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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 140 KB, 447x500, samuelsmiths.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4833455 No.4833455 [Reply] [Original]

What are you drinking this weekend, /ck/?

Pic related, just tried this for the first time last night, delicious. Smelled like rum raisins and tasted like bourbon vanilla.

>> No.4833478
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Got a bottle of Hochar 2007 for shits & giggles. The last vintage I had (2003) was just a little too funky for me, and normally I love a little funk. This one is very approachable, clear, and almost fresh.

Still haven't sprung for the real Musar, I guess I'd better do it soon before the entire mideast becomes a smoking hole in the ground.

>> No.4833574
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Estrella Damm. It's shitty. But it's gluten-free, and after weeks of not having any beer, I think I'll enjoy it just fine.

>> No.4833738
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Bet ya can't guess my favorite brewery!

>> No.4833746
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Been drinking a lot of this stuff lately. 6 dollars a 6 pack right now and it's delicious

>> No.4833748
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>> No.4833762
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>> No.4833961


Stuff is good, if a little pricy (4 bottles for $8-$9).

I am having pic related. I applaud magic hat for trying new things, and sometimes it works out (like the smoked peat in the old fall seasonal Jynx), but other times it is shitty (like the beet sugar based Wacko that tasted like cardboard). I'll still try them out, and this one was a winner.

>> No.4833966
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Fuck, pic related, take two.

>> No.4833991
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>tfw this year's Ten Fidy appears in your local store
>my wallet

>> No.4834149
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Just moved into my new apartment so I got a bottle of this to celebrate. Cheers /ck/!

>> No.4834166

Tried some last year. I was highly disappointed.

>> No.4834191


that's some tacky-ass bottle.

>> No.4834195

Yeah it is. The contents are fucking delicious though and it'll live in a cabinet with my other whisk(e)y bottles so it doesn't really matter.

>> No.4834199
File: 238 KB, 1200x1600, trois-pistoles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

had a few nosferatu by great lakes last night

tonight i plan on opening my trois pistoles that's been in the fridge for a few weeks. I really liked la fin du monde, hopefully this doesn't disappoint

>> No.4834229
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bunch of fucking billionaires in this thread what the hell

>> No.4834376


Look into finding a good IPA in your area with an ABV around 6.5-8.
Ten bucks sounds like a lot for a six pack, but you'll be surprised how hammered you get from those six.

>> No.4834524

damn, where do you live that its only 8-9$? I live in NY and i payed 12$ :(

>> No.4834562
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I like that but prefer their taddy porter

>> No.4834577

patiently waiting the release of my honey crisp apple moonshine but just drinking the regular one now

>> No.4834588

Went to a local tap room last night and tasted some beers from around the county I live in, and a few from neighboring counties. Good stuff. My favorite was a local oatmeal stout they had on nitro, nice flavor with hints of coffee to it.
Tonight, I've gotten into the wine. Red, cabernet, to be precise.

>> No.4834607


MA. In my area we just recently (within a few years) abolished most of the Blue laws. Up until about 3 years ago, liquor stores weren't allowed to be open on Sundays, nor could you buy lottery tickets.

>> No.4834615
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too bitter for my taste but it's 7% alc/vol

>> No.4834651
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What is the fascination with ultra-hoppy ultra-bitter beer? I bought some of this on a whim and I feel like I'm drinking the smell of blood.

>> No.4834653

it's how Americans reassure themselves that it's craft (as opposed to normal) beer. normal beer tastes weak. when you can handle real manly beer you will understand.

>> No.4834655

Some people's tastebuds are programmed to prefer bitter things.

>> No.4834665

I'm gonna start a brewing operation where I boil tons of hops and barley into a paste, but instead of yeast I'll just mix in pure grain alcohol.

The end product will have the viscosity of mayonnaise, the bitterness of Scrooge McDuck pre-Christmas miracle, and the legality issues of Everclear. It will be a real man's beer. I will cement the legend by drinking a keg of it myself, launching a football into the grand canyon and driving after it in a Ford F-350, catching the ball in mid-air before perishing in a fiery explosion that sets off the red white and blue fireworks packed into the truckbed.

>> No.4834670
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If by "billionaires" you mean "employed people", you're right.

Anyway, pic related. I tried it on a whim, and it was surprisingly great.

>> No.4834673
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Godspeed, friend.

>> No.4834675

Has Nosferatu once, about six years ago. I didn't like beer much then and thought it tasted like ass at the time. What's your review?

>> No.4834681
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Drinking local tonight

>> No.4834686

Think it has to do with the fact that Americans are habituated to drink their beer ice cold and straight out of the fridge.
At those temps, every flavor is so muted that the only way anything comes through is if the flavors are gigantic, like the hops flavors in IPAs. Drink it at room temperature like you're supposed to, however, and it tastes like drinking a glass full of pine sap.

>> No.4834781

I only drink what I can steal. Today that means Peroni, which I'm not particularly happy about.

>> No.4834794

lol no

>> No.4834798

I don't know why people go apeshit over Trois Pistoles and other Unibroue beer. It's good, but not amazing.

>> No.4834800

In exactly one week I'll be 21 and I'll finally be able to buy alcohol legally. Any suggestions?

>> No.4834819

>In exactly one week I'll be 21 and I'll finally be able to buy alcohol legally. Any suggestions?
Join the army as cannon fodder and die because you have to wait until you were 21 to drink a beer.

>> No.4834827

I hope that made you feel good about yourself. Any serious suggestions?

>> No.4834830

Step 1: acquire a taste for cheapo shit
Step 2: be prepared for when you realize you can't afford all this high shelf liquor and craft beer on a regular basis and have to switch to canned ass and the cheapest vodka rubles can buy.

>> No.4834832

drinking laphroaig 18 year with zero complains.

>> No.4834833

>Any serious suggestions?
Move to a country that doesn't keep its citizens in a state of perpetual immaturity and make them feel like big boys by giving them permission to have a beer when they are 21 years old.

lol wtf, what happened to yer freedom?

>> No.4834835

I hope you're not a yuropoor.

>> No.4834836

Why can 18 year old's legally smoke in America but not drink alcohol?

>> No.4834838

Great, I'll keep that in mind.

>> No.4834839

where do you live? do you prefer beer or liquor, and what kinds?

>> No.4834843

because drunk teenagers are fucking retarded

>> No.4834845

I live in a country that is #1 by virtually all metrics and doesn't require all citizens to be in a constant state of fear, envy, and anger.

>> No.4834846

Drunk teenagers are retarded because they think were never exposed to alcohol in a responsible manner when they were younger.

>> No.4834848

Exactly. And it would probably be a disaster to just legalize it now.

>> No.4834850

>Exactly. And it would probably be a disaster to just legalize it now.
So you think the prohibition of alcohol and drugs leads to more responsible usage?

Interesting logic. Better hope the government bans more things because of those darn teenagers.

>> No.4834853
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Hope you get to try this one day OP.

>> No.4834862



>> No.4834945

>Goose Island

Enjoy your Anheuser-Busch swill

>> No.4835027

I am not drinking anything tonight or ever again. I was a dumbass last night and have been throwing up all morning. Finanly got out of bed around 7.

>> No.4835055
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>> No.4835059

Canadian here, living in Ontario
I've never drank before and I'm turning 23 on friday of next week.
Any suggestions?

>> No.4835074

are you religious? If you have never drank before then just try anything.

>> No.4835075


Yeah, I was brought up religious.

>> No.4835078

hard cider
That's what I always see people defer to when they complain about the taste of/not being used to beer.

>> No.4835581

I enjoyed it. Not too similar to anything i've had before. Hoppy, but not in a way of most beers, tasted almost like a soda, but without the sugar. I started to feel the 9% abv as I was finishing it, but it wasn't boozy. The color of the beer is beautiful, crimson red with a nice head. Overall, i'd give it a 7/10. I doubt I'd have more than one per sitting, or buy it too often if it were always around, but it's a great seasonal to look forward to.

>> No.4835635


I had a bottle of the 2005 back in March. Would drink again.

>> No.4835847

OP here, yes i have heard some very goodt things about this stout. I'm pretty new to stouts but god damn i can get behind them. Such a treat that helps me drink in moderation.

>> No.4836021
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I know nothing about beer really, other than how to drink it
Friend of a relative bought this (one on the right) and palmed it off onto me
It's pretty strong but bearable, until the bottom swig which is pretty rank

>> No.4836210

I would recommend somewhere lower than jumping from no knowledge of beer to going straight to a world renowned, complex belgian beer.

>> No.4836837
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Muskoka Mad Tom Double IPA

>> No.4836839

Your "logic" makes no sense.

>better eat McDonald's before eating good food

>> No.4836840

>Enjoy your Anheuser-Busch swill
B-b-but it has a nice label so I feel classy drinking it


>> No.4836854


Don't mind him, it's just the guy who thinks that only 3 bottles are sold every 6 years makes a beer good. I guarantee you if AB put out a beer that was molecularly indistinguishible from Ländshärkdog the Younger's You Cän't Händle Ṏr Ëvën Fïnd Thïs Imperiäl Åbby Brettrauchspilsguèze, he'd reject it on the grounds of being piss swill.

>> No.4836866

While I dislike people who think that you have to drink garbage beer before getting to "the good stuff", in this case he's probably right. There are plenty of interesting, approachable, nonthreatening beers that are not Bud Light. The kinds of yeasts used in trappist style beers are not to everyone's taste.

An Imperial Stout is a good babby's first real beer because it's sweet, strong, and doesn't have any funky smells or flavors that will freak out someone unaccustomed to wild yeast. I bet if you poll /ck/ you'll find a lot of the people who say "I used to think beer was boring and then..." would say they got that feel from an Imperial Stout.

>> No.4836887
File: 7 KB, 204x247, wut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had some of this today. Didn't come in that weird ass wooden holder though.

>> No.4836889

>I like Anheuser-Busch


>> No.4836904

>drinking kwak
>not using a coachman glass

might as well be drinking bud light from a paper cup

>> No.4836905

Oh man, the memories....that shit fucks me up hard but it's so deliscious

>> No.4836914

>Bulleit rye with some icky gross soda pop

some men just want to watch the world burn

>> No.4836923

Lambic is so good I don't know why people don't drink more.

>> No.4836951


GA bro here. Good taste.

>> No.4836974

Landshark lager. Rate me.

>> No.4836991

Nah man, I just think that there are enough good small breweries around that put more love into their work, and they deserve your support because they need it when AB does not.
I'm too lazy to look it up, but I've seen a couple interviews with AB ex-brewers talking about how sterile and unentertaining the environment is, even when they're working on their "craft" beers. I firmly believe that you can distinguish between a beer that grew out of a few home-brew friends and a beer that was reverse-engineered by Lager-centric companies to taste like it was cared for and loved as deeply during the process.

>> No.4837002

Yeah buddy! Swing by for their tour on Wednesdays, it's cask night so you get to try all their experiments.

I'll be the dude in the Sweetwater bandana

>> No.4837020
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Nice and crisp, goes well with food.

>> No.4837275

Are you serious?

>> No.4837291
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Hey /ck/, how do I into wine? I've just turned 21 and can now buy my own liquor legally. I've had a bit of exposure to the pinot noirs my dad would bring home, but I haven't really tried anything else. How do I tell if a wine is good, and what do I look for when shopping for wine? Do I need to attend tastings/join a wine club? What's a good price range for a quality bottle of the good stuff?

>> No.4837360
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>> No.4837638

I don't mind the bottle, I use my empties to store rice and lentils. The whiskey is fantastic though.

>> No.4837661

right now I've been forced to drink butterscotch schnapps, which is normally used for my hot cocoa.

My brother took my emergency booze so it's all I have

>> No.4837766


>> No.4837777
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So good but too damn expensive

>> No.4837790

Buy the boxed kind because it's cheapest

>> No.4837805

Anything not Italy, France or Spain:
The New World wines like to classify their wines by the grape. So you have your pinot noir, your merlot, cabernet sauvignon, etc. On the whites, everyone loves chardonnay, but give the muscadet grape a try. My dad prefers Chile, Argentina and South Africa, everyone seems to like Australia.

California is quite good for its wine too. I like their Zinfandel.

From Italy, France or Spain:
Those fuckers are more confusing. Instead of classifying by grape, they classify by region. Sort of. That's why they tell you if it's not made in Champagne, it's called sparkling wine. Just look out for the letters DOC or DOCG, which stand for Denomination something something Control and Guarantee or something. They guarantee the taste of that style and region of winemaking.

I recommend Valpolicella from Italy, highest grade is Amarone which should be good within the $50~$70 range, and reserved for special occasions. That, and Barolo. French wines are usually heavy, since most of the export comes from Bordeaux and Burgundy. The latteris annoying because you need a certain type of wine glass to fully bring out the flavour.

Yes. try and find a wine club. In this irritating world that is wine, where the type of soil, vine, country, hands and year it's made in makes it vastly different, the only way to get to know wines better is to drink more of it.

Fuck you anon, it's noon here and you just talked me into drinking some of the wines I have in my stock.

>> No.4838110
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Opening this one tonight.

Gonna be great.

>> No.4838113


>> No.4838115

That shit is horrifyingly bad. I posted a picture of it going down the drain earlier this year.

>> No.4838121

I made my dad try this, and he said it tastes like cat piss.

>> No.4838161
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tfw laid off poorfag and can only afford moosepiss

>> No.4838195
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I feel you anon

>> No.4838234

And I feel jipped buying Coors.

>> No.4838235


Carling isn't bad.

I almost went out for beer before work, but I made it. Sadly, after I just needed the relief, so I went for some. Now I haven't drank more than a sip, mostly because I've been advocating against alcohol for the past several weeks, but I ate shitloads instead. Still eating.

My work is killing me.

>> No.4838269

God that shit is revolting, what the actual fuck. Do people really think it's good?

>> No.4838357
File: 83 KB, 400x298, august.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just came back from the Oktoberfest in Munich so I've drunk a shitload of Augustiner Brau beer, like 6 litres a day during 5 days. Served from 200L wooden barrels! So fucking good, so much fun, will go back next year undoubtlessly!

>> No.4838360

It tastes a lot, I like it.

>> No.4838482


In my cellar i have a couple of vintages of Musar (00, 04 and 05), and ive tasted the ´05 this year.

Really good, but too young now. Ive got a friend who've tasted alot of old vintages and he says that if you get the chance, go for it.

Bonus funny fact: Vintages from 86 or 88 or something like that are more volatile and not as realiable as those before. Why? Since the chief winemaker was allergic to sulphur, so they used less in they vinery.

>> No.4839304


Oh I have the chance alright - one of the stores I buy wine from has a nice selection of 80s Musar bottles. The problem is the money. My idea of a splurge is a $35 wine, not a $450 wine.

>> No.4839311


>mfw I live in Tadcaster

Sam Smiths all day, erry day

>> No.4839340

I had to start with malt liquor when I was 14-15, after drinking swill for a long time and you get a decent beer you really appreciate it as opposed to trying the good stuff first. It's about having a frame of context on what is actually terrible, it's all about context.

>> No.4839449

Idk I've acquired a taste for IPAs. My favorite is Fat Tug by Driftwood brewery and it tastes like sweet melon to me even though my friends say it's bitter. Kinda similar to liking black coffee in that regard.

>> No.4840373
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This stuff is corking. Tried it last weekend. Probably have it again this weekend with a Horse's Neck or two.

>> No.4840436

Shine on brotha, shine on.

>> No.4840444

Some people are less sensitive to bitter flavors and some people enjoy bitter flavors. IPA is my favorite beer style. Its like drinking a big juicy cup of grapefruit, passion fruit, pine, flowers, and mangoes. I try different beers as a hobby and have been trying to branch into less familiar styles, I'm always reluctant to buy something over a good IPA though.

Also, I think Stone is overrated and somewhat unbalanced. Try a DogfishHead 120 minute or a Ballast Point Sculpin IPA before you totally dismiss the style. Those have this malty and sweet background to balance the bitterness of the hops.

>> No.4840446

Skip the whole drinking Bud and Keystone phase altogether. Go straight to beer tier #2. Guinness, Shiner Bock, Blue Moon, Sierra Nevada, Sam Adams, etc. They aren't the cheapest but are reasonably priced compared to some stuff out there and you'll be getting a feel for what you like and actually drinking decent beer.

>> No.4840457

>that label

I think I just grew a vagina. No thank you, I do not want your rasberie lambic.

>> No.4840498
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I'm drinking a nice bottle of Spanish Rioja. It was quite expensive; £8 from a posh wine shop in Newcastle.

>> No.4840503
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store brand vodka and store brand cola

>> No.4840508
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Trying out the beers from Sainsburys Beer Hunt, starting with the most local.

>> No.4840509

>Thinking 8 pounds is expensive for a bottle of wine

>> No.4840514
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Then I'm going to go shopping and get some more of these again, if I get the job I'm hoping for.

>> No.4840523

>People besmirching the name of English IPAs by not categorising the American IPA separately

>> No.4840529
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12.2% abv

Tastes like death but get the same alcohol as a sixpack in one can for less than 2 dollars.

>> No.4840576
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Green Flash - Hop head red

>> No.4840608
File: 104 KB, 377x299, dfh-61-web1-377x299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got my hands on a DFH 61 minute 4 pack. Anyone had it yet?

>> No.4840614

Is good? I was very close to getting some the other day.

>> No.4840625

Nope, I've seen it around though. How does it compare to 60 min and 120 min?

>> No.4840650
File: 49 KB, 580x775, dfh120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost had a concord grape flavor to a 60 - very different though. I enjoined it.
If you're asking the difference compared to a 120 - that's an entirely different ballpark. This is like a modified 60, as where the 120 is like drinking from a bottle of whiskey.

Pic related - my 120 been aging for 3 years

>> No.4840664

Fantastic. My favorite red. Strong on the citrus side

>> No.4840682

Noice. 120 is my favorite beer, what you have is gonna be awesome. How longer do you plan to age it? The 61 sounds pretty awesome as well, pretty likely to be picking that up along with that hop head red very soon. I just have to finish my last four shitty Smithwick's. Why did I buy a six pack of shitty overpriced Smithwick's? We'll never know.

>> No.4840684

>actually liking the 120 minute
I've had it three times now and every time the first half is ok because it's cold, then the second half turns into fuck
And it's too strong to just power down

>> No.4840688

I bet youre the kind of guy to snob at nice scotch too

>> No.4840690

I actually can't enjoy nice scotch because it just makes me vomit immediately due to my shitty gag reflex, although I do have a bottle of J&B right in front of me

>> No.4840875
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It's fuckin' October. Yes. Time for the seasonal brews. Hell, even if it's Macro, I don't give a shit.

Picked this up, It was ~$11. I know it was less than 12, which surprised the fuck out of me. It's pretty good. Just finished the Oktoberfest. They did have the Blue Moon Harvest Pumpkin Ale out, though. Thought of getting that. That'll be my next purchase. That one was ~14 bucks, though. It wasn't a variety, though, it was just all Harvest Pumpkin Ale, so that's why I chose the Leine's variety.

Also, they didn't yet have the Sam Adam's Autumn beer out. They still had the Summer Variety pack out, lol.

Drinking with my two buddies, Muggsy Bogues and Mr Pricklepants again.

>tfw no friends

At least I have booze and Fruity Yummy Mummy.

>> No.4840901
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don't feel so bad i bought an 18 rack of PBR

>> No.4840912


ROFL I am legitimately embarrassed for you. You really shouldn't have posted yourself you look like shit.

>> No.4840916

fuck it im just getting over a cold ill do what i want

>> No.4840919

>posting a picture of yourself on the internet

>> No.4840924

>not posting yourself all over the internet

>> No.4840939

A true working class hero.

Tonight I'm sipping Sailor Jerries.

>> No.4840943

Sailor Jerries is wonderful.

>> No.4840950

>naked girls are gag

>> No.4840952


>> No.4840953

damn thats one ugly person

>> No.4840957

Sailor Jerry's is god awful. I don't even like rum and that's the last brand of rum I'd ever buy. On par with Bacardi in my book.

>> No.4840960

nah you seem more like a captain morgan kind of guy to me.

>> No.4840976
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If my workout regiment lines up, i got 2 nice bottles of malbec waiting for me :)

Might attempt some beef stew this weekend if the weather is cold enough...

Otherwise it's just protein shakes for me...

>> No.4840982

It isn't bad.

I know it isn't great, I'm working on limited budget though. It definitely isn't bottom shelf. I allow myself a certain amount of money to spend on alcohol weekly, and I try to spend most of that on quality beer. I'd rather drink good beer than good liquor, really I only drink liquor to get drunk lol. I drink beer because I actually love it.

>> No.4841128
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Tried this, local brewery. Pretty mediocre - nothing that really stood out too much.

I've been on the hunt for a good pumpkin spiced ale - something that's not just a beer flavoured with cinnamon and nutmeg and a semi-decent gluten free beer as well.

>> No.4841269
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I normally don't like pumpkin beers but the new Warlock from Southern Tier is very nice.

>> No.4841348
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>> No.4841364
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paulaner double bock. very good, though not really to my tastes

>> No.4841395

Right, lots of craft breweries are brewing similar products: Sierra Nevada's Hoptimum is a great example; then there's Eagle Rock's Populist, or Great Divide's Hercules. All at or approaching 100 IBU's, and 10% or so alcohol by volume. When I first began drinking craft brews, around 1990, this stuff did not exist, but now it seems like every brewery feels compelled by God to produce one. In its own way it seems trendy, but from a broad perspective, it's a damn neat trend.

(It reminds me of craft pepper sauce companies vying with each other to see who can make the hottest hot sauce, except that with hot sauce, there comes a point when it's just downright inedible.)

>> No.4841400

I just bought some Green Flash Green Bullet IPA; haven't opened it yet, saving it for the weekend. Sounds delicious.

>> No.4841403
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>craft pepper sauce

This phrase gave me cancer.

>> No.4841404

How is imperial stout different from a regular stout? I've never tried one, but I've been curious for a while.

>> No.4841417

Anything that's not shitty IPA.

>> No.4841528

Not any real definitive difference. Some historical difference (Imperial stout was originally made stronger than regular stout to survive being shipped from England to Russia). Nowadays it basically just means a stout that is stronger than normal in flavor and alcohol. Usually imperial stouts are between about 8 and 12% alcohol, and are a lot stronger-flavored and richer than regular stouts.

>> No.4841530
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it just makes me happy.

>> No.4841538
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