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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 61 KB, 400x421, salted-vs-unsalted-butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4856276 No.4856276 [Reply] [Original]

Which one and why, /ck/?

>> No.4856280

salted on bread/at the table

unsalted while cooking

>> No.4856279

unsalted, because im a fat american who is trying to make better choices in my diet. i really dont add salt to food anyways and avoiding already salted foods is pretty easy to do

>> No.4856281

Unsalted for cooking since I prefer to season things myself with salt.
Salted for putting on bread, rolls, baked potatoes, etc.

>> No.4856282

Salted. Nobody eats unsalted on bread, and I've never seen a recipe that calls for butter and not a pinch of salt.

>> No.4856285

Is this really a question? Salted for applying directly to things like toast or on something, unsalted for baking/cooking

>> No.4856291

Salted for toast.

Unsalted for cooking. You can always add more salt. Removing it is impossible.

>> No.4856301

unsalted, salted is pretty much uncommon in use where i'm from.

also i don't really like the taste of it since i'm only slathering it on a fine slice of crumblejimmy .

>> No.4856306

Yeah, it is. There was a heated discussion regarding preference in a mac and cheese thread. Seems simple but people really seem to have some passionate views about it.

I'm with you, though. Salted for prepared food and unsalted when I'm preparing food.

>> No.4856322

Unsalted at all times.
If I want salty toast, I'll add the salt myself, thanks.

Conversely, you can't make great garlic bread with salted butter either.

>> No.4856325

Salted, because the only thing I use butter for is grilled cheese or greasing the pan for eggs. If I need butter as an ingredient I'll get unsalted.

>> No.4856345


for everything...

the salt isn't even fucking noticeable

>> No.4856351

or rather,unnoticeable

>> No.4856352

..Then you should use salted, because it's there as a preservative.

>> No.4856762

Unsalted. That way I can add some PHS so it'll taste way better. Although, I typically get raw milk from a friend, age it, and make my own butter.

>> No.4856850

Salted because I never make anything that requires an entire stick of butter at once, and I don't want my butter to taste like ass the next time I use it.

>> No.4858480

UNSALTED! i can always add as much salt as i want later!

salted butter is like fluoridated water!


>> No.4858483
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has your butter (unsalted) ever ever EVER gone bad on you even if you took a long time to eat it? please tell me a story of that one time it happened anon.

>> No.4858486

Why would your butter taste like ass?

>> No.4858488
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>"I can add some PHS so it'll taste way better."

phucktose horn syrup?

>> No.4858491

Pink Himalayan Salt nigga, step your game up.

>> No.4858493
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>guys DON'T eat food the way i don't like or it will taste like a butt next time!!

please elaborate...?

>> No.4858498

OH wow, totally missed that....

i love pink himalayan sea salt.

>> No.4858529

>i love pink himalayan sea salt.

lol 5/10 It comes from mines in Pakistan. You can get it in block form.

>> No.4858561


the thing says..sea salt...


i heard something about the salts drying out there where there used to be a SEA but it dried like a few million years ago or something???

i don't know.

do you know?

>> No.4858569


>> No.4858580

I keep salted and unsalted in our fridge because they're different tools for different jobs.

i love butter, i eat it on just about everything. my boyfriend calls me butterface.

>> No.4858599
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>my boyfriend calls me butterface

>> No.4858709

the only grass fed butter I can find is salted, and grass fed anything beats the shit out of any other kind of butter

>> No.4858712

>he doesn't have a desalinator

>> No.4858722

margarine :)

>> No.4858739

>i really dont add salt to food
Enjoy your bland slop

>> No.4858753

Enjoy your carcinogenic hydrogenated vegetable oils.

>> No.4858757

enjoy your heart disease :)

>> No.4858778


>> No.4858786


I've never once found a salted butter that is too salty for any recipe. You still almost always need to add some salt to any non-sweet recipe.

The only exception is beurre blanc. Never, ever make it with salted.

>> No.4858810


I want to be able to clarify, make brown butter, flavored oils, and have precise ingredients for baking. Besides all of that, how difficult is it to add your own salt, ffs?

>> No.4858812
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always unsalted.

>buying salt for butter prices

>> No.4858826

>Statement inline with previous one.
Did you mean "similarly", or did you mean unsalted butter?

>> No.4858882

Unsalted, always.

Read the ingredients tho.

Some cheap brands of unsalted butter have "natural flavoring" listed. Tastes like artificial movie theater popcorn flavoring. Awful. The same brand in salted will just be cream and salt, no flavoring added. OP's 365 (Whole Foods) unsalted will not have it, neither will Trader Joe's brand.

Not worth it to pay extra for organic, or any other "premium" shit, cheapest one will be wonderful. Provided it lists cream as the only ingredient.

Check the date code, and grab the one from the -back- of the shelf, to get the freshest package. Only keep one stick in the fridge, the rest of the package in the freezer.

>> No.4858888

Pro Tip:

As soon as you unwrap a stick, score the top into tablespoon sized portions using the guide on the wrapper.

>> No.4858893

Give me one scenario where you can't use salted butter. It's not justifiable in the home kitchen.

If that matters then you can't afford butter in the first place.

>> No.4858901

salted last longer right?

>> No.4858905

>Give me one scenario where you can't use salted butter.
you can't use it as a hat on a sunny day
you can't use it to hang pictures
you can't use it as a wrist watch
you can't use it as a garage door opener

I can think of more things that you can't use salted butter for than things that you can use salted butter for.

>> No.4858910


margarine master race. has all the taste and no bad fats now.

>> No.4858916


>> No.4858915

Unsalted because a little bit easier to work with when baking and making desserts. Not that much of a difference most of the time, though.

>> No.4858926

Give one example where there is notable difference?

>> No.4858932


>> No.4858974

i can use it as a doorstop
i can use it as a paperweight
i can use it to lube my hand
i can use it to shine by shoes

>> No.4858988

Neither. Butter is horrible for you.

>> No.4858994

Back to /fit/, bitch tits

>> No.4858995

I fucked a semi-anorexic girl and used unsalted butter for lube. We haven't really talked since, she was pretty upset...

>> No.4859024
File: 47 KB, 450x259, wurstbrot[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody eats unsalted on bread

u fucking wot m8, I'm 23 and the first time I heard that people eat/buy salted butter was like two years ago (when a friend who has been to Canada insisted that you have to put salted butter on pancakes, some I still don't understand). I'm German btw. Why the hell would I need salted butter if I put deli meats or cheese on it? And what's the big deal to put a pinch of salt on my slice of buttered bread if I'm not going to add any meat/cheese? Unsalted butter is just more versatile.

But oh well, cultural differences I guess. /ck/ also taught me that Americans (or anyone not from the German-speaking world and Scandinavia, maybe?) do not understand what they call "open-faced sandwiches", when those are pretty much a staple of cold meals here. I mean, what's so crazy about not using two slices of bread for one "sandwich"? Pic related.

>> No.4860482

Salted, unless I'm baking. I once cooked with this faggot who kept saying "unsalted. It's SOOO much sweeter." No. Salted for spreading on bread and cooking with.

>> No.4860506

Open faced sandwiches aren't unheard of, you fucking idiot. Stop believing everything you read on the internet, ESPECIALLY when it comes from 4chan.

>> No.4860531

>/ck/ also taught me that Americans (or anyone not from the German-speaking world and Scandinavia, maybe?) do not understand what they call "open-faced sandwiches"

Whoever "taught" you that is a retard, and you are a retard for believing them. We have open-faced sandwiches here, including a popular variant from my home region called a Beef Manhattan which is very good.

>> No.4860539

>and Scandinavia
You fucking wot m8? Have you ever heard of Smorrebrod, the biggest staple in any danes lunch? Scandinavia is the place when it comes to open-faced sandwiches.

>> No.4860542
File: 68 KB, 800x529, a Family Thing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't know why anybody'd eat unsalted butter. Might as well eat Vaseline. Got about as much flavor.

>> No.4860555

dear me, please, lrn2reading because that's exactly what s/he said: outside of deutschbags and scandie-asses, no one eats open-faced sandwiches. danes count as scandie-asses.
you can't even say that "well english isn't my native language so i misunderstood and blah blah blah." it's not mine, either, and i understood what was said. why didn't you?

>> No.4860556

>Unsalted at all times.
>If I want salty toast, I'll add the salt myself, thanks.

Pretty much this

>Conversely, you can't make great garlic bread with salted butter either.
I just make mine with olive oil

>> No.4860562

Hrm, you're right, I was too fast. How embarrassing, I apologize for my hubris.

>> No.4860584
File: 55 KB, 590x502, I am happy to hear of this! opossum 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4860720

If your unsalted butter doesn't have flavor it is because the milk was not properly ripened before you made the butter from it. To give it flavor you have to ripen it up to 3 days (absolute max), most people only do it for a day or less or not at all. As a result unripened milk makes nearly flavorless butter.

>> No.4863156
File: 31 KB, 400x400, k371056788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

salted...to toasted bread, and steak
unsalted...to make a cake

>> No.4863162

I usually just let it melt then shoot jizz in it to give it some extra salty seamen flavinoids.

>> No.4863164

Unsalted because it's healthier for you.

>> No.4863170
File: 149 KB, 565x575, 1315498600555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsalted semen master-race here. Bow down before, salted semen peasant.

>> No.4863176


i used to use salted in cooking as well, but i find it's easier to season correctly.

>> No.4863180
File: 8 KB, 384x240, vlcsnap-00307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mad!

>> No.4863243

Unsalted, you stupid fuck.

YOU control the salt content. You don't want to have to factor in all the additives of all the ingredients you've included in your dish.

>> No.4863379
File: 126 KB, 850x608, Marmeladebrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody eats unsalted on bread

What if you want to make a marmalade bread?

>> No.4863395


All the more reason for salt, because holy fucking nom. That said, I'm a proponent of unsalted because I'm not afraid to manually apply salt.

>> No.4863420

I feel as if one who takes cooking seriously should always use unsalted.

>> No.4863449

Anyone else just enjoy little bits of this on its own? Not biting into it like fatties but just have a stick nearby and slicing off pieces and eating them.

>> No.4863471

Unsalted, because then you get to control the amount of salt you use.

>> No.4863524

salted for eating, unsalted for cooking
this should be pretty obvious

>> No.4863527

I stopped using salted butter, because it's better to have unsalted on hand for ghee, cookies, etc. You can always add salt. I accidently bought salted butter after a long time, and noticed immediately how salty it was. I just prefer unsalted.

>> No.4863533
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>> No.4863605
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>> No.4863656

Unsalted, because it's the pure delicious flavor of butter.

>> No.4863793



seriously, any other opinion is based on misinformation or plain old retardation.

>> No.4863929

its harder than you think old sport