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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4810012 No.4810012 [Reply] [Original]

I hate cooking. And it's required for my weight-loss routine, but when I don't feel like cooking and refuse to eat pizza, I just starve myself.
What foods can I keep with next to no or zero cooking effort that will take forever to or won't spoil, non-refrigerated?

Picture(s) unrelated.

>> No.4810088
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>> No.4810102


>> No.4810104

there's 0 foods that lasts forever without refrigeration.

>> No.4810109



>> No.4810108

Cornflakes, canned goods

>> No.4810111

Twinkies do expire.

>> No.4810113
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Pinch your knife between your thumb and first finger as shown, then drag the edge against your jugular as hard as you can.

>> No.4810118


there's fat in Ramen noodles that will eventually go rancid.

vacuum packed, freeze dehydrated foods

>> No.4810119


you can freeze that shit, and put it in the microwave when you want it

>> No.4810121

oh well shit, nevermind

>> No.4810147

>Hate cooking

>> No.4810152
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canned beans
canned chili con carne
canned shrimps
canned fried shrimps
canned microwaved shrimps
canned raw shrimps
canned meatloaf
canned beef
canned mushroom
canned chinese
canned peas
canned soup

>> No.4810163

>hat foods can I keep with next to no or zero cooking effort that will take forever to or won't spoil, non-refrigerated?
Trail mix heavy on lowfat/puffy/high fiber cereael likee Kashi.
Marinate canned drained beans like black beans, garbanzo, canellini, with lime or vinegar, onion, bell pepper, herb, etc. Eat with chips or as a side.
Keep cans of soup or frozen leftover ziploc of it, to eat on days when you use up your days calories. Broth can be tasty with a lemon wedge or handful of crouton.

>> No.4810197

Thank you, so much.

>> No.4810235

Apples. You lazy fuck.

>> No.4810254

Hard cheese, hard sausage, crackers, wine.

>> No.4810266

I was deeply depressed when I started to lose weight, so I barely had any energy to cook. Basically I took a pot, threw in a chicken breast, some rice and water, boiled it for an hour, and then added veggies in the last few minutes. It was overcooked and bland, but It helped me lose weight, so I regret nothing.

>> No.4810367

Try bread, the greatest food of all.

>> No.4810430

Keep a variety of fruit, learn to eat them instead of prepackaged shit. Apples, oranges, bananas, pears, peaches, plums, nectarines, stuff that's easy to prepare (rinse and bite). Kiwi's are pretty fast too if you cut them in half and scoop them up with a spoon. Also, you can keep jam unrefrigerated for about a week, provided your house isn't some mildewey pigsty.

>> No.4810473

baked fruits

steamed veggies

>> No.4810945

Learn my art of microwave cooking in disposable paper bowls.

1 can of green beans+1 can of cream of mushroom+bacon bits and black pepper=2 great meals.

1 can chicken meat+1 can refried beans+red pepper or hot sauce=taco filling.

Scrambled eggs work great and you can add some combination of cheese, peppers, onions, and bacon bits to make omelets or filling for breakfast sandwiches or burritos. Protip: Onions and peppers come frozen and pre-chopped in bags and you can just nuke them for 30 seconds first before adding the other things.

Potatoes can be baked in the microwave. The Steam-fresh bags of frozen vegetables are a miracle for people on a diet.

>> No.4810954
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>> No.4810961

Anything pickled.

>> No.4811018

Obviously I can't have any of this, but what are some examples of hard cheese and hard sausage?

>> No.4812629
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>> No.4812937
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>> No.4812948

Fruits and vegetables

>> No.4812960

Why do they have to overcook the egg? It's like the ultimate insult. I'm already eating cold IKEA food.

>> No.4812957

cans of tuna

all you need then is mayo, which needs refrigeration once opened. (could sub mayo for yogurt or quark for weight loss)

takes 5 minutes to make if you have a water cooker. boil water, pour over couscous, cover for a few minutes. stir in some salt and butter, fluff.

>> No.4812974
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I like the yolk to have JUST solidified, so it looks grainy, but the texture is like a paste and taste delicious.
I've heard some bad things about canned/packed tuna. I think it was something about commonly being on the monthly recall list.

>> No.4813187
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>> No.4813199

You're never going to lose weight unless you actually put effort into a healthy meal and cook something. Don't forget to exercise too.

>> No.4813207

I've already lost 75 pounds just sitting on my ass.

>> No.4813209

Vega one shake.
Powdered meal replacement.
That's 50% recommended daily intake of anything.


>> No.4813221


>> No.4813227

just like soylent

>> No.4813600


I lived for like 3 months on corn flakes and canned ravioli

>> No.4813602

holy shit those nachos look EPIC

>> No.4813713

>I am a spoiled manchild that lives off of pizza and fast food. I don't want to cook.

Then don't. We do not care when you die of teh diabetus.

>> No.4813828

It's sad that I can relate. I want to learn to cook some neat stuff but all I can do is egg.

>> No.4813927

Canned foods (vegetables, fruits, beans, chili, soups)
Dried pasta
Protein powder (for smoothies)
Beef jerky
Dehydrated fruit
Dried herbs for seasoning

If you have any refrigeration available, keep around some basic fruits, vegetables, and dairy products that you like to eat and will use up before they go bad. Never buy more than a week's worth of perishable food at a time.

If you're bad at deciding what to eat for dinner, make a meal plan for yourself where you cook a different thing every day but the same things every week (e.g. Monday is salad, Tuesday is stir fry). Use a site to calculate the calories and nutrients in the meal for easy tracking of your intake.

>> No.4813943

its not that hard, and you will fail, ocassionally, except for me. ' cuuse I am perfect. "And it's required for my weight-loss routine," and I am not yoda, but this is where you fail. do it fore your self. old habits die hard trurely. myself incluyded. smoking as i speak. none are perfect. if you meet someone that claims the are...respect other people . It's tough enough to control myself much less ride herd on others. be carefule

>> No.4816022
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for the love of god dont reverse google this
its Skillet steak with Roquefort butter

>> No.4816222

What I like to do is have a canned tuna pita. Easy as fuck and taste as well.

>> No.4816223

Pro-tip: If you won't learn to make cooking at least a tolerable/neutral activity in your life you'll be a fatty again in no time. Stop being a yank and skillet up.