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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 117 KB, 610x458, shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4808239 No.4808239 [Reply] [Original]

When will this stupid fucking fad die?


>> No.4808243

why would people stop using something they like?

>> No.4808251


There's an infinite amount of better hot sauces out there. This shit is for maximum plebs.

>> No.4808254

Why are you so mad?

>> No.4808255

>Not mixing sriracha with ranch and putting it on eggrolls when you're drunk

>> No.4808256

I think it's good at certain times. Fuck you.

>> No.4808257

consider how mad a sauce is making you, then question your life

>> No.4808259

>When will this stupid fucking fad die?
No idea. I'm still waiting for this ketchup bullshit to be over.

>> No.4808260

>inb4 100 posts hidden, click reply to view

>> No.4808265


>it's popular so it sucks!

Hot sauce fans are the /mu/ of the food world.

>> No.4808268

I put it on plain white rice.

>> No.4808273

The difference between this shit and ketchup is you don't see people making comics about how much they love ketchup, wear t-shirts and buy merchandise about ketchup, etc

>> No.4808279

>The difference between this shit and ketchup is that ketchup tastes like shit and sriracha is fucking delicious

>> No.4808280
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>> No.4808283
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>> No.4808284

Or maybe there are people like me who saw it in an asian restaurant, used it, and loved the shit out of it.

People don't just like things because they're popular you know

>> No.4808287

sriracha has no flavor its just spicy= bleh

>> No.4808286

>Letting memetic cancer ruin a type of food for you
Just ignore them, god damn.

>> No.4808288


>> No.4808290

Scared on the foreign languages on the packaging, OP?

>> No.4808294

It tastes like garlic and sugar. And it's not even spicy. What's wrong with you?

>> No.4808298

When will newfags get out of /ck/?

>> No.4808301


>le epik

When will this meme die?

>> No.4808310

No, it's become a shit tier condiment to some faggot meme shit

>> No.4808312

Now now, it's not that bad.

>> No.4808313

> it's not even spicy
Fuck you, you're a retard.
It also explains why you don't understand Sriracha's popularity. It's because you think that everyone wants to eat your pain-inducing burning crap on everything.
Your opinion is invalidated, motherfucker.

>> No.4808316

I'm betting the spiciest thing you ever stomached was French's yellow mustard.

>> No.4808319

>pain inducing spicy
U wot

>> No.4808321 [DELETED] 

He's saying Sriracha isn't that spicy, bro. He dislikes the "MORE HEAT = MORE BETTER" hot sauces.

>> No.4808323

>what is reading comprehension

>> No.4808325

oh, damnit
I misread

>> No.4808329

The spiciest thing I ever stomached was some secret-recipe hot wing. I don't know what was in it, but it was a hell of a lot spicier than I make my curry.
It's fun as a one-time thing, but I wouldn't eat more than one, there's no point.

>> No.4808333

How is anything you said even relevant to what I replied to?

>> No.4808334


>> No.4808341

You've heard it here folks. Anyone who likes sriracha is now a meme spouting hipster. The only way to cure yourself of this ailment is to scorn sriracha with an unnatural hatred.

>> No.4808349

Do you own shares in the company? You seem a bit butthurt that there's people out there that dislike it

>> No.4808351


I don't think he's butthurt about people not liking it. After all, there are people who like and dislike all foods. I think he's annoyed that people think poorly of it simply because it's a trend amongst other people.

>> No.4808352

I like the kind that comes in the jar and actually has peppers in it

the squirt bottle one is only good in chili

>> No.4808364
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>> No.4808369

bell pepper is sure spicy

>> No.4808371

That's sambal.

>> No.4808390

But it's delicious in my pho...

>> No.4808397


that was fun

>> No.4808419
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Cock sweet chili master race reporting in.

>> No.4808429

I don't see the problem using sriracha

>> No.4808435

Based Chef John put up a recipe video for it the other day

>> No.4808474

Which brand is the best?

I've read a couple plugs for Shark

>> No.4808500

You're a retard. It's just gotten more popular in the last 5 years or so.

>> No.4808507
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>> No.4808513
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>> No.4808517


fuck you

a person liking something solely because it is "popular" is just as bad as someone disliking something just because it is "popular"

you have every right not to care for the sauce

but you're fucktarded if you're this butthurt over your skewed perception of the fucking sauce

i'd tell you go to stick your head in an oven but you're probably one of those people who only eat frozen meals that can be microwaved and therefore don't own an oven/don't know how to use one.

>> No.4808522


bretty good flavor but not spicy enough for me

>> No.4808523

when's quinky sauce gonna be the next big meme

>> No.4808531
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Close, but no cigar, my friend.

>> No.4808563

About the same time you stop caring about what others eat. Shocking, I know.

>> No.4808567

to all the people calling this a fad, how old are you? because they had this at Viet lunch joints when I was in high school in the early 90s. are you 100 years old or something?

>> No.4808620

Well... Although hearing people say and talk about Sriracha is annoying. Fermented pepper based sauces will not die.

Sorry bro. Sauces are weird thing yo.

>> No.4808626

I've been eating it for 10 years, grow up

>> No.4808678

i've noticed that sometimes people who fuck with siracha have no idea about other asian sauces and condiments

like my old housemate had like erry kind of siracha you could think of but then stir fried veggies in five spice

>> No.4808687
File: 504 KB, 1728x2592, IMAG0021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It already has.

>> No.4809629


>> No.4809641

Didn't even know it was such a forced meme. (I don't visit leddit or 9fag)
Have known sriracha for around 6 years, pretty much since I moved. Every asian noodle stand here has that shit.
Adds some flavour to that garbage.

>> No.4809647

I can't get cock sauce in Britain. Is goose sauce as good?

>> No.4809653

..You can get regular sriracha in any tescos.

>> No.4809661

Flying Goose has more taste than Huy Fong.

Contains a good smattering of MSG if that's an issue though.

>> No.4809667

Yeah I've seen the original Thai version in Asda, made by the Sea World Coldstorage co. I've heard that it's hotter & less sweet than the US version, but I wonder how it compares. Anyone tried both? Which is better?

>> No.4809673

aah yes, sriracha sauce. most fucking overrated shit ever. every douche on 4chan thinks it's like gods second coming or whatever

>> No.4809679

Has anyone tried the food wishes Shriracha recipe yet?

>> No.4809734
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Is that Chef John's website? First fake cronuts, and now fake sriracha?

Why does flyover land even bother?

>> No.4809739

>'Fake sriracha'
How do you make it 'fake' when it is literally fermented chili sauce?

>> No.4809743

>fermented chili sauce
>huy fong sriracha



>> No.4809744

Sriracha is like Ranch Dressing for hipsters.

>> No.4809749
File: 26 KB, 300x400, hats-trucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just curious, what do you think a hipster is? Do they wear shutter shades and listen to a 1st generation ipod while drinking PBR and lining up for those new gourmet cupcakes?

>> No.4809753

for a second there I thought I was on /v/ again.

>> No.4809754

the dude wasn't wrong though.

>> No.4809756

>There's an infinite amount of better hot sauces out there.
>being this hipster, at this day and age

>> No.4809759
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>> No.4809760
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, progun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You really think "hipsters" are obsessed with hot sauce?


That's for people who look like progun. Pretty much the complete opposite of a hipster.

>> No.4809763

>let's all waste time by speculating on something we can't change

I share your frustrations with the current faddish interest in this stuff, but I'm not going to waste any time whinging about it.

>> No.4809764

perhaps, but sure seems like people say the like sriracha because it's the IN thing to do

>> No.4809766

They are obsessed with avoiding the popular, and claim the obscure is automatically superior to the "mainstream" by virtue of being unknown.

>> No.4809768

also that scene in scrubs was awesome

>> No.4809769
File: 77 KB, 464x323, tumblr_lgckvdxCJN1qew0z9o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When will this stupid fucking fad die?

>> No.4809779


By your logic avocados are superior because they're "unknown".

You can't just apply the cultural values of a 22 year old resident of Williamsburg Brooklyn in 2003 to a 30 year old obese fast food manager in 2013 rural meth country. It doesn't quite work out the way you'd expect.

>> No.4809781

Take care of it yourself?

If I remember correctly they're manufactured in one place only in the US, and it takes 8 years to mature in a barrel.

But let me know when you're about to do it so I can stock up.

>> No.4809784

>By your logic avocados are superior because they're "unknown".
Correction, by hipster logic.

>> No.4809785

this reading comprehension...

>> No.4809795

there are no more hipsters. what will it take for shut ins to grasp this?

>> No.4809805

Personally I like valentina. Great flavor and moderate heat

>> No.4809832

mah brutha

>> No.4809848


The only thing worse than hipsters are virulent peri-psychotic anti-hipsters.

Seek help for your debilitating obsessive personality disorder.

>> No.4809849

I can't stand putting it on anything other than pho

>> No.4809863

The Oatmeal also endlessly pimps out Tesla, like he's some kind of wizard. Tesla fans are the worst scientist fanbase on the web besides NDT. It's the easiest way to spot a science fan" rather than an actual scientist. Does that mean we should ignore his accomplishments?

>> No.4809867
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On a subject unrelated to the hate train, anyone else tried this hot sauce yet?

I got a bottle and it seems like it'd make a great wing sauce.

>> No.4809887
File: 5 KB, 160x240, test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that one of those shit where the scoville score is off the scale?

>pic related. My poison of choice.

>> No.4809897
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>> No.4809924
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It tastes like shit to be honest.

I got some chili sauce straight out of Taiwan in my fridge. It's actually got some crunch to it, has seeds, and is hotter/tastier than this shit.

>> No.4809932

What? How is this a meme?

>> No.4810280

“Hipster” is a term co-opted for use as a meaningless pejorative in order to vaguely call someone else’s authenticity into question and, by extension, claim authenticity for yourself.

It serves no conversational function and imparts no information, save for indicating the opinions and preferences of the speaker.

Meanwhile, a market myth has sprung up around the term, as well as a cultural bogeyman consisting of elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what), listen to certain music (no one can agree on this either), and act a certain way (you’ve probably sensed the pattern on your own).

You can’t define what “that kind of behavior or fashion or lifestyle” actually is, nor will you ever be able to. That’s because you don’t use “hipster” to describe an actual group of people, but to describe a fictional stereotype that is an outlet for literally anything that annoys you.

The twist, of course, is that if it weren’t for your own insecurities, nothing that a “hipster” could do or wear would ever affect you emotionally. But you are insecure about your own authenticity - “Do I wear what I wear because I want to? Do I listen to my music because I truly like it? I’m certainly not like those filthy hipsters!” - so you project those feelings.

Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster; the term is always applied to an Other, to separate the authentic Us from the inauthentic, “ironic” Them.

tl;dr: if you believe hipsters exist, you are a plebeian.

>> No.4810438
File: 227 KB, 606x606, hipstersscarves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>...elusive white 20-somethings who wear certain clothes (but no one will agree on what)....

A guy with horn-rimmed Kissinger glasses, an out-of-season scarf, silly oldschool hats, and a plaid overshirt pretty much qualifies. It is a moving target though (e.g. the shift from beanies to fedoras), and there are non-hipster guys who might wear scarves out of season (fashion models, flamboyant gays, gay fashion models). Just as there are non-hipsters who like Sriracha.

>> No.4810442

>Just as there are non-hipsters who like Sriracha.

>> No.4810512

>horn rimmed glasses

Sure, if he wants to be known as 'that fedoran who tries to dress like how he thinks hipsters do, even though that was eight years ago.' It'd be like opening/patronizing a nouvelle cuisine restaurant and feeling smug about it - or when your parents try to use the slang of your generation.

Essentially, what >>4810280 said. You've just latched onto the mid-2000's glasses-keffiyeh-plaid image because for some reason or another that was when the notion of the 'hipster' began to receive wider mainstream attention.

>> No.4810623


No, its not. It's actually got a nice heat level, maybe a touch below tobasco? But it has a nice flavor that always makes me think hot wings when i use it.

>> No.4810684

Do hipsters communicate with each other on some type of hipster network?

I was introduced to this sauce like a year ago by my hipster friend. I thought, "Okay, that's nice." Now I am learning that this was a hipster sauce all along.

>> No.4810704

So wait, I'm supposed to stop liking something just because other people like it?

>> No.4810775

A (taiwan?) company called bell and flower makes chili paste so spicy and delicious that
A) I suck the chinese market owner's dick to get him to order it for me.
B) Siriacha is now on about the same level as a condiment as an uncooked can of tomato paste.

>> No.4810777


It's a good flavor enhancer.

>> No.4810784

Well you better stop liking it.

>> No.4810785
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When will this stupid fucking fad die?

>> No.4810802

/ck/ is so easy to troll it seems.

>> No.4810849

/ck/ is a nice board. It's more similar to it than I thought though

>> No.4810852

Been popular in California as long as I can remember.

>> No.4811639

Ooh I used way too much of that today. So delicious but painful.

>> No.4811657

Hot sauce is the only thing that makes my cooking edible.

Siracha isn't my favorite by any means but it is good.
El yucateco tastes great but you bleed out the ass
Louisiana supreme is cheap and good
Franks red hot lasts me two days

>> No.4811661

>all this bad over a decent brand of hot sauce

I'm done with 4chan, they are always trying to ruin things i love and how is it hipster food?

>> No.4811667

Things like this make me wonder if I actually like the things I like, or if it's just because of the internet's Viral Marketing.

>> No.4811674


It isn't hipster food, people on 4chan are just contrarians and it's basically a big game of free-association for things they don't like. 'Ohh, you like black coffee, you must be a hipster because no normal person would drink that bitter, burnt, shit'. 'Ohh, you think women have a right to not be treated like shit and raped constantly, you must be some white knight fascist libtard feminazi'. Don't feed the trolls, man.

>> No.4811679
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>> No.4811682
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>mfw 4chan has officially become reddit-lite as of today with all the changes

>> No.4811684

generally speaking, that's so not true it's not even funny.

>> No.4811685

stop having opinions that might be unsavory to someone!!!!!

>> No.4811687

oh god how i hate when people talk about sriracha like it's super out of this world greatness while in reality it's ok.

>> No.4811690

>blatant shitpost trolling is a good thing

If only they did this for threads like the well done steak n' ketchup with the same OP image.

>> No.4811698

I'm not talking about this but just in general.

>> No.4811718
File: 32 KB, 500x500, valentina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only thing really offensive about that oatmeal comic is the claim that sriracha is anything close to hot.

I like sriracha on mac and cheese but that's about it. On anything else it's better to just use real chili paste.

However, as far as pussy-fad hot sauces go this stuff is the shit.

>> No.4811726

well, some people actually say it's hot when it's like ketchup with black pepper

>> No.4811736


the flavours of irony in this post are hotter than the spiciest sauce in the world

>> No.4811745

I use Siracha as an ingredient more than I ever use it as a true hot sauce. It's over powering and not even near my to 5 for flavors.

>> No.4811757

What do you even use hot sauces in, other than marinades? I never got that.

>> No.4811770
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I like them on chips, seafood, sometimes on fruits. I use different hot sauces for each though.
I like this best on seafood but I wouldn't touch it on chips.

>> No.4811781

Why are you so crass?

>> No.4811790

for anything and everything?
add some to your pasta sauces, add them to your steaksauces, hell just use it as dip?

>> No.4811801
File: 34 KB, 400x266, chiltepin0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On steak? no, on chicken maybe but then again I would prefer a fresh salsa on that instead.

Pasta sauce or soups I'd rather put pic related on adds a bit of spice and has a mellow flavor.

>> No.4811807

I toss mine in eggs and ramen for the most part.

Soy sauce and hot sauces (I'm always trying something different) are the star ingredients of my kitchen

>> No.4811808

>Suffice it to say, no one self-identifies as a hipster
And you just invalidated your entire post.

>> No.4811810

read first, comment later please?
i didn't say "on steak" i said add to your steaksauce. also those were simple examples, you can easily use them for any dish you make, except maybe porridge.
if you don't want to use it then don't, no one is forcing you.

>> No.4811811

Its stale pasta thats been proven bullshit.

Still fun to read now and then. Sort of like that "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU FUCKING SAY.." etc etc.

>> No.4811838

This is the very definition of hipster.

>> No.4811850
File: 26 KB, 723x203, ck banned mod confirmed for god.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you talking about? Retard.

Having more bans is a good thing.

>> No.4811892

You must be new here. We used to do this all the time. The only reason people could get away with shit like this is because there are too many people posting.

>> No.4811973
File: 164 KB, 1201x930, ck-cookbook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what that site is about other than some anons on 4chan hate it terribly, yet they seem to know a great deal about it....for some reason.

It isn't a fad. It is even in the Official /ck/ Cookbook. Chapter 7 is nothing but ways to use sriracha. Granted, most of the ways include ramen, but beggers can't be choosers.

>> No.4811996

it as died. its only used "ironically" now.

>> No.4812014

>is too amazing for words

>> No.4812138

>hey guize, when will u stop using ketchup, mustard, relish, mayo, aioli, bbq sauce, worcestershire sauce, oyster sauce, soy sauce, etc...

They're so outdated and old, get over them already. It's time to move on, guize.

>> No.4813325

hipsters are just shitty special snowflake kids and older people who are trying to cling to the trends of youth

>> No.4813333

If they were "special snowflakes", they wouldn't associate themselves with a group which has traits that they relate to. There is nothing special about that and they know it.

You're just using that phrase as a way to patronize them, m8ee.

>> No.4813340

nice quads captain obvious. you may now kiss my balls

>> No.4813346

I refuse.

>> No.4813580

Itsuki pls go.

Mayonnaise on mayonnaise is the best.

>> No.4813629

My bottle of Tapatio is almost gone, so today I bought some Huy Fong Sriracha for the first time.
I figure I'll keep trying the more common red sauces as I learn to doctor my food, and eventually I'll have a taste for this stuff.

>> No.4813650


I started using sriracha because they had it at my university, I've never really seen anyone on the internet talk about it too much