DELETED] 


You forgot two important questions.

>> No.4863965
File: 214 KB, 1364x1021, rig 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You forgot two important questions.

>> No.4864090
File: 44 KB, 472x292, führerwein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an Italian wine.

Godwin point reached.

>> No.4864497

This years batch is not as good on tap. Not sure why. There is always a difference between tap and bottle but this year it's very pronounced. I can recommend the bottles. They are on point.

To everyone else:
Pumking IS THE KING of pumpkin beers btw. I tried so many and had written them off until pumking.

>> No.4864601

I thought the same until last night. Southern Tier actually outdid themselves with Warlock, their imperial pumpkin stout. It's the new king. Very limited release though.