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4835177 No.4835177 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, just turned 21 and made my first alcohol purchase. How'd I do?

>> No.4835188

I've heard that's really good, as far as lambics go. What's the taste like? If it's more on the sour/dry side I think I'd like to try it (I'm not a fan of yeasty, breadlike beers).

>> No.4835208

The way the guy described it is that it's like sweet tarts.

He was right.

>> No.4835219

Sours are God-tier.

>> No.4835224

People mostly drink witbier here, but this was much, much better than any witbier I've had.

>> No.4835229


>first alcohol purchase


>> No.4835230

I don't really drink, but that bottle art sure looks beautiful.

>> No.4835232

I'm quite partial to Rodenbach, which should be fairly widely distributed. You'd probably like it.

>> No.4835256

I've never seen that here, but I'll stay on the lookout.

>> No.4835309

>first personal, walk around liquor store myself alcohol purchase

>> No.4835316

>not getting a 6 pack of Coors

Fucking elitist hipster faggot

>> No.4835510

That's not what I would have suggested for a first alcohol purchase, but definitely an interesting choice.

>> No.4835631


you purchased poisonous, rotten fruit juice. you failed.

>> No.4835641
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>duchesse de bourgogne

top lol

come back to /ck/ when you're old enough to drink

>> No.4835647

Alcohol is a class 1 carcinogen. Excessive consumption also leads to weight gain, diabetes, and a fatty liver/alcholic cirrhosis.

Not to mention vitamin deficiency leading to Wernicke encephalopathy.

If you're fine with that, and many people are, then good for you. Don't drink in excess, and don't drink and drive.

>> No.4835903


>> No.4835908

Personally it reminds me of a bad wine and if you drink more than one your stomach feels like you just chugged a bottle of vinegar. All in all 2/10 try again next year

>> No.4836313


such troll.

The vitamin deficiency leading to Wernicke's occurs in severe chronic alcoholics whose essentially sole source of calories is alcohol. Has nothing to do with the alcohol itself

>> No.4836720
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OP here. Just bought a bottle of lambic beer, should be similar, yes?

Pic related, the beer I bought.

>> No.4836757


Not really. OP posted a sour ale and an average one at that. What you have is a pretty average-above average lambic. Lineman's are definitely lambics (though people dispute this) but they are back sweetened so they aren't really a tradition representation of the style. Not having a go at you, just sharing some knowledge.

>> No.4836870

I enjoyed the tart of both of them. Any recommendations of a top lambic?

>> No.4838924


>> No.4838967

Only way to know if it was a good purchase is if you liked it or not.
A $10 dollar bottle can be just as good as a $100 bottle. And why spend $100 if you think its just ok.

I like fat bastard and bulls blood.

>> No.4838977

that shit tastes good but has very little alcohol.

a woman can drink a bottle of that and not get drunk

>> No.4839030

>not acquainting yourself with a good baseline 'cheap' beer before moving onto obscure shit

Although I guess my baseline beer is too obscure outside the country it's made in :/

>> No.4839074


I quite like bottled coors and miller high life

>> No.4839446 [DELETED] 

Got into that when I was 21 and still love it. My female friends all especially love it and compare it to aged balsamic vinegar. Sounds gross, tastes gross.

>> No.4839922

I thought you love it?

>> No.4840098 [DELETED] 

I do too. I'm a dude.

>> No.4840447

Well you said it "tastes gross."

>> No.4840459

I'd say it tastes more like a sweet Balsamic vinegar. Thick, and really flavourful.

>> No.4840477

Alcohol will cause depression, obesity and addiction.

>> No.4840522

How's high school treating you?

>> No.4840530

A woman drinking ~2 regular sized beers and not getting drunk is unusual? Maybe you need to hang out with some heftier ladies.

>> No.4840758


Anything from Cantillon.

>> No.4840843


Good luck finding any in the states

>> No.4840876

Or women who aren't whores pretending to get drunk so they have no consequences for their actions.

>> No.4840884

whats wrong with some PBR OP? or even some Blue Moon?

>> No.4842662

>Average to above average
Holy fucking pleb. Would you like some lambic with your sugar water? I can only assume you've never had anything actually good.

I know this is late OP, but try and find some Cantillon if you really like the sours. They tend towards the dry side more often than not, and you get a whole host of complexity and flavour.

>> No.4842751

this nigga's tryin to celebrate and you're telling him to go to the gutter first? i mean i love my P-Beer as much as the next guy, but damn. give him a month or two, he'll be joining us soon

>> No.4842802

oon is fine. stop being so autistic.

>> No.4842803
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>Being 19
>Have made shitloads of legal alcohol purchases
feels good man

>> No.4842807

>tfw when been drinking legally since the age of 16.

>> No.4842812

>Be American
>Turned 21
>Just bought the same stuff I was already drinking
>Just without any hassle

>> No.4842816

>Been drinking since around 13
>Nothing happened

>> No.4843282

If you're going to have a sour ale, I would have gone with Rodenbach or perhaps Monk's Cafe. Both are cheaper and arguably better than the Duchess.

All told, you did good. But grab yourself a porter, a stout, an IPA, a wit, and a high-quality pilsner. The exotic stuff is nothing you should set your standards by.

>> No.4843285

I made the same mistake, once. It tastes like rasperry soda. Terrible thing to do to a beer.

>> No.4844211

Thanks guys, going to look for some Rodenbach today, and pick up a milk stout to try.

>> No.4844227

Sours have ruined me, I don't like the flavor of beers other than really really dark stouts and good red now. Their strong flavour has devastated my pallete

>> No.4844228

Happy Birthday

>> No.4844232

rodenbach is a good sour but it's pretty standard.

i'd put duchesse at least one or two levels higher.

>> No.4844243

Well I'm looking for something that is comparable, but cheaper.

>> No.4844246

My baseline is Coors light. Best light beer out there.

>> No.4844288
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If you can spend more up front you'll have a better time. You can buy 50lbs of flour at Costco for $15 for example and make your own bread until you run out. I wanna say bone in, skin on chicken breast is about $1 something per pound too. I mean, hell, while we're going this route you can buy celery, onions and carrots too and make yourself a chicken pot pie for cheap.

>> No.4844294

Thanks, guy.

>> No.4844296

Wow, I totally posted in the wrong fucking thread.

>> No.4844300
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>> No.4844787

Picked up the Rodenbach, and St Peter's Cream Stout. The stout is extremely filling. I expected it to be sweeter too.

>> No.4846963

What is a good stout? So far Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout has been my favorite.

>> No.4846970

i'm not 21 yet, but, will be next year, dunno what I'm gonna do for my first alcohol purchase. I'd feel full /r9k/ going into a liquor store alone on my birthday to buy booze (all my friends are born months after me, so I couldn't bring them). I couldn't go to a bar alone, that'd be weird. I suppose my older brother will probably take me to a bar and we'll get hammered.

>> No.4846977

And it's all /ck/'s fault.

This shithole is one elitist hipster breeding machine

>> No.4846989

You're fucking seriously defending Coors? Next you'll be telling me to buy the cheapest Chinese coffee maker I can find at Walmart and that you enjoy paying franchise fees at a grocer for the same stuff you can get at a store down the road.

Liking things that are objectively better is not hipster.

>> No.4847023

Never had this. How is it?

Also what style of beer should I buy for tonight /ck/? It's chilly tonight, so I was thinking a Porter or Scotch Ale (if I can find some)

>> No.4847166

Are you OP?

It's just that typically a lot of these spendy top-rated beers either will be overpowering or something you don't like , or else you'll think it's breddy gud, but wont respect it as much and will end up thinking every affordable beer tastes like ass

>> No.4847432
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How about an actual beer next time?

>> No.4847438

>all dem Belgians

You aight but branch out a li'l more, nigga

>> No.4847463

More than half of those are german...

>> No.4848061


I think he was laughing at the United States of USA's ridiculously high legal drinking age. Fun fact: In England it's legal for a 5 year old to drink alcohol in a pub as long as it is bought by someone over 18 and is not consumed in the bar-room.

>> No.4848074

>first alcohol purchase
I'm English and started drinking at 13 so I can't possibly imagine being that shelterd, but that seems a decent start.