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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4847725 No.4847725[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I had dinner at my Chinese friend's place and he made chili which was cool. I got my bowl for chili and went to sit down. He on the other hand scooped up some rice and put the chili directly top of the rice and then MIXED IT ALL TOGETHER.

I was like wut. He replied that it's the best way and I said no it's not it's like mixing ketchup and rice.

We turn to /ck/ to settle our dispute.

>> No.4847732

I do that and then I sprinkle grated cheddar cheese on top.

>> No.4847736


lol no. Thats like 10x worse than putting beans in it.

>> No.4847740

Sorta how you would eat chili and cornbread together

But mixing it up is taking it too far

>> No.4847744

Oh he also said Mixing ketchup and rice is an asian thing. It's asian comfort food.

>> No.4847745

Your desire to keep rice and chili separate is an indication of deeply repressed homosexuality.
Chili is a traditionally male type of meal, and rice is often seen as feminine.
You would feel much more comfortable mixing chili with chili and rice with rice.

Its okay anon.
You can tell us.
This isn't really about the chili, is it?
We won't judge you

>> No.4847747

Who gives a fuck?

>> No.4847749

Did you try it?

>> No.4847751


>> No.4847758

if an asian puts anything into his rice, he likes to mix it up first

>> No.4847760


>> No.4847764

If someone is making edible food for you, you don't critique them. When he's your guest, you can do whatever you want with your chili. Shut up, be polite, and enjoy the rice and chili.

>> No.4847772

It's the English way of making Chilli if that counts for anything. We all, including myself, put it with rice as it just compliments it quite well. Chilli on its own is fine but it's like having spaghetti bolognase without the spaghetti. It's just not done over here.

>> No.4847776

I know someone that uses a funnel to put chili into an empty bottle and then walks around in public sucking on it like a fucking drink.

>> No.4847778

It reminds me of the time I had 'spaghetti' at his house.

>Come over I made spaghetti.
>No noodles, just sauce
>Where's the spaghetti?
>Just scoop it on the rice anon
>Proceeds to mix rice and bolognese

>> No.4847781

maybe he just loves rice if he's chinese?
Or in reality, his parents always have it around and used it and it's what he's grown up with.

>> No.4847793

That's how the rest of the world does chili bro. They treat it like curry. Cultural differences. Neither of you is "right", just depends what you grew up doing.

>> No.4847798

Pasta, rice, potatoes, or bread all provide a nice bland starchy base that go well with a flavorful sauce/dish like Bolognese or chili. I mean if you wanna eat your chili alone, that's fine, and I've never tried it with rice, but I don't see a problem with it.

>> No.4847804

You would think that after living in America for 20+ years he'd learn that spaghetti is noodles and not to mix chili.

It's like on ketchup steak level.

>> No.4847828

That's rhe grossest thing ever. Chili gets shredded cheese, sour cream and fritos. Always. Even when its on a hotdog

>> No.4847832

Why am i laughing so hard at this?

>> No.4847860
File: 34 KB, 448x332, firehouse-chili[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chili like OP's pic
>calling that dog food chili
this is chili

>> No.4847867

i don't like mixing chili with rice, but i do it out of necessity because poor

>> No.4847869

Chili on rice is something that's done, but it's the uncivilized barbarians that do so.

>> No.4847872


>> No.4847874

I do the same thing. I was on holiday in England, and we went to the Slug & Lettuce.

>order chilli
>get chilli
>lovely big bowl of Hispanic beany goodness
>proceed to mix up rice with chilli
>old lady that has been my host looks at me like I just killed a puppy
>tells me that mixing it up like that is impolite
>tell her this is how I always do it
>proceed to eating
>chilli was pretty good
So yeah, probably a cultural difference.

>> No.4847877

Chili on rice is good you faggot.

>muh poverty dish purity

Being autistic about incorporating aspects of dishes with other dishes is not only retarded, but it stifles culinary creativity.

Let me guess, you faggots think ground beef chili mac is an abomination too. At this point it's not even about being purist patricians. It's about being a xenophobic culinary circle jerk.

>> No.4847878

>Even their names are unappetizing

>> No.4847880

No, it isnt.

>> No.4847882

I like a spoonful of rice in a chili bowl, if it's offered. It's also something I'll do if it is a crazy spicy batch of chili. Rice cuts heat, like with thai food. In either case, my preference is not to whirl it up.

>> No.4847888

Who the fuck eats rice with chili ?
grew up in Texas and never seen this shit in my life

>> No.4847890

Time to get with the times Texas. That's how things are done now.

>> No.4847893


>> No.4847894

>grew up in Texas

You don't have to announce that you're a faggot here, it's already assumed.

>> No.4847897

I too am from Texas (DFW area) and although not standard/common, I've seen it served that way many times. I like it. I'll always opt for cornbread instead, as far as starches go, but the rice isn't a bad addition at all.

>> No.4847898

>That's how things are done stupidly now.


>> No.4847900

If it's chili and beans then it's like the fucking X-treme version of rice and beans.

There's a lot of foods that are like this in asia. Put a punch of rice in a bowl and top with meats and vegetables in a sauce. You grab some of the topping and some rice with it for each bite. It's best when the rice is just al dente so you get the sauce and juicy meat and veggies with dry rice in each bite.

>> No.4847916


If you're having some chili as a snack or a light lunch, a cup plain is just fine.

As an actual meal, however, throw it over some rice, top it with some shredded cheese and a good handful of diced onion.

Whether or not you mix it all up to begin with is a matter of preference. I typically mix it all up, just to get the cheese nice and melted, but taking a spoonful of onion, cheese, chili, and rice at a time is also just fine. I'm just not really sure why you would spend the extra effort.

>> No.4847940

Rice and beans is a staple.

Listen, I'm not dissing bean-less chili, meat chili is great on hotdogs but real chili has beans. And beans and rice just works, on an elemental primordial gut instinct level.

So never feel ashamed about putting chili on rice, as long as the chili in question has beans.

If you are putting hotdog chili on rice, you have bigger problems than /ck/ can solve.

>> No.4847951

The chili bean ranking:

Garbonzo > Kidney >>> Black bean

>> No.4847953

I sometimes put meaty pasta sauce on rice or quinoa instead of noodles.

>> No.4847956

My parents used to eat chili with rice.

Things we also ate with rice:
Beef Stew

>> No.4847974

OP here. Another story.

I invited him over to my place and we were having rice. I got my rice bowl and put some soy sauce in it, not a lot just to flavor it.

Friend gave me a wtf are u doing? And said that asians dont do that.


>> No.4848028


>takes his asian friend's advice when it comes to putting soy sauce on rice
>makes a bigger point about his asian friend's opinion about putting chili on rice

Just tell him you're Hawaii master-race. I grew up in Hawaii and everyone there puts soy sauce on their rice. I also grew up putting chili on rice, just like everyone else I knew growing up.

>> No.4848038

If you're friend is cooking and you are eating and he says it's the right way, then it's the right way

>> No.4848048

Your friend is right

>> No.4848055


>> No.4848085

I mix rice and (canned) chili all the time. It's no big deal.

Now, doing that with home made chili, that I would frown upon, but not say anything.

>> No.4848084

While I think rice and chili actually sounds pretty good, do you realize Texas was one of the few states that until recently outlawed faggotry?

>> No.4848089

and yet we also all know the only things to come out of Texas are steers and queers. Be less defensive.

>> No.4848096

2nd grade called. Recess is over in 5 minutes, you missed the boat.

>> No.4848098

Not defensive, just trying to enlighten. Of course a /k/omedian would quote R. Lee, who never actually did serve in a combat role as an example of yankee stereotypes. Stay frosty.

>> No.4848099

....and beer

>> No.4848103

Wow you fucking faggot fuck off back to /pol/ if you're seriously actually opposed to rice mixing.

>> No.4848106

What good beer comes out of texas? I can't say I've ever even seen a beer from texas.

>> No.4848109

Texas motherfucker, capitalize that shit. And it's Shiner asshole.

>> No.4848110


>> No.4848113

Holy shit!
I work at a Japanese sushi and hibachi place and I always get a bowl of white rice with soy sauce on top to snack on and everyone acts like I'm a freak!!
Why is this so frowned upon by Asian culture?

>> No.4848120

Never seen any Shiner beer from texas up here in Washington.

We do get great beer from all over the world here though. I can drive less than 10 miles in any direction (except west since I'm close to the ocean) and find beer from all over the U.S., Europe, and Asia.

>> No.4848130

>What good beer comes out of texas? I can't say I've ever even seen a beer from texas.
Joke over your head.

Shiner is older than your age, too.

>> No.4848134

Shinber bock! that's what they use at chili's ribs

>> No.4848137

I'm not sure about the other countries but in Japan, the rice is the main dish and the other dishes are meant to compliment the rice. So adding soy sauce is like saying their rice is not good or tasty enough to be eaten on its own.

>> No.4848140

Are we seriously trying to start this stupid 'meme' up again?

>> No.4848146


Well, I'm glad I didn't get that joke.

>> No.4848266


I'm usually all for Texas bashing, but holy fuck, you just went full retard. How are you even on /ck/ without having had at least heard of Shiner Bock? That's like a basic go to, crowd-pleaser 101 beer, and is available nation wide.

>> No.4848282

you mean like budlight platinum

>> No.4848290

I've always used rice as a base for my chili. It adds some bulk.

>> No.4848300

In after Shiner.

Besides Shiner, there's the various offerings by the Real Ale Brewing Co. They make good stuff.

>> No.4848303

>a basic go to, crowd-pleaser 101 beer, and is available nation wide

>you mean like budlight platinum

No, I was assuming I was talking to people with a bit of taste.

>then i remember where i am
>then i realize it's time to go to sleep

>> No.4848312

I've just never seen it broham. It could be because it's near the big 3 and their brew (not actually sure as I don't ever recall seeing it to begin with), that might be the reason.

I typically don't venture past henry weinhard's stuff in my beer shops; after that it's --mostly-- bud/miller/coors.

>> No.4848315

can't tell if troll or not

chinese american here and my parents never buy ketchup or anything that goes with ketchup
and none of my Asian friends eat ketchup with rice. soy sauce with rice bu t not ketchup

>> No.4848316


>I typically don't venture past henry weinhard's stuff in my beer shops; after that it's --mostly-- bud/miller/coors

Yeah, you are definitely going to want to look in the other direction.

>> No.4848319

Well if it's with the good beer, none of the beer shops in my area carry it.

>> No.4848326


I'm not sure if you're the Washington fag from earlier, but I've seen it in grocery/liquor stores in Oregon, New York, New England, and the few places I've looked in the Mid-West. I'd suggest you look harder next time; it's definitely worth a try.

>> No.4848329

>what is omurice
also i'm chinese american and it was a childhood big thing. other chinese friends did it too

>> No.4848332

I am. I'll look in a grocery store this weekend instead of the place I like to go to (40 different beers on tap and a "bring your own growler" policy. Woo).

>> No.4848362

my chinese roommates do that all the time, it must be normal in asia

I would agree that it probably isnt a common way to eat chili in america but that doesnt mean it isnt good.

also your 'dispute' makes no sense

>he said its the best, I said it isnt
you arent arguing you are just voicing your opinions

>> No.4848380

It's the same reason we hate sketti.

>> No.4848382

Chili purists are hilarious.

>> No.4848386

Shit in his bowl mix it, call it Indian food. Now go, show him the error of his way.

>> No.4848653


I've always done this.

>> No.4848678

You and your chinaman buddy are weird

I mean I get a plain piece of white bread and ketchup but rice?

Well unless its some shit rice

>> No.4849241

You niggas know nothing about some crackers in your chili.

>> No.4849262

I thought omurice was Japanese, not Chinese? My little sister is on top of me

>> No.4849272

> Putting chili on rice

Your friend is a white washed banana

>> No.4849273

>I do something a particular way which must mean that 3 billion other people do it exactly the same

>> No.4849296

Weird. Everyone does it like that in England anyway, not sure why she was surprised.

Rice is the best complement to chili. Serving chili alone is also weird.

>> No.4849298

you misspelled traditional cornbread

>> No.4849304

I'm British, I don't even know what cornbread is.

>> No.4849307

that's like eating spaghetti noodles and not knowing what marinara is

oh u brits

>> No.4849337

Not the anon you responded to, but i eat spaghettis, and i don't know what marinara is.

>> No.4849344

Who gives a fuck how someone else eats something.

>> No.4849346

>europe doesn't know how to spaghetti

>> No.4849357

About to eat chili with nice, hot, white rice in a bit. Where I come from, even Wendy's serves their chili with a cup of rice, so it's what I've always known. I also like to eat spaghetti and lasagna with rice. Tomato based sauces are too overwhelming for me without it.

>> No.4849367

where do you live cuz that's not US

>> No.4849375

chili on rice is worse then ketchup on a hot dog ops friend should be shot for chili neglect

>> No.4849377

Guam, and it technically is US. I'm not there anymore, though. I imagine Hawaii has the same habits, which is definitely US.

>> No.4849383
File: 76 KB, 640x427, fidel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't that how ever one eats chili that doesn't come from Wendys? I'm half Cuban and we do this all the time even with stewed beef.

>> No.4849387

>I also like to eat spaghetti and lasagna with rice.
Hawaiibro here
Do you mean "eat spaghetti and lasagna with chili"? If so, yeah we do that. Chili cannot and should not be eaten without rice, and chili spaghetti is fucking delicious. If you actually do mean that you put rice in your pasta, that's just weird.

>> No.4849395

I don't like to mix it, but I like it side by side on a plate. I think you can taste each dish better if it's not mixed together, and you get a bite of each on the same fork/spoon.

>> No.4849397
File: 105 KB, 638x772, chili rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We turn to /ck/ to settle our dispute.

You needn't have bothered. Unless you snapped that pic at your friend's house, googling for that photo showed you that it not an uncommon thing at all.

Although, despite being a frequent /d/enizen and /b/tard, I'm still a little worried that there are six and a half million "chili rice" pictures that don't pass Safe Search. wtf?

>> No.4849666

No, I literally eat spaghetti with white rice on the side. I know this practice is more uncommon but I've met a few other people that do it, too. I try not to do it often because it's really fat.

>> No.4849693

We do that here in the Philippines though. That shit is legit especially if the chili is pretty hot.

And I also do >>4847732 for added flavor and texture.

>> No.4849717

Better for the taste than dumping a ton of crackers in the chili.

That is what is truly revolting.

>> No.4849807

>traditional cornbread
GM foods are illegal over here, we don't put corn in everything.

>> No.4850078

Are you Honduran?

>> No.4850109

deoeppnd on where are ye. Illl shut u now. but still, be carefue. boougt 4 cans booorddee & .88 a can. not bad. stock hil ya can. ya N NEVR know.. cause when winter hits... my respect to stephen kinig.n just be nice... i never hought og that before...

>> No.4850223

So it's like Bibimbap. Next time he comes over, crack a raw egg on top of your chili and mix it all with your rice. You've gotta out-Asian him.

>> No.4850255
File: 76 KB, 640x427, bubba burger chili rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Do you mean "eat spaghetti and lasagna with chili"? If so, yeah we do that.

Speak for yourself. I don't think I'd ever seen chili served with spaghetti (at least in Hawaii), let alone lasagna (fucking weird).

>> No.4850297


>> No.4850351

rice is nice. pasta is great. no starch is even better.

but corn bread is god tier

>> No.4850379


Why is it important for you that your friend eats as you do?

I don't understand people's desires for others to be like them.

>> No.4850383


Much less their animosity when it isn't the case.

>> No.4850404

>beans in your bean soup
That's not chili.

>> No.4850524
File: 244 KB, 1600x1027, Moose Chili & Cornbread_Blogspot-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always so refreshing to see non-Americans being as absolutely retarded as we can be. How the hell do you go from "cornbread" (which may or may not be made from GM corn, although it is likely) to "put corn in everything?"

>> No.4850654

1. Because corn and bread aren't two things that typically go together. Bread is wheat.
2. because 80% of food in America is GMO so it's likely cornbread is
3. because everyone knows the US puts corn in everything, 90% of the countries grain produce is corn.

Sources so you can't be a cunt about it

and google cache because your government is broken.

>> No.4850818

so you're gonna eat plain rice and plain chili? you friend has the right idea, you are autistic.

>> No.4850829

He's talking about the mixing part

food on top of rice is common

>> No.4850831


GMO corn is a wonderful product. Certainly there are breeds of sweet corn more suitable for eating raw, but that doesn't matter since GM corn is used for cattle feed, corn meal, and corn syrup. It's as nutritious (or not) as any variety of corn, and is higher-yielding and more resistant to pests, and comes Roundup-Ready (extremely beneficial to the farmer).

Americans: if u dnt liek it, dnt by it.