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4770265 No.4770265 [Reply] [Original]

Do americans really put peanut butter on apples?

>> No.4770273

Yes. It's delicious. Actually, just yesterday, I put cashew butter on an apple. Even better. I rarely buy peanut butter anymore, I usually get cashew, almond, or sunflower seed butter.

>> No.4770272

Yeah, some of them do. I personally don't like it though.

>> No.4770279

Welp, you learn something new every day. Might actually give it a go some time.

>> No.4770283

being american is not a prerequisite for doing this

>> No.4770318
File: 26 KB, 460x290, apple and peanut butter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. My method:

>slice apple into circular apple discs, not wedges
>crunchy peanut butter

Simple as that! And delicious. I was looking for just a stock image on google images, found this, might have to try it some time! Granola and chocolate chips... who needs it to be healthy?

>> No.4770321

I don't think it is exclusive to Americans. Here in Colombia we do it too.

>> No.4770326

>chocolate chips
It's supposed to be raisins
You've gone terribly wrong

>> No.4770338
File: 246 KB, 500x500, peanutbutterappleteeth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your mom never made apple teeth when you were a kid

>> No.4770361

>tfw my mom never was there for me, never, ever, and dad was shit at all cooking

>> No.4770403

Do this and:

- Butter some foil
- Sprinkle some brown sugar and wrap them.
- Bake in oven (160C/320F ~25min)
- Serve with vanilla ice cream

You're welcome.

>> No.4770741

Americans put peanut butter on lots of things.

Sandwiches, jelly, donuts, chocolate, apples, bananas...

>> No.4770764

That's brilliant. A fun little kids party food.

>> No.4770777

Never seen anyone do such a thing.

>> No.4770804

A cored apple stuffed with peanut butter was one of my favorite snacks as a kid.

>> No.4770941

Agreed, this is cool. Easy apple dessert when camping (or at home):
>Slice apples in half, remove core.
>Fill core with red hots.
>Put halves back together, wrap with foil.
>Cook until apples are done.

>> No.4771051

It's pretty good. I prefer apples+cheese.
That's cute.

>> No.4771066

>tfw allergic to peanuts

>> No.4771078

There isn't a whole lot, when it comes to sweet foods, that I haven't seen peanut butter used on. Peanut butter milkshakes are delicious. One thing I've never really understood, or liked, was peanut butter on celery. Just...ehh. No.

>> No.4771154 [DELETED] 

I have spent several of my times in America and we used to have this classic snack. It's an old chef's trick 2 put apples inside of peanut butter as a treat for a hot summer's night or 2 cool off after a hard day on the trail.

This was a post by Darion.

>> No.4771178

I have never seen anyone do such a thing down here in the South.

>> No.4771180

You need to get out more. I spent most of my life in Alabama, lived in both Carolinas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, and Lousiana and saw it in all of those places.

>> No.4771185

Maybe it never made it to north Louisiana.

I have never heard of putting PB on apples before, ever.

>> No.4771187 [DELETED] 



>> No.4771189

>not combining peanut butter and cucumber

>> No.4771212

My dad does this. He makes his own peanut butter and spreads it on apple slices. Also spreads it on fat pretzels.

>> No.4771243

My family in Louisiana never thought of it. Then some random mormon family moved down the street and I was friends with their triplets. They did that apple and peanut butter shit and it was delicious. Don't know where they were from originally, but while I don't put pb on apples anymore, I do enjoy eating apples with nice whole almonds, and it's almost the same.

>> No.4771260


That is a Jew, not a real American. They put honey on their apples, and try to trick real American Christians into eating it as part of their occult holiday.

If a stranger offers you honey and apples around this time of year, check for the horns before accepting.

>> No.4771266

Cashew and almond butter are awesome. Cashew butter goes really well with fig jam.

>> No.4771294


But to me the more classic treat is peanut butter stuffed in a celery stick

>> No.4771908
File: 29 KB, 240x240, 4338874489_bf377fdd54_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not making a pb sandwich with dried cranberry and thin sliced green apples.

>> No.4771935

I put it on celery. I never have raisins, though so I can't go all out.

I have a friend who said he would put cream cheese on his celery and then sprinkle Old Bay on top... Not sure if I'd be into that.

>> No.4771958

Elaine was a schiksa did you even watch Seinfeld

>> No.4771980

Your friend is doing life right

>> No.4772004

still a jew irl

>> No.4772020

She's half.

>> No.4772063

From her father's side, which mean's she's not jewish.

>> No.4772069

That's what I meant.

>> No.4772122 [DELETED] 

do yuropoors really gargle semen to dye their teeth white?

But seriously, peanut butter and apples/celery are like the three amigos.

>> No.4772192

Americans think it's food for squirrels and that fish should eat more corn, they also ad HFCS on everything!

>> No.4772196

I dont know about Bay, but I have sprinkled dill and paprika on top, best way.

>> No.4772209


>> No.4772241

>be kid
>eat apples and peanut butter at friends
>mom never buys apples
>eat wonderbread with peter pan peanut butter and apple cinnamon cheerios on top as snack

>> No.4772314
File: 15 KB, 400x267, Puke2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Peter Pan

>> No.4772384 [DELETED] 

Guys wait hes right. u can top off most foods with apple-flavored cereals for a crunchy treat. that toilet pic is really disrespectful of this site. please show it 2 him some resepect he was posting a touching tale of his childhood about his mom's abuse and not bying him an apple and he had to put crunches on the top of it 2 get the apple taste and u post a toilet!

This was a post by Dairon.

>> No.4772388

We put anything on apples. Sugar, salt, peanut butter, butter butter, cinnamon. It's disgusting.

>> No.4772415

I went to a Labor Day party on Sunday and brought a fruit tray with a dip made of 16oz cream cheese, 1 cup brown sugar, and 2 tbsp vanilla extract.
There were two kinds of apples slices on the tray, and they were delicious in the dip.

>> No.4772436


it ok darion. m

>> No.4772679
File: 41 KB, 445x458, rachael ray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grilled PB sandwich with thinly sliced apples and cinnamon sugar

>> No.4772687

I went to a friend's house when where her mom served her apples and salt. Weirdest thing. Then her older cousin came over and they spit them out at me and I hid behind the pool till my mom picked me up. This was way before cell phones so I was hiding there for a while. So, fuck apples and salt. Only heathens eat that shit.

>> No.4773045

mah nigga

>> No.4773717

oy vey you americans are such gluttons enjoying food that could feed a whole european village! us peasants are starving and you're eating american delicacies like corn, apples, sunflower seeds and tomatos

you filthy yanks!

>> No.4773730

wtf is that? Chiclets? fucking yanks jesus why cant you eat proper english food. or speak proper english