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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 87 KB, 585x330, best-non-dairy-milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4787005 No.4787005[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm finally throwing out dairy like I did my old floppy drive, and upgrading to dairy-free milk. So ck/ers, what is the dairy-free master race? Almond milk? Rice? Coconut? Oat? Soy? Hemp? Hazelnut?

I hear almond is the new kid in town.

>> No.4787014

Which flavor do you suggest for cereal? Vanilla or unflavored?

>> No.4787013

I love almond milk. 30 calories a cup and packed with vitamins and mienrals

>> No.4787016

different anon but vanilla all the way
makes cereal so much better. you know if you like vanilla

>> No.4787018

I personally like the plain, but for soem peopel it is too plain/chalky, so vanialla is a good one

>> No.4787020

Is hazelnut milk a real thing??? I love hazelnuts....

>> No.4787035
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>> No.4787059

is it expensive

>> No.4787065

Rice milk. It's not a nutritional powerhouse like the nut milks, but it tastes more like real milk.

>> No.4787085

Asking for the best non-dairy milk is like asking for the fastest paraplegic sprinter

>> No.4787088


>> No.4787103

>upgrading to dairy-free milk
That's a downgrade though anon, there's a reason we have GOMAD and not GODFMAD

>> No.4787105

>there's a reason we have GOMAD
Because a gym teacher wants to make kids fat and buy his booklet?

>> No.4787124

Almond and coconut are the most versatile, IMO. But for drinking, I really like some of the nut blends they have out there. Right now, I'm using a Cashew-Almond-Hazelnut blend for my drinks and smoothies. I use coconut to cook with, and almond for most of my baking, unless I want the coconut flavor. There's a brand of non-dairy cream called Mimicreme that's made with cashews that's fucking delicious.

>> No.4787127

I always thought GOMAD was some kind of cute name for 'roided up gym rats who are always sweating and look like they're about to explode. Huh.

>> No.4787150

I could never get into almond milk. It was always too watery or too nutty or something. Maybe I should try it again.

Personally I love vanilla soy milk. I put it in my tea and it adds a bit of flavor. It's great

>> No.4787157

Whenever I try one of these alternatives it always congeals in the bottom or gets gritty (separation?), is there any way to prevent this?

>> No.4787161

Shake it before you pour it. All those carton always say "shake before using".

>> No.4787162

I tried almond milk a couple times and it always ends up being just that. Watery nut juice.

Soymilk isn't bad though, I usually grab a can/bottle when I go to the oriental mart. Though it's way too different from milk to be considered a replacement.

>> No.4787166

I do and it never seems to clear the stuff up. Maybe I am not drinking it fast enough.

>> No.4787168

Try shaking it faster and harder.

>> No.4787169

I like almond milk. It makes my potato soup really thick and creamy.
I used to only drink almond milk, but then I went to my friend's and had some whole milk he had in his fridge. I couldn't go back to almond, so I've just stopped drinking plain milk :(

>> No.4787236

I bought some almond milk the other day and it's pretty good, but looking at the ingredients it's only 2.5% almonds and is mostly water and sugar.
Is this normal or did I buy a shitty brand?

>> No.4787244

whatever you get, make sure its fortified with b12 and calcium. rice milk and hemp milk have little protein, btw.

>> No.4787245

you need the buy the ones that squeezed a lot of almonds.

it should say on the label.

"x amount of almonds in this bottle"

>> No.4787343

>I'm finally throwing out dairy
Good for you, dairy is crap. Unfortunately, I could never give up sour cream or cheese.

Also, hazelnut > hemp > almond

>> No.4787349

what is it with so many people giving up dairy?

i keep meeting people who say the same old shit about how we're not 'supposed' to drink it or whatever, it makes no sense. has a diet book come out?

>> No.4787352

/fit/ here- it's a troll to get people to drink a gallon of milk a day and get fat.

>> No.4787360

its a food fad but also these alternate milk threads are all made by the same person who keeps shitposting the board with the same threads to try and convert people to veganism.

people who say we arent "supposed" to drink milk are retarded. I wasn't aware there was a rule book on how animals are supposed to conduct themselves.

>> No.4787368


and then you get the schoolboys whining about how it has pus in it

like, man up

>> No.4787382

>and convert people to veganism.
It's funny how you don't realize the vegan threads are just troll threads, but actually think they are from vegans trying to "convert".

I've made many vegan threads in the past for shits and giggles. Check it the next day and 200+ posts, always the same shit.

>> No.4787393

yeah but this is one guy making the two same threads every single day, hes going beyond trolling unless he really is legitimately autistic

>> No.4787409

It's not always the same person. If no one responded to them to this degree people wouldn't think it would be funny to make another dairy/Japanese food/vegan/etc. thread.

>> No.4787434
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i guess.. if you want to be technical about it, the best reason to support that we're "not supposed to" drink milk is that no other animal drinks milk past its infancy. let alone microwaved, factory-farmed milk of another species.
when i stopped drinking milk (just drinking a glass with dinner or in my cereal), i stopped getting colds all the time. i still eat meat semi-regularly, and love cheese and other dairy in prepared food, but just to stop drinking full glasses of white jug milk every day made my body stop overproducing snot.

that said, i stopped craving anything but water with meals, so the most almond milk i drink at once is in a homemade latte.

>> No.4787442

A lot of people have bad reactions to dairy, from lactose intolerance to allergies to acne, and just had to suffer or not eat it until these substitutions came out. I for one am quite thankful for my almond, coconut, and flax milks. I love dairy, but it gives me a rash on my face, chest, upper arms and inner thighs. That's not exactly pleasant. Oddly enough, I can eat cheese without adverse effects. But any fresh dairy and I look like someone rubbed me down with poison ivy.

>> No.4787483

Cow milk gives everyone a reaction (almost nonexistant to severe) because it is for cows to drink. Human milk gives humans no reaction because surprise it is for humans to drink.

If I eat a small amount of milk or ice cream for example my stomach will get noticably bloated. A day or two after eating dairy and it looks like I lost 15 pounds.

But its just a fad as >>4787360 says so you should just keep buying it.

>> No.4787543

I'd generally choose any kind of unsweetened vitamin D fortified almond milk

>> No.4788246


Just chiming in to say eggs are the same way. The same way cow's milk is chemically composed to give a baby cow what it needs, a chicken's egg is composed of what a baby chicken would need to begin its life. These aren't things humans need or should ingest

>> No.4788262

Nothing in nature (apart from breast milk) exists for the express purpose of human consumption. We eat what we can, and what we want.

This tiresome argument is brought up over and over again - that humans are the only animal to consume another's milk, and oh-my-god-how-freaky-and-unnatural-brb-vegan.

We're also the only species that uses the internet to argue with strangers on anonymous imageboards, in case you haven't noticed. It's not necessary, and (from a bizarro naturalistic fallacy POV) it's certainly unnatural, and something you shouldn't do, because it might lead to mild-to-severe reactions. Maybe you should do yourselves a favor and get the fuck out.

>> No.4788265

because no other animals eat eggs either, right?

>> No.4788267

>mfw hipsters always spout pseudo science and drink synthetic shit and then come to /ck/ and shill it

>> No.4788280

any carnivorous animal eat eggs if given the occasion. There's a reason most species have to hide the eggs and protect them you know.

>> No.4788326

to an extent this is true,
some people even digest goat milk better than cow milk
I stopped consuming cow diary based products and switched over to goat and sheep based stuff. Somewhere between my 25th and 27th birthday my body just couldn't handle cow diary that well anymore, e.g. massive shits, headaches, etc. But because I love cheese I can't stop completely. Switched mainly to goat cheese and problems are gone.

>> No.4788352

Indeed. What makes humans special (imho) is how well we can survive the stuff we eat. Relatively few things on this planet are poisonous to humans. Similarly, human bodies, while they seem to be fragile against other humans, can take a hell of a physical beating and keep going. Humans are amazing.

>> No.4788592

>Relatively few things on this planet are poisonous to humans
In your western city maybe

>> No.4788688


you are a moron.

>> No.4788726

Eggs are not the same way.

Eggs are nutritious because they provide all the nutrition that the baby bird needs to grow untill it hatches. Your annalogy would be correct if you said something like birds feed worms and other small insects to their young so humans shouldn't eat insects.

Humans and many other animals have been eating eggs since forever because they realize that an egg is just a liquid baby bird.

Human while still in the womb need more than what bird eggs can provide but we are not talking about humans in the womb, rather humans who are already born and just looking for some easy protein.

I never said anything about not doing something because it's unnatural. Key point there was "almost nonexistant to severe" and if something does not bother you then there is no reason to avoid it. Unless you are some kind of sperglord that can't see past it's own jew nose.

>> No.4788744


but insects are just as nutritious to us as they are to birds

>> No.4788841

Your point being?

>> No.4788845


i don't understand how you think that analogy works

>> No.4789345


>Eggs are nutritious because they provide all the nutrition that the baby bird needs to grow untill it hatches

They're nutritious to baby birds, they cause heart attacks for humans. We have our own milk we get when we're kids that has what we need in it, when we grow up we don't need extra saturated fat and cholesterol

>> No.4789370

no they don't idiot. Stop bumping the thread hours after the discussion stops.

I know it's you every time too because the thread will be dead and then the thing that bumps it is a vegan comment.

>> No.4789374


>a vegan comment

Think of it more as a "health" comment, and stop being upset that the shitty things you like to eat aren't health foods

>> No.4789382

you know nothing of health if you think cholesterol is in any way bad for normal people. cholesterol consumption is only an issue for people that already have preexisting heart conditions.

>> No.4789383


You eat eggs long enough and you'll get heart conditions.

>> No.4789387

no, you wont. Stop posting. You look really stupid

>> No.4789389
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Says the guy saging and running away with tears in his eyes.

>> No.4789393

>gives up arguing and changes the topic

I won. Easier than normal.

>> No.4789394


eggs are extremely healthy and you are an extreme dingus

>> No.4789403


What arguing? "No. Nuh uh. Stop. No, please" is not an argument



Enjoy your egg industry propaganda

>> No.4789406

why is it you vegans always post youtube links and not studies?

there is no correlation between egg consumption and increased risk of heart disease. that is the fact, there is no way around it.

>> No.4789408

>trying to understand the wasteland that is the vegan's mind

>> No.4789409

You are pretty stupid though. For your own sake you should stop posting.

>> No.4789411


Yep, yauh, fosho. pretty please

*I win again*

>> No.4789416

>not an argument
>says the idiot making baseless claims
cholesterol doesn't cause heart problems dumbfuck

>> No.4789417


cheers, i will

>> No.4789430
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>undeniable evidence presented
>"fuk u, muh eggs"

>> No.4789431


Do you not see the study in the video?

>> No.4789463

I am not watching anything being cherry picked and read to me in a video published by a vegetarian website with an obvious bias.
Give me an actual published study for me to read from start to finish that conclusively shows egg consumption will cause heart disease.
You can't

>> No.4789472


So read the study that's clearly shown in the video

>a vegetarian website with obvious bias

"I can't trust this anti-smoking video, it's obviously a biased non-smoker website"

>> No.4789486

Except it is clealy biased. Pretty much everything you vegans post is /x/ quality conspiracy shit that belongs on Natural News.

>> No.4789487

or you could give it to me yourself if you want me to read it. You are incapable of making your own arguments, all you do is drop youtube links.
There is not a single study in existence that can say a healthy person that eats eggs will develop heart problems. The data doesn't exist.

>> No.4789496


I thought you'd be able to get to it yourself, being given the title, the authors, and an entire page of content from it


>> No.4789500


>undeniable evidence presented

oh shush

>> No.4789501

i love it all

>> No.4789498

>you shouldn't trust people saying positive things about eggs, they are pushing biased propaganda
>you should trust this vegetarian website, they aren't pushing biased propaganda at all

>> No.4789506
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>it's biased if it's from doctors and medical professionals, it's not biased if it's funded by a giant cut-throat industry whose goal is to sell you more of their food

The delusion

>> No.4789516

If your only source is Youtube, it's biased.

>> No.4789519

dude..are you kidding
the title, the fucking title
>Dietary cholesterol and egg yolks: Not for patients at risk of vascular disease
>Not for patients at risk of vascular disease

so exactly what everybody has been screaming at you the entire time. As long as you don't not already have a predisposition for heart problems eggs are fine.
it even says so in the conclusion, they talk specifically about inactive people, obese people, people who have had heart attacks, and diabetics.
you are so stupid it hurts

you have failed to demonstrate eating eggs is dangerous for a normal healthy person

>> No.4789525


The only people not at risk for vascular disease are people who are already dead or dying of a terminal illness.

>> No.4789533


> In our opinion, stopping egg consumption after a myocardial infarction or stroke would be like quitting smoking after lung cancer is diagnosed: a necessary act, but late.

>> No.4789538

>after a myocardial infarction or stroke
>myocardial infarction or stroke
as in someone who already has these problems.
everyone is potentially at risk to get addicted to heroin too. You don't seem to understand medical definitions very well though. when you are talking about risk you are talking about acute risk

>> No.4789544


Strawmans aside, the fact remains that eggs are not a health food and everyone is at risk for vascular disease. Saying "eggs ARE healthy, that's why if you eat them when you're not an olympic sprinter they'll KILL you. Because they're GOOD for you" isn't any kind of convincing argument. Plenty of athletes binge on mcdonalds and KFC and suffer much less than the average person would because their activity level offers protection, but that doesn't make it healthy food that's good to eat

>> No.4789554

or you can just admit you are wrong. I want you to say it, just type it out
"I admit if you are a healthy person you can eat eggs and they will not give you heart problems, and there is not a single shred of evidence to suggest otherwise. Cholesterol is only bad for people who already have heart issues"

it doesn't matter if they are "good" for you, they are not "bad" for you which was the point of all this

>> No.4789579


I implore you to re-read the study and also not skip over the entire midsection. Like I said, the higher your activity level, the less effect any kind of food has on your body. Foods that aren't bad for you though don't negatively affect you from eating them when you're sedentary.

>> No.4789586


but they won't kill you if you're not an olympic sprinter.

the whole video and most of the abstract of the study just talked about the fact that there's a lot of cholesterol in egg yolks. you've yet to present evidence that the consensus on the subject (that this cholesterol is largely harmless) is faulty.

>> No.4789588


not that guy but

>In these two studies, failure to show harm from eggs in healthy people is likely an issue of statistical power: in healthy people, a larger study with longer follow-up would be required; in diabetic patients who have a coronary risk equivalent to that of patients with coronary artery disease, the statistical power was adequate to show a harmful effect of egg yolks.

it's saying the study didn't go on long enough to see effects in healthy people, just in people who were already somewhat unhealthy and then got worse because of egg consumption

>> No.4789596

the problem there is they are speculating about a result.
speculation is not science, you can not speculate a result.

>> No.4789604


if it had a negative effect on one group, why wouldn't it be negative in any way to another group? eating vegetables doesn't make the diabetic group die of a heart attack

>> No.4789606

and your evidence about cholesterol giving healthy people heart disease is where again?

oh that's right you dont have any.
and by the way since you used sedentary people as your example, cholesterol on its own will do them no harm either. It has to be eaten on conjunction with high amounts of saturated fat to do anything.

if you really want to put it this way you can look at cholesterol like a match and saturated fat like the match box. The match isnt going to lite unless you strike it against something.

>> No.4789611


>it has to be eaten on conjunction with high amounts of saturated fat to do anything.

Which eggs have

>> No.4789612

injecting insulin into a diabetic will level out their blood sugar, injecting insulin into a non diabetic will make them fall unconscious in seconds.

and thus your argument has fallen apart yet again. Healthy people and unhealthy people are different, their bodies are different, their bodies react differently to things

>> No.4789617

rice and hemp sometimes almond

>> No.4789618

then we get into a discussion about ratios. They don't have enough saturated fat to cause problems

>> No.4789619

You are still trying to somehow argue that eggs are unhealthy despite being proven wrong again and again. Just save yourself the trouble and give up already.

>> No.4789630


insulin isn't food. what makes eggs bad for people at risk of heart disease when other foods are fine for anybody?

>> No.4789635


They sure cause problems in people at risk of developing a vascular disease.

>> No.4789641

what makes sugar bad for people at risk of diabetes when other foods are fine for anybody?

>> No.4789644

but not healthy people.
checkmate, I win. fuck off.

>> No.4789647


Diabetics have no problem eating fruit on a low-fat diet. Diabetes happens from excessive fat consumption, like you'd get from eating omelettes every day.

>> No.4789656

if you think 3 grams of saturated fat (which is what you would get from 2 eggs) is excessive, you are either anorexic or misinformed

>> No.4789670

>Diabetics have no problem eating fruit on a low-fat diet.
ummmm that makes no sense

Why do you think someone with diabetes can eat lots of sugar as long as they don't eat a lot of fat? How does fat consumption (NOT body fat), when diabetic, influence blood sugar and insulin?

>> No.4790298

Wow. You're a retard.
People develop Type 1 diabetes gentically. People with Type 2 diabetes get it from their pancreases not being able to produce insulin which controls the bodies blood sugar.
How does fat play a role in this at ALL.

>> No.4790418
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Do some research into what diabetes is. It occurs when the muscle cells are blockaded by fat so insulin can't push glucose into them to power them. Type 2 diabetes can be reversed through a low-fat diet, Type 1 diabetes can be helped to some degree and is said to be caused by a reaction to cow's milk

>> No.4790433
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>refined sugar is only bad for diabetics

>> No.4790454

Diabetes is not reversible

>> No.4790460


>> No.4790470

in some cases it is

>> No.4790508
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>> No.4790520

Best argument for cannibalism ever.

>> No.4790536


I don't follow

>> No.4790603


Aaaand that's pretty much the same kcals as in the milk around here. I like almond mind in coffee etc etc, but hate it on it's own. Leaves this chalky tasting film in my mouth.

>> No.4790605


Feels good to be nordic master race and not to worry about any bloating

>> No.4790617


No, pacific natural foods has pretty cheap alternative milks. Those ones in the picture are 2.99 where I live, but other brands you can get them for as low as 1.99

>> No.4791141

No even slim milk has more calories than that

>> No.4791154

Certain peoples evolved with the ability to digest cow/goat/etc. milk after infancy for a reason. It is full of calories and vitamins and minerals that are good for us. Most milk today is processed, and that should be taken into consideration.
>nonexistant reaction

>> No.4791157

>Human milk gives humans no reaction because surprise it is for humans to drink.
I'm gonna need some double blind tests between cow milk and breastmilk.

>> No.4791474


Depends what you are looking for. For flavor and consistancy while being low calories, almond milk is probably the closest thing you will find. If you are looking purely for low calories, rice milk will be your best bet. Rice milk is more watery than almond and has more of a watery bland taste but is very low calories. Remember that almond milk is just a few more calories than rice and has a bunch of vitamins in it.

>> No.4791490

Whole milk has 150 kcal per 8 ounces.
What kind of fucking milk are you drinking?

>> No.4791631

Tried rice milk today. Damn so good.

>> No.4791639

>no other animal drinks milk past its infancy

No other animal figured out HOW. Give adult animals access to milk and they'll drink it happily. It happens all the time on farms.

>> No.4791686

How can almond milk be that low in calories? 1 piece of almond has 7 calories. So 4 almonds is enough to create 100ml milk? How much nutrition is left in the strained solids?

>> No.4791729


almond milk is mostly water

>> No.4791858

Have you ever actually tried giving milk to adult mammals? Despite what cartoons might have you believe about cats, adult mammals are lactose intolerant, and will vomit, get diarrhea, bloating, and become as hell if they consume any sizable quantity of milk.

>> No.4791868

One of my cat's can drink milk just fine, the other immediately vomits.

>> No.4791886

As a vet, I can advise you not to feed your cat milk; cats do not have any significant amount of lactase. In small quantities some cats may not have adverse reactions, but in larger quantities almost all well--and even those that do not have more violent symptoms such as vomiting, are very likely experiencing internal symptoms that you wouldn't suspect just by looking at them. Dairy doesn't have a role in the diets of cats, so unless you're on a deserted island with your cat and it's either milk or death, feed him cat food and water, not milk.

>> No.4791903

You know, I don't understand how everyone is drinking so much milk in the first place. If this isn't swearing off dairy altogether - since everyone seems to be saying they'll still eat cheese and sour cream and stuff with milk cooked in it - then, well, why were you even drinking milk in the first place? Is this a normal thing? I don't know of a single person who would actually drink just a glass of milk.

>> No.4791929

Every single milk thread you start up your logical fallacy filled shitposting.

Every. Single. Milk thread.

How much is the almond industry paying you to shitpost? I know you're the same person because there's only 5 people on /ck/ at any one time and nobody else ever agrees with you.

>> No.4791931

Milk consumption has dropped dramatically in the past decade as consumers have wised up, but "Got Milk" advertisements are still everywhere, and plenty of people drink it by itself.

I'd rather eat semen than cow milk, personally, but I eat if it it's in products like icecream or cheese or baked goods. Just for convenience. If it's a choice between dairy-free cookies or cookies with milk in them, or some shit like that, then I go for the dairy free. But don't always have the option.

>> No.4791937

I am 3/4 finnish and i get bloated as fuck.

Kind of glad that my ancestors were not a bunch of milk drinkers (milk drinkers being a derogatory).

>> No.4791938

I put it on cereal, but never drink it on its own. Where's the middle ground between "drink a big glass of milk everyday" and "eewwwwww, milk is the most disgusting substance on the planet"?

>> No.4791939

>I'd rather eat semen than cow milk

Screencapped for a "best of /ck/" thread. My fucking sides.

>> No.4791942

>Kind of glad that my ancestors were not a bunch of milk drinkers

No, your ancestors were Mongols, which is why you're lactose intolerant, because East Asian peoples in general are.

Real Nordics have a high level of lactase persistence.

>> No.4791947
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>> No.4791952

One is high in protein and salty. The other is high in hormones, cholesterol, and saturated fat, and makes people shit their pants. It's a no brainer which one I'd rather eat.

>> No.4791953
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> >>4787483 (You)
> >>4788246

i would screenshot but i dont have a picture manipluation program on my minimal arch linux setup
i have never tried almond milk, will next time it goes on sale though

Where did you get >nonexistant reaction from "almost nonexistant reaction"? I am genuinley curious as to how you came to this conclusion.

You do know where finnland is right?

>> No.4791967

>milk drinkers
I can get behind this being a new insult. Way worse to be a milk drinker than a mouth breather.

>> No.4791977


Seriously, guys, can you explain why you get so goddamn furious about people drinking milk? Milk itself may not taste that great, but many of the dairy products it makes are delicious.

>> No.4791981





>> No.4791983


milk tastes delicious as hell

>> No.4791984

Obviously if you think that then you're not part of the group of people I'm asking, dumbass.

>> No.4791986


why are you granting the fucks a concession

milk is delicious and they're cunts

>> No.4791994

I just want to know why it makes them so angry. I don't personally like milk on its own that much, but if you do, then fine, I don't care at all. I'm just trying to find out why some people who don't drink milk - especially those who DO consume dairy products like butter or cheese - have such a hatred for people who drink milk. It just seems dumb and sorta hypocritical to me.

>> No.4792023

I am part of the non milk drinkers side and I have no problem at all with drinking a bit of milk. A bit meaning not GOMAD or some stupid shit like that.

Milk does not taste that great but pair it with stuff and it can taste great.

Cheese is god tier food.

>> No.4792032

>lactose intolerant
>mongols use dairy as their #1 staple food

>> No.4792046

i'm firmly on the side of consuming milk

but i just had some cause this thread made me feel like it

and now i'm bloated as fuck

damn you /ck/

>> No.4792092

Quoting myself here cause I just ate a box of nestle drumsticks and am bloated as fuck. Ill buy more on friday.

>> No.4792116


Are you talking about that fermented mare milk beer?

>> No.4792130
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>pair it with stuff and it can taste great.
Everything it's paired with tastes better when paired with almond milk or other dairy-free milks imo. Cheese is the only thing that's hard to replace, but I have had some absolutely amazing cheeses made from cashews and other nuts. Try these.


>> No.4792133

Butter? Cream? Yoghurt? Buttermilk?

>> No.4792138
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All of those have amazing non-dairy versions. Earth Balance is a brand of non-dairy butter that makes butter look like horse piss by comparison. And coconut milk yogurt is amazing, try So Delicious's brand. At the grocery store I work at lately the coconut milk yogurt has become more popular than milk yogurts.

>> No.4792148
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>dairy-free milk


>> No.4792165

Of course it does. Just like how tomatoes are a vegetable. Word meanings change in the food industry to describe the usages of a food. Almond milk is used in the same way as dairy milk, so we call it a milk even though it isn't from mammary glands.

>> No.4792177

>non-dairy butter that makes butter look like horse piss by comparison

dear god no

>> No.4792178
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>> No.4792186

Earth Balance is way richer and creamier than butter. Every blind taste test I've done with friends and family, everyone always prefers the Earth Balance over the butter.

>> No.4792191

Can you really use it in every way you'd use milk, though? Really? Or with the butter - could you for example use it when making a cake?

>> No.4792211


it's rich and creamy because it's a high-fat water-in-oil emulsion, but your friends and family don't know shit about good butter if they think this glorified margarine compares.

>> No.4792235

you could likely get the same preference for butter simply by over salting the butter
this is why salted butter took off
people are fucking stupid, and stupid shit sells

>> No.4792244

Sure it does. The same way everyone calls tofu "vegetarian meat", and rice cakes "gluten-free bread".

>> No.4792255

>blah blah blah

It tastes better.

>> No.4792262


no it doesn't.

quite often butter-flavoured stuff tastes 'more buttery' to idiots that aren't accustomed to eating proper fresh cultured butters. i assume that's what's behind your anecdotes.

>> No.4792264


It tastes better.

>> No.4792274


no it doesn't.

>> No.4792579

I work in the dairy of a grocery store and believe me people do not know shit about quality.

>do you have any of that butter thats on sale?
>what butter? (i say as i know they are talking about margerine)
>the one in the flyer
>points to i cant believe its not butter
every fucking time man

Point is that if a brick of almond butter costs 6$ and the same weight of margerine costs 1$ they will not care about it tasting a little better, they will buy the shit margerine every time.

>tip, most butter in canada is controlled by the government and as such it is basically all the same stuff with different wrappers

>> No.4792782


>How much is the almond industry paying you to shitpost?

Actually, the dairy-free milk company SILK, which is the most popular brand, is also owned by the dairy industry. Now that the dairy industry's propaganda is wearing off, people are switching to alternative milks, and they want their hand in that money too

>> No.4792819
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>it tastes better because you're dumb

>> No.4792898

Earth Balance>Butter

This coming from a guy who used to worship butter and slather it on everything I ate.

>> No.4793212

Post losely related:
>switched from baked beans to millet and dairy-free milk porridge as a breakfast staple a month ago
>tfw my sweat now smells like rice milk and millet when exercising

>> No.4793497


the damn thing has butter flavouring in it. it's trying to imitate butter and i prefer the real thing, so suck it.

>> No.4793506

I don't mind using Earth Balance as a spread, really. It tastes pretty good. BUT, it can never replace the superiority of butter in cooking and baking. Never.

>> No.4793888

Butter is completely unnecessary in baking. Buy cakes and pastries from a normal bakery, then buy some from a good vegan one. Impossible to tell the difference. We just cook with butter because it's culinary culture at this point. All the recipes use it, that's what our parents used, and so the cycle repeats. But there are better substitutes for butter in recipes.

>> No.4793927

Almond milk's alright, and pretty low in calories. Unflavored tastes atrocious, though. Take the extra smidgeon of calories and go for vanilla.
Dairy milk's still better, though.

>> No.4794236






>> No.4794234


Dairy milk's not better, it just has casomorphins, so your addict junkie brain can enjoy an opium fix while you drink inferior liquids

>> No.4794248


>> No.4794299


>> No.4794324

This pretty much explains why people drink milk. Has a form of morphine in it meant to encourage the calves to keep drinking. Milk tastes like crap, but cheese, butter, and everything else have addicting chemicals in them.

>> No.4794333

3rding this.

Dairy products are basically an addictive drug.

>> No.4794336

Almond, hazelnut, rice and oat milk are all great.

>> No.4794340

>Impossible to tell the difference.

You don't by any chance smoke do you?

>> No.4794352

Dairy is best unless you're on the autism spectrum.

>> No.4794355


Coincidently, dairy causes autism.

>> No.4794366

Incorrect autist.

>> No.4794380

Having bad genetics causes autism.
Or your mother drinking and smoking during pregnancy.

>> No.4794388

Try a blind taste testing yourself. When I worked in Manhattan, everyone from my office would buy all our pastries at lunch from this vegan food truck, The Cinnamon Snail. Not a single one of us was even vegetarian, let alone vegan. The pastries were just mind blowingly good, so we ate them, plain and simple. Thinking that butter or dairy are necessary in baking or cooking is just a case of people sticking to what they're used to.

>> No.4794390


they're not necessary, but they're incredibly delicious

>> No.4794422

Fuck no soy milk is the best.

>> No.4794430

Almond Milk Eggnog is so fucking good you guys. I don't even normally like eggnog.

I'm like legitimately excited for when it comes back this year.

Has anybody else ever tried it?

>> No.4794435

Haven't tried the almond milk one, but last year I had soy milk eggnog for the first time and hell yeah it was good.

>> No.4794436

explain my friend who eats like 10 eggs a week and has perfect blood labs

>> No.4794439

Dude try the almond milk one, the soy one is good but the almond one is even better.

I think there's this pumpkin spice soy milk though and that's supposed to be delicious.

>> No.4794443


>perfect blood labs

Perfect compared to what? 3/4 of heart attack victims have "normal" cholesterol levels, and half are in the "ideal" range

>> No.4794445

10 eggs a week is only one and a half egg per day. That's not that much. I can smoke 1 and a half cigarette per day and I doubt it'd give me cancer.

>> No.4794456

there are other aspects of blood labs

>> No.4794466


But that's the main thing to look at when we're talking about egg consumption and heart problems. Any way you slice it, it's not a beneficial food to the human body. It's a step above junk food only because it has some vitamins in it

>> No.4794470

Personally, I don't eat eggs simply because the idea is disgusting. It's a chicken's period. Menstruation cycles don't belong on my plate.

>> No.4794472

but heart problems also due to weight, blood pressure, triglycerides, etc.

>> No.4794478

Are you retarded? Even if it's unfertilized there's no menstrual liquids on it, an egg has a shell and any fluids that came out with it would be washed off. I can't tell if this post is joking or not.

>> No.4794484


> an egg has a shell and any fluids that came out with it would be washed off.

What's inside of an egg shell?

>> No.4794491


Which stem from diet, which eggs should not be a part of if you don't want to see those problems

>> No.4794494

The yolk and whites, which are just meat and nutrition. How is that gross?

>> No.4794502


>> No.4794503


There's no need to be upset. If you want to eat eggs, you can do it without saturated fat and cholesterol in the future when Beyong Eggs come to the market

>> No.4794509

>eggs cause obesity and high blood pressure
[citation needed]

>> No.4794511

There's a lot of stuff in your diet you should avoid, but vegetarians don't. Vegetarianism and veganism is primarily a moral issue, which is why you see so many fatass vegs who eat nothing but sugar.

>> No.4794514

im not upset but its quite hard to endure the bullshit you are spewing.
if you are vegan thats fine but you got to stop smelling your own farts m8.

>> No.4794521



>> No.4794525


>Vegetarianism and veganism is primarily a moral issue

It varies from person to person, but personally I've never met anyone who did it "for the animals"

>which is why you see so many fatass vegs who eat nothing but sugar.

I also only know one fat non-meat-eater, a vegetarian who eats cheese all the time

>> No.4794531


You definitely seem upset, and I don't know why it would upset you that I'm trying to straighten shit out about health. Eat whatever food you want, but don't contribute to industry propaganda and ruin other peoples' lives by making unhealthy foods seem healthy to whoever may be trying to improve their health

>> No.4794534

>Limit foods high in cholesterol such as liver and other organ meats, egg yolks, and full-fat dairy products.
Why can't vegans into moderation? Are vegans really incapable of controlling themselves around anything that tastes good?

>> No.4794536
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>> No.4794539

>I also only know one fat non-meat-eater, a vegetarian who eats cheese all the time
Are you kidding? Almost every veg I've known eats tons of sugar/sweetener to compensate for lack of meat.

>> No.4794541


Well if we're talking about egg yolks, which have more cholesterol than a KFC Double Down, your limit would be like half of an egg a day


Drop the victim complex. I'm not here to say "I'm better than you because I don't eat those foods," I'm here to point out why certain foods aren't the best option

>> No.4794542

Vegetarians and vegans, as a whole, have way lower BMI, and better health than the average meat eating population.

>> No.4794543



>Most ingested cholesterol is esterified, and esterified cholesterol is poorly absorbed. The body also compensates for any absorption of additional cholesterol by reducing cholesterol synthesis. For these reasons, cholesterol intake in food has little, if any, effect on total body cholesterol content or concentrations of cholesterol in the blood.

>> No.4794544





>> No.4794548

>One anecdote is more valuable than dozens of statistics by professionals using hundreds of thousands of people for the samples.

No one is saying you can't be unhealthy even as a vegetarian or vegan. Sugar is vegan, but if you just pour nothing but 2 bags of it down your throat everyday, and eat potato chips for some variety, no shit you'll be unhealthy. But the average meatless diet is way healthier than the average meat diet, that's the point.

>> No.4794549


I'm sure they do. The question is, are they that healthy because they're vegetarian, or because they make healthy choices in general?

Indeed the average Western diet is very poor. But you don't need to go raw vegan to fix the problem, you simply need to cut out junk food and eat less (ideally zero) processed/prepackaged foods that are loaded with salt, preservatives and artificial junk.

>> No.4794550


Fasting cholesterol levels are always low, you fast before a cholesterol test. That doesn't mean eating cholesterol does nothing. It's already been brought up in this thread


>> No.4794555

I don't think I've ever seen a vegan post that didn't confuse correlation and causation. reading your post makes me sad how ignorant you are of statistics.

>> No.4794559


From what I've seen, the less meat/dairy a country eats, the better its health is. I don't think there's any country out there that has a majority vegan population, but in places like Okinawa where meat consumpion is less than a pound a week and 85% of their calories come from carbohydrates with no milk/cheese or eggs, they're in excellent health and live to be 100+

>> No.4794578


They eat plenty of fish in Okinawa, bro.

>> No.4794581

>post in favor of eating eggs

>> No.4794582


You're thinking mainland Japan

>> No.4794595

moderation is key.
why do you want to live until you are shitting yourself in public anyway?

>> No.4794596


No, I'm thinking Okinawa. My grandmother lives there; I have visited on several occasions. Lots of fish, and also some pork, though curiously very little poultry.

>> No.4794604


The average Okinawan eats less than half a serving of fish a day. One serving of fish is an ounce. I think your grandma upped the intake when you visited

>> No.4794606

Because quantity>quality for health food fanatics. It's like calorie restriction, where you barely eat anything, just to live long enough to see all your friends die and be confirmed in a nursing home. What's the point?

>> No.4794608


"Moderation" is an excuse people make to avoid responsibility.

>why do you want to live until you are shitting yourself in public anyway?

The idea is that if you follow a good diet, you won't be shitting yourself in public when you're old. I've seen horrible disease-ridden 60 year olds and I've seen lively 80 year olds. Not everyone ages the same way, and much of it comes down to diet

>> No.4794611

>"Moderation" is an excuse people make to avoid responsibility.
I thought moderation was responsibility. Let me guess, you don't drink at all because "it's all or nothing, moderation is an excuse."

>> No.4794614

>"Moderation" is an excuse people make to avoid responsibility.
It's the exact opposite. All this projection. Normal people know what moderation means. It's just that you can't eat meat or dairy without eating a ton of it, so you cut it out completely. This is effective for addicts, but not necessary for some people. You have no self-control, like an alcoholic, so you excise anything which is unhealthy in excess, because excess is all you know.

>> No.4794618


It's avoiding responsibility by clinging on to things you shouldn't with the excuse that "I'm not doing it TOO much, so it's fine!"

If you'd just man up and cut that shit out, you'd be better off for it. Or at least exercise actual moderation, not "I only eat it 4 times a week." Moderation in diet would be one small serving maybe once a month or two times a year during special occasions. People just think anything less than 3 one-pound servings a day is being moderate

>> No.4794620
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>"you're like an alcoholic"
>telling this from the effective point of view of someone who can't stop drinking, to a guy who doesn't drink

>> No.4794623

Do you use salt? Don't you know salt is bad for you? The "responsible" thing would be to never use it. So why do you use it? Are you not "responsible"?

>> No.4794626

>missing the point this much
I said you;re like an alcoholic in that the only way they can stop drinking is too quit completely. Someone who wants to quit smoking stops completely, because their self-control won't let them do it in moderation. It's the same with you and meat. You don't eat meat because you're mentally weak, and are afraid if you tempt yourself you won't be able to stop. You preach abstinence instead of moderation because of your lack of self control and responsibility. I pity you.

>> No.4794629

>People just think anything less than 3 one-pound servings a day is being moderate
Ah, so you don't know what moderation means, and therefore think it isn't responsible behaviour.

>> No.4794628

>"Moderation" is an excuse people make to avoid responsibility.

bwhaha so if i say killing animals is bad i dont eat anything that has or uses animal products so no more regular vegtable but the one which is farmed with only animalfree fertilizer.

>> No.4794631
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Jumping right into the strawmans. No, I don't use salt. Because I exercised MODERATION in my sodium intake BEFORE, and now my taste buds stopped requiring a handful of salt on everything I eat to enjoy the flavors. I don't have to be moderate anymore, I've broken through it. Anything else you want to throw at me to take the heat off the argument you lost?

>> No.4794635

>No, I don't use salt
That's complete bullshit and you know it.

>> No.4794636

Most people suck at moderation. So you'll be pitying a lot of people.

>> No.4794639


Back when I ate meat and dairy, I didn't eat massive amounts of it. I just stopped eating it because any amount isn't doing anything for me. I had the willpower to just say "nah, I'll just eat some legumes and fruits and vegetables instead" and I haven't touched either since. You on the other hand are trying to preach to me like I stopped eating them because I was addicted to them, while being addicted to them yourself and talking about how you refuse to stop eating them regularly

Glad you brought up smoking though. People who actually improve their health by not smoking do stop completely. People like you continue smoking all your life, thinking "eh, a pack a week won't kill me" and then you die of lung cancer

>> No.4794640

so now you go to nirvana?
and you sure arent looking down on others who arent "enlightend"?

>> No.4794641


Fruits don't need salt, breh

>> No.4794642

Most people also don't act self-righteous about their lack of self-control on the internet either.

>> No.4794644


I'm not looking down on anyone, but I'm sorry if you feel threatened or ashamed in my presence. That's on you, not me

>> No.4794646

>while being addicted to them yourself and talking about how you refuse to stop eating them regularly
Any more strawmen?

>> No.4794648

You are the preachiest person ITT. Vegans can't go 5 minutes without tellig someone of their "superior" lifestyle.

>> No.4794649

But humans do. Although you do sound like a fruit.

>> No.4794650

I think the point is: Why be moderate about something that isn't beneficial to your health? I mean, I can be moderate with beer, and smoking, but it's a waste of time and cash so why not just skip that shit altogether.

>> No.4794652


Because I can't stop smoking and drinking "in moderation" so you shouldn't either. What do you think, you're BETTER than me? Fucking DICK!

>> No.4794654


>humans need salt

You mean sodium. Sodium is found all over the place in nature. That's like saying "humans need fat, so pour refined oil all over your food"

>> No.4794655

>I think the point is: Why be moderate about something that isn't beneficial to your health?
But meat is beneficial to your health.

>> No.4794656

oh i smell a fruit allright.

>> No.4794658

>You mean sodium.

>> No.4794660

>You mean sodium.
No, I mean salt.

>> No.4794662


There's nothing special about meat though. Anything you'd want from it you can get from a healthier source with more phytonutrients and less/no saturated fat. The only argument ever for the healthiness of meat is "it can be healthy if you eat so little of it that it makes no difference in your overall diet"

>> No.4794664

Well you should mean sodium.

>> No.4794665

This isn't a health board, it's a cooking board. Are you seriously arguing something that tastes good should never be eaten because it could be unhealthy in excess? You're a disgrace to cooking. I would tell you to go post on /fit/ but even they like meat too.

>> No.4794666


It's also a general food board. If you don't want to know what foods are good for you and what foods are bad, so be it, ignore the posts. Just don't try to silence posts that try to help people who want to live healthier

>> No.4794667

No, sodium is rare enough in nature that salt has been one of the most valuable consumer goods in every historical civilization. Also, what form do you think sodium is stored within foods? Ionized sodium, i/e/ dissolved salt. Try and eat pure sodium, go ahead.

>> No.4794668

Not really. I said salt and I mean salt. Or do you think salt consists only of sodium? Or that the human body doesn't need chlorine?

>> No.4794669

But you're shitposting and posting false information, that's the problem. We have a million almond milk and vegan threads, usually started by the same person.

>> No.4794675

Plenty of super healthy foods taste good. I love the taste of meat, but it's not like hundreds of other foods don't taste just as great. So why have a steak when I could be having chana masala.

>> No.4794677

>The only argument ever for the healthiness of meat is "it can be healthy if you eat so little of it that it makes no difference in your overall diet"
No, the argument for meat is "it contains many proteins, vitamins and minerals essential to the human body, in a much more bioavailable form that any other source".

>> No.4794679


Can you elaborate further?

>> No.4794683
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Luckily for us, food has minerals in it. Praise be to Allah

>> No.4794689

>implying it has enough
Nice try, brah, but you're still off.

>> No.4794691
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How much CHLORINE do you think a human would need? And how much salt would you need to get it? Come on, bro

>> No.4794692
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>humans didn't exist before salt mines were discovered

>> No.4794693

>How much CHLORINE do you think a human would need?
RDA is 3400 mg.

>> No.4794699

>salt exists only in mines
>what is the sea

>> No.4794703

Survival isn't the same as proper nutrition mouth-breather. Obviously you won't die if you don't use table salt, but it helps and is important to your diet in small amounts. Humans evolved to crave salt, not just the sodium content in food.

>> No.4794705


So we need a tablespoon of table salt a day?

>> No.4794707


>> No.4794731

Salt is a lot like spice. If you add it to everything, you get used to the taste and when foods don't have it they taste bland. But if you don't drown everything you eat in salt, and your tastebuds go back to normal, then most foods will taste overwhelming salty.

>> No.4794735

Meat is the least nutrient dense food group, though. Plant-based foods have way higher ratios of vitamins, and minerals. Not to mention meat has no phytochemicals or fiber. So while yes, meat does have protein, I'd rather be eating protein that also has phytochemicals, fiber, and a higher ratio of vitamins and minerals in it. Which are plant-based proteins.

>> No.4795344
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It's fucking Vitasoy, you niggers. Their chocolate milk is made with swiss chocolate. I really miss it cuz they don't sell it around here anymore.

>> No.4795351

Type 2 is you idiot.

>> No.4795825



>> No.4795826

>Meat is the least nutrient dense food group, though. Plant-based foods have way higher ratios of vitamins, and minerals.
>what is bioavailability

>> No.4795854

Most people with diabetes mellitus have type 2 and mostly got it because they are fat, lazy, faggots eating shit.
During my 12 month mandatory civil duty with the red cross, most of our non-emergency transports were type 2 diabetes people to and from their dialysis.
Most of them (I'd say 90%) were still unhealthy fucks.
It was unreal, because, of course, driving them 3-4 times a week, twice a day, for 15-30 minutes each way, you get to know those people, you talk and of course you talk about their ailment.
They even know they could get rid of their type 2, if they'd tried, but they don't want to, they want to continue they gluttonous short life, drugged up, until they drop dead.
I just couldn't understand how they could give up that easily.

Remembering it now, shit was more scarring and life changing for me, than all those heart attacks, strokes, mutilations, suicide attempts, etc. with family present.

>> No.4796780

>what is despite bioavailability plants still win.

>> No.4797426

>is it time?
it's time


>> No.4797432

>implying they do

>> No.4797576

>People still drink milk
My sides.

>> No.4798076

Some losers still watch VHS instead of DVD or Bluray too.

>> No.4798094

Almond milk. Vanilla, sweet. Mmmm.

Put it in cereal? Best ever.

>> No.4798105

Mmm almond milk.

>> No.4798256

coconut and almond are both pretty tasty. The blue diamond unsweetened almond with vanilla was my go to for cereals and stuff, since it's not overwhelmingly sweet.

Also it lasts way longer than milk in the fridge

>> No.4798393

I bought sweetened soy milk from the asian market and it tastes very... beany. Is there anything I can do to make it taste less shitty short of dumping hershey's syrup in there?

>> No.4798401

Dairy-free milk is like any other food: brand makes all the difference. One brand of chocolate might taste like feces, another like 100 virgin supermodels dipped in the nectar of the gods.

>> No.4798428

This, fucking shills.

If you are lactose intolerant fine, but what the shit some people have actual working digestive systems.

>> No.4798446

I never had any soymilk that tasted beany.

>> No.4798521

This brand is Nature Soy.
This is their website.

>> No.4798526

I'm not lactose intolerant, but I don't drink dairy. Why would I? Life's too short for inferior products.

>> No.4798556

I prefer soymilk that tastes like soy beans, because that's what it is. I can't stand it when dickheaded companies feel the need to shove flavorings and sweeteners in there.

>> No.4798572

"Oh, no," they say, soothingly, "try it, you'll like it! It's just like milk! How about some sugar, you like chocolate milk, right?"

No, fuck off. I LIKE bean juice.

>> No.4798586
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>im proud of shitposting outside /b/

>> No.4798639

I like when it tastes like chocolate/sweets because why the fuck would i have bought the sweetened version otherwise? As of now it tastes of sugary tofu smoothie which isn't appetizing at all. I hear boiling it can break down the protiens and make it taste better so im gonna do that later.

>> No.4798648

Dunno, but everyone's tastebuds are different. Vanilla almond and soy milk are very sweet to me.

>> No.4799194

Surprised nobody has discussed all the environmental and animal welfare issues with dairy.

>> No.4799517

I eat the animal itself, no way in hell I am going to feel bad for them being milked

>> No.4800191

>dairy free

choose one