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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 712x519, BK-whopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4801664 No.4801664[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I just left Burger King and I have a story to tell.
Burger King and I don't have a very good history. I can't remember very many times my order wasn't wrong in some fashion and even when it was right, the burger would just be covered in waaaay too many condiments and was always too messy and soggy to enjoy. Naturally, I've avoided the BK Lounge like the plague for the past couple years, and opted for the tried and true american favorite, McDonalds, instead.

I left for lunch today, my heart set on a double quarter pounder with cheese, and those incredible fries that somehow are always piping hot and fresh at the Micky D's I up the street prefer, then, halfway there, I realised that McDouche's was closed for renovations, I had to choose another close fast food establishment to satisfy my midday hunger, and quick. So I weighed my options, and the only viable one was, of course, Butt King.

So, disgruntled, I pull into the Bile King parking lot, and see there is a huge drive through line. At this point, I was too far gone to change my mind now, so I decided to stick it out. Surprisingly, the line actually moved more than a few inches every 10 minutes, and I was actually able to place my order, which ended up being for a Whopper meal with no ketchup or onions, and a coke. Without having to repeat myself, the lady on the other side of the magical talking box loudly and clearly repeated my order correctly and gave me my total. She then asked me to pull forward. The lady at the next counter was smiling (during lunch rush, no less!) and politely took my money and asked if I would like a receipt, which I declined. Now, I don't know about you, but at any given time, I have like 30 receipts floating around my car. God help me if I open a window going down the interstate... So this was a pleasant surprise.

>> No.4801667

So I opened the Whopper box, preparing to catch the slimy, over mayo'd innards of the sad-wich in the box, when suddenly, angels descended from the heavens in chorus. I sat in awe of the marvelous spectacle I was beholding. By the Gods, it was a perfectly made sandwich! It was big, and plump. Aside from not having ketchup or onions (as I requested) it looked just as promised by the mouth-watering advertisements you see on television. The tomatoes were both equal in size, perfectly ripe, placed with precision on either side of the sandwich, overlapping slightly in the middle, so that no bite would go unjustly without its delightful juiciness. The pickles were perfectly placed, perched precisely in the preferable portions of the pristine pabulum. The lettuce... Oh, the lettuce! It was perched so uniformly across the top of the confectionary delight, held in place with just the right amount of mayonnaise. It was truly a sight to behold! The patties were warmed to perfection, with no signs of maltreatment at the hands of a lax fry cook, and the buns were fresh as the day they were made... I would have taken a picture, but hunger got the best of me... I ate the perfect Whopper, feeling saddened at the last bite that she was gone, however, grateful that it fell into the hands one such as me, who could truly appreciate it's sheer beauty. Someone in this world truly has mastered their burgerflipping trade... Thank you, based King

>> No.4801666

I then pulled down to the next window and quickly received my meal, as well as wishes of a nice day. Neglecting to check my order, I hurried back to work so I would have time to stuff my face with the mediocrity that this bag surely contained. As I parked, I decided to forgo the walk into work, and eat my shame in the car instead. So I pull out the Whopper box, and the fries, and I notice both are... still hot...? I sampled a french fry, thinking it some fluke and confirmed what I already suspected. These are indeed fresh! Surely something is wrong with my burger then...

>> No.4801676

Yeah man, when they get the Whopper right, it's fucking hard to beat.

But holy shit, it's so hit or miss.

>> No.4801677

forealdo. Sorry about all dem fancy adjectives, shit was straight inspirational...

>> No.4801692

I guess this is one of the better viral marketing threads we had today.

>> No.4801708

Shiiiit, they SHOULD pay my ass for this. But I don't expect i'll ever have another experience like this again. It's still shit tier imo, I just happened to find an anomaly

>> No.4801751
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>Whopper meal with no ketchup or onions

That's almost how I get my Whoppers except I like onions

Brofist me you ketchup hating faget!

>> No.4801772

I had the same experience yesterday, used a buy one, get one free coupon.

>> No.4801874
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>> No.4801926
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>> No.4802247
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>> No.4802264


>hamburger patty like 10% of the burger


>> No.4802285

Extra pickles

>And sweet and sour sauce all over my pussy

>> No.4802304


>> No.4802335

All this and you couldn't take a picture?

OP you are a fag.

>> No.4802338

BK Fries > MD Fries
BK Burger > MD Burger
MD Chicken > BK Chicken

>> No.4802339

>I would have taken a picture, but hunger got the best of me...

read the post fagit

>> No.4802347

I couldn't finish reading because there were no visual aids.

>> No.4802353
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better now?

>> No.4802382
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>> No.4802389



>> No.4802390

I think it depends on what Burger King you go to. My Burger King is ghetto as shit, but when I go to my cousins out in Indiana I fucking love it! I have always had piping-hot fries, sometime even burn my mouth, with the right amount of salt and the burger, Oh that burger, It's just heaven in your mouth for that split-second when you bite into that delicious sandwich. Again though, it's all about location, Burger King is pretty much hit or miss, McDouche on the other hand is consistently shitty food that you just eat to get your stomach full.

>> No.4802406

Same way with McDildos
There's one one side of town where everythings always fresh and hot, and the one on the other side that I swear throws everything on the floor and lets it sit there an hour after cooking it

>> No.4802407

Oh and does anyone know if Burger King still has those Chicken Fries? I haven't had them in like years and I don't wanna go to my Burger King because well, ghetto as shit.

>> No.4802423

I have a pretty consistent service with McDucks and I've never complained because I know it's just gonna be the same no matter with one I go to. The only time I've had hit or miss is with their breakfast. Sometimes I'll get that fresh warm Bacon, Egg and Cheese Bagel and other times I'll get cold shit on a bagel. The Hashbrowns for some reason are always hot and fresh though, no complaints there, but that's not saying much in the first place

>> No.4802427

*which I go to.

>> No.4802431

Same here, McDirty's hash browns are shit tier as hash browns, but surprisingly good as tater tots...

>> No.4802437

HOLY SHIT!! THAT'S WHAT THEY TASTE LIKE!! I've always thought to myself for years "These aren't hash browns, they're good, but they're not Hash Browns." And I've never realized they're just oversized Tater Tots! Thank you anon for making me realized this, you literally just changed about 13 years of my life in about 4 seconds.

>> No.4802448
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You're welcome, anon

>> No.4802504


>> No.4802532
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>Micky D's
>Butt King
>Bile King

I've never had a whopper that didn't slide apart into a mess.

I'm glad you did, OP. It's like having an unusually large penis. We'd all like one, and we're happy for you.

>> No.4802555

>those incredible fries that somehow are always piping hot and fresh at the Micky D's

Thread reported

>> No.4802562

not every McDjagger's, just one of my local ones

>> No.4802590
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>> No.4802943

bamp like a champ

>> No.4804939
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Th-that was beautiful OP...

>> No.4804942

I don't know any Burger Kings near McDonalds. Maybe in a mile or two radius, but I'd have to pass several other places to get to the other.

>> No.4804946

Got one near my place separated by two gas stations and a bank < 1/2 mile apart

>> No.4804969

freedom is made of burgers

[clapping intensifies]

>> No.4805018
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>> No.4807557

pisses me off how BK changed there nuggets to a mcnugget clone. I used to love that shit and now they just have shitty blandness

same with chicken fries

poor move on their part

>> No.4807591

This thread, man
> OP pretentious faggotry
> using juvenile puns everyfuckingwhere
> talking about top-2 fast food burger joints as if it were the biggest deal ever
> unironic "omg great blog" responses

>> No.4807604

butthurt much?

>> No.4807609

wendy's everything > bk & md

>> No.4807612

Ever since BK made some changes like with their nuggets and fries, they are 10x better than McDonald's. BK's new fries are like Wendy's old, better fries, and their nuggets are really fucking good now too.

All McDonald's has that's worth it is a McGangBang, and a Big Mac.

But really, no ketchup and onions? I just get it minus pickle, because fuck pickle on a burger.

>> No.4807621

So much yes. I often only go to either of them just because I either don't feel like cooking or I'm starving and want something quick. The Burger King where I live seems to only have ghetto employees who don't take their jobs seriously and are disrespectful pieces of shit though. You almost NEVER get your order the way you asked for it despite "having it your way". I mean major fuck ups. Like I ordered a 5 piece french toast and got 2 in my fucking box, or they forgot my damn fries and one time my girlfriend's order didn't even have a goddamn patty on it. On the upside it's within walking distance from her house so it was easy to fix. The McDonalds down the way though is great. they almost always get my order just right and the food looks almost as good as it's advertised. They have a pretty nice spread of employees and only a few ghetto kids, generally high schoolers who can't get hired anywhere else, but everyone is respectful and friendly there. It's also within walking distance but the difference is in it being a 10 minute walk or an hour walk. Sonic is right next to BK but they're a bit more pricey and I'm a poorfag. Taco Bell is pretty close too. Wendy's is available if I wanna walk another mile and a half past the McDonalds.

>> No.4807623


>> No.4807665

No, I'm just honestly wondering if everyone on this thread is a teenager or something.

>> No.4807689

School is in session and it's the middle of the day. They're either fucking up their lives by skipping school or everyone here is an adult.

>> No.4807704

Wow. Just wow.

>this one time, at band camp...

>> No.4807708

Why the fuck did you have tomatoes but no ketchup, retard? They're the fucking same thing.

>> No.4807738

you're serious right now...? seriously...?

>> No.4807750

Please tell me you're joking. tomato on a burger and ketchup on a burger are two totally different flavors.

>> No.4807759


No shit. People like OP are annoying , who make people remember extra shit. Like ordering a fucking hotdog with relish but no pickles. What the fuck, it's all the same, picky fuck.

>> No.4808940
File: 6 KB, 290x174, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinks ketchup and tomato taste the same
Dude, your taste buds are seriously fucked...

>> No.4808953

>go to BK
>order a burger with no mayo or onions
>has both
Every fucking time.

Pisses me off how much disgusting mayo they use on burgers, even when you specifically ask them not to put it on there.

>> No.4808966

>So I just left Burger King and I have a story to tell.
>Burger King and I don't have a very good history.

Great storytelling there you fucking homo

>> No.4808978

the customer is always right and you are a whiny bitch who doesn't want to do his job

>> No.4809030

>huge drive through line
one school of thought holds that a long line speaks to the establishment's reputation as having fast, efficient, and accurate drive-through service.

but it could also mean that something is holding up the line...

but there may also be a long line

>> No.4809054

so, why the fuck would you go for fast food, shitty fast food at that,for lunch?

>> No.4809176

One thing that pisses me off about BK is the whopper comes default without fucking cheese.
And when I ask for it half the time they don't even put it on.

>> No.4809177


>> No.4809187

>fast food

how pleb are you people

>> No.4809189
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>this thread

>> No.4809240

One thing I hate about fast food burngers more than anything is having unripe tomatoes
Fucking hate ruins the entire burger

>> No.4809250

>complimenting a place for not giving you a receipt
>like all fucking fast food joints

holy shit this marketing couldn't be worse

>> No.4809270

There's this chain of fried chicken shops in London called Morley's. Not that exceptional and the chicken isn't even that good.


They have something called a 'Triple M' Burger. It's literally a better Big Mac for £1.20. It tastes better, there's less sloppiness and it's just so good to buy one on the way back from work.

>> No.4809606

>BK Fries > MD Fries

I would agreed with you a few years ago, before BK changed to the thicker fries.

The new fries are just...ugh. So inferior to the previous fries.

>> No.4809622

Just like mayo and eggs are the same thing, right? Flour and cake taste exactly the same, right?

Just because it's an ingredient doesn't mean it tastes the same, dumbshit.

>> No.4809630

I prefer chicken burger before regular burger. anyone?

>> No.4809654 [DELETED] 


>> No.4809870

What? That's their logic and I assume yours. There's also citric acid in semen as there is in most drinks, so they must taste the same. If you're thirsty I can help, you faggot.

>> No.4809882

>I would have taken a picture, but hunger got the best of me...

Damn son, don't you own a smartphone?

>> No.4809900
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>implying anyone who's ever gone to get fast food on a 30 minute lunch break is a pleb

kill yourselves, I ain't got time for that shit

>> No.4810654

Im lucky for you.
I got from both burgerbuddies bad burgers and good ones.
Mostly it depends on the restaurants and team what you get.