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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 300x400, ice cold beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4856184 No.4856184 [Reply] [Original]

>staying at an American friend's house
>"Hey Anon, would you like a beer?"
>he takes a beer out the freezer
>sprays the bottle with liquid nitrogen
>pours the contents into a blender and mixes with crushed ice
>puts it all into a frozen glass
>adds eight ice cubes
>"Here you go, Anon"

What the FUCK

>> No.4856186

i can clap to that.

>> No.4856194

>drinking 2 oz of beer and 14 oz of ice

Well have fun with that!

>> No.4856196

It's because for quite a long time, the only truly available beers were from the macrobreweries. Swill like Coors or Budweiser is more palatable when it's ice cold, and the vast majority of these beers were drank in the summertime in high humidity areas, making a super cold beer even more desirable.

>> No.4856197

>mfw there are actually beer snobs who think frozen mugs are worse than satan.

Beer is like 90% water, 2mL aren't gonna fucking hurt it, and they're quite nice for cheap beers. I'm just sick of 19 year old fedora wearers eating up anything beers snobs claim.

>> No.4856199

All drinks are mostly water.

>> No.4856205
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>mfw people demand a bowl of ice cubes for their whiskey
>"I cant drink it without"
>"The taste is too strong without"

>> No.4856208

Are you truly saying that whiskey can't be drunk on the rocks?

>> No.4856210

No he's stating that people put way too much ice in their whiskey.

>> No.4856214

Yes, it can. You usually add some coca cola as well.

Ice disguises the flavor of the whiskey. Its like having food while pinching your nose.

>> No.4856215

I'm not that guy but I don't believe there's ever much reason to want to do so, add a few drops of room temperature water if you really don't like it or add enough water if it's a cask strength whisky. I don't understand the impulse to ice it down - it just doesn't strike me as a cold drink.

I'm talking about whisky as in the english use of the word, not bourbons and rye etc

>> No.4856220

>Parents have always put ice in their wine-- red or white.
I ain't even mad tho.

>> No.4856222

>he thinks people don't like frozen mugs because it gets water into it

you're fucking dense, m8.

the two main reasons you shouldn't use a frozen mug unless you're drinking macro-swill are: a) the beer should already be poured at slightly below serving temperature. When it hits the room temperature glass it warms slightly to proper drinking temps. and less important, b) the beer hitting the cold glass creates extra head, which causes a lot of bartenders to waste beer trying to get it completely full.

I do still keep a few frozen mugs for hot days and piss-quality beer

>> No.4856234

>drinking warm beer

>drinking 2hop4u american microswill

>> No.4856236 [DELETED] 
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>implying I said warm anywhere in my post
>implying you know how to read
>implying you have any taste in beer whatsoever
>implying you're not 16

>> No.4856242
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>implying I said I like to drink warm beer anywhere in my post
>implying you know how to read
>implying you have any taste in beer whatsoever
>implying you're not 16

>> No.4856243
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You sound mad.
Enjoy your shit beer.

>> No.4856244

What beer do you recommend? I'm American and while I appreciate hops in my beer occasionally, I think we've officially hit saturation levels.

>> No.4856245

I am slightly ruffled, only because there are actual idiots out there who think people don't like frosted mugs because it waters down the beer. That's pretty fucking dumb, even for 4chan standards.

>> No.4856247

Why do they have to cool it down so much? Wouldn't it be cold enough if you just took it from the fridge? You could probably just drink ice water and not notice a difference.

>> No.4856248

>sprays the bottle with liquid nitrogen

Most Americans don't have liquid nitrogen taps in their houses.

>> No.4856263

And they call themselves a first-world country?

>> No.4856264

Protip: he made it all up

As for cold beer, lagers are supposed to be cold. I like putting them from the fridge to the freezer for 10 minutes for that extra cold taste in summer. Also works good for some farmhouse ales, fruity beers, and shandys.

>> No.4856326

>sprays the bottle with liquid nitrogen
Yeah, sure he did.

>> No.4856346


You hang out w/ Alton Brown?

>> No.4856353


You've never bought or visited American microbreweries, so don't pretend you know what you're talking about. My favorite stout is from Pensacola Bay Brewery in Florida, not some "superior" europoor expired swill. I'm sure it's better over there, just like many are here.

There's too many breweries now to claim all American beer is crap or 2bitter4u.

>> No.4856369
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Gunshine State Craft Beer represent!

>> No.4856399

I drink my whiskey 1 part whiskey to two parts room temp water from the sink. Shit tastes good.

>> No.4856402

I take my bourbon on the rocks with a slice of lemon... what of it?

>> No.4856440

>he puts ice in his whiskey


>> No.4856452

>Its like having food while pinching your nose
or maybe it's like diluting your soup because it's saltier than you'd like.

>> No.4856471

I remember tasting over cold fresh fruit when I was younger, it's delicious and exotic, if you don't have it at that time it spoils.

>> No.4856546


I'm SERIOUSLY starting to doubt this board's intelligence.

>> No.4856751

Same goes for coke and pepsi for a lot of people. Why do you care about their preferences?

>> No.4856769

It actually enhances the flavour if you let it melt a bit. The water does something to the things responsible for flavour in whiskey and releases them.

A splash of mineral water is much better, though.

>> No.4856778

And it was probably better than retarded European "Real Ale."

>> No.4856785
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>2hop4u american microswill
I lol'd

>> No.4856813

Honestly, is there anything that's worth drinking at room temperature? I prefer every drink to be either cold or hot, and beer tastes pretty strange heated.

>> No.4856820

having a cold yuengling in a frozen mug that makes the beer start forming ice at the top on a hot summer day actually makes me pretty happy. other than that and other cheap lagers, most beers definitely should not be that cold

>> No.4856822

No, its just a shitty troll by europoors butthurt because hardly any of them can afford refrigerators.

They always have to store things in the 'cellar' or 'basement' because they have to pay a tax for keeping things cold.

>> No.4856829

Thank God that wasn't in Germany.

>> No.4856835

Yeungling factory right down the road from me (tampa fag)

I don't drink light beer though.

>> No.4856837


flat Pepsi

>> No.4856856

Most of my whiskey is over 50% alcohol, kid.

>> No.4856864

And ethanol itself is 66.7% water.

>> No.4856868

No it's not. ethanol is 0% water.

>> No.4856872

It's hydrophillic, making it mostly water.

>> No.4856875

you're mom is penisphillic

>> No.4856877
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Single malt scotch
Bottled water

>> No.4856879



Ethan(2 carbons) ol(alohol functionl group. No water in ethanol

>> No.4856884

C2H6O. What's water? H20.

Therefore, it's three parts water, leaving two parts carbon, kid.

>> No.4856888

>Not hydrophallic


>> No.4856898
File: 9 KB, 1152x648, ethanol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I didn't draw my hydrogens, when youve been in organic chemistry for as long as I have you sort of know they're implicit.

Plus I think your trolling so I'm kind of done

>> No.4856907


Please let this be a troll. Alcohol doesn't even mix cleanly with water, it forms an azeotrope. 50% ethanol implies 50% water, but the volumes aren't additive.

>> No.4856908

As long as you have? Summer must have just ended for the start of your freshman, soul-crushing "I don't want to do pre-med anymore" year. 3/5ths of ethyl ethanol is water, or 66.7% as I originally said.

>> No.4856913

3/5ths = 66.7 %...

For sure trolling. You've won this one sir. Sometimes I forget trolls find their way to these blue boards.

>> No.4856918

if youre serious, i seriously hope you kill yourself because thats not how it works.
salt is 50% sodium. sodium fucking explodes if you throw it into water. the human body is mostly water, but you dont explode if you eat salt. but i wish you did, you piece of arse

>> No.4856963

Barrel strength or just bad whiskey?

>> No.4856969


Needs some Ice cubes.

>> No.4856975

>Alcohol doesn't even mix cleanly with water, it forms an azeotrope
I don't think you know what azeotrope means.

>> No.4856978

I hope you are just trolling and aren't this stupid.

>> No.4856982

>not microwaving your single malts

>> No.4856988

Aussie here. When I was in Berlin last year I noticed something odd about the beer, it was bugging me for a few days and I couldn't put my finger on it. Then I realized it was that they didn't have the glasses chilled. The beer kept getting warm pretty fast. This was in a hostel though.

>> No.4857018

You've reminded me to visit /sci/ more. The insults are more witty.

>> No.4857029

We try out best.

>> No.4857030

i love this post so much

>> No.4857127


if your beer is getting warm that just means youre drinking like a bitch


>> No.4857182

American here.

I've recently converted to drinking my beer at 'room temperature'. I put room temperature in quotes because is really a cold room temperature. If a beer gets too warm it's all foamy and that is gross. But a beer that is ice cold from the fridge is also not ideal.

A beer fresh from a cool cellar is the perfect temperature. Only water and soda should be drunk ice cold.

>> No.4857191

Ale, if you like tasting it. If beer tastes 'strange' at the appropriate temperature (slightly below room, not heated) you're drinking shit beer - which goes without saying since you're american.

>> No.4857196

I just think that room temp is an unpleasant temperature in my mouth. And since I'm not going to start boiling my beer I'm gonna drink it cold.

>> No.4857198

>Ice disguises the flavor of the whiskey. Its like having food while pinching your nose.
That's contrary to how a distiller tastes his own whiskey. You HAVE to have water to i fact taste all of it.

>> No.4857349

But soda is carbonated water. I believe you mean to say "pop" or "soda pop."

>> No.4857358

But adding water and adding ice are two seperate things, Anon.

>> No.4857382


Ice is frozen water.

>> No.4857432
File: 23 KB, 400x277, rekordverdachtiger-preis-fur-64jahrigen-dalmo-L-zgRzks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I have learned from this guy is that you want to add water if you really want to taste the flavor of the whiskey without having it being blocked by the burn of the alcohol.

>> No.4857609

The ice chills the Whisky, which reduces the aroma coming off.
Water at the same temperature as the Whisky flattens the burn without supressing the production of aroma.

>> No.4857610

Good beers are served cool - not at room temperature.
Ideally they should be at such a temperature that by the time you finish your pint the heat of your hand has not taken the drink above room temperature.

>> No.4857631


This has gotta be a troll. Brandywines and some IPA's are not meant to be consumed cold.

I would not drink an Ommegang cold. That's disgusting.

>> No.4857641

Those light beers with lime are good when ice-cold.

Also good are a number of summer beers, esp. shandy.

>> No.4857648

Not just brandywines and IPAs, there are many stouts that have recommended service temps in the 50°s

>> No.4857649

>not knowing that ales are served warmer in Britain, but Lagers are almost always served Extra Cold.

Also "Cellar temp" is 45-50 degrees usually

>> No.4857900

Oh, was that an attempt at humour on OP's part? I didn't notice.

>> No.4857968

True that water must be added, but the amount required should literally be applied with a pipette. The water is added to bring out the flavor of the oils absorbed from the barrels that the whisky is matured in. Same story for cask strength whiskies. It's a myth that you should water down cask strength to typical scotch 43% - you just save distilleries a job by drinking your own self diluted standard whisky.

>> No.4857970

Also, fuck drinking whisky with ice - it numbs the taste buds effectively reducing your ability to taste the whisky.

>> No.4858017

>drinking a Dead Nazi at room temperature

>> No.4858354
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>not drinking your beer in the fridge

>> No.4858359

if you told me that I could only drink beer from one country the rest of my lfie, 10 times out of 10 I'd pick America.

Honestly Germany, Ireland, and the UK are the only other answers that I can even fathom being viable for debate.

The variety and quality of beer originating in America is actually phenomenal. So laugh all you want about Americans and their beer, but when you get down to the actual selection and quality, it's world class.

>> No.4858373
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10/10 post

>> No.4858376


I recommend against you eating the sodium portion then, I wouldn't want you to explode.

I do encourage you to eat the other 50%.

>> No.4858411

>Americans not realizing that microbrews have been around everywhere for thousands of years

>> No.4858417

>Doesn't mention Belgium
>Confirmed for not knowing shit about beer.

>> No.4858430


The age of the brewery is a red herring.


Challenge. Find me a top beer in every major category originating from a single country. You can use any country except the US.

>> No.4858443


Look, first, you'd have to define the list of categories, THEN challenge. Otherwise it's pretty meaningless.

But then, the whole debate is. American beer surpassed everybody else's before pretty much anybody reading this was even legal to drink. They can like it, hate it, or troll about it, but facts are facts.

It's not something I have any reason to feel any pride in--it's not like I made any of it. Of course, the beer crybabies on here didn't either, so I'm not sure where their unwarranted pride is coming from.

>> No.4858454


Yup, the Belgians make the best beer in the world.

>> No.4858458
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>It's not something I have any reason to feel any pride in--it's not like I made any of it

Speak fer yerself, homebrewman reporting in.

>> No.4858462


I visited the Yeungling brewery in Tampa a few years ago when I went down to Tampa to see Iron Maiden with a friend. It was a pretty cool brewery that doesn't seem to have changed much in 50 years. It has this really neat old school vibe that you don't expect.

>> No.4858465

>"water likes penis"


>> No.4858467

Damn, this kind of American shitposting is almost as bad as on /int/. Do you really take that much pride in talking shit about your country online to anonymous people? You probably never even left your state. How low can you sink in your life?

>> No.4858471

Hard liquor is good at room temp... though honestly, I do like to add an ice cube to that stuff because I like how the temp and flavor changes over time.

>> No.4858478

Define the list of categories?
America has a leading brew in any category you could name/define. Why would that matter?

>> No.4858492




the point is if someone held a gun to your head and said "you can only drink beer from one country the rest of your life" then i'd call you crazy to pick a country other than America.

You can sit there all day and tell me about how Belgium is home to the world's' greatest gueze or how the stouts of ireland make you tinkle your pants with excitement, but no country in the world has a richer, more diverse portfolio of world class beer than the united states.

for every budweiser or coors you point and giggle at, I can point and giggle at a stella or a Heineken.

Judged on her overall body of work, the US is top tier.

>> No.4858507
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I got your back!!!

The best wine and mead I've ever had was made by my own hands tailored specifically to my palate.

>> No.4858512
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5/5 breddy gud

>> No.4858515

I'd take one girl who looked like Olivia Wilde over a hundred who look like Kathy Bates. That's America's 'diverse portfolio'

>> No.4858530


Wow. Way to read buddy. YES AMERICAN BEER IS BEST. I meant Eurobeer crybabies, but way to jump right into that hoop.

Oh, and fuck Belgian beer. Gotta respect the strength, but that shit is fruity as fuck.


Completely missing the point. To repeat YES AMERICA HAS BEST BEER. It's just stupid to be proud of it. I didn't make it. You didn't make it. Why should I be proud that quality beer is made in the vicinity of where my parents happened to fuck? I had nothing to do with any part of it!

>> No.4858549

>It's just stupid to be proud of it. I didn't make it. You didn't make it. Why should I be proud that quality beer is made in the vicinity of where my parents happened to fuck? I had nothing to do with any part of it!
I had nothing to do with the civil war, but I'm still proud of my northern brothers for shutting down the southern inbreds
You shouldn't have to have a personal connection with your fellow countryman to be proud of their achievements. Fucker.

>> No.4858559

I laughed, are you a lit major?

>> No.4858576
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>I had nothing to do with the civil war, but I'm still proud of my northern brothers for shutting down the southern inbreds

hey hey, fuck you buddy. Let's keep this civil and continue to trash the limp-wristed "men" from across the pond.

>> No.4858585

>not being proud of your fellow countrymen

Following your logic no one should root for their sports teams or like be proud of the US in the olympics

>> No.4858588

You're right, we're all one nation now. I'm sorry brah.

>> No.4858594
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You'd be welcome in dixie anytime.

>> No.4858601

>Following your logic no one should root for their sports teams or like be proud of the US in the olympics
You can root for whoever you'd like to, rooting is arbitrary, but you can't feel proud of somebody else's accomplishment if you did nothing to make it happen.
I understand that you might feel tempted to if you're not an interesting person and you have little to be proud of, which is fine, but you can't not think about the fact that your few achievements and aspirations create a gaping hole in your identity that you feel the need to fill with the achievements and aspirations of others.

>> No.4858615
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This is why autistic people are hated so much

>> No.4858624
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>so much projection in a single post

Whatever helps you fall asleep without crying every night buddy.

>> No.4858638

lol do you even know what that means

>> No.4858675
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the unconscious transfer of one's own desires or emotions to another person.

>you're not an interesting person and you have little to be proud of

>your few achievements and aspirations create a gaping hole in your identity

>you feel the need to fill with the achievements and aspirations of others

>> No.4858678


>> No.4858689

Exactly. It's the cold that's the problem, not the water. Adding a splash of mineral water (usually a few drops is plenty) allows the aromatic compounds in the whiskey to escape more easily, which enhances the flavor and aroma. Adding ice chills the whiskey, which both numbs the taste buds and makes it harder for the aromatic compounds to escape, dulling the flavor. Ideally whiskey should be room temperature.

It's the same deal for beer, most beer is meant to be served slightly chilled or cellar temperature, not cold.

>diluting your whiskey that much
Jesus christ, that's way too much water. Your whiskey is drowned. Most whiskey only needs a few drops of water, maybe a teaspoon or two if it's cask strength.

>> No.4858697

lel this doesn't make it true that it's not retarded to feel proud of something you aren't responsible for in any way

>> No.4858701
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>> No.4858719

>implying I'm not responsible

I've been working on and off in the craft brew industry since you were in pampers. I brew my own beer and share it with my friends and neighbors. I actively promote local craft brews and encourage people to step outside of their comfort zones. I am one of many, but we all have contributed to the rise and excellence of America's Craft Beer.

>> No.4858742

americans like their beer at sub-zero temperatures because you can't taste ass if it's frozen.

This culture was started by either coors or bud, can't remember which. It painful to see people insisting on chilling good beers

>> No.4858772

I think it makes it taste nicer and go down smoother. I think I can taste it better too, there are a lot of subtle flavors and nuances in the liquor that are overpowered by the alcohol flavor, diluting it tones down the alcohol taste and lets the lighter tastes show through. I never drink my whiskey cold though, room temp water only.

>> No.4858807

wtf is with all these faggots drinking their milk cold? it destroys all the subtle flavors. the shit comes warm from nature, ya know and you should always warm it up to room temperature before you drink it.

>> No.4858827

Do american adults actually drink milk?

>> No.4858830

strong teeth and strong bones nigga

>> No.4858831

Who the hell drinks milk? It's one of the most unhealthy things you can drink.

>> No.4858832

this was not the argument, american hero

>> No.4858834

>1999 momscience all up in this thread
I love going to /ck/ for the bits of laugh out loud nutritional wisdom

>> No.4858840

You should also avoid aspartame (it causes brain tumors) and stop using shampoo (your head produces its own oils).

>> No.4858844

>yfw our hair gets so oily because we keep shampooing it

>> No.4858848

You also shouldn't keep cell phones in your pocket (they cause genital cancer) and stop doing deep squats (they're bad for your knees).

>> No.4858852

have you seen /fa/, they all up on that no-poo steez.

>> No.4858854

You also shouldn't eat gluten (it causes diabetes) and stop getting vaccines (they cause autism).

>> No.4858855

>You also shouldn't keep cell phones in your pocket (they cause genital cancer)

I keep my genitals wrapped in foil, so I'm golden.

>> No.4858857

You should also stop breathing.

People fart and you inhale their butt fumes which are flammable.

>> No.4858858

I have to admit, shampooing like once a week leaves my hair way better than shampooing every day.

>> No.4858860

I brought it up there a year or two ago. Nobody had any idea about it, and they all laughed at the idea.

Now people are actually falling for it? Power to them, I guess.

>> No.4858865

>mfw my hair gets wayyyyyy too oily if I skip shampooing just one day.

>> No.4858866

One of the no-poo articles I read referred to an old New York Times article from the 1930s or thereabouts. It was about how proper ladies should start shampooing twice a month, instead of the standard once a month.

I guess we've all been tricked into becoming dependent on shampoo.

>> No.4858884

that's because your scalp is used to having the equivalent of industrial floor stripper poured on it every day

>> No.4859045

whatever you do, avoid yellow #5

>> No.4859062

Dont weep. They just dont understand the concept of cellar cool beer. Shame too, because some of their microbrews are actually really good.

>> No.4859186

It depends on the whiskey. Sweeter whiskeys, like a lot of highland scotches, are much better when neat. Smokier, or earthier whiskeys, like Jack Daniels benefit from water separating the flavors and enhancing the smokey finish.
Of course, if you want to drown your whiskey in Mountain Dew, well, that's your choice to waste good whiskey.

>> No.4859215

>to waste good whiskey.
Yeah, because it is such a rare commodity that is produced by a single old Scott that makes single batches from the guidance of his ancestors.

>> No.4859248

You should also avoid violent video games (they cause school shootings)

>> No.4859266

>tfw at local bars don't offer anything but frosted mugs

fuck me, I hate this hillbilly town

>> No.4859267

top lel thread, thanks.

I like my whiskey with just a hint of soylent green tho.

>> No.4859272

i like using lite stuff like 7up or sierra mist win i drink anything hard

>> No.4859288
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>light beers with lime

>> No.4860020

Vernor's is god-tier when room temperature