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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4800174 No.4800174 [Reply] [Original]

What did you guys buy/make recently?

I went to TJ's and Stop & Shop

>> No.4800187
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Made some Spam fried rice with onion, garlic, spam, black pepper, veg oil, soy sauce and forgot to add some frozen peas

>> No.4800192
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forgot I added 3 scrambled eggs to that

got this from the gas station to see if traytray had shit tier taste in arizona products but didn''t crack it yet

also not pictured are ben and jerry's pina colada and pistachio ice cream

>> No.4800199
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>> No.4800205

Tonight I had me some red cabbage and apples, with some cooked potatoes and hamburgers... The total cost was about 1 euro...cheapest meal I ever made, while still being filling and healthy

>> No.4800244

I had a cheeseburger with Swiss and cheddar cheese, tomatoes, lettuce, and homemade pickles, and some beans and mashed potatoes on the side. All the vegetables other then the lettuce are from my garden.

>> No.4800363

I bought some spam and made fried spam sandwiches

>> No.4800365

Quince paste!!? Are you for real faggot?

>> No.4800370

Tried to make my own hommus. Read the ingredients on the back, tried to emulate, it failed miserably.
Too bland. Tasted nothing alike.

>> No.4800381

problem? they had it in the new items area and I wanted to try something new

sounds like you need more salt and better olive oil

>> No.4800395

>old fashiooned oats, I hate dem crazy newfangled modern oats

>Coffee in a bottle, damn, doig it wrong

>making me hungry

whats quince paste like, what do you eat it with?

>> No.4800402

My mom gave me her spare crockpot, and I used that for the first time.

Had some chicken thighs sitting around in the fridge. I was going to pack them up for the freezer until I realized today was their sell-by date. I wasn't hungry, so I decided to use them to test out the crockpot.

covered them with salt, pepper, oregano, and basil and rubbed that shit in. then put some olive oil and garlic on the bottom of the crockpot and packed the thighs on the bottom. Covered the thighs with 1.5 cups of brown rice, chopped up onions, tomatoes, and peppers, and tomato sauce and water.

Anyway, I'm not really sure how this works from here. I'm not following any recipe I'm aware of, but other recipes said to cook chicken in the cooker for 6-8 hours on low, I think. Can I cook it for longer without worrying? I'd be kinda nice to just wake up in the morning and have some for breakfast. Or will cooking it for too long in a slow cooker result in dry/tough meat?

>> No.4800424

Put it on 6-8 hours before you get up. It should hold the moisture in so I can't see how it could get dry

>> No.4800440

I already put it in around 6:00pm, so that's out of the question (ill preparation on my part, I know.) Are you saying that as long as I counterbalance the water vapor lost by putting in more water, it'll be fine?

also, is it okay to keep it on the "keep warm" setting (once its finished cooking) for an extended period of time, or is it not hot enough to prevent bacteria and spoilage?

>> No.4800451
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Didn't buy anything but I'm making some Tibetan Momos with some tomato broth.

I kind of winged it so I hope they taste good. It's potato with spinach, cilantro, shiitake, and gouda in a dumpling wrapper. I'm going to pour this tomato broth I made over it.

>> No.4800452
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all good questions, which I can only guess at.

You could maybe switch it off half way through and put it on a bit later, maybe

What's the worst that could happen?

>> No.4800453

Isn't this the guy that bought TJ pho and proclaimed all pho tasted like this?

>> No.4800457

Pre-made cold brew coffee? For real?

>> No.4800459
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I have never bought pho, or know what it is beyond some kind of big noodles?

>> No.4800460

No, I meant the OP.

>> No.4800461

I could lose about 8-10 bucks worth of food, I suppose.

>> No.4800463

chicken thighs are one of the most forgivable meats to cook with

all you can do now is hope for the best but if any meat could endure a long cooking process it's chicken thighs

>> No.4800469

what does the manual say about the "keep hot" temperature?

>> No.4800473

I made a generalization saying that pho is just fancy ramen with cilantro and lemon grass and I still stand by that statement

chicken thighs are always on sale where I live for 99 cents per pound and food is generally expensive here

>> No.4800480

don't have a manual, since it was just a spare that was sitting in my mom's basement.

don't remind me. I'm living in center city philadelphia and food is expensive as fuck. IIRC, those thighs were 4 bucks a pound (that's boneless, btw). And that's considered a deal around here, for fucks sake. And breasts cost a ridiculous 6 bucks a pound (I could get filet mignon for that price back in my home town) .

>> No.4800518
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>thighs were 4 bucks a pound (that's boneless, btw).

save your money next time and get the bone in with skin

you always pay extra to have your meat fucked with and keeping the bone in helps it retain moisture

>> No.4800522

Well for one thing, pho noodles are rice noodles not wheat noodles and the lemongrass is barely noticeable since the broth supposed to taste beefy. What pho places have you eaten where it was the main component of pho? I'm asking for the actual name of the restaurant.

>> No.4800539

Oh my god I love momos. More than anything in the world. Ivhavecrestaurant nearby that makes them with yak sometimes.

>> No.4800555

>What pho places have you eaten where it was the main component of pho?

I never said the main components were lemon grass and cilantro

I'm just saying that you can take some ramen noodles and turn it into pho by adding a couple things

>> No.4800568

You've obviously never had pho if you think it taste anything like ramen with lemongrass.

>> No.4800581

I've had enough to realize it isn't worth the price

>> No.4800583

Which restaurants have you been too? Again, a name would be nice.

>> No.4800589

pho 501 in east heartbeat

>> No.4800599

I just started a gallon of Rasberry mead, and a gallon of Joe's ancient orange mead.

Too bad It'll be like 6 months before I drink it, and when I do I'll slam the whole gallon in one sitting

>> No.4800608
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Still made with rice noodles, no lemongrass, just regular lemons on a side plate. There is shrimp for some reason.

>> No.4800628

you some kind of viking fag? do you start a new one each week?

whats the recipe?

>> No.4800635

sounds like it's time to mass produce like 10 gallons

>> No.4800642

>2 jars of steak sauce
>0 steaks

great jorb!

>> No.4800660

This is my first time doing mead, though I do like to get a rotation going, next week I'll get a few gallons of cider (or maybe another mead)

JOAM is here http://www.gotmead.com/index.php?option=com_rapidrecipe&page=viewrecipe&Itemid=6&recipe_id=118.. Raspberry mead was just honey, raspberries I picked, water, and yeast.

I really should, Once I feel a little more confident I'll probably get a 5 or 6 Gallon carboy, until then I'm sticking to my 5 1 gallon jugs.

>> No.4800664

next week I'll start*

>> No.4803185

I never eat steak sauce on steak

>> No.4803241


>hey guys, i made a trip to stop and shop just to buy pepsi and some juice

>> No.4803260

I made this thing:
pasta sauce
ground beef
cajun spice mix
and maybe something else but I forgot.

I really wanted gumbo but didn't have the ingredients/money to buy the ingredients. I still have another serving of this left, but I'm afraid to eat it. ;__;

>> No.4803276

Do all TJ's have a new items area? Never scene it before and now I'm curious.

>> No.4803282

C-can I come over for dinner?

>> No.4803291

made a lentil soup

toasted some nigella, mustard, coriander, cumin seeds

added some leftover fat from some confit chicken wings infused with cassia

fried onions, chillies, diced pancetta and garlic with the toasted spices

added saffron, red split lentils, brown rice and chicken stock

cooked for about 40 mins then partially pureed it, added dijon mustard and buttermilk and finished with chopped frankfurters and thyme

>> No.4803296

>organic pop-tarts

Really? This is a thing?

>> No.4803335

Sounds good until frankfurters.

>> No.4803397


my mum used to make me a split pea soup with frankfurters and i have manflu so it's a comfort thing.

>> No.4803399

That explains it.

>> No.4803444

Went to a new grocery store with a fistful of coupons with intention on not spending as much as I normally do for a full restocking (about $150 for two people). I spent as much time as I could in the produce section, with a mango, tomatoes, sweet potatoes being newcomers to the normal fare. I made a change and took rye bread instead of my s.o's suggestion of potato bread (too fluffy for peanut butter sandwiches). I did grab a small jar of pickled herring, expensive but I haven't had in years. Meats was a whole chicken that I have since separated and frozen (last night's dinner was enjoyable - chicken and sweet potato tempura over rice) and markdown thick cut bacon. Only one box of cereal. Like O.P. I try to take only juices that outright say 100% juice (not 100% vitamin C, or contains real fruit juice) but s.o. was getting tired of cranberry and grape so I got pineapple and grapefruit because they're cheaper. Lots more canned goods than normal, I don't normally have canned soup but it may be good for a base in the future for something (made chicken and dumplings last week where it would have been handy). Yougurts, cheeses, pasta, halfnhalf. , I actually had to grab a lot of non-food items like deodorant, soaps, and detergent, so I thought my total would be much higher, but I made it out at $110.

>> No.4805933
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I made a blackberry pie today. I searched the internet for a filling recipe (settled on a wikihow article) then changed it to suit my tastes, and I got the crust recipe from Smitten Kitchen.

>> No.4805951

Holy crap. I fully restocked this weekend. (For three people) I can't even begin to list everything I bought, but the fridge was so full afterwards, I took pictures. Give me a minute, I'll post 'em.

>> No.4805983
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Excuse the hotpads on the floor between the fridge and wall, I knocked a bunch of stuff off the top of the fridge while I was putting everything away.

>> No.4805992
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Top of the pantry. (the cans go back three rows, there's a lot more in there than it looks like)

>> No.4805999

Bottom of the pantry.

Can't cram another thing in here.
I didn't even take pics of the deep freeze. Although, obviously, not everything in these pics is from this shopping trip. A lot of the pantry items were previously bought.

>> No.4806002
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Derp. Forgot pic.

>> No.4806022

Went to the cornershop Saturday for some lettuce and a tomato for an LGBTQ (lettuce, guacamole, bacon, tomato and queso fundido) sandwich, the gayest sandwich known to man or beast when the shop owner sold 1lb of tiny green bell peppers and 2¼lbs of friarielli at me, so I bought them, too. Total: $5.95USD.
I cooked the friarielli today with garlic and chilies and will cook the green bells Wednesday, sliced in half and each half stuffed with meatloaf mix (beef mince, rusk, egg and seasonings) before cooking on the hob and finishing in the oven. Gonna have'em with risotto di verza.

>> No.4806040
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made some chili the other day

tried to look up recipes but they were all shit so I just threw a bunch of stuff in a pot and it turned out pretty good

>> No.4806104

About to go to Trader Joe's actually, I just heated up the frozen wonton soup from there and realized the only thing I have left to eat is some IKEA mashed potatoes, frozen chicken breasts, ramen, and crackers. Also been out of cheese for days and that is never good. Fucking love Trader Joe's, the place is great for a bachelor that doesn't want to cook something and have to eat it the next six meals in a row.

>> No.4806118

Bird picture! NAO!

>> No.4806196

I made some slow-cooker chili:

> 3 pounds beef chuck roast
> 3 guajillo dried chiles
> 2 new mexico dried chiles
> 2 small tins of chipotle in adobo
> 1 tin of whole tomatoes, drained, with juice retained
> some Beef Better than Bouillion
> water
> flour
> one finely-diced onion
> 1 teaspon cumin
> dash of salt
> dash of pepper

Seed dried peppers and boil in water until reconstituted. Drain, add to blender with chipotle and canned whole tomato, and puree until smooth.
Mix together reserved tomato juice with water to a total of 4 cups, and add a tablespoon of Better than Boullion, then mix with puree.
Trim roast, and chop into chunks.
Combine puree, roast chunks, spices, and diced onion in slow-cooker, and heat on low for 6 hours
An hour before it's done, add drained canned kidney beans.
After the 6 hours, draw out a few ladlefulls of chili broth into a separate bowl, then whisk in flour a little at a time. Add the mixture back into the slow-cooker and stir until thickened.