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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4799682 No.4799682 [Reply] [Original]

So /ck/, I've come into the possession of a few hundred pounds of potatoes and have limited ideas as to what to do with them. I'd really like to use as many as possible to please suggest any ideas, so long as they are vegetarian (or could be vegetarian-adapted). Thanks in advance

>> No.4799706

If you have that many at once, you're going to have to freeze dry them or something. After that enjoy, mashed potatoes forever

>> No.4799710

plant them to get more
slice, brush with evoo, seasoned salt, baek

>> No.4799718

Potato soup, for one.


>> No.4799721

Potato vodka.

>> No.4799722

so many fries

>> No.4799723

Potato chowder is pretty delicious.

>> No.4799725

Does this really work?
Even if it does, won't you get arrested for having a garden in your back yard without having a license and using federally approved chemicals to spray on them?

>> No.4799726

Biofuel. Nuff said.

>> No.4799739

>won't you get arrested for having a garden in your back yard without having a license

Is this a real thing?

>> No.4799742

He's trolling due to Monsanto butthurt.

>> No.4799744

>Bills S.425 and H.R.875
>One of the central aims of the Bills is to completely industrialise all food production in America. If implemented it would be illegal to grow food in your garden, and also illegal to give that food away to your friends and family.

>> No.4799750

only large scale farms; the monsanto legal group with buttfuck you hard

>> No.4799751

yes, that really works. I grow my own potatoes every year.

for recipe idea, chope them up and toss with salt, olive oil and tons of chopped FRESH rosemary and then bake at 400 for 40 minutes or however long

>> No.4799753

It's like you guys are trying to be bad at food.

>> No.4799760


That sounds super tasty actually.


The university that I attend has several research fields where they grow certain crops. Proxy ones out in other parts of the state (not directly on campus) have their harvest donated to local food pantries/charities each year, however the ones on campus do not. Some of the produce, like tomatoes, are utilized in campus dining (we don't have a catering company like sodexo/aramark) but the potatoes are not. We checked with some students in the plant sciences department that are good friends of ours and they said there was absolutely nothing wrong with the potatoes, they are just grown to study potato biology and then left in the field. So, a friend of mine and I went out at night and nabbed a bunch before they got sun poisoning. Problem is we now have tons of potatoes.

>> No.4799772

it is very tasty. I love it. don't forget a little salt and pepper as well

>> No.4799778

Potatoes, mash em, boil em, stick em in a stew

>> No.4799799

hash browns
oven baked

>> No.4799817


That's terrible well you can always get a peeler


>> No.4799848

ammo for my spud gun

what kind of potatoes are we talking about here?

actually, i'd like some potato salad please and cheesy potatoes, and how about some potato hash

>> No.4799851

Do you have a pressure canner? You can make lots of vegetable stew or soup and pressure can it in jars for long term storage. That's what I do.

You don't need to freeze them or dry them to store them. Just keep them in a cool dry place out of the light. They will keep for months if kept properly.


stew, soup, fries, baked wedges, gnocchi, potato bread, baked potato, potato chips, tater tots, hash browns, potato cakes, pirogi, home fries, potato casserole, that's all I can think of, but here's this with dishes I've never heard of I will be trying out sometime:


That's what I did a few years ago. Now I just save some of my crop for next year.


>> No.4799856
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This is next on my list of things to make,

>mashed potato and egg, which is covered in bread crumbs and fried.


>> No.4799937


Jesus that's disturbing as fuck.

>> No.4799949

>Jesus that's disturbing as fuck.
I haven't heard of this before, but read the bill before the op/ed nutbars. People often freak out about bills because one guy reads it wrong and it snowballs from there.

>> No.4800036

There's no bill involved in the story, just enforcement of existing laws. You can raise livestock, drill an oil well in your yard, or run a fertilizer factory in your barn without registration or government oversight, but Texans don't look kindly on vegetables.

>> No.4800093

No such thing as too many potatoes, son. A day without potatoes is a day wasted. I just dug up this years potato harvest last week: about 50 plants with probably 80 kilograms of potatoes. A few of them were as big as a sweet potato, I suppose I overdid it with the fertilizer. Fucking things have this ugly scab on them, though, but I understand it's only a cosmetic defect. Some of them also had these weird holes and cavities in them, like the cavities you'd find in your teeth except on a potato. I ate a bunch of them and survived, so I suppose they're fine.

Usually I just steam them and eat them with salt, butter and dill. You might also prepare them in the oven - get a bunch of small-to-medium sized ones, cut them in half and bake them on a tray, uncovered, for an hour or so. You'll get a crispy outside with a soft, fluffy inside. Dip them into whatever sauce you have around.

Mashed potato is of course a classic, and there are many styles of preparation for it so I shouldn't go into too much detail. Maybe you like yours lumpy, maybe you like it smooth. Maybe you like it thick, maybe you like to be able to pour it in a glass. No matter how you make mashed potatoes, someone always thinks you did it wrong. But fuck them. Just don't skimp on the butter and remember to add a bit of powdered onion in it for flavor and you'll be good. If you'd like something a little different, replace one third of your potatoes with sweet potato.

>> No.4800861

Cut the potato in half, then half again and again till you got a nice pile of fries in whatever thickness you want
Add pepper, garlic, salt, cayenne.. whatever seasonings you want
1/4th cup or so of oil, or less, you want to cover the potatoes but not go overkill
Mix that shit
Fire up your oven to 425F
Bake until they're nice and golden brown or however you like
(make sure to check them every 15 minutes or so and give them a little toss with a spatula to keep them from sticking)

>> No.4800872


>> No.4800887
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Fries Quatro Quesos Dos Fritos

>> No.4800921


Cornell bro?

>> No.4800932


OP here. Yep

>> No.4800934

aka dungballs

>> No.4800941
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>> No.4800945


Mah nigga. A fellow Ithacan on /ck/, who woulda thunk it.

>> No.4800950


Also, can I have some potatoes?

>> No.4800949

One word:
>Cheesy Potatoes

>> No.4800954


Well shit, never thought I'd see the day. Glad to be over those 90 degree days, now I just need to start cooking up some potatoes. Also, don't know if you've ever looked but there are apple trees in Cayuga heights (and one at Cornell) that no one ever picks from. Fruit just starts to fall off. Went and picked some and they are delicious.

>> No.4800958


Most of them are at my friend's place because he has more room, but I'd totally be willing to part with some.

>> No.4800960


Furp. I work at Littletree, IDGAF about apples. There's a peach tree at Corn and Clinton that was loaded about a week ago, I woulda picked it, but black people.

>> No.4800968


get a room faggots

gay ones

gay faggots

get a room

>> No.4800970
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Also, do this:

Can of cream of mushroom soup
ground beef
salt/pepper/other seasonings to taste
mashed potatoes
misc. veggies

Brown the beef and make a gravy with the soup and spices. Put on top of mashed potatoes and eat. It's fucking GOOD and incredibly easy.

I like to add peas to it, but you don't have to.

>> No.4800976


Well played, you bezonian ninnyhammer.


Sweet. Email me.

>> No.4800979

Have you tried inserting them anally?

>> No.4800982



>> No.4800988
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>> No.4800991

Seriously, they act great as an enema.

>> No.4800995


no they don't

they are potatoes