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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 236 KB, 1768x1680, Wrapped_American_cheese_slices[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4805148 No.4805148[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it true that Americans put cheese, ketchup, mayonaise or a combinaton of the three on everything? I'm will go on holidays to America in a few days and I just don't want that shit. Should every meal include a pre-conversation (be it at a restaurant or at locals) with warning that I don't want that shit on my food?

I've also noticed/heard Americans buy cheese like pic related? What the fuck; don't they know the dangers of GMO?

>> No.4805155

Not literally everything, no. Mainly just burgers.

>> No.4805154

absolutely everything, can't even get a coffee without cheese and ketchup in it.

>> No.4805162

>being this stupid

>> No.4805161

Firstly, i was appalled to hear koreans put cheese on fried chicken and plenty of their other dishes, so it aint just america.

Secondly, i like the rennet and whatever else they put in sliced processed cheese. I don't buy Kraft, i buy an Australian brand.

Bega's probably not australian anymore though.

>> No.4805166

but you neglect the other important point, pretty much all you can eat in america is burgers and pizza.

>> No.4805170

>cheese in plastic
We have this in Europe too; how do they even put it in there? I mean, wouldn't it be a very cost-intensive operation? It is also a hell to open it properly without destroying the slice or putting one third of it under your nails. After the immense effort it takes, you are greeted with a horrible plastic taste. Once, never again.

>> No.4805177

and they say americans are ignorant of other cultures...

>> No.4805178

Haha, you are a funny guy. You can get just about anything to eat in America. Italian, Japanese, Ethiopian(ha), Indonesian, blah blah fucking etc blah.

>> No.4805181

I'm French and I (and most of the other French) always thought it was very offending to offer someone to sprinkle its meal with cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise or anything which isn't an integral part of the actual meal. It's basically saying "It tastes like total shit, but at least you have this generic tastes to conceal it!".

I indeed went to America for a long time but I could never get used to eating there if it wasn't actual in a top-notch restaurant, in my own apartment or at respected friends. The shit they put on the plate is unbelievable for some people with an actual cultural and developed kitchen at home.

>> No.4805212

Learn to say this in English you faggot.

"Hold the kethcup, mayo and cheese"

Or just learn to fuckin read a menu to see what you are ordering.

>> No.4805269


Go back to France with your backwoods paternity testing laws and shit food

>> No.4805319

Most sandwiches will have mayo and cheese on them, and most burgers will have ketchup and cheese. Cheese will at least be noted in the menu description, so it shouldn't catch you off guard. Most other dishes would list cheese on the menu, for example there's a cheese sauce on say a side of broccoli, the menu will say that. They might not mention cheese in a tossed salad, or small amounts of grated cheese in a pasta sauce or salad, or on foods where cheese is generally assumed to be present (pizza, lasagna, burritos).

If you're eating at someone's house, again unless you're having sandwiches/burgers/hotdogs, then mayo or ketchup are unlikely toppings. If ketchup is used with meat, the bottle is typically left on the table to use if you want it. (At American cookouts, you top burgers or hotdogs yourself). However, you should inform your host that you don't eat cheese, as many dishes popular in the US contain at least some cheese.

>> No.4805339

Why does America have 2 sorts of popular pizza

Like actual pizza and then some weird sauce and cheese combination on a substance that tastes like scones.

What the fuck America

>> No.4805359

>>cheese in plastic
>We have this in Europe too; how do they even put it in there? I mean, wouldn't it be a very cost-intensive operation? It is also a hell to open it properly without destroying the slice....

All of the slicing and wrapping and packaging is automated. The end product does cost more to manufacture than a solid block of the same cheese, but it's still a cheap product at stores, maybe $0.02 per slice more than a solid block of cheese. Well known brands like Kraft tend to be quite easily unwrappable, if the cheese is well refrigerated.

>> No.4805371

I'm curious as to why McDonald's in Australia goes to such an extreme process to get their "American cheese"

My little brother just got a job at a McDonald's and apparently the box actually says American cheese on it

>> No.4805378


What are these "scones" you speak of, they sound like they're from a fairy tale.

>> No.4805384

barn and raised in the USA and have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.4805393

No shit I don't expect an American to only foreigners who have been to America will understand

Chicago deep dish and a classic pizza

Who the aborted the idea of pizza and came up with that shit on a "biscuit" or whatever you call it

>> No.4805432

Your English is terrible, and deep dish is delicious. Ragging on the dish because you think it's weird or not what you think it's supposed to be is childish.

It's basically a lasagna with bread instead of pasta, I don't get why /ck/ gets so buttflustered over it.

>> No.4805437

deep dish master race, reporting

>> No.4805438


That's the name of the cheese. "American Cheese" like "Cheddar Cheese". It is common for cheese to be named after a region like "Swiss Cheese". It doesn't even mean the cheese was made there. It is just the type.

America has other types of cheese here too. American is our most consumed but it isn't the only type you can find by any means. Nor is all of it processed.


What food item DOESN'T /ck/ get buttflustered over? Because when I see that item, that is when I will be worried.

>> No.4805443

>I'm French
I'm sorry but the diagnosis is inoperable. You will be a faggot for the rest of your life... I-I'm sorry...

>> No.4805445

There are actually a huge variety of pizza styles in the US. You only scratched the surface. We call the bread/dough portion of a pizza the "crust" in America, which may be a bit confusing since it's also what we call the brown exterior part of a loaf of bread.

I think McD's wants customers to be able to count on a consistent experience. They do localize many dishes in other countries, but they probably want to keep cheeseburgers pretty much the same. Even in the US, we call that style of easily meltable orange-died processed cheese "American cheese." It refers to the type, not that it's made in the US. What do you call that type of cheese in Australia, assuming it's produced there?

>> No.4805447

I actually had a long conversation about this with a Finnish friend of mine. After much thought, I realized Americans do (sometimes) put cheese on anything that you would put a condiment on. However, beyond hotdogs, burgers, or other sandwiches, it's generally rare.

And some people put ketchup on everything, but they're fucktards and shouldn't be used as the bar by which Americans are measured any more than chavs should be the measure of England.

>> No.4805471

I thought OP was serious until I got to the GMO part.


>> No.4805472
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>> No.4805477

>And some people put ketchup on everything, but they're fucktards and shouldn't be used as the bar by which Americans are measured any more than chavs should be the measure of England.

I'm American, and I consider ketchup use outside of beef, hot dogs, or some styles of potatoes (french fries, hash browns, "tater tots") to be pretty rare. Some people use it on eggs too, but that's near the edge of normal ketchup usage. It would be downright weird if someone used it on chicken, pork, fish, a non-burger sandwich, or any vegetable other than a potato. Maybe I'm forgetting something, but it would be considered very strange if someone used it on a lot of foods outside of those.

>> No.4805493

>thought OP was serious until I got to the GMO part.

I don't understand...cheese is made of milk, and our dairy cows are indeed typically injected with GMO hormones, and fed GMO grains. It seems reasonable for people in cultures where these are banned to wonder about our widespread GMO use.

>> No.4805501
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I'm American and I don't eat 'American' cheese because it sucks. I don't use ketchup and I only put mustard on hot-dogs and bratwurst.

You got me on mayonnaise, though. Mayonnaise is the fucking shit. I put it on pretty much every sandwich I make.

>> No.4805512

Chymosin, an enzyme used in cheese is produced by GMOs (a genetically modified fungi).

>> No.4805515

the rennet enzyme normally used for making cheese is now made from some GE fungi's enzyme

>> No.4805573

You know, not all American cheese is Kraft Singles. The unprocessed ones are actually a kind of mild cheddar, and is available at pretty much every supermarket deli.

>> No.4805582

Yep I get extra cheese and ketchup with mayo in my tea.

>> No.4805583
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>> No.4805599
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Yes, there is also spray on cheese.

By the way, fuck Chicago Deep Tomato Pie. You guys wouldnt know a good corn starch free dish if it hit you in your face. Also, learn how to properly use knife and forks. Not everything has to be fucking finger food.

>> No.4805605

Who are you even trying to talk to? Are you having another episode?

>> No.4805611

Jesus fuck, OP, are you really this gullible?

I'd love to see the waiter's face in the restaurant when OP starts his meal by insisting that he doesn't want condiments or cheese on anything.

>> No.4805612

>being this stupid

What are you, retarded?

>> No.4805614

What's your problem? Did you run out of ranch dressing? Moran.

>> No.4805661
File: 28 KB, 400x405, fyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm will go on holidays to America

Hopefully your plane will plummet to the ground shortly after takeoff from whatever third world shithole you're coming from.

>> No.4805694

Damn, all that unnecessary hatred. Why are Americans so hateful?

>> No.4805703

Because of all the American cheese and ketchup we eat.


>> No.4805714


Please stop samefagging

and we already know about the trick to make the "You"s disappear

>> No.4805726


Nope. You're new to this, aren't you?

>> No.4805732

>>4805714 (You)
Want some cheese with your faggot post?

>> No.4807629

Don't forget to clap when you get served your meal.

>believing every myth about a different country

>> No.4807635
File: 11 KB, 248x210, gmo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama legalized GMO in the united states buddy.. were fucked it dont matter if we buy that slice of cheese or if we buy fucking carrots from the ground.... EVERYTHING has been genetically modified because the united states of america has made it legal ... so lets just say legally kill their own citizens. Which America is fucking great at.

>> No.4807666

>needle in tomato

I can't tell who is trolling who anymore.

>> No.4807745

But OP, that's not cheese. Didn't you look at the package? It says "Pasteurized Prepared Cheese Product."

>> No.4807754

Oh look, another idiot who's against GMOs but has no idea why. Fucking sheep, all of you.

>> No.4807761

Not him, but I don't eat GMOs because they cause cancer as well as a plethora of digestive diseases.

>> No.4807764

>so lets just say legally kill their own citizens. Which America is fucking great at.

I don't even know who's trolling anymore

>> No.4807774

Well, that quickly went downhill with that GMO reference.

Face it guy: GMO is NOT natural. If I can make myself live past the age of, say 90 years old up to 200, it doesn't mean it will bring any good! You put CHEMICALS in food! The same stuff which is used to make BOMBS, POISON and even some chemicals which are spread in the latest Syria debacle. Just because you want a greener apple doesn't mean it is actually good from the inside!

>> No.4807784


>> No.4807786

>90 years old up to 200
>Not knowing about the haylick limit

>> No.4807795

I promuse that 100% of the people fear-mongering about GMOs don't understand the science behind it. Chemicals? You do know that they're manipulating genomes, not cooking meth, right? As for "causing cancer and a plethora of digestive diseases" there is no evidence that GMOs do any of that outside of some already disreputible studies.

Inb4 I get called a Monsanto shill. I wish i could get paid that well.

>> No.4807823

Apples are full of chemicals. Somebody post the image, I would but I'm on my phone

>> No.4807830

people who are afraid of GMO's don't even remotely understand how genetic manipulation works.
>mfw apples are ripened with ethylene, washed with iodophor, and coated with shellac wax

>> No.4807833

Exactly ignorance and blind hostility towards science is damning humanity as a whole.

>> No.4807842

In the UK those "cheese" slices arent allowed to put cheese on the packaging because they contain less than 2% cheese.

as an aside pringles were ruled to not be crisps because they didnt contain enough potato

>> No.4807847

"Pasteurized cheese product" in the U.S

>> No.4808317

>I'm French
well, there's your problem. you can't really talk about superior intrinsic flavor when you people eat frogs, snails, and fish eyeball stew.

>> No.4808324

>2 sorts of popular pizza
are you talking about new york style and chicago style? because i can assure you there are far more sorts of popular pizza.

>> No.4808327


At least they aren't Koreans

>> No.4808331


Where did you lift that from?

>> No.4808342

>(and most of the other French)

Most Americans, Germans, Brits and Azerbaijanis think that. There are some uncultured people everywhere, get over yourself.

>> No.4808347

they're not much better.

>> No.4808357
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This guy here, on my PC so why not.

>> No.4808525

>I'm French and I (and most of the other French) always thought it was very offending to offer someone to sprinkle its meal with cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise or anything which isn't an integral part of the actual meal. It's basically saying "It tastes like total shit, but at least you have this generic tastes to conceal it!".

I'm American and I (and most of the other Americans) always thought it was very offending to coat everything with hollandaise, béchamel, velouté, or sprinkling weeds like rosemary and thyme or anything which isn't an integral part of the actual meal. It's like saying "It tastes like total shit, but at least you have this generic taste to conceal it!".

>> No.4808573

DO NOT speak for all Americans you plebian. I'm American, and those "weeds" as you called them are integral for adding flavors, colors, and macronutrients to foods. Everything you eat contains herbs and spices, even if you can't tell that your frozen pizza or fast food has that in it, it does. Also, the master sauces are not comparable to ketchup.
And YOU, Frenchie, did you forget that mayonnaise is your own invention? Or that your country has always been a leader in cheese production, and uses cheese in QUITE a bit of dishes? Get fucked.

>> No.4808587

There are strict regulations involving what can be called cheese in America too. And the Pringles thing wasn't because they didn't contain enough potato, Pringles are pretty much all potato.

>> No.4808612
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Oh look it's "water is a chemical" guy.

>> No.4808627

Mayonnaise originate amongst Catalan speakers on Menorca in the town of Mahon (Maó in Catalan). In Catalan, things from Mahon are called "maonès" or "maonesa" depending on grammatical gender.
"Salsa maonès" is the etymological predecessor to the French "mayonnaise." When the French appropriated the sauce for themselves (10th century), the port of Mahon was under Aragonese control. In the Aragonese language, the town is called "Mayon" to this day. Though modern French refers to the town as Port-Mahon, the French of the 10th century referred to it as "Mayon."
Unrelated, but interesting, Portuguese calls the city "Malhon," Portuguese orthography allowing for the digraph LH to be pronounced either as a soft L (as Italian GL or proper Spanish LL) or as a Y (as Spanish as spoken outside of Spain).
Polite sage for post mostly unrelated to food and cooking.

>> No.4808629


Nice Larousse copy/paste. No polite sage because fuck your underhanded attempt at tripfagging without tripfagging.

>> No.4808671

Ha! No.
Are you upset, perhaps, that someone studied beyond primaries when you never had the chance? How dreadful it must be for you.

>> No.4808673

No other cheese can replicate the gooey, greasy, spiced taste that american cheese provides on my favorite local burger joint's double cheeseburger.

>> No.4808677


"When in India, dress like the Indians."

>> No.4808681

I put ketchup and mayonnaise on my oatmeal.

>> No.4808702
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My deepest apologies for not giving due recognition to your esoteric knowledge. A tip of the fedora to you, good sir. Truly, just knowing of Larousse is a sign of your rarified knowledge, one which marks you as a member of the most euphoric cultured class of gentlemen. I daresay, for you not to adopt a tripcode would be to do a disservice to the more educated students of fine culture around these parts. Please, type more excerpts and let us bathe in your wisdom!

>> No.4808752

>don't they know the dangers of GMO
lol, science is scary right?

>> No.4808758
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>> No.4808766

None of that was from Larousse, you clod.

>> No.4808774

Your faux-pompous tone is a clear indicator of you inferiority complex. Enjoy another night with your hairy palms and snuggling up to that cozy feeling you get when you insult people on an anonymous image board. I won't be around in another few minutes to banter with your sad self, some people do have lives off the internet.

>> No.4808806

>being this mad
>being this wrong

>> No.4808833

>the master sauces are not comparable to ketchup
but, they are.

>> No.4808835

...water *is* a chemical... do you not know what the word "chemical" means?

>> No.4808843

where did I suggest otherwise?

>> No.4808846

>being this mad

What are you, 12? The whole "you mad" thing is getting really old. No one here is mad, and if they are, it's not because of strangers on 4chan, it's because they have issues in their personal life (or lack thereof). Grow up.

>> No.4808856

but, they're not. Ketchup originally came from the Orient, and went home with British explorers, where it was expanded and used a variety of ingredients. At one time, people made ketchup out of damn near anything, and it's still being monkeyed around with today. The French master sauces have definitive ingredients and techniques, which are not interchangeable without disgracing the sauce and being called something else.

>> No.4808857


You should have that pre-meal conversation at every restaurant. You're retarded enough to even consider the possibility that it might be true, just go ahead and loudly proclaim your mental handicap to your waiter so they know to bring you the rubber utensils and the baby bib so you don't make a mess.

>> No.4808902
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>obvious troll thread
>85 posts and 10 image replies omitted...

>> No.4808948

Not necessarily true. I don't like ketchup or mayo, so I don't put them on anything. I use cheese on Italian and Mexican dishes, or sometimes as a snack with fruit.

I do have house-mates that really enjoy ketchup and ranch dressing though.

>> No.4808976
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>americans say "omg this is not how america is at all"
>50 burger threads, tv frozen food, and bad snacks
>lazy, shitposting, underaged, pothead, white thrash posters everywhere
>good food thread gets shitposted with retarded /b/ format

>> No.4808979

Why does every eurofag assume Americans eat assloads of hamburgers?

I have 1 every 2 weeks maybe.

Hell, I drink tea more than I eat burgers.

>> No.4809014

>Don't even eat fast food once a month
>Go down south for vacation
>Fast food places everywhere
>Holy shit some of them are bredy gud