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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 465x600, hotdogwithketchup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4846076 No.4846076[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright /ck/, how do you feel about this? I rage anytime I see hot dogs with ketchup.

>> No.4846078
File: 371 KB, 972x1077, 1380753495784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dunno bout that but i could sure go for a sub right about now

>> No.4846081

hot dogs are disgusting by themselves, always have them with an ocean of ketchup and mountains of roasted garlic.

>> No.4846085


>> No.4846093

>people doing things that are ingrained in their culture and reinforced by their parents
wow such plebs rofl lamo rekt yolo

>> No.4846105

Or I simply don't like ketchup on a hot dog lolololololololol rotflmaowfma

>> No.4846120

Yeah, ketchup on hot dogs is gross. Mustard.

>> No.4846134

its not that big of a deal. in public i would only use mustard but at home i would throw whatever on it. ketchup, mustard, mayo, relish, whatever was in the fridge. call it a guilty pleasure

>> No.4846139

I used to work in a hot dog factory..
If you could see what goes in these things you'd never touch them let alone put them near your mouth.
The offal thread the other day has nothing on this.

>> No.4846148

tell us your tales, hotdog-man.

>> No.4846160

Well basically a cow goes into an abattoir and all the better cuts are taken and portioned up, even the organs that have resale value and the skin that is turned into leather.

In hot dog world we used to get this limp old empty carcass that we would put in a huge vat and just boil the whole thing until it basically dissolved, we put color and filler in and pump it out. That's about it.

I've worked in pet food places as well, I'd eat the pet food before I ate a hot dog.

>> No.4846167

>tfw the only meat I have at home is for another 2 weeks is 1.5kg of sausage

>> No.4846175

Sausage can be okay if it's from a butcher, or even a decent supermarket.
It's the plastic red skin ? white ish unknown meat that you boil you should be afraid of.

I do eat sausage from butchers

>> No.4846224

You have a fascinating life Anon

>> No.4846279

>not having mustard and ketchup together

>> No.4846288

hot dogs are like the only thing you need ketchup for. that and fries i guess.

>> No.4846293

I don't see what is so bad about that. Seems like a good way to use all the meat and cartilage from the animal. Perhaps the "additives" are what make you ill?

>> No.4846303

>I rage anytime I see hot dogs with ketchup.

Then you have some sort of mental issue, or just enjoy subscribing to the whole "I hate ketchup" thing because you think it makes you sound like some serious 'foodie'.

I think adding cream to coffee is for faggots, and that sweetening iced tea is for rednecks, but I give no shits if that is how someone chooses to enjoy their respective beverage.

>> No.4846315

>I rage anytime I see hot dogs with ketchup
>I rage about ketchup
>I rage about something that is doing no harm to me, and that others seem to enjoy

You sound like one of those hard-line atheists who get bent out of shape when people say "god bless you", and spend free time crossing the word "God" out on all their currency.

Get a fucking grip. It's ketchup. On a hotdog.

>> No.4846317
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>being an elitist about how people eat processed pig anuses

>> No.4846326


Most ketchup is gross, but the worst thing in that picture is the hot dog.

>yfw I only eat real sugar ketchup and only occasionally on a grilled cheese with some mustard

>> No.4846340


I'm in the health food industry now.
I do it all.
Believe it or not, I'm good at what I do.

>> No.4846354

>being a snob about fucking hot dogs

>> No.4846358

Sometimes I regret reading things on this board. I don't know if I'll ever be able to eat another hot dog ever again.

>> No.4846361

anyone who uses ketchup on a hot dog is just ignorant and can be educated. what makes me rage is seeing people who should know better putting YELLOW mustard on their hot dogs. everyone knows it's brown mustard or nothing.

>> No.4846365

>I rage anytime I see hot dogs with ketchup.

That sounds like you have deeper issues you need to address. Seek counseling.

>> No.4846405

I don't eat hot dogs at all unless they are free at tailgate parties/public events. They are usually low quality shit, so ketchup does wonders.

>> No.4846416

>not eating kosher hot dogs with german mustard

>> No.4846424

>Hating ketchup on hot dogs

None of you are welcome in my house.

And in my father's house, there are many tits.

>> No.4846434


>there are people who don't eat Kosher hotdogs
>there are people who have never tried the joy of getting a hotdog from the butchers shop

>> No.4846440

I've never liked mustard, and I think ketchup tastes good on hot dogs.

Besides, why should you give a single fuck about what I put in my mouth. I don't care about all the cocks you put in yours.

>> No.4846447

So you enjoy being ignorant?

>> No.4846449

>I rage anytime I see hot dogs with ketchup.
I don't rage, but I expect to see such a thing in the hands of someone under six years old who is still scared of mustard.

>> No.4846455

Yes! Too many people judge about what you're eating instead of focussing on what they're eating. As I said in another thread, it's your own business what you enjoy and I think the beauty of food is that we have the opportunity to appreciate things others don't. I choose not to have ketchup on mine, but it doesn't make me "right".

>> No.4846456

You should calm down. Ketchup tastes good on hot dogs.

>> No.4846459

I don't like the taste of mustard. I'd prefer chili and cheese on a hotdog, but if that isn't available then ketchup.

There is no reason to be pretentious about it. It's a fucking hotdog and people's taste buds are different.

>> No.4846462

This. I only like honey mustard, which doesn't seem like it would work on a hot dog (though I haven't tried it). I prefer chili dogs, but ketchup works when those aren't available.

>> No.4846465

>who is still scared of mustard.

That neon yellow shit hardly qualifies as "mustard"

>> No.4846480

I only fill my hot dogs with either chili or mayonnaise.

Mayonnaise is my fucking addiction.

>> No.4846482

I believe you. But I don't care about hotdogs, I like them just because they're hotdogs.

It's basically like the McNuggets am I correct?

>> No.4846488

Whats the original comic name?
Looks hot.

>> No.4846489

so what's different with Kosher hotdogs?

The only difference is that a Rabi has to oversee the slaughtering, right?

>> No.4846500

non kosher = mystery meat
kosher = quality beef blessed with jew magic

>> No.4846504

knowledge is power bro. go vegan.

>> No.4846506


ain't nothing "powerful" about overreaction and irrational diet choices.

>> No.4846509

>mfw all of these oscar meyer 1950s faggots read some Upton Sinclair book and act like know-it-alls when it comes to hot dogs.

Did any of you dumb fuck retards bother doing any research once you graduated 8th grade and got a D- on your History Fair project? The nearest hot dog factory by me uses top round steak blended with the fat cut off from brisket to make their hot dogs. Just because you eat shit it doesn't mean that everyone else does too.

>> No.4846510


I love the taste of ketchup and yellow mustard on a slightly chared hot dog, only jag-offs and foodies give a fuck about condiments on a hot-dog

>> No.4846514

yes, i jag off all over my hot dogs. problem?

>> No.4846517

kosher = no pork

fun fact: pre-abrahamic tribes practiced cannibalism...when the jewish law was established, cannibalism was abolished and pork was prohibited due to its similarity in taste to human flesh

>> No.4846527

why is shellfish banned then?

>> No.4846531

Ignorance is bliss, friend

>> No.4846533

i don't know...i'm a goy. maybe it smells too much like pussy and orthodox jews don't eat pussy

>> No.4846534

i don't FUCKING care, that's how i feel. how the fuck can you guys talk about this EVERY FUCKING DAY?

>> No.4846536

how have you not learned to close threads you don't like?

>> No.4846600
File: 111 KB, 786x1017, slight differences.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I rage anytime I see hot dogs with ketchup.

>> No.4846609
File: 61 KB, 424x283, truedawg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is wrong with you?

>> No.4846625

That's nothing
Last night we get a ticket of a 4 top
1 order is a childs pasta with just marinara & fresh mozzarella
Most kids just get marinara or a butter sauce so we're all thinking this kid has decent taste for a child
Fresh buffalo mozz, not bad kid
Go out to the dining room for some ice
The kid who ordered the past is in his mid 20's

>> No.4846840

that's an abomination. just look at how helpless that poor little hot dog looks entombed in all that garbage.

>> No.4846849

anyone put baked beans on their hot dogs? Started doing it when I was a kid never stopped. It's literally food on food no condiments.

>> No.4846856

That doesn't sound so awful to me.

I also don't understand why people have such a tantrum over others adding ketchup to their hotdog. I prefer mustard relish or nothing on my dogs though.

>> No.4846863

>anyone put baked beans on their hot dogs?
i will now...except i'm going to add some sauteed onion and shredden cheddar cheese on top as well...thanks for the tip

>> No.4846868

sauteed onions should already be in the pork n' beans if you made it right.

>> No.4847450

>I rage anytime I see hot dogs with ketchup.
Jesus, you must have a hard life.

>> No.4847489
File: 84 KB, 250x333, Hot-Dog-Customer-Inline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I rage anytime I see hot dogs with ketchup.
>Jesus, you must have a hard life.
It's a wonder OP didn't die of a brain hemorrhage by 2nd grade, surrounded by a school cafeteria full of ketchupped hotdogs.

>> No.4847491

I put a little ketchup but a lot of mustard.

>> No.4847498
File: 4 KB, 116x116, homer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fresh buffalo mozz

>> No.4847525

>In hot dog world we used to get this limp old empty carcass that we would put in a huge vat and just boil the whole thing until it basically dissolved, we put color and filler in and pump it out.
Chemically recovered "meat"? Yummy!

>> No.4847533

everything is chemical and works through chemistry...what's your point?

captcha: fact

>> No.4847632

>water is a chemical
I swear some people just like to collect meaningless phrases that they makes them sound clever

do you honestly think "chemically separated meat" is indistinguishable from standard cuts broken down with a conventional knife?

you going to request "peer reviewed studies" that "prove" there is a difference next?

what other sciencey sounding bullshit phrases do you have in your arsenal of wit?

>> No.4847653

you seem upset

>> No.4847670

I've never gone back to pork or chicken based hot dogs ever since I had my first All-Beef Hot Dog.

Nothing beats an all-beef hot dog.

>> No.4847672

Yeah, I couldn't believe that no pork could improve anything but its true.

>> No.4847678
File: 250 KB, 1280x960, 1350753835517[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does this make you feel, OP? Does it turn you into a swelling ball of anger and hate?

>> No.4847679
File: 152 KB, 800x600, goat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always eat my hotdogs with ketchup, I don't see why people have issues with it. It's fantastic.

>> No.4847722
File: 172 KB, 1024x768, d_backs_dog_with_ketchup_by_bigmac1212-d3f7ayj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah, if u can see any hot dog poking out, it still needs more ketchup!

>> No.4847726
File: 51 KB, 400x300, hotdogpuppy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only dog that doesn't need ketchup.

>> No.4847729

i disagree

>> No.4847753

>slather it in shitty condiments
Chicago detected

>> No.4847755

Most chicago style hot dogs have a lot of things on them, but ketchup usually isn't one of them.

>> No.4847769

>ketchup on hot dogs
you must be trollin' nigga

>> No.4847774

>tfw Americans always expect me to get sauerkraut on my hot dog just because I'm German

That's not even a thing over here.

>> No.4847780

we already got a hotdog thread going, it's the 7-Eleven hotdog appreciation thread.


>> No.4847785
File: 4 KB, 452x523, 1347011079353.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw amerifats are still being trained decades later by their masters into thinking all Germans are still evil and were all involved in the lolocaust

>> No.4847788

friendly reminder that no one cares

>> No.4847790

Do you think they tried to poison me with sauerkraut? Might have dodged a bullet there.

>> No.4847800
File: 58 KB, 500x468, subway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4847802

back to >>>/pol/ shabbos goy

captcha: that goicun

>> No.4847806
File: 136 KB, 480x480, design-46-46-17-2012-10-05-06-53-17[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4849895

I don't know what you were expecting. Every kid knows hot dogs are made with the animal trash no one else wants. Did you think they were made of sirloin?

>> No.4849935

Didn't the hotdog come out as a regular sausage with toppings with a bit of german culture as well but as time went on they tried making cheaper versions

>> No.4850032

frankfurter is what became the modern hot dog, it was always simple and used less valuable meat, what was new was the grinder's that could produce a fine grind for the dogs, resulting in a softer and easier to chew hotdog.


>> No.4850069

It's banned because they are bottom feeders eating shit and such. Because of this they are considered "unclean"

>> No.4850105




>> No.4850106

I just put Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce on mine

>> No.4850107

They are banned because too much disease can come from them if they are not fresh. Pork because of tape worms and parasites. This is integrated into the religion.

>> No.4850130
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Master race.

>> No.4850149

i thought jewish men are used to eating their wives' shit?

>> No.4850150
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>> No.4850151

I like dogs with ketchup. I mix it up so I don't always do ketchup.

>> No.4850156
File: 617 KB, 1280x720, coney-dog-WEB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking assholes. a good hot dog is chili, onions, mustard....AND ONLY THIS. CONEY DOG SUPERIOR

>> No.4850175

Hot dogs are delicious
My natural instincts that repulse me from eating disgusting foods do not kick in when eating hot dogs
Someone is missing out and it's not me

>> No.4850179

>Raw onions

Puking intensifies.

>> No.4850195
File: 127 KB, 900x585, 1380844748775.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yellow mustard

>> No.4850201

Be a man
yeah spicey brown is preffered, but either way mustard is the ONLY condiment for a hot dog, ketchup is for potato products and burgers ONLY and relish or any vegetable other than diced onions does not belong on a hotdog.


>> No.4850203

Caramelized onions or nothing, cracka.

>> No.4850205

That picture is so fucking hot. Damn.

Also, OP, I don't have any problem with ketchup. The way it's applied on that hotdog, though, is fucking disgraceful.

>> No.4850214

raw onions are delicious

>> No.4850215

Oh please, you'd rather a limp soggy onion that has the texture of slime on your hotdog or burger rather than some crisp, fresh, crunchy raw onions providing the best contrast possible?

>> No.4850216

Flavor > Texture.

>> No.4850277

Well that's an exaggeration if I've ever seen one
Either that or you're melting your onions

>> No.4850281

have to agree with >>4850215 but i do love me some caramelized onion on maxwell street polish or bleu cheese burgers....mmmmmmmm...dat shit be gooooooooood nigga