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File: 66 KB, 600x289, o0600028911733554947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4855250 No.4855250 [Reply] [Original]

"Japanese food is healthy," "How do the Japanese stay so skinny with all this delicious food!?"
And I see me well
It Is not What abnormal food intake of one of the Americans? ?
Coca-Cola McDonald's 2 times the size of Japan, pizza delivery is also the size of the three times that of Japan
The norm and fat if taking more calories than Japanese three times simply?
Japanese food would be healthy, but how much is not healthy if you eat in the food intake of American

>> No.4855261
File: 28 KB, 413x242, 20130107mon_DominosPizza01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4855267


I'm sure the portion sizes at american mcdonalds is larger than japanese ones, but this picture isn't showing that. That's comparing mcdonalds to a movie theater. Movie theater portions have always been larger than fast food portions.

>> No.4855268

While I don't disagree, that picture is pretty silly. Cinema movie sizes are made to consumed throughout the duration of a whole movie, not a meal.

>> No.4855274

OP no one cares.

>> No.4855281

why would you compare japanese mcdonalds to american movie theaters? why not american mcdonalds?

oh yea, it's the same size...

>> No.4855292

The Japanese are a good comparative example to make with American (and now more largely, Western) culture's attitude towards food.

It's not that Japanese food is inherently lower in calories that Western food, some of it is, but there's not a heck of a lock of difference between udon and spaghetti for example. The key difference is in attitude towards food; the Japanese have historically had this principle where you should leave the table slightly hungry (in fairness this principle is also present in other cultures, including some parts of Europe).

This attitude is partly expressed in the size of adult portions of food in Japan, which seem small but are in fact adequate.

>> No.4855295

No, that's pretty accurate to what you can expect in a McDonalds, especially in the south.
To be fair, I don't know too many Americans that order pizza for themselves. You usually order it for a party or something similar, where there are going to be multiple people. Which explains all that extra pizza.

>> No.4855300

This picture is silly.
I don't know how it is in Japan, but in America when you get delivered pizza, you get what you buy. There are often sales where you can get two pizzas for less money or get soda with your pizza, but if you want all of the food in the American picture then you pay more for it. Americans usually don't buy that much pizza unless they're feeding a lot of people, either.

Basically, these pictures are incredibly false. A better picture to show would be a Japanese small sized pizza next to an American small sized pizza. Not a small order next to a big one.

Are you attempting to troll or are you just that misguided?

>> No.4855329

Japan eats a lot of carbohydrates, America eats a lot of fat and protein

Japan is lean, America is fat

>> No.4855335

What you're saying implies that Americans don't also eat a lot of carbohydrate. That is ridiculous. Especially ridiculous considering OP posted pictures of soda cups.

Soda is the primary thing making the West fat fucks and it doesn't have fat and protein.

>> No.4855336


also japanese metabolism is crazy

>> No.4855339
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Everything is big in America

>> No.4855375


I'm saying the carbohydrates are benign and there wouldn't be an obesity epidemic if every carb source wasn't smothered in fat

>soda is the primary thing making the west fat fucks

Soda is typically ordered with a greasy burger and deep-fried potatoes. Japan drinks soda too, it doesn't do shit on its own

>> No.4855378


Do you even GI?

>> No.4855380



Retard logic. Every high-carb, low fat population is thin and healthy. Every high fat, low carp population is fat and sick

>> No.4855388

The fact you extrapolate shit from my post that was never in there and apparently have no idea what glycemic index is is a good reason you should stop posting right about now.

>> No.4855390


I don't think YOU understand what the glycemic index is, or blood lipid levels and arteriosclerosis. Fuck outta here, kid

>> No.4855394

So, according to you, eating fat triggers high release of insulin making the body store energy as fat, right?

>> No.4855397
File: 167 KB, 1384x676, fat makes you fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4855402

Eskimos are pretty healthy and their diet is almost exclusively fat and protein.

>> No.4855403


White rice has a GI of like 100+. Asians are the skinniest race on the planet.

>> No.4855404


>Eskimos are pretty healthy

Where did you hear that? They're known to be chubby/obese, have never done anything signifant throughout history, and have a life expectancy 20 years lower than normal Canadians

>> No.4855409
File: 485 KB, 430x242, cute fist pump.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello OP! I think you are Japanese :D

So I want you to know, Americans don't eat a whole pizza. Only Japanese do so.

So American pizzas are bigger. They are eaten by many people. In Japan, a pizza is eaten by one person. So it is a smaller pizza.

I explained this to some people in Japan. They were surprised. So I think maybe you don't know.

>> No.4855417

japan will fucking sue you for being fat (or sue your employer- publicly shaming you). That's why they're so fucking skinny.


>> No.4855423

jealous fatty detected.

>> No.4855427

They eat alot of small portions in Jap food. One meal could consist of 8 or 9 food items. But it's all very small portions of it, and it's healthy natural low calorie stuff.

Compared to America's extremely large portions of only a few items jam packed with lard and grease and sugarss and other junk.

>> No.4855428

saged, reported, hidden :^D

>> No.4855430

Isn't it actually like 60ish?

>> No.4855470

>5' 7" people

>> No.4855476
File: 18 KB, 413x395, 1357460790747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm saying the carbohydrates are benign and there wouldn't be an obesity epidemic if every carb source wasn't smothered in fat

Christ, what is it with you people?

>If you eat 10,000 calories in carb it is okay, just make sure there's no fat.
>If you eat 10,000 calories in fat it is okay, just make sure there's no carb.

I have seen people adopt either of these positions.

In my opinion the carb defenders are more ridiculous, soda is the PRIME CULPRIT for western obesity, you cretin!

There is a big difference between chugging sodas and eating chocolate than getting plenty of fruit and vegetables.

To just say "carb good, fat bad" is retarded and ignores the role fat plays in our diet.

>> No.4855477

what does that picture show?

>> No.4855509

How the fuck is pic relevant?
Everyone knows cinema cups are always fucking massive, that's comparing apples and oranges.

>> No.4855512

The biggest culprit is lack of self control.

>> No.4855632

If you go down that road I believe ignorance is a more important factor.

Fatties typically don't realize they are eating too much. They consume loads of calorie dense shit and just assume "When I feel full: that's when I have eaten a normal amount of food."

>> No.4855645
File: 40 KB, 435x435, dwight disappointed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4855648

>White rice has a GI of like 100+

But that is impossible.

>> No.4855650

>the Japanese have historically had this principle where you should leave the table slightly hungry (in fairness this principle is also present in other cultures, including some parts of Europe).

No. It's called eating until you're satisfied, not until you're fucking stuffed. Having some room left isn't the same as being 'slightly hungry'. People blame big portions but the real problem is the habit of overeating.

>> No.4855653


Protip: This guy starts this argument in every thread he thinks he can turn into a carbs vs. fat debate, always using Asians as examples.

>> No.4855680


Whoa whoa. That's no a good comparison, but they aren't that much bigger.

Basically the one on the left for McDonald's in the US is for kids. Middle is a small, right is a medium, and the large in the us is 32 oz.

>> No.4855684

Americans are also on average 4 inches taller than Japanese and need more calories

>> No.4855690

This, motherfucker!

This is also why you are broke. You are buying food for two people and dumping it into yourself.

>> No.4855700

I remember the small sizes when I was a kid. That shitty orange drink. Like two sips and it's gone and it's not enough to fill your bladder and force your mom to stop for a potty break.

>> No.4855703

When I was in Germany, I was told that it's very bad manners to take a doggy bag home of your leftovers. It's signifies to others that you're poor.

>> No.4855705

It could be argued that humans just evolved so this is how it needs to happen. Just eating enough and stopping.

Anything over and our bodies cannot handle it.

>> No.4855710

That's pretty hilariously fucked up and wasteful. Germany more American than Americans in that aspect.

>> No.4855718

iirc, German portion sizes are smaller, so it's reasonable to finish / almost your plate at a restaurant.

>> No.4855728


What's wasteful about it? The idea is you order a reasonable portion that you can eat, not too much food.

Also, food is wasted by over-eating as well--in fact, it's even worse than throwing it away because being overweight is unhealthy, so I don't see the real issue here.

>> No.4855750

It's frowned upon in most of Western Europe, but portions are generally a lot smaller than it the US so you're less likely to have leftovers anyway.

>> No.4855757

It signifies that everywhere m8, it's just nobody told you.

>> No.4855765


>No, that's pretty accurate to what you can expect in a McDonalds, especially in the south.

No, no it isn't. Maybe 20 years ago.

>> No.4855763

I don't give a fuck. I paid for it, I'm taking it home.

>> No.4855767

Over eating?

I meant taking a part home and eating it much later. To save money on food.

That's just economically minded.

>> No.4855778


If you were economically minded you wouldn't be eating out in the first place--unless you're stuck without a means to cook (student, hotel, etc)

>> No.4855779

>The idea is you order a reasonable portion that you can eat, not too much food.
You don't really get that choice. It doesn't matter what you order, in most restaurants, they just always give you an absurd amount of food.

>> No.4855797

>in most restaurants, they just always give you an absurd amount of food.
If you're eating in American chain restaurants, which are basically CAFOs for people. There are plenty of real restaurants that serve reasonable sized portions. Of course people used to eating at CAFOs complain they're a rip off because they spent $20 and didn't walk out stuffed.

>> No.4855803

You can read Fat of the Land. Their obesity rates started when white explorers started trading them sugar.

>> No.4855805


>> No.4855822


>all or nothing

You can eat out and lessen the financial strain of doing so by taking half the meal home if you've had enough.

>> No.4855835


Maybe if your idea of a "restaurant" is a chain that's barely a step above fast food. Proper restaurants serve reasonable portions.

This, 100%

>> No.4855864

If you have half your meal left that means you've overpaid for a portion that was too big. Taking the leftovers home isn't economical, it's just financial damage control.

>> No.4855869

Everyone is aware of portion control dumbass.

>> No.4855880

Movie theater drinks are larger to compensate for the fact that they charge $7.00 for a medium. Refills aren't covered usually, either.

>> No.4855882


Apparently not, because many people are still landwhales.

>> No.4855900

but im only 4 foot tall and i feel insulted when people two feet taller then me eat more then me

>> No.4855934

i bet cooking half orders of a dish would somehow cause the price of a full order and half order to increase somehow

>> No.4855975


Performing financial damage control is more economical than not performing financial damage control.

>> No.4855977

The three biggest contributors to Western obesity are

>Sugared Drinks (Soda primarily)
>Bread (almost everything comes on a roll or is some form of deep fried bread)
>Oil (America is the Deep Fried Food capitol of the world)

>> No.4856032

Portion size is a huge problem as well imo. The portions you get here are fucking enormous compared to pretty much anywhere else.

>> No.4856036


Sometimes at restaurants I'll ask the server to bring a to-go box immediately after she brings out our food. I'll put half the meal in the box and eat the rest. I get another full meal and I don't give a shit how poor I look, it's better than looking fat.

Alternatively, sometimes I'll order a meal that comes with a salad, split the entree with my grill, and she'll order a second salad for herself, so we each get a salad and half the entree.

>> No.4856047


Runnyrunny has already covered this issue.
You really get a feel for normal Japanese portions here. Even his oven, pots and bowls are considerably smaller than I'm used to seeing in the West.
Also he makes just a few of something, not a huge amount. This could come down to him living by himself though.

>> No.4856057

Really? I'm German and the only thing frowned upon I know is to not eat your plate clean cause grandma had nothing to eat after the war.

>> No.4856058


talk about misleading. Yes cinemas give giant portions because people tend to share them and because it's inconvenient to get up for more concessions in the middle of a film.

But if you didn't resort to a false equivalence fallacy and compared Japanese mickey D's to America, you'd see that their small is our kids' size, their medium is our small, and so on.

I would not be surprised if even that was false too and that the sizes are actually the same, considering the image maker's penchant for misrepresentation. The McDonalds cups on the left look exactly like the ones used in America, which doesn't make a lot of sense. The Japanese cups would be more likely to have, you know, Japanese on them.

>> No.4856064


I failed to stop the video after 1 minute and want my 4 minutes back. How many fucking times does he have to say that pizza in Japan is expensive?

>> No.4856080

>citing reddit

>> No.4856086


It's calories in vs calories out.
Period, end of statement.

>> No.4856093

Big portions don't mean you're getting your money's worth. You're just paying more money for more food.

But yeah, taking the leftovers home is definitely better than eating way too much. It's just that doggy bags etc. aren't really a thing in most parts of Europe because the portions are smaller. You're much less likely to have leftovers and therefore the doggy bag just isn't really part of dining culture. You can get away with asking for a take-out box at cheap Chinese places for example, but it's just not done at midrange and upscale restaurants.

>> No.4856100

Yes but fats have a higher concentration of calories, and the average joe who knows shit all about counting calories won't consider that.

>whole milk, white bread, butter, jam, wedge of cheese
>brown rice, grilled fish, steamed veggies, miso soup
Which meal is going to have less calories and which meal is going to have more fat? Fat itself isn't inherently bad for you (like that nutrition professor who lost weight on twinkies only) but it's much denser in calories, and less filling when consumed. It's like the age old 'muscle is heavier than fat', when it isn't, it's just denser. But when you take 2 people of the same height and measurements, one built and the other fat, one is going to weigh more than the other. It's just easier to understand colloquially.

>> No.4856107

I'm pretty much on your side, but don't link that article
>Dr. Michael Noonan practices chiropractic, acupuncture and other wellness therapies in Old Town.

>> No.4856108

What, so you waste food because your grandparents starved? What sort of fucked up logic is that? I'm Chinese and it's fucking rude and unrefined to not eat everything on your plate, especially every last grain of rice, because of all the people who died in the famine, all the starving people in the world, and all the farmers who worked hard to provide us food. Fucking Germans confirmed for shit tier.

There's hardly any food left usually, but it's not rude to take leftovers in China, but rather expected. It's a bit more tactful however, as we tend to take turns with the bill rather than split it, and we share dishes instead of each having something. Usually the person who paid, or the family with the most/youngest children take it. Depends on the setting.

>> No.4856119

Meal 1:
Milk, 8oz - 103 Calories
Bread, Slice- 79 Calories
Pat of Butter - 36 Calories
Strawberry Jam, Tbsp - 50 Calories
Cheddar, 1oz - 113 Calories
381 Total Calories

Brown Rice, 1c - 216 Calories
Grilled Mackrel, 2oz - 125 Calories
Steamed Veg Medly, 1c - 25 Calories
Miso soup, 1c - 84 Calories
450 Total Calories

Now I just need to wait for you to move the goalpost again.

>> No.4856122

>comparing a FULL CUP of rice to a slice of bread
>thinking the average person eats 1 oz. of cheese at a time

If the goalposts are in outer space, I think it's fair to move them.

>> No.4856128

Those are the SERVING SIZES.

Also, that's 1 cup of COOKED rice, not raw, which is a normal portion.

If you really like, we can make it TWO slices of bread, since a whole pat of butter and tablespoon of jam is too much for one slice.

This means your "shitty western" meal is now 460 calories vs your "wholesome asian faux meal" is 450.

Also, that miso soup is for PLAIN miso, without onions, seaweed, or tofu.

>> No.4856135
File: 17 KB, 493x335, serving_of_rice_and_lightbulb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, and in case you can't wrap your head around how much a cup of cooked rice is, see the pic.

Rice is INCREDIBLY calorie dense.

>> No.4856150

SO if I eat a light-bulb I get fat too?

>> No.4856152

Yes. Photons are very rich in fats!

>> No.4856158

And light in nutrients?

>> No.4856168
File: 24 KB, 260x431, SCO_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The serving size is 12 chips, so I guess I have nothing to worry about!

>> No.4856173

Serving sizes are meant to be followed.
Stop eating huge piles of food and you stop being a fatass.

>> No.4856193

Where are you getting those numbers? My calorie counter says:
Meal 1
Whole fat milk 350ml - 220 calories
White bread, slice (50g) - 110 calories
Butter, salted, (10g) - 72 calories
Strawberry jam (20g) - 50 calories
Cheddar, (1oz) - 110 calories
Total: 572 calories

Meal 2
Brown rice, cooked (1 cup) - 216 calories
Mackerel, grilled no oil (100g) - 205 calories
Steamed broccoli (1/2 cup) - 25 calories
Miso paste (2 tbsp) - 67 calories
Dried Kelp (5g) - 2 calories
Total: 509 calories

Look at the amount of fiber and fat in those two meals and then compare, which is going to keep you full for longer, which has more fat, and which is more in calories. Miso soup calculated separately to be more accurate, and 5g of dried kelp is actually a lot, 10g is more than a cup in volume.

>> No.4856309

I think the main changes in your numbers are from slightly different ingredients
Half-fat milk versus fullfat (1.5% to 3-3.5), parts of the mackeral and similar.

For instance I'd say the most common type of milk would be half-fat as opposed to full. DIfferents of fat content will probably also apply to butter. And there's many kinds of bread as well. With white bread generally having more calories since it tends to be sweeter.

(Not the person who posted the numbers originally. But that's my take)

>> No.4856315

1) that's like 12 fucking ounces of milk. quit being a douche.
2) http://caloriecount.about.com/calories-wonder-bread-i113246
79 calories you fucking retard. Stop using gigantic slices of bread.
You want to be a cherry picking dick? Here's my bread.
40 fucking calories a slice.

3) You don't need 10 fucking grams of BUTTER on a slice of bread. PAT OF BUTTER IS A 1 INCH SQUARE 1/3" HIGH. It's more than enough, and is 36 calories.

Your problem isn't what you eat, it's the fact that you eat huge portions.

>> No.4856358

I actually went to Japan and ate at a Japanese McDonald's. The cup sizes were smaller there. A large was equivalent to a medium.

>> No.4856373


Wonder bread isn't bread. It' some kind of unnatural extra-soft crap.

>> No.4856475

>No. It's called eating until you're satisfied, not until you're fucking stuffed. Having some room left isn't the same as being 'slightly hungry'.
This strikes me as being an argument about semantics to a degree but I disagree with the emphasis. 'Eating until satisfied' is a bad way of putting it for a lot of people because many people don't feel satisfied *until* they're full, or full-on stuffed, hence the epidemic of overeating.

I agree with you 100% about not eating until you're stuffed, but the Japanese principle was explained to me quite clearly as "leaving the table hungry".

>> No.4856523

I kinda have a problem with the image.

Why not Japanese McDonalds vs American McDonalds?

Why not Japanese Cinema vs American Cinema?

Comparing Japanese McDonalds with American Cinema is like comparing Apples with Nazi Oranges.

>> No.4856701
File: 147 KB, 495x260, mastsukodeluxe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only reason is because y'all fuckers don't get any exercise.
Shit, you could eat burgers for breakfast lunch and dinner everyday, and while It probably will not be the best thing ever nutrition wise, if you can burn all those calories off through a giant amount of working out* everyday you'll still stay relatively slim.

*Walking and biking (which Japanese do a shit ton of in general since the majority don't have cars) instead of driving absolutely everywhere if you're able to, weights, playing sports, etc

Needless to say look what happens when you have fully integrated westernized chubby asians, or Jaypanese who also eat unhealthily and don't get any exercise either: pic related.

Energy Input + Energy Output = Consistent/Lost weight
Energy Input + No Energy Output = Energy Stored/Weight Gained

>> No.4856854

>Americans don't eat a whole pizza

I didn't get this memo.

>> No.4857300

the japs barely get any protein, they're all so skinny too so I don't think that's "Healthy" just not obese

>> No.4857302

I don't think Soda counts as a fucking meal choice though

>> No.4857308

haha I smashed a large in the parking lot of Dominoe's the other day but I exercise occasionally