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4796972 No.4796972[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the coolest alcohol to drink? Like that the girls will think I'm a pimp and stuff for drinking it?

>> No.4796976

No one will think anything of you for your alcohol choices, sorry.

>> No.4796978

Wine coolers.

>> No.4796985

Crown Royal (because it has "Royal" in it)
Goldschlager (because they genuinely believe the myth that the gold flakes will make tiny cuts in your mouth to deliver the alcohol faster)
Stolichnaya (drankin stoli! #yolo)

That's all you need.

>> No.4796983

That's not true. Like people will call you a fag and stuff if you drink fruity drinks.

>> No.4796987

32oz bottles of Smirnoff Ice

>> No.4796991

there isn't one specific thing that is particularly impressive, but there are definitely thing that will make you look like a fucking idiot.
Like Tequila, or Bud light

>> No.4796992


Depends on the girl.

Hipsters love a guy who can appreciate craft beer.
Club sluts will love you for drinking Ciroc or Grey Goose.
White trash love guys who remind them of their dad and drink bourbon and tequila shots wooooooooo
Bookish NPR types love a guy who can articulate his opinion on wines.

>> No.4796997

True. Allow me to amend my prior statement:
No one will think any better of you for your alcohol choices, but if you drink wine coolers like this faggot >>4796978 or anything recommended by >>4796985, people will think you're an enormous vagina.

>> No.4796999

What if you drink Hennessy or Moet or something?

>> No.4797000


People will think you're Asian.

>> No.4797018

>Hipsters love a guy who can appreciate craft beer.
Do you live in the deep south?

Where the hell is craft beer considered hipster?

>> No.4797025
File: 6 KB, 176x264, ciroc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ciroc vodka. you'll be the baddest nigga in the club

>> No.4797030

You probably only drink single malts while you slide your finest cuban cigar tubes deep into your ass. Fuck off, bud light is fine, especially when it's someone else's.

>> No.4797041

>bud light is fine
Do rednecks actually believe this, or are you trolling?

>> No.4797037

>Fuck off, bud light is fine, especially when it's someone else's.
Bud light tastes like carbonated water

Not necessarily bad, more of a nothing. Drinking someone else's is one thing, but if you buy bud light, you are not a good person

>> No.4797039

it's not about the alcohol
what it is about, is the money you are willing to throw at it
a bottle of stoli? FUCK THAT.
a bottle of grey goose? FUCK THAT.
three bottles of grey goose? FUCK THAT.
a bottle of champagne and three bottles of grey goose? now we getting somewhere.

warning: this requires a fuckton of spendable income

>> No.4797042

Moonshine. Make your own. It's not that hard.


If it is too hard, start by brewing your own beer. Both hipsters and girls love that DIY shit.

Captcha: 'lleagle alle' sounds like 'illegal ale'

>> No.4797054


The suburbs of any city.

I live in Portland, by the way.

>> No.4797058

craft beer is mainstream as shit, especially in portland. Its only obscure enough for hipsters in the south

>> No.4797616

I like to have a shot of Jack Daniels in the evening, does that make me a mammary gland?

>> No.4797622


>thinks the measure of a hipster is the obscurity of his interests

Sounds like you're the fucking philistine, friendo.

>> No.4797631

girls go for expensive, well known brands. The two that come to mind are Grey Goose (vodka) and Don Perignon (champagne). If they can drink it too, it's a plus. Girls are not impressed with whiskey drinkers or craft brew lovers because they can't appreciate how good either of those two things are.

If a rich black person would pour it on the ground and be cool, you drinking/buying it would be cool.

>> No.4797641

not the guy you're responding to, but you are forgetting that hipster girls are fucking retarded

>> No.4797656


This is pretty spot on for most American females under age 25, although the less... niggerish ones are impressed by any wine that looks respectable at a glance. Actual champagne is pretty much a win for people from a semi-educated background on up, and pink champagne is a bonus. Everyone knows champagne is never cheap. Dom P is a little ridiculous and is the drink equivalent of picking up a girl you just met for a casual date in a rented stretch limo and a cheesy white tuxedo... probably quite effective for the kind of female you don't want to be effective with, and counterproductive for the right kind of female, although there's no accounting for taste.

Grey Goose is not suspiciously expensive so that's fine, but Belvedere and Chopin look just as expensive (but aren't, not that anyone this young and stupid is going to know off the top of their head).

>> No.4797671

In australia girls seem to like Baccardi breezers, smirnoff ice and vodka cruisers.

Tastes like sugar and is expensive in a nightclub.

Men drink beer when the sun is up and bourbon and coke at night.

>> No.4797693

Oh. My. God.
How is this even a post?

Drink what you want to, fag. What sort of women are you even trying to attract? Women appreciate alcohol as much as anyone. If she wants to get wasted, tell her to quit bitching.

If you're just trying to get laid, pour some Taaka in a fucking Crioc bottle and top it off with a roofie.

Everyone in this thread makes me fucking sick.

>> No.4797710
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>> No.4797714

I'd suggest either moonshine or absinthe.

>> No.4797781


you are a child

not even underage B&

a child

fuck this thread

>> No.4797876

I will help on this one.
You can be "pimp" and buy grey goose till you are broke,
you can buy one bottle of grey goose, drink it, save empty bottle.
Go buy a brita charcol water filter, you can just get one of the water pitcher ones, or go big and get individual filters and tri-stack them using pvc tubing.
Then go buy cheap 15 dollars handles of vodka.
run through filters (if tri, twice, if not, welp, six times, takes a while.)
You now have grey goose/ kestle one quality vodka.
place filtered vodka in expensive bottles.

>> No.4797881

it depends on the girl, but i think generally speaking all i can say is 'not chambord'

>> No.4797984
File: 99 KB, 660x462, pimp jooze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4798033

That doesn't even fit for his post, faggot. Stop overusing that meme for every post you disagree with.

>> No.4798052

Pretty much everywhere I've ever been too man. You know what craft beer is don't you?

>> No.4798065

Girls will think you are a badass if you establish you are a badass before you start drinking.

For people you do not know, first impressions are everything, brah.

>> No.4798081


Do bitches love rum?

Because I drink rum and vodka almost exclusively.

>> No.4798091


Or any whisk(e)y, really. As long as you drink it straight, bitches (or much more likely, middle-aged men) will be impressed.

>> No.4798100

Holy shit, you fuck

>> No.4798097

Drinking for girls is even worse than lifting for them.
Drink what you like with confidence and the bitches will flock to your mighty majestic penis, all three inches of it.

>> No.4798116
File: 543 KB, 3000x2400, hJrEzSK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, OP.

>> No.4798127

Pretty much everywhere that isn't a large city.

I hate that this is sort of true. I love whiskey but every time I drink it everyone thinks I'm just drinking it to look cool or some shit.

>> No.4798153

I should amend that to 'Pretty much everywhere that isn't a large city, at least to people in the age group that visits 4chan'

Most people only care about the popular image of a drink and then how much it costs to get wasted on it.