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File: 242 KB, 918x582, chipotle-sofritas-vegans-and-carnivores-unite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4797603 No.4797603[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

was never a big fan of tofu, but holy shit went to a Chipotle for lunch and tried this bad boy

I could die right now and die with content tastebuds

>> No.4797653

When given the choice I'd rather go to a real Mexican place than Chipotle, but the sofritas do make it worth it.

>> No.4797663

Tofu is just texture, it absorbs all its flavors. It does has a flavor, but it is very subtle and overpowered by pretty much anything.

It's pretty much just cheap filler protein. Not anything bad, but nothing to really boast about at the same time.

>> No.4797666

It's superior absorption properties are what makes it more kickass than meat sometimes. You can't get chicken or beef to soak up flavor in the same way you can with tofu. With the right marinade, tofu is explosively flavorful.

>> No.4798077

Tried sofritas when I was in California a couple months ago was pretty amazing

>> No.4798088


>live in a place with ready access to best latin food you could ask for
>still eating chipotle

please tell me you're at least from some shithole whitebread suburb

>> No.4798110

Sofritas is only in California right now.

>> No.4798118

There's plenty of shitbread whitehole suburbs in California.

>> No.4798128

Pretty sure even Cali's most redneck areas have tons of authentic Mexican food.

>> No.4798132

I don't mind tofu

If only eating it didnt wreck your thyroid

>> No.4798149

Not OP, but I don't correlate the two at all. When I want real mexican food I just make it myself. Every once in a while I do the awesome ghetto places, but not really since Mexican is my specialty.

But Chipotle doesn't even feel/taste like mexican to me, It's delicious, and I like it, but if I have a hankering for mexican it's not what I go for.

>> No.4798154

authentic mexican places are rarely as good as chipotle

>> No.4798162

>There's plenty of shitbread whitehole suburbs in California.
>any of California being inhabited by white people

sure there is

>> No.4798188

Exactly. Chipotle isn't real Mexican food. So what. It's delicious.

>> No.4798207

there is no way any place cooking food fresh from raw for every order will not be better than precooked meat in a steam tray

moes is all around a better place but its still the same tacobell tier food presenting itself as something more high end.
when I want moes I go to moes, when I want an actual burrito I go to a near by place that has an actual kitchen for a freshly cooked steak burrito with ranchero corn salsa and guacamole for 50 cents less and the thing weighs at least twice as much

>> No.4798224

im a carnivore (really omnivore) and love tofu when it is done right and delicious, so what? its food.

>> No.4798230

lol no. get a lengua taco at my local place- just a corn tortilla, tender tasty tongue, and fresh cilantro

>> No.4798255

What exactly is "authentic Mexican food" I mean comeon.

>> No.4798259

hard to say, but prolly started by a mexican, and not some gringo in colorado

>> No.4798313

It's not like being Mexican means you know how to cook authentic Mexican food. A burrito is a burrito. Doesn't matter if a guy who hopped the border fence, or some white college kid made it.

>> No.4798339
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With the right marinade cardboard could be explosively flavorful. What's the point of adding something to taste like what's already in something? I don't want to taste steak or chicken that tastes like marinade, I want steak and chicken that tastes like steak and chicken.

>> No.4798342

unseasoned chicken is pretty bland and tastleess
maybe some farm fresh free raised wild bird or some shit but 90% of the chicken in the market is pretty eh without something

>> No.4798349

a mexican who grew up eating authentic mexican food will know a bit more that the white kid who grew up on taco bell ground beef and iceberg lettuce. it the white kid studied with someone who knows real mexican food then that is a different story. skills and recipes can be taught obviously. however, a burrito filled with shitty ground beef, cheese sauce and fritos is not the same as an authentic burrito.

>> No.4798353
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their new video about factory farming made me pretty teary eyed...seriously makes me consider going vegetarian


>> No.4798359


Well I think it's not about going vegetarian per se, but more about buying local ethically-raised meat and produce etc. Chipotle is nice because they try very hard to fit the ethical healthy part, and to some degree the lower carbon imprint. It helps that their food is good, too.

If more restaurants took these steps the world would be a better place, as cheesy as that sounds. Problem is places like mcdonalds can't raise their prices to accommodate because poor people wouldn't be able to afford it and wealthy people won't eat there if they can help it.

>> No.4798369

texture, ya mountain monkey
wat if you dant want be guzzling down juices all day sometin more in ya diet eh?

>> No.4798372

Chipotle just sells that as their image. They try harder than McDonald's for animal welfare, and consult with people like Temple Grandin, sure, but if you look at the actual details they don't try that hard for ethical meat. It's just a marketing ploy. Since 2008 they've said they'd consider switching to CAK (controlled atmosphere killing) for their chicken, for example, but still haven't.

Unless you slaughter an animal yourself, there's really no way to know how it was raised, treated, and killed. Failure rates during slaughter for meat from even "local sustainable" farms is very high, so even if the animal had a better life than a factory farm animal its death is still gruesome and chalk full of suffering.

Sad realities of a world where dollar signs are the bottom line. And why I only eat meat I catch myself.

>> No.4798377

>made me pretty teary eyed
I'm sad that so much of our easily available food is shit, but I don't know why that would make me want to forgo meat.

There are so many reasons to dislike factory farming, but I just don't get animal cruelty people. If pooring acid into a cows mouth while running high voltage into its dick made for better meat I would be all for it.

>> No.4798391
File: 290 KB, 426x347, golly gee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I just don't get animal cruelty people. If pooring acid into a cows mouth while running high voltage into its dick made for better meat I would be all for it.

I don't get why there's a "preachy, obnoxious vegan" stereotype but not a "selfish asshole meat-eater" stereotype. People like this guy are just seen as normal people who like meat

>> No.4798392

How is that selfish?

>> No.4798396

Because he thinks animals are people too and that person is putting themselves in front of the imaginary torture cows.

>> No.4798397

Either you're a kid trying to be edgy for attention, or a future serial killer. I'm not sure which is worse.

>> No.4798404

Anonymous attention?
>future serial killer.
Not caring about meat animals is the same as not caring about people? I'm pretty kind of loving for an asshole.

>> No.4798410

>Thinks humans are the only ones with emotions and the ability to experience pain and suffering
What is "Introduction to Biology" for $200, Alex.

>> No.4798413

I've never been to chipolte. How much is their food. How much is their burrito?

>> No.4798414

Having emotions and the ability to experience pain doesn't magical instill value in a thing.

>> No.4798416


fucking consumerist nonsense bullshit

>> No.4798417

Fiona Apple's voice always gives me such a fucking hard on.

>> No.4798418

Chipotle shills are at it again

>> No.4798423

I know, that song is haunting as shit. Turns Willy Wonka into a horror movie.

>> No.4798430

>that song is haunting as shit.
I said it was sexy.

>> No.4798431

To be fair it's a very good commercial.

>> No.4798433

What the fuck am I reading

>> No.4798437

Free technology isn't a commodity

>> No.4798439


Why are you more valuable than anything else? I don't find value in people who have no empathy

>> No.4798449

>I don't find value in people who have no empathy
Feel free to not care what happens to me then. I'll take care of myself.

But seriously, people are valuable to one another because we are a tribal animal. Every non hostile person could possibly help me or my family in the future so they have some value no matter what.

>> No.4798462

Why can't it be both sexy and haunting?

>> No.4798466

Except we can care about the suffering of people who have no impact on our lives. I would never intentionally cause someone else suffering just because they're not going to benefit me or my family.

>> No.4798470

>authentic Mexican places are rarely as good as chipotle
ITT White people talk about white people food.

>> No.4798488

I'm not saying you think about it and make a decision. I'm saying your brain is wired with a tribe mentality. Every person who is not an 'enemy' is a member of your tribe or a possible member of your tribe or a member of a similar tribe the could breed with yours. These people may not have any apparent or imminent worth, but they have possible future worth that is multiplied when considering their descendants effect on your descendants.

>> No.4798504

>Muh authenticity

Fuck you.

>> No.4798514

I dunno man, REAL Mexican food is pretty decent.

A few years back we had a new Mexican family move into my little hillbilly town and to everyone's surprise instead of trying to sell drugs they opened up a great restaurant. It's, maybe, the 2nd best place to eat within 100 miles of town (although that's not saying much).

Unfortunately I have a shoty stomach and end up shitting myself before the meal is over. I can't even comprehend how mild things like bell peppers can make my body react so negatively and so violently in such a short amount of time. It's silly; there is hardly anything I can eat there without becoming ill. Still its very good food.

>> No.4798518


Those cows and pigs and chickens aren't my enemy though. Say I'm walking through a jungle and a tiger attacks me, that tiger is now my enemy and I will attempt to kill it. A cow that just wants to eat some grass is no enemy to me

>> No.4798522

Lots of Chinese people move to the US and open up places with names like "Golden Dragon" but doesn't make it authentic.

>> No.4798531

>Those cows and pigs and chickens aren't my enemy though.
Just because they aren't out to get you doesn't mean they are people.

>> No.4798532

No it doesn't, but in this case it is.

>> No.4798534


And just because they aren't people doesn't mean they're worthless creatures with no right to be alive

>> No.4798535

No one says cows and chickens are people. The point is they don't need to be to care about their suffering. Not all of us are selfish assholes who only give a damn about someone if they're going to directly benefit our lives.

>> No.4798540

>directly benefit
That guy was talking about indirect benefits, particularly the benefits of brotherhood. Also you two weren't talking about 'someone' you were talking about animals.

>> No.4798548

>>4798110 no oregon has it too

>> No.4798550

So uh I actually work at Chipotle. Feel free to ask any questions a scrub crew member might know the answers too.

>> No.4798559

>worthless creatures with no right to be alive
Rights are an idea created by people for people. They only apply to people.
No one who eats meat is going to think a meat animal is worthless.

>> No.4798561

How about no, but your Wife needs to get that rash looked at. All so sorry about the Herpes.

>> No.4798563

Are you fucking any of your coworkers or do you have plans to do so in the future? When you do will you do it on top of the foods?

>> No.4798564

It's the lard

>> No.4798565

>All so

>> No.4798568

>>4798561 nope the male coworkers are all beta fags.

>> No.4798571

So I'll add some chicken or steak for texture. Not some fake fucking shit that "soaks up the flavor" of the shit that's already in a burrito. I just don't understand "Yum, this thing tastes like something else."

>> No.4798575

Nah, I cook with that sometimes myself.

I know one of the things I can't eat is bell peppers. They make my head hurt for hours and cause my stomach to convulse until I shit violently and painfully. I can't even eat them out of my own garden, which is a fucking shame because they are good. I'm not sure what else might make me ill, my stomach is a little gay bitch.

>> No.4798578
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>they're just meat humans, it's cool to kill them, that's what they're for. The right to live are only for people in our tribe

>> No.4798579

Now you are being silly.

>> No.4798590

How many Chipotle® Burritos™ can you fit in your ass at once?

>> No.4798596

>>4798590 I have no idea. Safe guess is none though.

>> No.4798598

You are pulling an extreme oversimplification of genetic human psychology, and have entirely ignored the highly complicated web of societal ideals and beliefs that influences both your ideals and others, a system of thought that can change drastically even in minor regional differences and in regards to the east/west dichotomy of thinking, has to shown to be malleable even at the most fundamental layers. And then using this oversimplification to fuel some poorly constructed, just as distorted grand narrative. That you would even begin to think that the 'tribe mentality' theory not only explains whatever beliefs you may have in their entirety, but even go as far to actually believe it makes for a persuasive argument entirely negates any validity to any opinion you might have.

But anyways, everyone involved in this is just a fucking moron
what a fruitless fucking discussion/topic

>> No.4798600

>chipotle viral marketing thread

>> No.4798604

Do you eat lunch there?

>> No.4798607

>>4798604 only on the days I work there. I'm a wimp and their meat is too spicy for me so I eat casadias. Sometimes I'll man up and eat a chicken burrito. I never go there on my off days though.

>> No.4798611

Do you envision getting tired of the food they serve?

>> No.4798613

>>4798611 I already pretty much am, the only reason I eat it is because I'm hungry, not because of the taste

>> No.4798619

alright shit let's go over it simply
A) tofu is healthier than most meats (I don't actually know, or care, but popular belief states this and the majority flow with popular belief) and many people enjoy their meats, so if it's like eating a healthier meal of the same thing then why the fuck not
B) I don't think you realize this, but you're on a fucking cooking board. If you have an extremely flexible food with the capacity to absorb and store flavors in variable size and strengths with it's own mostly unique texture (meaning you can have the flavor, of say chicken, without the texture of chicken, meaning you can now have chicken in places chicken previously didn't mesh well with) what in the hell do you think that means for someone preparing food? It's just another route of viability than can now be undertaken
C) Do you just not eat any neutral foods or what I mean shit rice and water both have very similar properties to tofu (in this adaptability function), just draw some fucking comparisons on your own. This shit isn't complicated god damn

Pick your fucking reason for it being in a burrito, or make up your own just stop being confused by simple shit you stupid monkey

>> No.4798629

Can you eat any other kinds of peppers?
If not sounds like you an have allergy to peppers, man I am really sorry to hear that.

>> No.4798651

Viral marketing for a product only available in one state? Uh huh.

>> No.4798653

So if I soaked my cock in soy sauce, well hell its just a vehicle for the taste so you'd suck it? Cause blowing me is a lot less calories than eating a burger. And it prolly tastes good so get on your knees and get on it, you dumb fucking ape fuck boy.

>> No.4798677

Not sure how much they've been actively virally marketing this, but they announced plans to go national with this sometime soon.

>> No.4798717

The only thing I can taste when I eat a tofu dish is awful tofu

>> No.4798719

Seitan > tofu

>> No.4798721

Then stop buying shit-tier tofu

>> No.4798733

>implying there is any other kind

>> No.4798772

I never understood this as an argument. Probably because it isn't one. Anon doesn't have to value himself more than others just because you say so, and wanting to eat tasty animals does not devalue the animal.

>> No.4798842
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>more kickass than meat
>With the right marinade, tofu is explosively flavorful.

>> No.4798846
File: 363 KB, 106x111, 2te1a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So your reason for liking tofu is because it is "more kickass than meat" and because with a correct marinade, it is "exploseively flavorful" forgetting the fact it was flavored in the correct and flavorful marinade.

>> No.4799112

The only thing I eat when I eat a cheap meat dish is salted tire rubber. Eat quality dishes, problem solved. Tofu is the bomb.

>> No.4799121

You eat salted tire rubber huh

I've had lots of tofu dishes at a variety of quality and none of them have been good

>> No.4799151

Maybe you're just a picky faggot.

There are a bunch of great tofu recipes, it has a good soft-yet-firm texture and absorbs flavors wonderfully, so if the dish tastes amazing, then the tofu does too.

>> No.4799186

oh man i cant wait to try this

>> No.4799197

If you don't live in California may be a while before sofritas reaches your state.

>> No.4799251

if none were good, then how was it a variety of quality?

>> No.4799258

animals bred for the slaughterhouse aren't animals
their destiny is to be food

not to mention that the cruelty found in nature > the cruelty found in factory farms

>you will never witness your child having its asshole eaten out by wolves as it cries in agony and tries to crawl away before the wolves finally eat enough to kill the child

>> No.4799497

>the cruelty found in nature > the cruelty found in factory farms

Please tell me where in nature another species sticks pigs in gestation crates their entire life so that they can't even move or turn around.

Nature is full of cruelty, but nothing comes close to what people do to animals. At least zebras get to live normal lives in the grass and sunshine with their family, doing zebra shit, until the lion tears them apart.

>> No.4799522


>it's okay to do whatever you want to other creatures, as long as you decide that's what they're there for

In Asia, they'd kill female babies just because they wanted a male baby. Hitler decided jews are destined for gas chambers and killed millions of them, seeing nothing evil about what he was doing. It's easy to justify things to yourself when you disconnect yourself from reality

>> No.4799523
File: 74 KB, 600x600, 1344248523289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only in california

>> No.4799529

>waah, animal imprisonment where they are fed, vaccinated, and killed quickly.
>what is livestock and agriculture

You are truly an immense fucking faggot. I would laugh in your face if you said this to me in real life.

>> No.4799537

Humans are above animals, and having centralized professionals supply the meat is straight practical economics. You are literally a 'muh feelings' dumbass.

>> No.4799540


You put yourself above animals. You're not on the same level as every other human out there. There's millions smarter and stronger than you are, but it doesn't give them the right to kill you when they feel like it. Like I said, you're disconnected from reality and just tell yourself bullshit so you don't have to feel guilty about the shitty things you do

>> No.4799553

Yeah, Cal gets all the good food.

>> No.4799554

that's because they're humans dumbass

Species and individual merit are completely different things you abstract-arguing fuckface

>> No.4799581


Or so you tell yourself so you don't have to feel like an asshole

>> No.4799588

I don't have to tell myself, I have a grasp of grade school biology and basic human history, so genetic classification and agriculture aren't a foreign concept to me, unlike yourself.

>> No.4799602
File: 40 KB, 800x480, slavery[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it's just agriculture, breh, ain't nothing wrong with that

>> No.4799607

>difference between species is the same as difference between individuals
>livestock and agriculture is the same as human enslavement

Take your 'muh feelings' elsewhere.

>> No.4799621

fuck it looks so tasty but i live in minneapolis

>> No.4799622

Take your "muh selfishness" elsewhere.

>> No.4799635

It's not selfishness, it's an opinion backed up by fact, history, and biology. Your arguments, even your one calling other selfish, are completely based on emotion instead of hard facts.

>> No.4799642

>There are people out there to believe livestock and human beings are the same

>> No.4799653

Explain how being emotionally attached to your collective species makes any sense biologically.

>> No.4799689


What facts are you talking about? The FACT that it happens? Why does that mean it's a good thing to happen? You're not realizing that throughout history, mankind has done these kinds of things to animals and people alike, and at each era we have some people sympathizing with the victims and other people (you) saying "that's just what happens, it doesn't matter." Then society changes and we look back on those assholes as the assholes they are. Slavery is now considered evil, back in the slave days people considered a normal part of life backed up by history, "facts," and biology

>> No.4799696

Those edgy kids always remind me of Chinese/muslim kids that never had any experience outdoors or with pets. Or maybe they are just sheltered white kids, I dunno.

Either way, they spend all their time on the computer and think they are raw and real because they are so removed from reality that they don't know better or care.

>> No.4799700

I would just like to point out that there is no meat in this, not sure what the marketing behind this is meant to convey.

>> No.4799705

That people who eat meat can enjoy it too.

>> No.4799713

Why do you shitdicks always mess up my order? And why do you shitdicks keep eyeballin my girl? And cover up the tattoos and ear plugs fags!

>> No.4799734

Viral marketing is self-propagating. If Chipotle marketers are actually posting here, it's guerrilla marketing.

> implying 4chan is even a worthwhile market for anything besides weeaboo shit

>> No.4799741


But there's no meat in it.

>> No.4799743

you'd have to force them to say fuck chipotle, because they'd be fired for that

>> No.4799821

That deliciousness is deliciousness, and vegans and carnivores alike will love it. I just dunno why this is a novel concept. A large % of foods are vegan, just not labeled so, and everyone eats them. When I go to eat an apple I don't think to myself, "OMG BUT IT DOESN'T HAVE MEAT WHY WOULD I EAT THIS"

>> No.4799884


My dick is made of meat, I'm sure you'd love it

>> No.4799899

I ate tofu and quorn for protein when I had dental surgery but I just don't find the texture as satisfying when I have functional teeth.

>> No.4800040

Dental surgery from eating too much meat, you mean.

>> No.4800210

>Acts like Chipotle would need to market on 4ch

>> No.4800221

Just because something doesn't have meat in it doesn't make it vegan. Dumbass.

>> No.4800263

Sofritas is vegan.

>> No.4800320

And no corporation "has" to market on Facebook, but they do.

>> No.4800349

Like 5 people are on /ck

>> No.4800351
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I just finished eating stuffed bell peppers.
Love my cooking.

>> No.4800368

>that feel when your city is getting its first chipotle
>that feel when I get to try what all the fuss is about

next stop, in n' out

>> No.4800373

I am sure sofritas burritos taste ok, but I can't imagine they are possibly better than than steak or carnitas burritos

>> No.4800464

neither could I, but I was wrong anon