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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 86 KB, 640x480, 2_usd_gratuity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4801193 No.4801193[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ do you tip?

>> No.4801194

Hey OP do you troll?

>> No.4801209

In my state if an enployee does not make minimum wage in tips evey hour they are compensated for.

So no.

Maybe once my profession starts to get tipped (construction) Ill think about tipping.

>> No.4801212

Yes, 20%. USA

That's law in every state in the US.

>> No.4801215

straya yes

if they gimme money off my meal ill be like keep the change you chink cunt

>> No.4801235

Yes. I tip waitstaff, bartenders, barbers and occasionally taxi drivers and blackjack dealers. Never had a bellboy, but I'd probably tip them too,

>> No.4801248

Do you even order pizza.

>> No.4801264
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I'm all for tipping when the quality of food or service is above standard. It should be a reward. This is the accepted practice in some parts of Europe. Others not, see below.

I don't understand why you should be bullied into tipping 20%, regardless of the service. Even worse when the 20% automatically comes off your bill.

Is it true, Americans, that black people never tip? Or racist myth.

>> No.4801272

Shit, those guys too. And the doorman at clubs.

>> No.4801284

No, I do not tip waiters. No one made them accept a job that pays $2.00 an hour so they're not entitled to anything.

>> No.4801291

>too poor to eat out

>> No.4801294

Myth really. It just so happens that alot of lower class poor people are also black.

>> No.4801295

I tease with the tip but I work the whole thing in slowly.

>> No.4801311

Never. In my country it's insulting to tip, as it implies that without a tip waitstaff would provide inadequate service, and that it's the responsibility of the customer to insure he or she receives proper service. As a country where people have pride in their work, we instead adjust food prices and pay our staff appropriately.

American service culture is literally medieval. Do you also tip your moving teams not to steal your furniture and your taxi drivers not to steal your luggage?

>> No.4801313



>> No.4801316

Moving teams are often tipped - sometimes substantially. Friend of mine regularly pulls in $20 tips for a few hours' work, on top of his hourly wage from his company.

>> No.4801318

>Do you also tip your moving teams not to steal your furniture and your taxi drivers not to steal your luggage?
We kinda do actually...

>> No.4801319

great, why don't you tip your lawyers so they don't sell your case and your doctors so they feel REALLY compelled to make sure they don't rip your liver open during a transplant?

maybe you should start tipping your police officers too, so they'll actually stop violent crimes while they happen instead of shooting you for living next to a drug dealer or pulling you over and beating you for being the wrong skin color

>> No.4801342

I grudgingly tip 10%, which is twice my country's GST.

>> No.4801347

I don't live in Clapistan, so no.

>> No.4801350

They get paid $2.00 because the company they work for expects compensation from customers tipping. It's really lazy of certain businesses.

Overtime is kind of awesome though.

Gratuity was not taxed before. It will be in the US soon. Some restaurants are completely dropping gratuity.

>> No.4801353

Someday we probably will. Generally it's jobs that don't make quite that much though. Doctors and lawyers already have enough money.

>> No.4801356

Oh yeah, and we tip tour leaders too. I have a friend that does river tours and gets about $20/head.

>> No.4801359

I tip around 11%. 15% if the bill is under 10 bucks.

Even then waiters give you the stink eye. I should just start tipping nothing.

>> No.4801362

I fail to see the correlation between wage-level of an occupation and demand for the customer to ensure by monetary means that he receives adequate service

>> No.4801363

Cry moar, bitch nigga

>> No.4801366

>612 posts and 213 image replies omitted

>> No.4801368

I'm not the one crying. I live in a developed country where my services come promptly, with quality, and at a fixed and rational price.

you're the one who should be crying; you live entirely in a fief, where managers of providers of services are among your many warlords

>> No.4801380

Well, I'm not trying to explain it to you, I'm just telling you what we do. Your problems with it aren't my problem.

>> No.4801388
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yes OP i do tip.

i'll even give you a tip -

kill yourself

>> No.4801412

This is what happens in China, you 'must' tip the doctor, lawyer man and the police man.

>> No.4801414

yea, measuring the prevalence of tipping culture is a good way to gauge how developed a nation is

>> No.4801417
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Yes. I usually leave a 15% tip of the food I eat

>> No.4801429


>> No.4801436

I'm telling you the development level of a nation is inversely proportional to the amount of incidences where you are expected to tip

>> No.4801442

I always tip if the waiter did a good job

>> No.4801457

I live in England and we generally don't tip, as it's not expected of you.

>> No.4801488

Do you recognize a difference between a tip and a bribe, first off?

And then Ethiopia and Somalia should have extreme levels of tipping? Interesting.

>> No.4801494

I never tip, I don't feel that it's my job to personally pay waiters for simply refilling my drinks and delivering my foods - and I don't want to go out of social custom and ask for the tip to be given directly to the chef who actually deserves it.
Waiting tables is a cushy job, and doesn't even deserve minimum wage. There are people working in the rain and cold, or sitting and assembling things on a factory line for eight hours while waiters get tips and the added bonus of free food and drinks.
I have actually been asked to tip before by entitled waiters, and my answer is always the same "here's a tip, how about you stop harassing me" and then I often just call up the manager when I get home and complain about my service. I am sure I have personally been responsible for multiple firings, since I travel quite a bit due to my job.

>> No.4801499

>Do you recognize a difference between a tip and a bribe, first off?
There is none. Both are money given in exchange for special treatment.

>> No.4801512

In the UK, tipping is something that you MAY do if you feel the service is good.
In the US you are obliged to tip waiters.

>> No.4801513

the answer is >>4801499
>implying you don't have to bribe everyone in Ethiopia or Somalia

Here's a hint: if someone can say with honestly that they would deny their customer any priced service that is provided by their place of employment, including the service of "food that has not been spat on, shat on, pissed on, jizzed on, or otherwise fucked with," it is not a "tip;" it is a bribe. Tips only exist in societies with no tipping culture or in places of business in other societies, wherein such a place forbids or otherwise does not typically provide for tips, and the tip is given post-service and explicitly not expected for the provision of that service or of any further services.

>> No.4801519

You realize that if they have to get compensated they're more likely to get fired, right? At-will employment, hooooo!

>> No.4801521

Ah, here we are. This is incorrect.

A bribe is required for service, a tip is not. A tip is a gift, and if you don't give one, you will still get satisfactory service. The tip comes after the service is rendered, you see.

>> No.4801523

Good, that makes them work extra hard to please me. Waiters have a very cushy job, and if they're not doing it to the very best of their ability they deserve to be let go.
Seriously, I expect regular drink refills, apologies for getting in my way and none of this little bitchy talkative shit.

>> No.4801526

Except if you don't tip they will be rude to you next time. The tipping culture in America is so close to bribery it's unbelievable.

>> No.4801528

What I don't get is why do waiters at expensive restaurants expect to be tipped more?

>> No.4801535

You sound like an asshole with no empathy.

You wouldn't tip them anyway, so why should they waste their effort on someone who looks down on them and won't contribute to their paycheck?

I agree, tipping culture is fucked, but it's fucked because the law permits employers to pay waiters something like 3 bucks an hour and expect the rest to be made up by tips.

It's amazing to me that anybody works in that industry.

Because at expensive restaurants they do more.

>> No.4801547

It's because minimum wage is not enough to live on.

If you're charging $300/hr a tip means nothing.

If you get paid seven dollars and a fucking quarter for an hour of your labor, you need a little help. It's because Americans fucking stick together and don't need a government to help us do it.

>> No.4801550

No, that's not true actually. Service sector employees that are rude to their customers are frowned upon by management, and saying "Well, he's not a tipper!" does not excuse the behavior. Most places I've been involved with will fire you for that.

>> No.4801555

Tips are shared. Most everyone feels this is fair.

>> No.4801570

Because they're better. Service jobs aren't all low tier, there's a scale there as well just like all other professions. When your server can fluently answer all of your questions and personally ensure your meal is a truly splendid experience, he makes a little extra. The less skilled, less experienced servers have to settle for the worse jobs.

Amusingly, tending bar is the opposite. Top notch servers want to work at the fanciest places so they don't have to take as many tables and can focus intently on the experiences of the ones they have. Bartenders and baristas always just want volume volume volume.

Regarding the folks who say waiting tables is a cushy job, that's only for some folks. I washed out of it very quickly when I tried back in the day. Switched to tending bar, which was much easier for me.

>> No.4801613

a lot of minimum wage jobs don't include tipping culture though, so what's your point?

>> No.4801627

>It's because minimum wage is not enough to live on.
so what? do you tip the people that clean your street or build your house?

>> No.4801657

No. Yurofag here. Minimum wage rules apply.

>> No.4801956
File: 953 KB, 500x254, mrpinkworldssmallestviolin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>C'mon, throw in a buck!
Uh-uh, I don't tip.
>You don't tip?
Nah, I don't believe in it.
>You don't believe in tipping?
>You know what these chicks make? They make shit.
Don't give me that. She don't make enough money that she can quit.
>I don't even know a fucking Jew who'd have the balls to say that. Let me get this straight: you don't ever tip?
I don't tip because society says I have to. All right, if someone deserves a tip, if they really put forth an effort, I'll give them something a little something extra. But this tipping automatically, it's for the birds. As far as I'm concerned, they're just doing their job.
>Hey, our girl was nice.
She was okay. She wasn't anything special.
>What's special? Take you in the back and suck your dick?
>I'd go over twelve percent for that.

>> No.4801985
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>I don't tip because society says I have to.

Confirmed for angsty teen and EDGY as FUCK.

>> No.4801995

>It's because Americans fucking stick together and don't need a government to help us do it.

>> No.4802004
File: 15 KB, 500x306, ear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What'd you say about me? I'll tie you up to a chair, cut off your ear, and douse you in gasoline while I boogie to "Stuck in the Middle With You."

>> No.4802011


Confirmed for neck beard sheltered no taste or little child who isn't old enough to get that.

>> No.4802012

>not automatically following artificial restaurant etiquette because "you are supposed to" = angsty teen

lol no. I pay the menu price because that is my only legal obligation. If the service is stellar I tip, if it is mediocre or the server is my obsequious "buddy" then no tip.

A tip inherently implies that it is a bonus and completely voluntary. If it is automatic and mandatory in your mind, then they might as well jack the menu prices by 15%, because that is how you treat tipping.

>> No.4802017

dawwwww someone was too young for Reservoir Dogs. ahahahaha

>> No.4802020

i dont live in the USA and i barely get out of my house but i do tip

>> No.4802051
File: 49 KB, 400x505, 1327457855206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was nothing to "get" you hamfisted piece of shit.

>> No.4802059


Too young to get it? Go do yourself a favor and watch one of the best movies from before you were born, "Reservoir Dogs."

Are you allowed to be on the internet? Don't you have homework to do before tomorrow?

>> No.4802063

>implying Tarantino isn't a talentless hack

>> No.4802070

Yes, yes there was. Your age is showing, and it is funny as fuck.

>> No.4802073
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>> No.4802080

ahahaha he just looked it up and got it

>> No.4802083

>Your age is showing, and it is funny as fuck.

You're a really, really bad judge of age. Considering where we're at, I shouldn't be too surprised by your level of autism.

>> No.4802089
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>> No.4802090

>doesn't into dialog
>doesn't respect people who can make it on their own based on creativity and their own smarts

Seriously, have you never watched True Romance, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown? Anything that man touches is a masterpiece. What more do you want from him. It's fiction, it's embellished.

Go get some taste and fuck off.

>> No.4802092

Keep getting mad at well-known movie quotes bro.

>> No.4802098


Nah, he is right. You are too young for a film that came out over 20 years ago.

>> No.4802107

I've seen every Tarantino movie at least once.

Now that I've established that, will you be able to sleep tonight? Or will the crushing realization that your mother didn't abort you when she had the chance drive you to run out into traffic?

>> No.4802118

>Hates Tarantino
>Taken the time to watch all of his films

Seriously, how can you not like Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown? What about his work with Takashi Miike in Sukyaki Django? Four Rooms? You sure you have seen them all? What about the films he produced?

>> No.4802121


Listen kid, I'm not gonna bullshit you, all right? I don't give a good fuck what you know, or don't know, but I'm gonna torture you anyway, regardless. Not to get information. It's amusing, to me, to torture a faggot. You can say anything you want cause I've heard it all before. All you can do is pray for a quick death, which you ain't gonna get.

>> No.4802131

I didn't say that I hated all of him films, did I? You're not only an angry and hateful little shit, you also lack comprehension.

Let me put it in a way you'll understand kiddo: y u not into comprehension

>> No.4802148


If you like some of his films then why did you call him a talentless hack?

>> No.4802150

>implying this is "torture"

You are a sad, sad person. Promise me you'll go outside today and attempt to socialize away from the computer?

>> No.4802154


Oh muh gawd. The kiddies just keep coming out of the woodwork.

>> No.4802157

Because he is.

And I know it pisses people like you off.

And we're on a cooking forum in the asshole of the internet.

>> No.4802161

what is a tip?
i pay what is advertised on the menu

>> No.4802170

You keep insinuating that I am somehow younger than you. Did I hit a nerve? Is this your coping mechanism?

>> No.4802183

>so why should they waste their effort on someone who looks down on them and won't contribute to their paycheck?
it's their fucking job

>> No.4802197


Well I remember when that movie came out. Do you?

>> No.4802209

britfag, and yes most of the time.

>> No.4802211

>I enjoy his movies
>He sucks

Makes sense. Jackie Brown is one of the most underrated films of all times. Tarantino is known for his dialog and is a self made man. He never went to film school. He made it on his own, something you will never do.

His movies are all classics, it's hard to get to his legendary status when you are a "talentless hack."

>> No.4802232

what is jackie brown?

jackie chans nigger cousin?

>> No.4802233

>And we're on a cooking forum in the asshole of the internet

I know it pisses people like you off

>> No.4802252

Do yourself a favor and watch it. Tarantino's best film, and one of the most underrated films of all times.

>Pam Grier
>Samuel L. Jackson
>Robert Forester
>Bridget Fonda
>Michael Keaton
>Robert De Niro
>Chris Tucker
>Sid Haig

Just check it out, take it for what it is. It's a great film.

>> No.4802254

I was 20 when it was released but I didn't see it until 1997-1998.

I don't have his millions, but saying that I "never made it on my own" is laughable.

>> No.4802266
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>> No.4802269


Did you go to school for what you do? Did you work your way up the ladder by hustling and working hard. Creating good product after good product until you get noticed internationally?

>> No.4802275

You wouldn't have brought it up if it didn't annoy you

>> No.4802280

>Hey /ck/ do you tip?
I tip on a cup of coffee. I always leave a dollar or 10%-20%, whichever is higher.

>> No.4802291

There's that comprehension thing again.

And now I'm going to do something that makes aspie fucks like you go insane. Wait for it...

>> No.4802350
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10 bucks sez this is actually a dozen people impersonating each other for the lulz.

>> No.4802360

who puts their mug on their plate like that
you barbarian

>> No.4802381

N-no but I work in a cubicle.

>> No.4802384

It's the devastation left behind after a clapistani feeding frenzy.

>> No.4802392

Have you ever actually waited tables before you formed this opinion?

Waiters perform a service for you, refill drinks, take your orders, some places even require them to make part of an order. A lot of the job is communicating between the kitchen and your sorry ass to make sure you get whatever fat filled food you wanted to stuff into your face.

Another aspect of it all is that when you don't tip in the US, odds are that waiter has to pay in a portion of their tips to the restaurant to pay the chefs or busboys. When you don't tip, waiters pay to work for you.

You want a "cushy job" to fuck with, go fire some hosting staff.

>> No.4802401

And who's the entitled one?

>> No.4802449

ck doesn't tip because all they can afford is fast food.

>> No.4802452


Well in his defense, I hate it when I'm interrupted by the wait staff every five minutes to ask how the meal was. It's the same as it was the last time you fucking asked. Seriously, let me enjoy my meal and company. It's like they know you are mid conversation when they interrupt too. Come back, refill my drink without saying anything and ill respect you for letting me actually enjoy my dining experience. You can be a good waiter/waitress without being needy for approval or being pushy. The less I notice you the more I am likely to enjoy my meal and the better tip you will get. There is a happy-medium between being annoying and being unavailable.

>> No.4802456

Projecting much?

>> No.4802460

Blame the needy fucks who bawl out managers over lack of attention if they're treated like you want to be treated...it's just easier to be more solicitous of everyone.

>> No.4802465

Welcome to the Internet

>> No.4802468

I hate those fucks

>> No.4802491

Don't know if you've ever waited, but it's tougher than you'd think.
Lots of hectic action, memorizing, standing on your feet all day and communicating with everyone.

Waiters who go un-tipped actually LOSE money to serve your rude self.

Just consider it, is all.

>> No.4802497

That's not a defense. That's shitty waitstaff.

Still tip, but tip shittily. At most, the tip out for kitchen staff is 3.00% of the subtotal. Other times it's only 1.5%.

>> No.4802501

I believe tipping is a really stupid idea that needs to go away. However, I do tip quite well most of the time because I'm a server myself so I'm still getting a huge net gain from the existence of tipping.

>> No.4802509

I live in a country that pays its staff living wages. So tips are now expected.

>> No.4802536

I always tip, but I tip according to service. I try to at least tip 10-15% for lunch depending on where I am and at least 20% at dinner. However if the service is great and I enjoy my experience there I will be very generous and have at times tipped 50% and occasionally will tip the value or more of the meal if I am that pleased or notice the effort that the waiter/waitress is putting forth.

>> No.4802547

Oh, also there is a place a regularly go for lunch because it is so close to work. Meals are usually 5-7 dollars and I have no problem tipping another 5-7 dollars because of the way that they take care of me there. Now they will even make anything I ask for and give me specials that aren't even on the menu. Mediocre food can be made better with great service. Sometimes I even get a beer at lunch on the house.