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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4779622 No.4779622[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ I come for some technique hopefully.

I have food allergies to the point where there are not a lot of options. I've been using this Herdez salsa verde for pizza sauce, but it's too watery.

When I use it for other things, like huevos rancheros, I can cook it down in the skillet to thicken it. With the pizza, since I'm putting it on cold I've been using a paper towel to soak out some of the water. Of course it's messy and hardly ideal.

What I'm looking for a is a better way- not to thicken it really, but to remove the watery, ideally quickly and without cooking or microwave (although I'll try suggestions in any case)

So- better way? Technique, a certain cooking tool, a trick, something?

>> No.4779627

Chili or tomato paste.
..or a little flour or corn starch.

>> No.4779634

and allergic

gluten free flour yes, but I'd rather pull the water out than thicken it.

>> No.4779641

> I've been using a paper towel to soak out some of the water.

>> No.4779644
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Then get a goddamn mesh strainer and strain the water out.

..unless your allergic to metal or plastic, in which case you should just fucking hang yourself and stop polluting my goddamn gene pool.

>> No.4779646

>Then get a goddamn mesh strainer and strain the water out.

that's what I'm asking, I know it's basic tier shit for /ck/

>> No.4779652


If you're allergic to starch then how can you eat pizza?

Anyway, assuming that you are allergic, then there's plenty of other thickeners, like gelatin, gum arabic, arrowroot powder, agar, xanathan gum, etc, etc.

There's also the obvious mechanical methods: pour sauce into sieve. Let water drain out. Keep the thick stuff in the sieve.

...or just boil down a big batch of it at one time then put it back in the refrigerator for use later.

....or just read what's on the label of that stuff and make your own similar sauce using those ingredients with less added liquid. You can easily puree some green chilies, tomatillos, onion, (or whatever else you like/want) in the food processor and use that.

>> No.4779656

corn, not starch and it's gluten free crust

I do have a pantry full of gluten free flours, potato etc, xantham gum... but I'm not very good at patiently adding flour tbh. I will try this on my next pizza though- thicker sauce, not just less watery could be good.

>> No.4779658
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I use a specially made absorbing roller for this. Just roll it around the 'za a few times, and viola! Dry sauce, yo. I get mine at Whole Foods, 100% organic fair-trade cotton!

I feel your pain; I'm, allergic water, so I have to do this to my sauce.

>> No.4779661


>> No.4779662
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Advanced salsa draining technique.

>> No.4779665

>corn, not starch and it's gluten free crust
Do you even know what gluten and starch are?

Because you're not making a lick of sense here.

>> No.4779671

No, no, I'm allergic to any base metal. So, that can't work. Unless I can find a 100% certified metal-free strainer. Do you know of one?

>> No.4779673

Use a coffee filter then.

>> No.4779675

Wont that leach toxins into the salsa?

>> No.4779677

gluten is the stuff that makes wheat dough sticky

starch is steeped and slightly fermented, but it's basically processed corn, which I'm allergic to

poke fun all you want, gluten, corn, tomato, mushrooms, bell peppers, and a ton of other stuff. I can't eat out, I can't eat most processed packaged foods. It's a bitch. Mix some soap and glass with habenero and when you're shitting that out for three days maybe you'll get some empathy.

>> No.4779680




>> No.4779678

that's a good idea anon, thanks

also, OP is not actually allergic to metal that's some wag

>> No.4779682

explain what gluten is then, because I've been allergic as hell for 8 years and I'd love to find out I have it all wrong.

>> No.4779681

I'm not a fucking loon, I have food allergies. Not all food problems are made up, like being vegan is.

>> No.4779683

arrowroot starch. It's what I use when I'm dealing with celiacs. I'm related to a couple.

Also, not to be callous (that is a lie, I am deliberately being callous) but you would probably go ahead and die of anaphylaxis. It's what your body is telling you to do. Like if someone were allergic to water or some shit.

>> No.4779688

Look, I was totally sharing your feels. No need to get all uppity with me. The water intolerance I have in no laughing matter either!

>> No.4779692

Seriously, kill yourself so your allergies don't spread to the rest of the population.

>> No.4779691

no shit, it's miserable. I'd give my left nut to be able to sit down in a restaurant and have something other than water. I don't even want a sandwich or the pasta, I'd just like to be able to pretend to be social with a bit of lettuce without paying for it.

but the thread isn't supposed to be QQing about how hard it is to be allergic

the blue boards have been surprisingly snarky since /b/ took IDs away, I wonder if it's related

>> No.4779697
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Because that's how allergies work
>the more you know

>> No.4779699

>I'm not a fucking loon,
Sure sound like one.

>allergic as hell for 8 years
But before they started marketing "gluten free" everything you were totally fine?

Just man up and eat normal food, your body will adjust after a day or two.

(and yes, I know you're trolling)

>> No.4779718

Allergies are the price of vaccinations, not living in your own shit, and the selective breeding that has increased food yields so exponentially in the last century.
Constant exposure to food allergens leads to destruction of your tissue in your digestive tract by your own immune system. The soft tissue damage will get worse and worse and your immune system will become more and more panicked as a result.
I suppose you think someone with celiac needs to man up too?

>> No.4779719

>Just man up and eat normal food, your body will adjust after a day or two.

Like that time I was like, "no totally I can have a Guiness because it's wheat free, watch" and spent 3 days on the toilet?

or that time I ate some cherry pie filling packed in corn syrup and was on the toilet shitting 17 times the next day?

I'm sure it's all in my head though, the orange stool, the constant need to shit, the exhaustion and mental degredation- the WAY IT ALL CLEARS UP WHEN I AVOID GLUTEN, and especially the way it comes back when I eat something accidentially- often not knowing until I trace back from the symptoms...
gluten free may be a fad misunderstood by teen-would-be-dieters, but it's very real and while it won't kill me in the short term, it certainly makes me wish I was dead.

I know you're going to mark this under 7/10 successful, but I'm not responding to you- there are actual people who will read this and understand.

>> No.4779726

>Constant exposure to food allergens leads to destruction of your tissue in your digestive tract by your own immune system. The soft tissue damage will get worse and worse and your immune system will become more and more panicked as a result.

exactly, and even if you become asymptomatic, exposure still inflames the tissue which leads to a much higher incidence of colon cancer.

>> No.4779747

freezing, or centrifuge you could probably make a simple batch centrifugue with some parts from an old washing machine, the type that has a spin dryer

>> No.4779757

does barbie make a working scale dryer?

>> No.4779767

Or just get a salad spinner.

>> No.4779769

Oh I googled it, yeah, I think that would work