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4849523 No.4849523[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dark > White > Milk


>> No.4849531

Pretty much.

>> No.4849536

Let me guess, you ate nothing but Hershey's vomit chocolate as a child, then recently had "gourmet" white Toblerone, then "super luxury premium" Lindt 70%, and now you think you're some kind of chocolate expert?

Wait til you "discover" Nutella, Sriracha, and IPA. Your mind will be blown.

>> No.4849543

>Wait til you "discover" Nutella, Sriracha, and IPA. Your mind will be blown.

Not OP but none of those are bad.

>> No.4849544


No one suggested they are bad. But they do tend to produce annoying overreactions by gastronomically deprived kids moving out of their parents' control field for the first time.

>> No.4849545

Agreed, OP.

>> No.4849551


The only person currently supplying annoying overreactions is you.

Knock it off and talk about chocolate.

>> No.4849557


>> No.4849559

>Better than milk chocolate

No sir.

White chocolate is barely even fucking chocolate. Its disgusting.

>> No.4849565


Wrong. This is a universal pattern among white kids raised on walmart food. The belief that having a strong preference for dark chocolate over milk chocolate makes you seem like more of an "adult" is classic 17-21 year old trying to show off his newly formed bitter-sensing taste buds which are fresh and amazing and he needs to announce to the whole entire world!! Right! Now!

I'm sorry if this comes as a shock or if you felt you were being uniquely "cultured", but that's what this comes down to. Sorry about the bubble deflation.

>> No.4849568

Strong with the sour grapes in this one. Some people legitimately like dark chocolate, beer, coffee and such.

>> No.4849571

>Anyone who likes dark chocolate is aged 17-21

>> No.4849576


Oh, and that's another classic kid symptom. You take it for granted that those things are "icky" and now you feel slightly embarrassed about being childish so you go around saying "dark chocolate and black coffee is the ONLY good way, and I absolutely LOVE rare steak, who doesn't? I'm not a child, are you? SOME people actually LIKE the taste of beer"

Yes, we get it, you can taste bitter now. Welcome to adulthood.

>> No.4849578

White chocolate is pretty gross to me. It's not really chocolate and it's loaded with fat.
Dark would be my favorite, but I don't really want super-dark. I see chocolate as something I would eat extremely rarely and want to get the strongest flavor that I enjoy, in small quantities.

>> No.4849592
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Milk = White > Eating nothing > dark

i have the palate of a child

>> No.4849597


But I agreed with OP, like my steak medium, and like sugar and milk in my coffee. I'm also 29.

I think you're the one acting like a child, dude.

>> No.4849607

People who say they genuinely like bitter shit are just lying to themselves and others. Biologically speaking, people are supposed to like sweets and rich foods because they're the most calorie dense and it's natural for us to get put off by bitter flavors because we're supposed to stay away from rotten/spoiled foods. It's not possible for someone to 'naturally' like bitter foods. It's just not.

>> No.4849618


No U? The one acting like a child is the one who denies himself something that tastes good in order to appear to have sophisticated grownup tastes.

>> No.4849621

We're also not supposed to like acidic stuff because its potentiall harmful, yet people fucking love lemonade.

>> No.4849644

Has nobody had cadbury milk chocolate in their entire lives? Got a really strong milky/chocolate flavour, i find dark chocolate is too bitter but i love white chocolate

>> No.4849645

This. I think the only time I have white chocolate is in those macadamia nut cookies.


>> No.4849647


Cadbury is low tier. It's better than Hershey's but that's kind of like saying Stella is better than Natty Ice.

>> No.4849648

I generally prefer dark chocolate, but I've eaten some amazing, high quality milk chocolate too.

But I can't stand white chocolate. I think it really only tastes like fat, there's nothing else to it.

>> No.4849651

if i think cadbury is good shit then i guess i'm in for a suprise

>> No.4849654

Yeah, people like lemonade once you add like a cup of sugar to the pitcher. Have you ever tried lemon water by itself? I have and I have to chug it down.

>> No.4849658

Dark chocolate is the same way. Its not like its just solid cocoa powder.

>> No.4849667

Dark chocolate is healthier than them all.

>> No.4849672

Thats the way it is

>> No.4849673

i get a bar of 85% regularly. eat a piece every few days. just part of the regimen.

>> No.4849781

Dark > Milk >>>>>>>>>>> White

White is disgusting.

>> No.4849785

putting white above milk is just dumb

>> No.4849798

The older I get the darker the chocolate gets. I'm now just munching on unsweetened dark baker's chocolate like in your pic.

>> No.4849800

Sup broskis.


>> No.4849804

milk isn't really chocolate, it's mainly made of cocoabutter..

>> No.4849809
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>> No.4849810

Milk isn't chocolate, it's milk.

>> No.4849837

ahaha, I meant white chocolate, sorry my bad

>> No.4849887

>People who say they genuinely like bitter shit are just lying to themselves and others.
Ever consider that it might be that they really do like it? There's a considerable amount of variability in what people can taste and what they like. Maybe you don't care for bitter, but others definitely do. There's no shame in that.

Accusing millions of people of lying just to perpetuate some weird conspiracy against you? >>>/pol/

>> No.4849899


But it proves how sophisticated he is by rejecting the one that seems intuitively the best.

>> No.4849902

I concur. Dark chocolate is best chocolate, the darker the better. I wish I could find better than 92% cocoa locally :^(
Also dark chocolate and an intense, smoky, almost tangy red wine.. God I nearly came just thinking about it.

>> No.4849906

Oh god this reminds me of this chubby girl at my office. She's eating dark chocolate and telling me of its anti-oxidant and good qualities.

And in my head it's like "NOT IF YOU EAT A WHOLE FUCKING BLOCK OF IT"

>> No.4849919

I think chocolate is a lot like coffee in one respect. When it comes to coffee, consumers report almost universally that they prefer a rich dark roast with no cream or sugar. That isn't what they buy though.

Like coffee's rich dark roast, it sounds sophisticated and elegant to say we prefer dark and bitter cocoa so that is what we will say. Maybe we actually believe that it what we prefer, but then why do we but so much milk chocolate?

I wish there was no shame in admitting to liking something, no matter how "pleb" it is.

>> No.4849926

There's nothing to discuss. You're absolutely correct.

>> No.4849960

Well I'll put it this way, if you're smoking a pack of cigarettes a day, it doesn't really matter how much "fresh air" you're getting

>> No.4849975

I like milk chocolate and black coffee :(

>> No.4849983


omg anon thank u so much for redpillin us we had no ideea

>> No.4849993

>I wish there was no shame in admitting to liking something, no matter how "pleb" it is.

Agreed. I like my coffee black, just because that's how I like it. I find it perfectly legitimate to put cream, milk, sugar, whatever in your coffee if that's how you like it and I never give anyone any shit because tastes vary. Hell, sometimes I'll even go a little crazy and add some cinnamon to mine.

>> No.4849994
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Dark chocolate is disgusting shit. White chocolate's pretty good. Love me some Hershey's cookies and cream.

>> No.4849995

D > M = W

>> No.4850004

White chocolate doesn't taste like chocolate at all to me, just like some sort of totally unrelated confection. I pretty much consider it a misnomer.

>> No.4850019


>> No.4850024
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As per your request anon

>> No.4850029


>> No.4850031


That's because it's not actually chocolate.

>> No.4850040


Well that makes sense. I think I dislike white chocolate because my dad would always eat those god-awful Zero bars when I was a kid.

>> No.4850041

This so much.

Is there even cocoa in white chocolate?

>> No.4850044


I know it's a biproduct of making real chocolate but do you have to sound so RACIST.

>> No.4850063

It's condensed milk in bar form you uncultured swine

>> No.4850066


Actually no, it's made from milk aaaand the biproduct of producing chocolate, seriously look it up.

>> No.4850171

Why give a shit?

>> No.4850200

It is possible for people to prefer things because they just like it - with no conspiracy attached.

>> No.4850444


What is there to discuss? You just stated your opinion.

>> No.4850447

white is fucking pleb tier

>m-muh cookies and cream

dark master race

>> No.4850449


is it possible that people get exposed to dark chocolate early in their lives and prefer it to milk or >white?

or does everybody fall into this generalization except you?

>> No.4850464

Semisweet > Dark > Milk > Feces > White

White chocolate is awful.

>> No.4850776


it is cocoabutter, condensd milk and vanille

>> No.4850794

No. Everyone on /ck/ loves bitter ass chocolate, but hates bitter ass beer. GET IT RIGHT

>> No.4850798

Acquired taste.
Many people don't like blue cheese, or other "weird" foods, that doesn't mean that people who have learned to like something would be lying.

>> No.4850805


There are good darks and milks, and white can't compare to either.

>> No.4850841

All chocolate is delicious as fuck and mood decides day to day which is the best

>> No.4850839

ok. white is not cholate at all , dark is ok if baking, i guess, an aquired taste, like unsweet tea. or black coffee. some friends at work had a bar of organigic 70% cacoa chocolate. supposed to be really good. it ended up in the trash. I prefer milk chocolate. but dont go by me. I also like rasinettes and butter milk..

>> No.4850844

you can't be older than 19

>> No.4850847

>eating cooking chocolate

>> No.4850860

i cant stand dark chocolate it has such an aggressive taste I like white chocolate over milk, i seem to be in the small minority here

>> No.4850976
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No, for several reasons:

1. Children's taste buds are different from adult's taste buds (you can look this up, this is not your opinion vs mine, but a fact). Children will naturally prefer milk over dark no matter the availability of either. Rarely, an especially precocious child will sometimes pretend to like things that he believes would reflect well upon him to like, but this doesn't change the underlying facts.

2. Less dark chocolate is sold than milk chocolate so the odds are in favor of a kid tasting milk chocolate first, assuming the choice is completely random (which of course it isn't, since nobody buys 89% for a kid)

3. Most people eat terrible food. Again, this is not an opinion but a fact. By definition, premium/luxury foods cannot be eaten by everyone. Most chocolate sold is terrible, and while most people do experience an opportunity to taste good chocolate at some point, this is something that happens by purely random happenstance for many people not accustomed to eating nice things. As dark chocolate is more common among 'premium' brands, the odds of any random schmuck even TASTING dark chocolate, let alone LIKING it, starts off low when that schmuck is 6 years old, and increases over time.

4. Since most schmucks think "normal" chocolate is milk chocolate and "premium" chocolate is dark chocolate owing to their circumstances, and since it's customary for people to lie to themselves and pretend to like "premium" things that society tells them are sophisticated (see >>4849919), most people run around with confused idea that dark chocolate is by definition "the best". You can't get them to admit to themselves why, but this is in fact why.

You people seem to confuse the concept of liking milk chocolate with "FUCK DARK CHOCOLATE". And why? Much like an edgy goth teen who still resents being taken to church by mommy and daddy, you're blaming milk chocolate for your shame over your own body's natural development. This is sad and wrong.

>> No.4850993


>> No.4851002

I like milk and dark chocolate equally. The difference for me is that dark chocolate has to be high quality for it to be good, and when it is, it's amazing. While I can buy shitty, low quality chocolate and still enjoy it just fine.
Never liked white.

>> No.4851011

I sometimes snack on pure cocoa nibs. You got a problem?

>> No.4851024

wow, 4 paragraphs telling me what i do or do not like. actually i am 53, an ex military officer. i just said white is not Chocolate, very dark was not the best, except for cooking and I prefer milk. no problem. "you people " might want to take a peek in the mirror. as should all of us.

>> No.4851028

I love dark bitter chocolate.
I love creamy milk chocolate.
I love milky white chocolate.


>> No.4851031
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>there are actually people on this board who have never enjoyed white chocolate

>> No.4851037

> i just said white is not Chocolate, very dark was not the best, except for cooking and I prefer milk.

None of that has anything to do with my post, although I do see words to that effect elsewhere in the thread. Are you having some trouble learning to browse 4chan with your newfangled smart-phone?

>> No.4851087


white chocolate is impossible to enjoy as it isn't even really chocolate.

>> No.4851091

Personally, I like dark chocolate and milk chocolate about equally (presuming they're from the same quality source). Sometimes I'd rather have one than the other, but I like both. I'm more likely to binge on dark chocolate, though.

I can't stand white chocolate, though. Disgusting stuff.

>> No.4851097

White chocolate is shit tier. You just happened to post the exception to the rule.

>> No.4851145

White = Dark > Milk

>mfw Lindt white chocolate coconut
>mfw Ferrero Raffaello

>> No.4853015

Can you make milk chocolate with almond milk? Cow's milk cancels out the phytochemical properties of chocolate, but almond milk would make a milk chocolate that's relatively healthy and beneficial

>> No.4853033

Not really. Milk chocolate is made with milk powder, so you would need almond milk powder, which in that form does not exist

>> No.4853166

anyone who says this word has invalid opinions

>> No.4853180

I don't think you can tier chocolate flavors.
I think you just have to be shifted into the right diet enviornment to enjoy them.
Like how wine box soccer moms sometimes enjoy a dark raspberry truffle bar with their binge.

>> No.4853505


What do you prefer calling them? Phytonutrients? Vitamin P?

>> No.4853672

>Phytochemicals, chemical compounds that occur naturally in plants (phyto means "plant" in Greek). Some are responsible for color and other organoleptic properties, such as the deep purple of blueberries and the smell of garlic. The term is generally used to refer to those chemicals that may have biological significance, for example antioxidants, but are not established as essential nutrients.[1] Scientists estimate[citation needed] that there may be as many as 10,000 different phytochemicals having the potential to affect diseases such as cancer, stroke or metabolic syndrome.


>> No.4853676


The problem is not the exact terminology, the problem is that someone is using a generic term instead of being specific. It implies a lack of specific knowledge.

>> No.4853681

I used to suck on lemons as a kid before realizing how bad it was fucking my teeth up.

I think the quality of the chocolate in question has a lot to do with it.
Cheap dark/milk/white chocolate is gross.
I perfer milk chocolate, but only when it uses milk/ condensed milk, and not "milk powder"

>> No.4853682

>It implies a lack of specific knowledge.

Or taking for granted everyone else is up to speed with what you are talking about. It is actually a bit of respect for he thinks you are up to his level of knowledge.

Who wants to sit here and list all the phytochemicals contained in chocolate that studies show are good for your health? Instead you hope everyone else knows what they are or at least have easy access to that knowledge (we are online after all) and use the word "phytochemical".

>> No.4853686

usually i hate your hershey's McChocolate but this stuff was actually pretty nice

still, in general hershey's is absolutely inedible

>> No.4853697

Maybe it's just me, but I've never tasted any good white chocolates. Which is bad, being that my mother wanted me to make a white chocolate cheese cake for the holidays this year.

What brands could you suggest, if any.
I'll be heading downtown later this week to sample some locally made chocolate.

>> No.4853718

White chocolate isn't even chocolate.

Milk chocolate is delicious.

Dark chocolate is god-emperor

>> No.4853793


the correct conclusion: some plants probably contain useful chemicals that have yet to be identified

the wrong conclusion: phytochemicals are a kind of special chemical that are Good For You

guess which interpretation most people believe?

>> No.4854105

>the wrong conclusion: phytochemicals are a kind of special chemical that are Good For You
Some plants contain cyanide! Therefore cyanide is a phytochemical! Therefore cyanide is good for you!!!

(Have we beaten this stupidity into submission yet?)

>> No.4854135

this but dark because i like bitter and white just because i have it less than milk.

>> No.4854167


I don't think you understand what a phytochemical is. Cyanide isn't plant-specific, there's nothing phyto about it. Phytochemicals, or phytoNUTRIENTS as they're also known, are plant-specific chemicals that compose the plant that break down and are assimilated into our bodies. Some of them aren't known (yet) to do anything, while many of them relieve oxidative stress, protect against different types of cancers, help prevent stroke and alzheimers and dimensia, help regulate sleep patterns, improve blood flow, etc

It feels like a lot of people on this board think it's some new buzzword that hippies use to make fruits and vegetables sound good, but it's something we've known about for a long time. Shit, Vitamin C was only discovered about 100 years ago. In 1900 the people on this board would deny its existence and claim it's some bullshit to get poeople to buy fruit. Times change and science expands.

>> No.4854362

>Some of them aren't known (yet) to do anything, while many of them relieve oxidative stress, protect against different types of cancers, help prevent stroke and alzheimers and dimensia, help regulate sleep patterns, improve blood flow, etc

And some of them (sometimes for the same reasons that they might help some health conditions) can cause increased bleeding, increased clotting, sleep disruption, hormonal changes, damage to various organs, etc.

Studies that show some supposed health benefit for eating chocolate make good headlines, much like studies that show wine is good for you, beer is good for you, binging on barbecued meat is great for you as long as you avoid gluten, and so forth. People like to be told that something they enjoy is good for them. It's not going to hurt to eat a little square of dark chocolate and if you want to justify it on health reasons that's as good a reason as any, but at this point there's no reason to believe that there's some essential nutrient in chocolate that you couldn't just as easily get from something else. Coffee is scientifically proven to improve my mental performance, and I'm quite certain that if all the coffee in the world disappeared tonight, there would be a few extra murders in the morning. That doesn't make it an essential vitamin.

>> No.4854542


Nobody said anything about them being essential, but to say that many aren't greatly beneficial would be to just ignore all nutritional science and history. Tea and ginger are examples of foods that we've known for thousands of years to have health benefits beyond standard vitamin and mineral content.


So stop trying to brush it off as a neglible thing and learn a thing or two about the food you eat.

>> No.4854624


what we're saying is that nothing is 100% beneficial. All those chemicals that can alter the body aren't magically "good", they simply produce a specific effect which may or may not be good.

If you have high blood pressure then eating plants containing chemicals which lower it can be a great thing. It might even save your life. On the other hand, that exact same plant can be a deadly poison if your blood pressure is already low. You don't want to be taking medicine for a condition that you do not have.

>learn a thing or two about the food you eat

I agree 100%. This means reading papers and understanding the underlying science, not listening to what a marketing company tells you.

>> No.4854627

>but hates bitter ass beer
Really? I see people on /ck/ in love with IPA's all the time.

>> No.4854629

Milk > Dark > Carob > White

There is nothing better than a good ol' milk chocolate bar.
>the meltiness
>the creaminess
>the chocolaty...ness

Oh and ya'll forgot about carob.

>> No.4854634

>Acquired taste.
And If I eat shit for a good year or so, I'll acquire a taste for that too.

>> No.4854654

Dark chocolate taste like vomit.

>> No.4854816

so anyone who likes dark chocolate is...pretending to fit some kind of stigma?

is that what you're really honestly saying or am i confused.
because if that is what you're saying then that is the silliest shit ive ever heard of.

i dont deny that there are people out there who will claim to like things they see as being mature. that happens among every age group. but to say that the only reason someone has to like dark chocolate is to fit-in with some kind of ideal persona...i just cant comprehend how paranoid that is.

>> No.4854819


You're confused. Also drunk. Cheers.

>> No.4854822

not drunk, i dont really drink like that.

and if thats the case then why so defensive about people preferring dark chocolate over milk chocolate.

>> No.4854843


You seem drunk, but perhaps you're just not very good at logic.

Liking dark chocolate and thinking milk chocolate is all shit are two very different things. The former is just a preference. The latter is a lie spoken by people who erroneously believe that saying so makes them sound sophisticated and mature.

>> No.4854881

if the following posts are by you (likely not all, but going by most)
and of course

then you are, in fact, being extremely defensive.
not a single person you replied to said milk chocolate was "all shit", the most they did was say that dark chocolate is better. and yet you replied - or attacked - with strawmen and bitterness that seemed to hint at an either extreme insecurity of taste, or projecting (as much as i hate using the term "projecting").

either way, what im saying is that you freaked the hell out over some pretty mild opinions and it was silly.

>> No.4854900

>straw man

You forgot ad hominem and moving the goalposts. Also you need to demand at least six peer-reviewed studies supporting my opinion. Please delete and retype that or I will not reply.

>> No.4854909

dear God, spare me the carob. along with instant iced tea, baco bits, soybean based "french onion dip" and wine coolers. and for that matter imitation processed "chesz" single
slices, no alcohol beer and "choclaty" flavored candies, along with huge tins of popcorn at christmas. and the ever recurring requests from coworkers from theirr kids, wanting you to buy overpriced gift wrap, candles and junk to support the local schools, even though you already pay sky high county taxes. and please get rid of avon and amway and telemarketers. also political groups calling . amen.

>> No.4854920

Skittles > everything else ever > white > milk > dark

>> No.4854926

but that's what you were actually doing.
you took a post that said "Dark > Milk > White" and replied saying that they must be a child who's never had Nutella before.

that obviously implies that you have a full preconceived idea of someone who would have an opinion even similar to that one, and acted on it full sail. that's what a strawman is.
honestly you're doing it right now by trying to make me out as someone who throws around logical fallacy buzzwords for the hell of throwing around logical fallacy buzzwords when im really not. i even said that i hate using the word projecting because im fully aware of how it sounds at this point because of other people who misuse the term.

but all of that is besides the point and im seeing more and more that you seem to be the angry 4channer who enters a discussion not to discuss the topic in a civil fashion, but instead to bombast and berate everyone else just to be right about something, even if its a problem you make up.

now you'll either not reply like youve promised and prove me wrong (and try to win yet another argument), or reply, proving me right, and ironically misapply the term "strawman" yourself to that last statement (to again try to win the argument).

>> No.4855935

Dark > Milk > White
White chocolate is shit tier, I never understood why people like it so much

>> No.4855946
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Milk > sane amounts of dark > white > dark