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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4788363 No.4788363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How much junk food do you consume weekly? What sort of junk food?

>> No.4788366

Sometimes I buy a bag of potato chips. Salt and vinegar number 1

>> No.4788378

I haven't had junk food for about ten years now. It just isn't worth the health risks and shitty feeling.

>> No.4788380

McD once a month on average.
Just because of that craving for a BigMac I get.

>> No.4788383

Only junk food i eat is occasionally some candy, preferably Wonka.

>> No.4788385

I had a pack of ramen on saturday. some chinese food on sunday. and some cheese bread from a pizzeria last night. Is that considered junk food?

>> No.4788563

The definition isn't specific enough. I consider white bread to be junkfood. I eat it every other day or so, though it is homemade white bread and has literally nothing but water, flour, yeast, and salt in it.

>> No.4788853

Not much, actually.
Maybe one burger a month (usually a big one, but no fries with it) at McDonalds or Burger King.
Sometimes when I'm really not feeling like cooking a can of some conservable such as Ravioli. That happens maybe once in 2-3 months.

>> No.4788856

Oh, does white bread count as junk food?

>> No.4788882


>> No.4788926

I make a lot of homemade meals with an emphasis on minimizing the calories, but I eat shit like tacos and pizza nearly every day.

Actually I just ate a pizza for lunch. Was about 400 calories and didn't contain much fat so I don't know if that would really count as junk food or not.

>> No.4788930

I stopped eating empty calories entirely. If it has a good protein or nutrient content I don't count it as junk food even if it might be high in fat or salt.

>> No.4788933

I normally cook all of my food myself, because it's cheaper.
But if I'm traveling or staying over someplace I don't have access to a kitchen, then I'll have some chinese takeout or something.

>> No.4788942

>Cheese whiz on doritos

Holy shit that looks disgusting.

When I was living with my parents I ate chips regularly (couple times a week) just because they always kept a cupboard full of them. Now that I'm moved back to school and in my own apartment with a kitchen I've been avoiding buying chips, though I did cave and get one can of pringles today.

>> No.4788954

none. i stopped that a few years ago.

>> No.4788956

Pre packaged processed junk food? Rarely.

Fast food? Maybe once a week.

Unhealthy home made food? Every other meal.

>> No.4788968

Twice a day, fuck cooking. My cholesterol is through the roof though, 7. I will stop when I graduate...

>> No.4788972
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>> No.4788980
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That pic is somewhat misleading.

>> No.4788991

Daily, a pack of crisps or ramen noodles.

All my big meals are balanced and healthy so I don't see junk food affecting my health at all.

>> No.4788994

I eat way too much junk food. My family barely even keeps fruit in the house, so I end up eating PopTarts for breakfast and snacks every day.

>> No.4789003


Well, it is almost pure sugar.

>> No.4789015

I have fast food once a week, or during the weekend, and pizza about once a month.

>> No.4789020

probably averages out at once a month

usually fish and chips or chinese food

i mean i get indian takeaways the most but i prefer the good shit so i dunno if that counts

>> No.4789021

Um.. lets see, starting from monday

My quick fix is always 2 mcdoubles. At least 2-3 times a week, so let's say 6 mcdoubles. When taco bell has the beefy crunch I get those on the home from work at least 3 times, if not I usually get a couple chilli-cheese burritos. Gotta have that big mac once a week, likewise with the double whopper. I usually cook my own fries at home though. Um does starbucks count? I get a venti latte monday through friday to and from work. On the weekends I usually just order a bunch of crap on the way back from the bar, like a chicken sandwhich, quarter pounder and some nuggets.

So lets break it down..
6 mcdoubles
3 beefy crunch burritos (or 6 chilli-cheese)
Big Mac
Double Whopper
10 starucks lattes
6pc chicken nuggets
double quarter pounder

That's leaving out dinner some nights, but sometimes I get home and throw a banquet family entree into the microwave, like last night I had a 6pc chicken Parmesan

>> No.4789028

Can you still walk, or do you have a motorized scooter? Serious question.

>> No.4789032


>my quick fix is almost 800 calories

>> No.4789033

So basically you only eat chunk food.
What's your interest in /ck/?

>> No.4789038

FOOD and cookign

fuck off
a lot of us love fast food

>> No.4789041

I walk everyday and run on the weekends. 6'2 255.

>> No.4789045


ur a big fat bastard

>> No.4789074


Pic please

I would also like to see some evidence, wrapping or whatever, from one of your meals.

Also what is your job.

>> No.4789085

NSA, plz go

>> No.4789238

>6'2 255.

Thank god, I weight less than you do.

>> No.4789254

youre gigantic

>> No.4789270

i get a donut on my way to school about 3x a week. i eat a box of pocky like once a week. i also have an affinity for burger king's sweet potato french fries; i order a small maybe once or twice a month.

>> No.4789293


>Cheez whiz on doritos

>> No.4789318


You are fat, nigga.

Run every day.

>> No.4789325

>people thinking 255 is fat

>> No.4789328


i guess that means you're even fatter

>> No.4789334


At 6'2" if you weight more than 220 , you are fat. 255 is freaking obese for that height.

>> No.4789356

Gotta give it to this anon, I was 255lbs (116kg) at 6ft 1in. I was massive. I managed to get down to 200lbs (90kg) after 3 months of just not eating snacks and keeping my meals to around 400-600kcal. However I don't feel better, I have stretch marks and I feel like shit all of the time.

>> No.4789364

I don't eat out like ever but I am pretty overweight. I make enough good food myself to make up the difference.

I can only imagine how enormous I'd be if I ate McDonald's and whatnot.

>> No.4789366

That means you must be even bigger. Jesus christ.

>> No.4789367

You should try exercising. It'll at least help with the feeling like shit.

>> No.4789375

I never get fast food/take-out, but I will get an oven pizza every now and then if I'm in the mood for it

I will usually make chili/bolognese/curry etc at home at the weekend though if that counts as junk food

I eat a few chocolate bars or fruit jellies, also usually at the weekend, too

>> No.4789377

255 is fucking ridiculous at that height.
The only way to get there is steroids or eating shit all day errday.
I bet he can't run 1 mile without stopping.

>> No.4789386

I got to randalls and buy a bag of chips that are on sale each week probably

>> No.4789388

Very little, usually chips and shit like that if I do.

>> No.4789396

Once a week I have a bad day where I eat some kind of sweet and some kind fast food

Last week, I bought a pint of coconut milk ice cream and ate 1/2 of it and then ordered a sesame chicken combo from my Chinese place (comes with fried rice and drink) I had about half of that and ate the other half the next day. I still have the ice cream

>> No.4789464

I'll do El Polo Loco, Togo's, or In-N-Out after work when I don't feel like cooking or going shopping. Only once a week at the most though. Order a pizza every once and a while too.

>> No.4789480

a doctor once told me that is unhealthful to consume a junk's food (aka junked food/junker's food) so I stopped "like a cold turkey" and didnt even have no more of it since!

I am a healthier now that I stomped eating "junker's food" and only eat two vegetable choices now or some meat/butter.

This was a post by Darion.

>> No.4789550

Very little if any, I don't keep "junk" food in the house so when I get my munchies my only options are good. Sometimes I'll eat a piece of cheese or something, could be worse. About once a month I have a drunken fast food binge of not giving a fuck. Jack in the Box is a favorite.

>> No.4789556


>> No.4789570

FUCK i miss california fast food
No fucking el polo or in n out here

>> No.4789587

and carne asada fries at all those little hole-in-the-wall messican places

fuckkk almost worth a road trip :)

>> No.4789590
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lol at you fuckers thinking 255 is big. Those pictures of fatties you see are easily 350+

this is 250, not bad at all
not me, and I'm not op, but some of you people are just fucking ridiculous.

>> No.4789622

That is fat as hell.

In regards to OP, I'll eat junk food maybe once a month at most, and not a lot at that.

>> No.4789632

>hungry skeleton detected

>> No.4789633

>this is 250, not bad at all
It depends entirely on height. Someone 6'5" can be 250, and healthy. Someone 5'0" weighting 250 is morbidly obese.

>> No.4789634 [DELETED] 

look any doctor's assistant will tell u that u need 2 stop eating junker's foods (burger, cutlets, creams and melts/candies) and instead eat more of one type of vegetable

make ur diet about one kind of vegetable (tomato, potato, rice, green bean) and one flavor option like cheese or sugar and this can be ur healthy gateway into a thinner lifestyle choice.

This was a post by Darion.

>> No.4789636

Chocolate's my weakness. I run every day though and am fairly /fit/.

>> No.4789637

Every night when I get drunk.

>> No.4789638

i eat once a week i think. is that bad? maybe twice a month i have pizza, but it's not consistently that. like out of 4 months.

>> No.4789643

I LOVE spicy chips
those flaming hot munchies are great
tapatio doritos
and im addicted to caffeine so i drink alot of soda

>> No.4789645

If only. Bulking is so much easier than cutting.

>> No.4789653

this is terribly true. i was doing my fasts for cutting, and i genuinely felt like i wanted to die. not dramatically, but just that life was just not worth living.

>> No.4789661

protip: u can bulk and cut at the same time on different parts of ur body through "spot" training. I bulked up my torso real hard at the same time as cutting my legs/thighs 2 the max so I could get that inverted pyramid look. I just did lots of legwork, strapped on electro-stimulators 2 my legs/stopped walking and started using a wheelchair and started breathing real hard and eating lots. It worked fast!

>> No.4789662

>i eat once a week i think. is that bad?

Are you a snake or spider by any chance?

>> No.4789663


That is pretty fat.

If you are questionable about fat, imagine a woman with that exact same level of fat, do you think that is attractive?

Fatty lovers don't count of course,

>> No.4789668

all fat :^)

>> No.4789669

Who is this idiot, and why is he all over /ck/?

>> No.4789682

dont me angry bro just cuz u didnt htink of this tip as fast as me. Did u even try to bulk and cut at the same time bro? It worked hard 4 me and my legs are tiny now and my torso is wide as fuck now bro so what now fukker!?

>> No.4789684

That post was a post by Darion.

This was a post by Darion.

>> No.4789989

U just got busted up real bad of this thread with no replies 2 me or 2 you no more it was busted up real bad this time!

This was a post by Darion.

>> No.4789994

The "this was a post by Darion" was kind of funny the first couple times, but he killed his character by being too obnoxious and posting with that person too frequently.

Could have been a funny tripfag, but he killed it.

>> No.4790064

I'll let you in on a secret because I like you. There are at least 14 Darions now and we are growing fast. I have it on good authority that there will be a new board soon called /darion/ that will probably take over this site altogether.

>> No.4790065

That post was a post by Darion.

This was a post by Darion.

>> No.4791715

If sweet stuff from baker is considered as junk i eat few times in a week.

>> No.4791722

None, never eaten junk food since my mum got food poisoning from McDonalds when I was like 5. Disturbed me for life.

Only eat chinese/indian take aways, but rarely.

>> No.4791841

Chinese food twice a week and some other fast food once a week. Might be subway or pizza depends.

>> No.4791846

Weekly? maybe once every 3 months. If not less.

>> No.4791850

Eating healthy won't save you from cancer anyway, so why not have a bigmac or a bag of chips from time to time?

>> No.4791862


Because you're more likely to get sick by filling your body with shit. It also makes your skin nasty as fuck, and you get pudge ass belly and look crap naked, or in clothes for that matter.

Would rather live life looking and feeling the best I can and sacrifice eating some salty, fatty food.

>> No.4791869

Like I said, this won't save you from cancer, eating shit food with moderation is fine and won't change your health, eating shit food all day might wrek you tho.
Unless you are eating shit from your garden, you can only suppose it's "healthy".

>> No.4791880

>I walk everyday and run on the weekends. 6'2 255.
So you're active and you eat absolutely no fruits or veg, just a bunch of empty calories at every meal. Gonna get sick doing that.

>> No.4791896

Remember me, Darion, when you become our 4chan overlord!!!!

>> No.4791918

>this won't save you from cancer
That's true that the one single action of eating healthily and following a healthy lifestyle might not. There are other factors such as different chemicals and pollutants which exist in the environment, among several other factors. If you really want to have your bigmac or chips from time to time because you enjoy them then go ahead, do it.

However, if one eats junk food every single they they ought not be deluded into the thought that it doesn't matter; that they are destroying their own health. Junk food is called junk food because nutritionally it contains calories, fat, sugar, and salt (sometimes a small amount of calcium or something else, but negligible amounts of anything worthwhile) without any nutrients or vitamins which, to the body, is junk.

Nutrients and vitamins are necessary for the body to function properly, maintain homeostasis, and remain free from certain diseases, including various cancers (unless, as stated above, there are other environmental factors which may cause it). There's a difference between eating healthily while occasionally enjoying a junk-food snack and having a diet which primarily consists of junk-food while lacking in fruits and veg. One will make you nutritionally deficient and sick, the other will help you maintain a healthy and long life.

>> No.4791920

I eat a lot of chocolate digestives, probably a few times a week. I also sometimes eat ready made pizzas, but less than once a week.

>> No.4791925

McDonald's probably have better food hygiene than chinese/indian take-aways...

>> No.4791932


>> No.4791972

a bag of chips once a week.

pizza or some other shitty fast food a couple times a month.

occassionally go on a binge of candy or cookies or other terrible sugary shit no more than once every 3 months or so..

not that bad... right?

>> No.4792003


not when you green text it...biach

>> No.4792007

>try to do this exact same thing
>everyone else just sees big squares

Seems I was before my time.

>> No.4792277

Put the fashion magazine and tv shows down and look at the reality you actually live in dipshit

That is not fat as hell.

>> No.4792283


>it's not fat cause other people are fat

he's got like upwards of 25% bf.

>> No.4792310

I was just thinking about this today, actually.
It averages about 20g daily, I calculated. I was keeping track of how many kg of crisps/chips, sweeties/candy and biscuits/cookies I go through each month, added their weights together, multiplied it by 12 (months in the year) then divided by 365 (days) and got 20g daily on average. Is that a lot?

>> No.4792327

>fatty detected

>> No.4792340

that is very fat.
just because that is the norm in a lot of places doesn't mean it isn't fat, it just means that the median weight has shifted. Fat isn't a percentile of weight in comparison to the rest of the population its a comparison of fat to muscle of an individual, and that person is definitely over 25% body fat, which is fat.

>> No.4792349

I think he's chubby. I'm a chubby chaser, you see, and I would jump >>4789590's bones.
>tfw chubby guys don't talk to me because they think i'm out of their league
>tfw i'm too shy to start a conversation with a cute chubby guy
>tfw my guy friends are either gay, taken or both or either morbidly obese or horribly skinny
>tfw no chubby guy to keep me warm at night
>tfw neverbeenloved.png

>> No.4792351

i have a huge sweet tooth so...

today i had half a cookie dough cupcake :'( the other half will probably be gone by the end of the night

>> No.4792760
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>on 4chan
>out of anyone's league.

>> No.4792780

I get take out once every two weeks or so. (usually pizza or a burger from a reputable establishment).

>> No.4793079


>All my big meals are balanced and healthy so I don't see junk food affecting my health at all.

You don't think taking a good base for a diet and then dumping unhealthy shit onto it wouldn't cancel out the healthy food?

>> No.4795503

About 2 packs of gum and maybe 2 diet sodas?

That's about it. I also developed an addiction to excel liquid center cough drops after my last cold (they're delicious). Trying to go without them.

>> No.4795520

I'll eat maybe 16 doughnuts a months and sometimes I'll buy a few pounds of peanut butter M&Ms. That is it for store bought sweets. I also eat a bag of pork rinds about once a year.

I do try to keep some kind of home made cake or cookies around at all times; I have no idea how to measure the amount of those I eat.

>> No.4795522

>cancel out
Bad shit is bad shit no matter what you eat it with, but you can't cancel out what you eat.

>> No.4795535

I grab subway/pita pit about once a week. I put it under junk food because I usually get a club, which has meat, which means lots of sodium

mcdonalds or pizza, maybe 3 times a month for the former, once a month for the latter

Oh and the occasional poutine. Love that shit

>> No.4795546

yes it counts

unless the dough and sauce was healthy (which i doubt)

>> No.4795548

that fries your immune system, bruh

at least try making them at home. save on the preservatives

recipe: http://smittenkitchen.com/blog/2010/04/homemade-pop-tarts/

>> No.4795549

>Counting calories
Who does this?
Granted I eat cereal for dinner (willingly) since I can't be arsed to cook, but still

>> No.4795552

switch from soda to iced coffee, bruv. marginally better

>> No.4795556

pretty bad...

you could try lessening it. eat something healthier than chips some weeks. pretzels, maybe?

replace fast food trips with food made at home?

>> No.4795620


>NSA needing to see your fat rolls for evidence of terrism

crop out your face if you're so worried, maybe just leave in a couple of your chins i'm sure they're drooping down to your nipples at this point anyway

>> No.4795625


So this is about 12,000 calories, half of which is from fat. RWI for someone your size is 17,000 calories.

Technically you could lose weight if you ate nothing but this every week, but I doubt this is all you're eating considering you obviously have no self-control or self-esteem and that this isn't even that much food when added up over a week.

>> No.4795636

Never. I will eat cheap food, but not fast food. Hole in the wall Chinese and Taqueria is as close as I come.

Oh wait, I forgot about pizza.

Ok, I'll go to mountain mike's maybe once every couple months.

>> No.4795706
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i have a couple snapples every day.

tuesday i had a mcdonalds breakfast burrito my boss gave me.

this afternoon i had three oreo cookies.

like three years ago i would have mcdonalds and/or taco bell three or four times a week and i would live on frozen microwavable dinner things. oh and everything i drank had to be full of sugar.

i gradually changed from that to cooking fresh somewhat healthy foods and cutting out sugary drinks. save for snapple. i fucking love snapple. also homemade lemonade mixed with iced tea.

not eating a shit ton of junk food really does make you feel better.

>> No.4795800

Makes you feel heaps better!
But life is still depressing and shit....

>> No.4795820

Once a week, a pizza from the arab joint around the corner or pringles and soda.

>> No.4795823

I go get my double spicy mcchicken meal about every 2 weeks if I can afford it. It use to be a 20 pc chicken nuggets.

>> No.4795867

>if i can afford it
just how poor do you have to be to not be able to buy a mcdonald's sandwhich once every two weeks?

>> No.4795872

Today's the day /ck/. My monthly fast/junk food day.
McDonalds & Ikea crisps. Some Red Bull Cola to wash it down.

>> No.4795907

I keep buying fried squid... I feel like it's not "junk" because it's a seafood... but I can't kid myself any longer.

>> No.4795964
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>all these babbies

I eat junk food daily, 6'4 at 146kgs.

Come at me.

>> No.4796001

I almost exclusively eat junk food due to budgetary constraints and depression.

6 feet tall, probably up to 300 pounds by now. Feels bad, man.

>> No.4796010

wouldn't it be cheaper to live off a carb(rice/pasta/potatoes/oats), vitamin supplements and whey protein?

>> No.4796011

6 days a week I cook everything from scratch and make sure I eat 5 portions of fruit and veg a day, lean white meats, and wholegrain carbs, only water and tea to drink.

Then I have 1 day a week where eat and drink whatever the hell I want (without going too crazy, no super binging). It works for me.

>> No.4796012

you're fat and gross

>> No.4796015

I snack maybe five times a week, usually always sweets or something fried and salty.

>> No.4796019

>I almost exclusively eat junk food due to budgetary constraints and depression.

Bad diets have been linked to depression because they lack key nutrients:

If you think eating healthy is too expensive, you're not looking properly. You can buy vegetables in bulk, like carrots and onions, which store well for many weeks. Frozen veg is dirt cheap. Wholegrain carbs are the same price as refined. And as for protein, red meat is quite expensive, yet you can buy fish like pollock for very little money.

>> No.4796043

it would be. but fat people dont believe that.

>> No.4796045

People trying to lose or gain weight.

>> No.4796046

Yes, it would.
Believe me, I'm aware of the bad life choices I'm making, but it's a cyclical thing. I'm depressed because of the circumstances of my life, so I eat shitty food and get fat and feel worse. Then, when I'm feeling so terribly, it's hard to find a good reason to make any changes.

>> No.4796054

from that sentence alone, the best reason to make the change is to stop feeling terrible.
Taking poison today to cope with the fact you took poison yesterday is borderline retarded

>> No.4796060
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>> No.4796066

>Taking poison today to cope with the fact you took poison yesterday
What is alcoholism?

>> No.4796097

>What is alcoholism?
As I said already, borderline retarded.

>> No.4796107

So is being a glib, self-righteous life coach on the internet.

>> No.4796113

>calling fat unhealthy
>dismissing that a fast food diet is the cheapest
>self-righteous internet life coach

So when was the last time you saw your penis?

>> No.4796115

I haven't, I'm a woman.

>> No.4796121
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like... 0.1 times weekly ?
Junk food is great when you have a really lazy day or you get hungry in the middle of nowhere with your pals, but I do not see any other reason to eat junk. Come on, fresh and healthy meals are cheaper and taste better, what do you even lose?

>> No.4796130

>dismissing that a fast food diet is the cheapest

But, it isn't.

>> No.4796138

I know, but the fat-acceptance dyke attacked me for dismissing the idea that it was cheapest.
As I said earlier, a carb, whey powder, and vitamin supplements are as cheap as things get without moving to a rural area, getting land dirt-cheap and growing your own

>> No.4796143
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It's increased to 3 times a week, thanks to a Bulk Barn opening up 5 minutes away from my house. Usually have saltwater taffy, candy corn and Big Foot gummies.

>> No.4796238

>peanut butter M&M
The only thing in peanut butter M%Ms that is bad for you is the dye. I eat them for breakfast sometimes.

>> No.4796260

Not often at all. I go weeks eating healthy home cooked meals and foods, but then there will come a day when I'm exhausted and/or super busy and I'll break down and get fast food. I try to stick with places that won't make me feel like crap, though. Yesterday was a good example. I was exhausted from going to a concert the night before, and worked all day and just couldn't be arsed to cook anything, all I wanted to do was go to bed. I went to Dairy Queen, because their burgers are some of the only fast food that doesn't make me feel like shit afterwards. But, now I'll go right back to cooking at home and eating healthy.

>> No.4796261


>> No.4796900

beer and chips, bro. whenever the game is on.

>> No.4796903

put some fucking pants on you slob.

>> No.4796908

I eat funyuns sometimes. Oh, and those midnight milky way bars.

Does pizza count? I've been eating a shit load of pizza lately. But I make it myself.

Oh, and during the McDs monopoly game once a year I eat a lot of free breakfast sandwiches/burgers/fries/frappes.

>> No.4796950


>didn't contain much fat

Any pizza I've ever seen had olive oil in the crust and of course is topped with a thick layer of cheese. The hell kind of pizza did you eat?

>> No.4796953


one that didn't have olive oil in the crust with a thick layer of cheese, presumably.

>> No.4796956


Then that's not pizza, that's just bread with some tomato sauce on it

>> No.4796974


you don't know shit about pizza apparently

>> No.4797051

welcome to /ck/

>> No.4797060
