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4814639 No.4814639[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any co/ck/s stopped eating sugar & grains? I do this for weeks at a time when I need to trim down. But am considering doing so permanently.

Whenever I go back to it after having eaten sugar, starchy foods for a few days, I get shitty withdrawal symptoms. Headaches, fatigue, etc. for a few days to a week. Kind of getting tired of the roller coaster, and seems like those foods are overrated.

>> No.4814651

I don't really know what to replace grains with. How will I get my calories without them?

>> No.4814659

Veggies. I.e., broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, onions, etc.

>> No.4814673

I love vegetables but most of them really don't provide much in the way of calories.
I eat half a stalk's worth of steamed broccoli at dinner often (it's very tasty), but that doesn't really register high on calories, and merely doubling it wouldn't replace, say, 4 ounces of pasta as my entree.

>> No.4814682


>> No.4814726

then fats. Why are you worried about too few calories anyway? Usually it's the opposite.

>> No.4814728

Grains are just a powdered form of vegetables.

>> No.4814732 [DELETED] 

Your body needs carbohydrates to replete glycogen stores, which are your body's go to source of energy. You get headaches and fatigue because you are depriving yourself of an essential nutrient. Unless you are a fat as fatass, this is unhealthy and makes one prone to gain weight when eating at a caloric surplus. Find another carb source if you really want to do without sugar and grains.

>> No.4814737

Your body needs carbohydrates to replete glycogen stores, which are your body's go to source of energy. You get headaches and fatigue because you are depriving yourself of an essential nutrient. Unless you are a fat as fatass, this is unhealthy and otherwise it makes one prone to gain weight when eating at a caloric surplus. Find another carb source if you really want to do without sugar and grains.

>> No.4814743

veggies have carbs too, so do fruits and legumes, which are not grains.

>> No.4814753
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>> No.4814755

I'm trying to do calorie counting and cardio to lose weight, and I realized that once I cut dairy, beer, soda, etc. and focused on smaller portions with lean meat and vegetables included, there isn't a ton of calories in the things I want to eat anymore.

>> No.4814756

It's true.

>> No.4814760


Yeah, but his symptoms show that he is not eating enough carbs.

>> No.4814774


I have no problem with fast carbs and starchy shit as long as I make sure to get some slower carbs mixed in too. Sugary shit for breakfast and such makes the queasy though.

It's probably the main reason I don't care about LCHF and all that stuff, carbs are just fucking great.

>> No.4814789

Why would you do that ?

>trim down

Eat smaller portions its not hard

>> No.4814791

>trying to lose weight

Then eating fewer calories will help with that.

>> No.4814797

No I get plenty. ~75+ grams on off days. ~150ish when I work out.

And after a few days I feel great.

>> No.4814802

I want to eat the right amount, not too little.
I don't even know what I'd have for breakfast without grains, since my breakfast is oatmeal. I don't have the palate for anything heavier than that in the mornings but if I skip breakfast I have no energy at all.

>> No.4814807

>I don't even know what I'd have for breakfast without grains,

>1 banana & 1 tbsp peanut butter

>1-2 eggs or whites, broccoli, carrots, jalapeno, onion, tomatoes
>banana or beans

>> No.4814810

>According to the Institute of Medicine, children and adults should consume 45 to 65 percent of their calorie intake as carbohydrates, and at least 130 grams of carbs per day.
>Athletes require more carbs to replace muscle glycogen lost during physical training; some athletes need up to 70 percent of their calorie intake from carbs, according to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons.

>> No.4814825

I went the opposite way and actually increased my sugars/grains intake by a lot. I was already skinny and now I'm even skinnier because it's hard to eat a lot of food when you have so much fiber in your diet. Who did you get the advice from to stop eating these foods?

>> No.4814826
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>eat them carbs kids
>wonders why everyone are fucking whales by 8 years old

>> No.4814832

I've ditched wheat and chocolate, but I still eat grains in the form of oats, rice, and corn (limited) and i still eat sugar in the form of fruit, diet soda, some non-chocolate sweets.

no shit, right?

>> No.4814833


>kids raised on greasy mcdonalds burgers
>get fat
>"it was the bread that did it!"

>> No.4814844

It's not the balance of carbs alone, it's the ballooning portion sizes and the preponderance of sugary snacks, and soda becoming ubiquitous.

>> No.4814846


It's probably the introduction of large amounts of fructose into our diet that does that. It's is ironically fruit sugar, but it can, at significant level compared to other sugars, be metabolized into fat stores and it impedes insulin response, meaning one doesn't feel sated after eating lots of fructose. High fructose corn syrup is the devil you are after and it has nothing to do with it being artificial.


There are many ways to skin a cat. Low fat and calorie dieting works, but ketosis and other forms of low-carb dieting also work.

>> No.4814850

Nope its the portions we went from 3 small meals to eating everything

>> No.4814851


Because you're drinking a soda that impedes the feeling of being full.

>> No.4814852


>ketosis and other forms of low-carb dieting also work.

As does chemotherapy and AIDS. You shouldn't make yourself sick to lose weight

>> No.4814855

We had soda before? 200ml to be exact but our portion sizes kept growing bigger an bigger

>> No.4814863

What foods does everyone think of when they think "carbohydrate"?

>> No.4814869


I can't really comment on the health effects of low-carb dieting because I'm not really an expert of nutrition, but it is in no way comparable to the things you've mentioned. They are very popular diet plans. If they had a truly nefarious effect on health, it would be known. The atkins craze started 10 years ago, ketogenic diets are the go to plan for bodybuilders preparing for competition etc.

>> No.4814879


By its nature, a ketogenic diet is a diet high in animal foods. Of what we know of human history, carbohydrates = longer life, low-carb, high fat-and-protein animal diet = shorter life

>> No.4814883
File: 33 KB, 432x350, 432px-USObesityRate1960-2004.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High fructose corn syrup was rapidly introduced to many processed foods and soft drinks in the U.S. from about 1975 to 1985.

>> No.4814884

We used to have soda, absolutely.
It came in tiny bottles and people didn't drag home twenty-four packs or two-liters to stick in their fridge.

>> No.4814896
File: 31 KB, 500x329, slideshow_901808_OBIT_ATKINS_NYT6_1836_1895352[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Why anyone would follow diet advice from a fat guy who had heart disease is beyond me.

>> No.4814901


That's not necessarily due to ketosis itself, but rather due to a high fat intake which leads to heart disease. Anyway it should be a short term thing, not a lifestyle.

>> No.4814903

vegetarian pls go

>> No.4814906


He was a doctor and knew his diet worked from the science? His diet was also just for weight loss not overall health.

>> No.4814908

Atkins is a really shitty diet and it wrecks your body in weird ways.

>> No.4814912


Bread, cereals and sweet things.

>> No.4814910


How would you undergo ketosis without a high fat intake? The only macro left is protein, and protein comes with either carbs or fat. Even high protein consumpion is linked to weakening of the bones and certain cancers

>> No.4814930


Starvation, but that's not my intended point. I oversimplified the relation of fat intake to disease. What one should avoid are trans and saturated fats. Unsaturated fats are considered healthy and can easily be made into a primary energy source today.

>> No.4814933

*most saturated fats

Some have a positive effect on the HDL/LDL ratio and if they aren't causing weight gain otherwise, they're perfectly healthy.

>> No.4814936


But the only way to avoid saturated fat is to avoid animal products, so your fat intake would have to come from plant sources, and fatty plant foods still have considerably high carbohydrate levels so that won't work. You can see why the Atkins diet faces such heavy criticism.

>> No.4814942


I'd be wary of that. Research always gets skewed by the people who want to promote something.

Coconut oil for example is always claimed as a "healthy saturated fat" because the saturated fat is medium-chain instead of long-chain. What they don't tell you is that it ALSO contains the long-chain saturated fats, and while it's been shown to "improve LDL cholesterol," the study that showed that only showed benefit because it replaced butter in the subject's diet, but when given to people who already followed a healthy diet, it worsened their cholesterol

>> No.4814958


I never made the claim that fat couldn't come from plants, but there are acceptable levels of sat fat intake. I know the Atkins diet isn't necessarily great for health, but it's not ketosis by itself that causes this.

>> No.4814976


It's something like 50% of the medium chain stuff which makes a superior health choice for a solid fat. You don't have to go Jamie Oliver with it and throw it on everything because you heard it was "healthy". It's still calorically dense and has other saturated fatty acids which are undoubtedly harmful.

>> No.4815001


I would say it is to some degree, because even if you can fuel your muscles with ATP made from fat and protein, your brain still needs glucose, and your body has to strain to make glucose out of fat. This is why people who are "undercarbed" usually feel lethargic and cloudy of mind, and why low-carb is practically nonexistant in athletics. Bodybuilders can get away with ketosis when they're on a cut cycle and don't need the same strength they did when they were bulking, but a long-distance runner who doesn't eat massive quantitites of carbohydrate is almost unheard of

>> No.4815013


So.. you're saying people should be wary of research that isn't aligned with your statements, but that we shouldn't be wary of the probable research that you just quoted?

I'm not saying you're right or wrong about saturated fat - but c'mon, that's a bit fucking cheeky; if you're going to posit that people ought to be wary of research that goes in one direction, you have to admit that they should be wary of research that goes in the opposite direction even if the research supports what you're saying.


I cut dairy and grains from my diet, I stick with lean proteins, vegetables, nuts, legumes, and fruit. I feel pretty good; the only downside is that there's a bit of difficulty involved in managing one's macros because -most- vegetables are not calorie dense.

>> No.4815016


All I'm saying is if you hear something, actually investigate what you've heard, because many times you'll only hear the side of the story that an industry wants you to hear. That goes for what I say too, though I'm not an industry

>> No.4815025


The lethargy from ketosis or low-carb diets only lasts for a couple of weeks, though.

And the reason why low-carb isn't prevalent in sports is because most athletes do not aim to cut weight in any sense of the idea. Professional athletes train for hours a day, and it is unfeasible for them to really cut out any source of calories.

The diet for a professional athlete is high everything. High fat, high protein, high carbs. It has to be in order to fuel their schedule. The training is grueling in almost any sport.

Low-carb does have a place in athletics though, and it's not just with bodybuilding: boxers and mixed martial artists often adopt low-carb diets in order to cut weight for a weigh-in.

A professional athlete is entirely different than someone who trains one or two hours a day, even if they do so every day of the week. You can get away with going vegan, vegetarian, or low-carb/ketosis if you're training as an amateur.

The difference is enormous, and makes for a poor comparison because you're talking about a person who is only doing hard, focused, intense training for four, six, eight hours a day versus someone who might work a tough labor job or work out intensely for a couple of hours.

The dietary requirements are completely different; in the former you cannot afford to cut out a major source of calories, in the latter you have much more leeway because you're probably spending at least 6+ hours sedentary or nearly sedentary.

I had the benefit of getting to train with a few professional fighters on their terms and their scheduling. I usually cut grains out of my diet. For that time period training in their camp? I ate everything I could get my hands on. It's an entirely different level.

>> No.4815034


I think that's a safe approach for just about any research claims you hear, regardless of field. When much of the research is market driven, you have to be take just about everything with a grain of salt.

Unless you read a study about how salt will kill you. Then I suppose you'd better take it with a grain of something else.

>> No.4815046


Ketone can cross the blood brain barrier and be used as energy. This is why OP feels lethargic only after he reintroduces carbs into his diet and stops again. The body exits ketosis because of the presence of carbs and for a few days the brain is without sufficient energy before it can re-enter ketosis.


What he's saying is don't suddenly fill your diet with any food which is reported to be vaguely "healthy". Look at the research. Coconut oil is good substitute for other saturated fats like lard and butter in cooking, but eating large amounts is still bad for you. Health idiots like Jamie Oliver go spreading Olive oil on everything because they hear it's healthy, but to the average person the introduction of that much extra fat into the diet will cause weight gain and the health effects that come with it. You have to understand the results of the research instead of grasping onto popular reports that "x" is healthy.

>> No.4815130

yeah I did, ten years ago. you will lose, but your body eating itself, and after it's done ( might have lost12 lbs yeah ketonIi still got some strips right next to south beach and Rd and chiatin pilcapsul that absorb the fat no one wants to hear or be heard eat less and walk more. .. wait a min, can I patent that..no. but like it or not first thing tested ..you and learn to be tought . or not. God bless many people,but I would not be an MD for anything they do that day in, day out.