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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 81 KB, 2678x866, Monsanto-Logo2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4860789 No.4860789 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ apparently, everything I eat is somehow poisonous. Are there any viable alternatives to all these trangenics and strange chemicals they put in our food? Or should I just conform and stop being such a paranoid fuck.

>> No.4860794

Stop being such a paranoid fuck.

>> No.4860795

Stop being a paranoid fuck.

Wash your fruits and veggies like everyone else and realize that its no big deal.

>> No.4860801


Thank you Mosnanto

>> No.4860802

Obvious paranoia is obvious.

>> No.4860811

Grow what you can, buy locally what you can, and be a pariah on /ck/.

If it's corn, it's almost certainly GMO.
(All big brand soda, candy, frozen foods, frozen restaurant foods, fruit juice, meat, milk, or anything that uses either.)
You can't really buy anything prepackaged or you'll be broke or eating GMO.
In all honesty, just cook what you can, from real stuff.
Veggies are the least of your worries.
If you eat meat in the future, it's probably GMO.
If it isn't grass fed, it's almost certainly fed on gmo corn.
(Even if it is, it's probably fed gmo corn to fatten up)

>> No.4860810

but come on, with shit like aspartamo and glutamato being added to our food one can only question what else is being put there.

>> No.4860815

Are there any alternatives to milk, like soy milk or such? And in regards of meat, what about fish and chicken?

>> No.4860822

Stop being a paranoid fuck. Read up on gene technology/at least undergrad genetics and come to an educated conclusion.

>> No.4860823

Did you mean monosodium glutamate?
It's really not that big of a deal in small doses.
But it's addictive and everyday use can reduce taste sensitivity temporarily. This causes a vicious cycle.

Aspartame is made from e.coli that have been modified to produce it.

>> No.4860827

my main problem isn't even transgenics, it's more about the hormones and shit like aspartamo.

>> No.4860830

If it's soy, it's probably gmo too.
Almond milk is a nice alternative, as is rice milk.

Chicken is pumped full of hormones that cause weight gain and water retention.

Fish is fine if you get it from unpolluted sources. Farm raised fish is full of horrible antibiotics unless it's USA or EU grown.
Ocean apex predators have high amounts of mercury from eating the food chain.
Tuna is really high in mercury because of this.

Oysters are cool, so are clams, just so long as they aren't farm raised.

>> No.4860834

It might be better to just void canned and food stored in plastic.

BPA is a really scary thing, it acts like estrogen and it's in dangerous amounts almost everywhere, even places you'd never expect, like receipts from the store.

>> No.4860835

Well, thanks for the tips man. So pretty much, I can't escape from all this shit but at least I can try to eat less of them.

>> No.4860848

but is BPA only used in cans and plastic stored foods?

>> No.4860849

The badness of this stuff is overblown horribly. You need to remember that those pushing against others also tend to have their own agenda.

Everyone has reasons for what they're doing, its seldom good. Don't just automatically trust any article you read because they will never mention anything that goes against their point even if its a great deal going against them.

Stop being a fucking sheep. A sheep for monsanto, and a sheep for those against monsanto.

>> No.4860864

This is correct. If you want to side step Monsanto you pretty much have to avoid most of our food supply. You'll end up mostly vegan, rounding out your diet with wild caught fish and game. If you live near a hippie dairy where the animals are 100% pasture grazed in summer and silage fed in winter you can add a little dairy. Any corn or soy products you buy will have to be organic. Basically any commercially processed food with a long ingredient list is out. You'll have to cook almost everything you eat from scratch.

You'll probably be much healthier for it. Not because GMOs are inherently harmful, but because a Western diet is unhealthy, and a cheap Western diet based on corn seems to be worse. Unless you're a farmer there's no way you can eat a Western diet in America today while avoiding Monsanto products.

>> No.4860924

If you have friends that hunt deer, try to ask them for some venison.

Growing your own food from organic seeds is paramount to not only good food, but it'll save you a ton of money too. If you're able to, try to set up an aquaponic system so you can raise fish and grow crops at the same time. It recycles the water too, so you'll be saving more money there and you don't have to put the time, effort, and money into building up soil. Not everything grows well with that method, but with both a regular garden and that system, you'll be producing a lot of food you know is healthy, and for low cost.

There are a lot of channels on youtube like Growingyourgreens that have a wealth of information to get you started. Homegrowmen threads are a good place, too.

>> No.4860945

I love when /ck/ says to just grow your own food.

>need land, space
>need time
>need resources like water, tiller, ect..

Have any of you grown larger quantities of something like corn? You'll end up with shit tier tiny cobs that are infested with worms if you don't at least put a little fertilizer on it and some type of insecticide. Tomatoes will be pillaged by the local wildlife. Somethings like potatoes aren't too bad (except deer eat the plant and thus kill the veggie.) Growing your own food isn't just putting shit in the ground and thinking there isn't a fuck ton of work to make quality veggies.

>> No.4861094
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>> No.4861101
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crazy what they believed was safe right?

>> No.4861105

(citation needed)

>> No.4861112

>implying that DDT is remotely dangerous to humans
You know you're a fucking idiot, right?

>> No.4861108
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>> No.4861135


these all come from naturalnews.com

guess who they are affiliated with.

>> No.4861165


I've considered growing my own crops, I have the necessary space however, I believe I lack all the information like >>4860945 says. In the long run, is it a good idea to invest in this, with me living in an urban area?

>> No.4861175

>thinking MSG and food coloring are dangerous

Holy shit, do people like this still exist?

>> No.4861200
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(citation needed)

>> No.4861201

>still eating msg and food coloring as if it isn't any problem at all?

Seriously do people like this still exist? why would you do that?

>> No.4861366

I can partially understand people avoiding artificial food dyes, but the MSG scare is the biggest load of pseudoscience bullshit ever. Claims that MSG causes cancer and ADHD are based on absolutely nothing (it's the 2013 version of 'masturbating causes blindness'), and stuff like the Chinese Restaurant Syndrome has been debunked numerous times by legit science. The reason why food from cheap, shitty restaurants and processed foods give people headaches, dizziness etc. is because they're loaded with salt.

>> No.4861492

no thanks m8 i wont trust that food additive stuff

>> No.4861499

He's shitposting, don't give him attention.

>> No.4861502

If you cook at home its healthy for you
just make sure to add some olive oil and a little lemon for flavor though

>> No.4861507

nothing wrong with GMO or transgenics, stop being paranoid and enjoy your genetically superior food

>> No.4861513

This thread needs a giant dream catcher.

>> No.4861514

Ever grew you own food? Hell I even had to get some non-commercial stuff from a farmer friend to keep certain pests away. Or old stock that is banned nowadays

>> No.4861766

Do what I do, become a farmer. Live action Harvest Moon is pretty awesome. I don't even have to worry about cross pollination contamination since I don't grow varieties that have GMO "cousins".

So, when people around me are all like, "Monsanto this, GMO that, cancer cancer cancer" I'm all like, "LOL".

I'm more afraid of getting raided for growing organic heirlooms. Not joking.

>> No.4861775

I use cover crops, three-sister method for corn, other companion planting for my other crops, and grass clippings as well as horse and chicken manure for fertilizer.

I do rather well at feeding myself. (1,400 pounds of produce, just over 1,000 eggs, and still going this season.) It really isn't that much work at all really, if you know what you are doing.

By the way you are talking it is obvious you don't know much about modern farming and a lot about industrialized and antiquated farming methods.

>> No.4861969

I give up, who are they affiliated with? Alex Jones?

Does that make this info untrue or less worrying?

>> No.4862032


>> No.4862121


Monsanto-funded police. Monsanto lobbyists getting laws made to go against small farms and protect industrial farms. Monsanto employees in government positions.

There's no breaks on the raid train.

>> No.4862134
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Why do liberals hate science?

>> No.4862139
File: 47 KB, 832x1199, Monsanto_Shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4862151

Only in a sick, libertarian society...

>> No.4862203

>Why do liberals hate science?
Liberals love science. They hate policy that makes innovators rich at the expense of their beloved regular people. Rich innovators usually have the money to get regular people to vote against their best interests.

The comedy of it all is that regular people don't exist. Almost everyone is absurd int 21st Century America.

>> No.4862931


Wow USA, what's going on over there? When did the Fourth Amendment stop applying? I'm British and even I know they can't do this to you!

>> No.4862929
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>not liking monsanto


>> No.4862933
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WOW do i really even need to reply to you?

>> No.4862940

Anyone can do anything they want to any one for any reason they want simply if they have the bigger stick. That pretty much sums up anything and everything related to politics and government from how your person clique works to international companies and governments.

Have you paid for your TV license this month?

>> No.4862972


Wrong text

>> No.4862995

>The raid on the Garden of Eden farm appears to be the latest example of police departments using SWAT teams and paramilitary tactics to enforce less serious crimes. A Fox television affiliate reported this week, for example, that police in St. Louis County, Mo., brought out the SWAT team to serve an administrative warrant. The report went on to explain that all felony warrants are served with a SWAT team, regardless whether the crime being alleged involves violence.

>In recent years, SWAT teams have been called out to perform regulatory alcohol inspections at a bar in Manassas Park, Va.; to raid bars for suspected underage drinking in New Haven, Conn.; to perform license inspections at barbershops in Orlando, Fla.; and to raid a gay bar in Atlanta where police suspected customers and employees were having public sex.

In America, I'd get SWAT team'd for not having a TV license, apparently

>> No.4863015


You don't conform past the age of 3, you compromise and slowly give up after.

It's the 71 year journey towards death.

>> No.4863063
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But but these are really good...

>> No.4863066

Go away you scientologist hippy freak !

>> No.4863728

What the fuck is wrong with americans?

I mean really, a megacorporation that literally owns 90% of all the food on the shelves uses your department of agriculture to strongarm independant farmers like this? It's fucking disgusting, and the natural reaction is almost always some patriotic bullshit like "My country is so much better than yours lalalalala," they're fucking YOU. They're fucking you for every cent you own and it gets worse every day. Goddamn.

>> No.4863735
File: 42 KB, 666x230, Farming- the biggest threat - don't need anything more - completely satisfied life.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it is one factor as to why more people are turning to gardening.

>> No.4863746

You think this doesn't bother us?

Sadly, our democracy has been somewhat compromised with a massive influx of corporate spending, and our uneducated poor and cheap price-seeking middle class continue to make megacorporate control over our food supply very profitable. It's a bit of a tight spot, and it might be a some years before we can shift our government enough to get some real change. We're a rather divided country right now, though, with the old white male status quo being threatened by immigrants and changing world attitudes. We're currently rather easy to take advantage of because of that, and until this transitional period in our history is over, we're likely going to continue to be. Unless we can get a really charismatic, pragmatic and incorruptible president in the white house. Yeah. Right.

>> No.4863751

Do your own research instead of being ignorant. Blindly eating it is equally as bad as not eating it because that's what the mast majority believes.
Do research and look at credible scientific and agricultural journals, not just news sites that parrot what everyone else has already said.
If at the end of your research you conclude that everything you eat is in fact poisonous, then start growing your own food. If you instead find out that it's nothing to worry about, then continue living as before. The last thing you should do is just blindly follow others advice.

>> No.4863870

>to strongarm independant farmers like this

Don't get me wrong, I'm not fan of Monsanto. But what makes you think that anyone is "strong-arming" independent farmers? Farmers CHOOSE to buy roundup-ready from Monsanto because it provides higher crop yields. Nobody is forcing them to buy it--they CHOOSE to do so.

The real problems are:
1) allowing patents on genes
2) government subsidies paid to farmers (aka government interfering in business)
3) monsanto lobbying (aka business interfering in government)

>> No.4863884
File: 65 KB, 500x370, no_evil_oil-tumblr_lk0yt5XOfL1qzeywho1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the lizard people living under the Denver airport, they're controlling us with rays from HAARP.



You can protect yourself with "no evil oil!"
As seen on TV.

>> No.4863888


>> No.4863896

Thanks for restoring my faith in the American people, all stereotypes aside.

>> No.4863908

Alex Jones, pls. Pls please. Go.

>> No.4863910


What does that have to do with Monsanto?

I agree with you that it's fucking stupid that people cannot produce unpasteurized milk or raw honey without jumping through a bunch of silly legal hoops, but none of that has anything to do with Monsanto. It has to do with stupid-ass laws that restrict what farmers can and cannot sell--in other words, that's a government problem, not a Monsanto problem.

Again, don't get me wrong--I am no fan of Monsanto--but it is erroneous to blame Monsanto for this. As evil as it may be (and as evil as Monsanto is), this is not their doing, it's unintended consequences of laws, and the ever-growing monster which is big government.

It's yet another example of why corporations should have no influence on the government and that government should keep their nose out of business.

>> No.4863911
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Always glad to help!

>> No.4863915

It goes deeper than that.

Maybe corporations shouldn't be treated as people, then they wouldn't have the same rights to freedom of speech as individuals do. Then it goes into groups of people as well, should they have those rights? Then fuck all, you got the unions.

Then there's all the money flowing to political parties, yeah, that'll change soon.

The laws that allow sucking up to government are to engrained in our government that they can't be revoked without revolution. I don't want that, but that's what it would take.

Maybe a Constitutional Convention, but that'll never happen either because that won't be the only issue on the table, it'll get bogged down in bullshit.

>> No.4863931


I don't have a problem with corporations having freedom of speech. Censorship is never a good thing, and it's even worse for the government to be spending taxpayer money to be doing such a thing.

But the problem comes when organizations like corporations or unions gain additional legal powers that others do not have. Unions in particular have a lot of legal rights and powers that private citizens (or corporations) do not have. I don't have a problem at all with workers organizing and negotiatiing better pay or better working conditions. But that doesn't require a union. What I DO have a problem with is Unions having extra-legal rights that others do not have. Same for corporations.

>>it'll get bogged down in bullshit.

Sadly, you're 100% correct about that.

>> No.4863939

Now, when you say government should keep their nose out of business, that bothers me slightly.

What about FDA regulations regarding the meat industry? That's a government service that I'd really not want to do without. It's important for government to monitor the food supply for safety. I'm well aware that government is corruptible, but that's not a legitimate argument as there are no incorruptible alternatives.

>> No.4863950

Did you know that Monsanto is actually more responsible for the USA government shutdown that any other corp? That's how subversive lobbying works in America.

>> No.4863972


I don't blame Monsanto, or any other corporation for that at all. I blame the government and the people for letting that happen.

When you have roaches in the kitchen it's silly to blame them. You can smash one and another will simply take its place. The problem is the lack of cleanliness that allowed them to proliferate in the first place--in this case, the government system which allows businesses to have that kind of control in the gov't.

Frankly I don't mind the gov't being shut down. It's embarrassing from a diplomatic perspective--and that's bad. But as long as they're shut down it minimize the damage they're doing. They can't waste as much taxpayer money or raid small farms when they're shut, now can they?

Speaking of gov't waste, here's a great example. I own my own small business. I have 6 employees not including myself. I pay all my taxes on time. Last week I got a certified letter from the IRS stating that although I paid my taxes on time, the IRS hadn't cashed the check yet, and because of *their* delay they are charging me an additional 26 cents in taxes, which I must pay ASAP. They spent $11 to send me this letter. If they're that incompetent they're welcome to stay shut.

>> No.4864007

>What about FDA regulations regarding the meat industry?

Well, keep in mind that many of the problems being discussed here are actually caused by the FDA. The above threads about raids on small farms selling unpasteurized milk? That's the FDA at work. Ban on imported French cheese? FDA.

Now then, I agree with you that people want a method of ensuring that their food is safe. However, that doesn't have to be the government. That can be done via private industry instead. For example, if you buy an expensive item you probably research it online, right? you ask questions, get reviews, deal with brands you trust. you might even pay for a subscription to something like Consumer Reports to provide you that information. when you buy a used car you check Carfax. When you buy a home you get an inspector. Those same things can be applied to the food supply as well.

Assuming you are an adult who has a full-time job, even at minimum wage, you pay several thousand dollars--probably tens of thousands of dollars if you have even a mediocre job--in taxes. Now imagine that the FDA didn't exist and you have that money back in your pocket. You have plenty of resources to ensure the quality of the food you're buying. Those alternatives are no more corruptible than the government is. In fact, I'd argue that they're actutally *less* corruptible. If the government screws up, tough beans. If a private industry screws up, they face legal action as well as criminal charges. So when the FDA makes a mistake and tainted produce gets shipped out and makes people sick, all that happens is that they issue a recall and maybe fine somebody. If a private company did that they would be criminally liable, as well as open to lawsuits. The government cannot be sued. they're above the law.

>> No.4864132
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>When you have roaches in the kitchen it's silly to blame them.

"B-b-b-b-but the roaches give me money and gifts to let them stay."

>> No.4864136

>Well, keep in mind that many of the problems being discussed here are actually caused by the FDA. The above threads about raids on small farms selling unpasteurized milk? That's the FDA at work. Ban on imported French cheese? FDA.

True, but only to a point. Massive lobbying from artificial sweetener companies to the meat and dairy industries to Monsanto itself pretty much write laws to benefit and protect themselves which the FDA backs up since they work for the companies now. Well, maybe they always worked for them since this sort of thing goes back as far as he food pyramid.

>The government cannot be sued. they're above the law.

That's the problem from the start.

>> No.4864570

>Corporations lobby millions to get laws passed
>Government passes laws in exchange for donations
>Laws are enforced by the FDA
>Local LEO carry out raids and arrests

And that's how we're controlled.

>> No.4864572

Lobbying should be completely illegal.
Former employees of corporations should never hold government jobs that include lawmaking or oversight in any way.
Only local law enforcement should enforce laws.
Monsanto should kicked out of the USA or everyone arrested.

>> No.4864608

Have you even heard of the USDA? They're the ones responsible for agriculture, meats, and such.
The FDA determines whether a given food additive is Generally Recognized As Safe (GRAS). The FDA was brought about because of the Pure Food and Drug Act to ensure that labeling was accurate and people knew what they were eating. There were a statistically significant amount of ketchup-consumption related deaths there were prior to the FDA, because ketchup was fermented, spiced tomato swill made from random trimmings, with no ingredients list. It was organic AND all natural, though. HFCS may ruin your waistline, but it won't be on your obituary.
Raw foods are not GRAS because they not only aren't additives, but they're under USDA regulation. The USDA regulates against raw foods because they have a very high chance of containing pathogenic bacteria.
Terminator seeds are a bad tactic (changing ploide in order to produce infertile fruits), but honestly, having engineered foods with better produces an enormous amount of calories that is estimated to have saved millions of lives by preventing starvation. Can people eat healthier? Yes. But every organism we grow is somehow modified, whether via genetic engineering(corn, bananas), selective breeding (animals, apples), or just the conditions in which we grow it(melons, chilli pepper).
The reason raw foods are more strictly regulated than others is because while engineered foods are just unhealthy in preparation, poorly prepared or produced raw foods are a public safely hazard.

>> No.4864614

>Only local law enforcement should enforce laws.
I'm going to assume you meant "Local law enforcement should enforce local laws", because you can't be against federal agents enforcing laws that cross jurisdictional boundaries, right?

>> No.4864648

>Local law enforcement should enforce local laws"


>you can't be against federal agents enforcing laws that cross jurisdictional boundaries, right?

Nothing "federal" should even exist. Single states should rule and police themselves and extradite criminals that escape to other states.