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4815045 No.4815045[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

serious question /ck/: why do black people love red lobster so much?

growing up we called our local place black lobster as a joke but as I got older and also started going to food boards I began to realize that it's a real thing.

so, what's the deal?

>> No.4815055

They probably think it's fine dining or some shit.

>> No.4815057

This. Also I think upper management knows this and compounds the situation by opening up in locations near black people.

>> No.4815071

Baseless speculation: maybe black people are bigger fans of seafood than white people.
Couple that to the fact that Red Lobster is the only chain in most of the country to serve crab and lobster in its price range.

>> No.4815078

>those sketchy seafood shops in the ghetto

It's starting to make sense.

>> No.4815080

>Baseless speculation

i've been to several red lobsters and even in the neighborhoods/towns where the vast majority of the population is white, red lobster is full of blacks.

i stopped going there because of this
the last time i was in a red lobster was in orland park il which is mostly white and likes to think of itself as upper middle class and a table go flipped over a drink order.

>> No.4815082

because they have those unlimited shrimp deals

I remember one year they had to shut it down because niggas were cutting into their profit margin

>> No.4815113

I think it might have something to do with seafood or crab legs. On weekends our chinese buffet has all you can eat crab legs and every black person in the next five towns over swarms there. Just try going there to eat your own crab legs, you'll get threatening black woman eye rolls if you so much as glance at the crab legs.

>> No.4815131

dude, the asian place by me has lunch buffets on weekdays and its the same way. the parking lot gets so full they park in an open field on the other side of the street and hoards of them will be strolling across 4 lanes of traffic as slowly as they feel like. i've never even bothered trying to go in there. just the thought all dem cackling boons yelling loudly and children crying and screaming with no one bothering to pay attention is enough to keep me away.

>> No.4815134

my dad used to go to buffets like this and would tell me how they would all sit there not eating anything and when the fresh crab legs would come out they'd rush a and eat the entire basket thing that got brought out

>> No.4815139

no this is definitely a thing, they even once made a joke about it on the boondocks.

you have to understand that a menu with dishes costing more than $20 is a new and fancy thing for most blacks.
its ghetto fine dining

>> No.4815174

two words: bubba gump

>> No.4815240


did grandpa bring you & Dr Nazi there?

>> No.4815238

>>those sketchy seafood shops in the ghetto

These places are usually 10/10 or 1/10

>> No.4815244
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>be at Red Lobster
>table of large negro family is seated next to us
>most of them order steak

>> No.4815247
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>be at Olive Garden next door to a Red Lobster
>everyone orders seafood

>> No.4815250
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>be at Longhorn Steakhouse with friend
>he orders tilapia
>he says it's "fancy"

>> No.4815252


I go for salmon. The lesser evil on the menu.

>> No.4815277

they also love ruby tuesdays for some odd reason.. no white people in my town eat there either. But it seems as if all the uppity blacks do.

>> No.4815288

>peel n eat shrimp
>why the fuck am I here if I have to peel my own shrimp?
>who cares about the seasoning when Im literally throwing away the only part of the shrimp that is seasoned

>> No.4815289

Why is every Olive Garden I've ever seen right next door to a Red Lobster? I just started noticing it last year, but thinking back I've never seen them apart.

>> No.4815291

they are owned by the same company
same reason you always see a carrabbas next to an outback

>> No.4815307
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I went to a Ruby Tuesdays once after a Nascar race, the food was Chili's tier but I thought the salad bar was pretty extensive and awesome. If they had them here I'd probably go again, not that bad.

Why would a company that owns two restaurants think putting them next to each other would be a good idea? They are just taking business from each other, they oughta spread them out. Or maybe the rationale is getting a monopoly on a particular block or side of town so that all restaurants nearby are owned by the same people. I don't know how this works.

>> No.4815315

the monopoly is exactly the idea, and also the buildings are likely owned by the same property owner so they could work out a deal on that front too

>> No.4815314

Well, for one, they target a different audience and have well established menus with different food, and for two, it makes it even less attractive to a competitor. I wouldn't want to start a restraunt next to an olive garden AND a red lobster, fuck no.

>> No.4815360
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Makes sense I suppose. Instead of having your seafood restaurant compete with the next door Italian place, you own both places so really no matter where the people choose to eat you make the profit. Pretty smart actually, I never really thought about it. You can buy a lot of land, put two or three restaurants on it and make bank from all of them. Especially effective if they are popular chains that have the money and public awareness points to outperform any nearby local joint.

Pretty, pretty, pretty smart. And in my old town the Carraba's was right next to the Outback, the Red Lobster was right across the street from the Olive Garden. I never realized they were in cohorts with one another. This is bringing out my inner Jew, I think its genius.

>> No.4815367
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In the Chinatown of Chicago this one guy owns like 9 restaurants and most of them are highly rated. Most of them are based on different regions of China though

>> No.4815412

on top of that, every time your red lobster customer goes to red lobster they see Olive Garden so that one time when they're like "let's go get 'I-talian' food" they remember where they can get it instead of another place

>> No.4815520

>>own a restaurant chain,
>>make each one a different region of a country
Would patronize every one of them.

>> No.4815532

It's kinda remarkable. He obviously overcharges because he has a reputation but he made his name on his Szechuan cuisine which was top ranked before he branched out to other ones.
The funniest thing to me is that he basically made his name on glorified braised chinese chicken, which he serves at each of the restaurants.

>> No.4815541

>Be black
>Have no idea what you guys are talking about

What is this? Most people I know would rather go to Denny's, Roscos or the Cheesecake Factory.

But yeah, seafood is really popular in the black population. Those hole in the wall seafood spots are usually really good.

>> No.4815550
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for reference it basically tastes like a more thoughtful general tso's

I think it's just new suburban blacks that can't find those said hole in the wall places. Same reason why chains like Portillo's or Five Guys exist because they replicate the taste of standard fast food place in white neighborhoods in cities. Red Lobster wasn't intended that way but if they can't find any other fried fish for miles they're just going to go to Red Lobster instead.

>> No.4815559

fucking well put

>> No.4815592

crab legs, shrimp & the biscuits
we call our local red lobster Black Lobster too
wife & i went to a Joes Crab Shack a few months back & it was full of jigs.
every one of them had crab legs or shrimp
it was packed & the waitress said it was always like that so I said "oh wow, you guys must make some killer tip money"
she just just looked around at the room full of mooks & said "...not really..."

>> No.4815602

I'm landlocked, in the middle of the US, and have no local seafood restaurants aside from Red Lobster.

And if I did they would be serving the same frozen bullshit anyway.

Red Lobster is like a godsend for me.

>> No.4815605

You may have just described all ghetto restaurants.

>> No.4815606

One day I wanted some okay tier seafood, but the closest Red Lobster was fucking packed with Black People.

Nothing wrong with liking lobster, but it was really jarring.

>> No.4815652

i'm aware.

>> No.4816070

...you're either from a landlocked state or have never had shrimp

>> No.4816100

it wouldnt hurt them to try some of the other food to stave off hunger while they waited.

seems kind of retarded going to a buffet just to gorge themselves on a single item.

>> No.4816147

>not eating the whole shrimp, head to tail
GTFO poser.

>> No.4816150

The word you're looking for is poseur. Also, yeah, no. The shell to anything like that is only good for flavoring things like gumbos and making seafood stocks.

>> No.4816155

You butt-devastated him.

>> No.4816170

Man, I remember years back going out to eat before a concert at a local place when I lived at the beach, had a friend with me who just liked doing stupid shit. We ordered some steamed shrimp and he was just eating them whole without peeling.

>> No.4816172

where do you get lobster= black people, It is still quite expensive in the south -mid atlantic, like blue crab is different from dungess. a whole different species langostinos is probably what you get if cheap like at joes or other places. Not defending red lobster ( the shimp well sucks) but real maine or northeast lobster is still pretty high priced . and go ahead and call a spade a spade. we have gracious plenty of white cracker trailer trash and niggers many are senators, mayors, police chiefs, fiends and family. Just people 1865 was long ago. as was 1965. but it is 2013 we have a black president. two term and his hair is going grey. so back off.

>> No.4816438
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this is how i read this post

>> No.4816451

You Americans don't know how to cook lobster. You people don't even let the urine out of the damn things first before cooking them.

>> No.4816459
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Does every eurofaggot have some timer in their head where their vision starts to blur after like 2 hours if they don't bitch about americans for completely asinine or fabricated reasons?

>> No.4816466

Western Europeans or Latin Americans in general are loud mouths or the occasional SEA

>> No.4816468

>dat image+image name
...I've never experienced a more irksome confounding of memes before. You win anon. You win.

>> No.4816470

Oops, looks like I struck a nerve.

>> No.4816475

How could that be considered "striking a nerve" ?

I thought you idiots were supposed to be intellectually superior? Go choke on a dick.

>> No.4816477

>knee-jerk "white trash" comment

Your white guilt is showing.

>> No.4816495

what's with the constant spamming of redpill and complaints of white guilt lately? someone get banned from /pol/ recently?

>> No.4816519

It's more like social warriors invading /ck/ with their bullshit lately.

>> No.4816613

I can't comment on this, because I've never been to a Red Lobster. I live in New England, so we have a few mom and pop places for seafood. I think the closest red lobster is in the western part of the state, or north past Boston.

>> No.4816959

It's really horrible at the casino buffets in Louisiana. They swarm the buffet when new baskets of crab are dumped out and sadly they waste most of it. Table of blacks left 5+ plates piled high with uneaten crab, and one of them shoveled an entire plate of fried shrimp into her purse.

>> No.4816971

Maybe you should learn how to speak English coherently.

>> No.4818995

i think this is because they know crab is expensive so with just like everything else in life they're trying to squeeze every penny out of the business owners because they feel like they're getting one over on them

>> No.4819773

not sure if it's any relation, but red lobster hires all convicted felons. they actually encourage it. plus, 9/10 if you get put on work release in prison, they send you to red lobster.
>did 15 years
>work release
>red lobster cook
>1.15 an hour

>> No.4819793

why can white people only see things in terms of race?

>> No.4819805


Because they're not very smart?

>> No.4819841

That my friend, is racist.

>> No.4819842

The same reason there are only around a half dozen personalities American blacks share.

>> No.4819856


It's a statement of fact, not a value judgment.

A racist statement would be like "white people are bad, and they suck".

I didn't say anything like that. While I'm sure we can agree that some whites are bad, and some of them do suck, I consider myself an open minded individual and I would ask "what is it about this white person's soulless, cultureless upbringing, no doubt among a lot of stupid people and in a meritless, entitlement-based culture that thinks Perez Hilton is a news source and Miley Cyrus is a controversial role model, that makes him suck so bad?" If the answer to that question is unsettling to some people, you can hardly blame me for asking.

>> No.4819870

>white people aren't smart
>statement of fact

Whoever fed you that bullshit distinction making you think that what you said isn't racist is probably laughing because its been the greatest ongoing practical joke of his life.

Saying shit like asians are good at math and black people love watermelon are racist statements. I think you don't understand the meaning of a decent percentage of the words you used.

Non-racist statements of fact would be something along the lines of "Black people have a predisposition to sickle cell anemia." calling white people dumb is an opinion of yours that generalizes an entire race. i.e. racism.

>> No.4819872

What do you mean by "they" though in >>4819805
post? By saying "they" you just accused all white people of not being very smart.

That is indeed racist.

>> No.4819878

Well put but waste of time replying to a white guilt liberal.

>> No.4819889
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>no this is definitely a thing, they even once made a joke about it on the boondocks.

>> No.4819893

I want to see some timestamped pictures of the people posting in this thread. I'm willing to bet a grand that there are only white people posting right now.

>> No.4819891

>white guilt liberal

Didn't take long for the white man to step up and prove my point for me.

Can anyone who is *not* white help this intellectual child understand what his mistake was?

>> No.4819902 [DELETED] 
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Nice try Chaim

>> No.4819912

Do you live in the South, but not withing 100 miles of the coast?

>> No.4819915

not that anon, but shhhh. Reading the things you type hurts my eyes

>> No.4819922
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I had my wife take this portrait of me a few moments ago. Forgive the instagram filter.

>> No.4819925

Red lobster is the poor people's "fancy" date night. (Haha!)

>> No.4821737

i've never seen black people in red lobster, just white trash and crying babies. i go once or twice a year

>> No.4821810

They've just had a big fucking Rod of 'Truth' rammed up their assholes. Do you think they're just going to sit quietly and chat among themselves? No, they're going to get the fuck out and evangelize, because they've just had their minds blown and want to share it, no matter how stupid it actually is.

See also: fresh converts to anything, ever.

>> No.4822161


To be fair, you're overpaying as it is for either

>> No.4822276

When I was a kid, (and I'm not saying how old I am, but it was a long time ago), back when Red Lobster was still a privately owned chain, before it was sold to a conglomerate, it used to be rather good. This was long before those stupid biscuits, and lobsterfest, and all those cheesy marketing specials, back when it was a real restaurant. That was one of the handful of restaurants my parents would take us to. My mom was a culinary arts teacher when I was a kid, so she was quite picky about food quality, and at THAT time, Red Lobster was actually nice for a seafood restaurant. But was a LONG time ago, those restaurants have been pure garbage now for many,many years, and I think soon will go out of business entirely.

>> No.4822293

Wow. I didn't even notice everyone was talking about the black thing. I didn't even know that, but I haven't been in a Red Lobster in many years now. Hmmm, that's...interesting.