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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 310 KB, 2048x1536, sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4771604 No.4771604[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Well /ck/, I'm making sushi tomorrow for the first time.

I already know how, but any tips for a first timer?

>> No.4771618


>> No.4771634

Don't overdo the rolls. What kind of sushi are you planning on making?

>> No.4771640

2/10 not a bad attempt OP

>> No.4771655

Kind of like a Cali roll, just not inside-out.

.... Wat?

>> No.4771663

so like the pic? Inside out means the rice is on the outside

>> No.4771668

>wants to make sushi
>posts a picture of gimbap

>> No.4771670

Yeah, like the pic. I want to stuff it with salmon, avocado, carrot and celery. Or would just three fillings be better?

>> No.4771676
File: 16 KB, 500x500, 1367299507516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized my mistake.

I have angered Koreans everywhere.

>> No.4771677

Mix it up. Do a little variety of each. That way next time you know what you liked more than others.

Also don't be scurred to make a spicy roll

>> No.4771679

Don't worry too much about it. Koreans are just angry by nature.

>> No.4771698


But seriously, gimbap is not sushi.

>> No.4771706

It sure looks like sushi to me. What's the difference?

>> No.4771707

What's the difference between gimbap and sushi?

>> No.4771737

Sushi uses vinegared rice and has seafood, cooked or raw.

>> No.4771740

...no. Plenty of sushi features no seafood whatsoever.

>> No.4771754

I can think of that omelette abomination, but that isn't wrapped in seaweed laver like gimbap. Is there another example?

>> No.4771755

kappamaki, silly

>> No.4771756

actually weebs and the japanese are more likely to get fanny flustered over it

>> No.4771759

Because I don't know exactly how much you know I'm going to give some pointers that might seem obvious but I'll give them anyway because they can save you from the sushi disasters I've seen some other people make.
I will focus on maki sushi.

1. Use the right type of rice. Either buy "sushi rice" in the grocery store or ask for the correct type in the asian grocery. Using the wrong kind of rice can and will ruin your efforts from the start. There's nothing wrong with buying a pack of rice marked as sushi rice and following the cooking instructions to the letter. Experimenting can wait!

2. Use rice vinegar suitable for sushi rice dressing. I've seen people use white wine vinegar and that's a bad idea.

3. Get a bamboo rolling mat. They are cheap and indispensable for making nice roll. I'm sure someone found and alternative but these are used for a reason.

4. Keep a bowl of lukewarm water handy when you start spreaking the rice on the nori sheet. Keeping your hands wet will keep the rice from sticking too much to your fingers and you can dab some of the water on the edge of the nori to glue it together like when you close an envelope. The water is also great for wetting your knife so it doesn't stuck when you cut neat slices from your roll.

5. Do not use too many ingredients the first time. One or two is plenty.

6. When you start rolling make sure you apply a fair amount of pressure and make it firm but not so much that the rice and ingredients are squeezed out the ends. If you don't do this the roll will end up loose and messy.

7. Use a sharp knife. You really don't need a fancy Japanese knife. Just make sure it's sharp or you will squash your sushi and it will turn out terrible. A knife with a thin blade is a plus and remember the advice I gave to wet the blade before cutting.

p.s. Get some suitable soi sauce and go easy ont he wasabi!

>> No.4771763

cucumber rolls, asparagus rolls, etc. etc. Fish or seafood is usually the main ingredient but it is by no means limited to that. There are also western abominations that feature chicken and steak but I don't really count that

>> No.4771775

You are my fucking hero, anon.

>> No.4771776


Really? Is stating the obvious really that special?

>> No.4771788

He's more helpful than you, cunt.

>> No.4771790

No problem.

Look, I tried to give op a straight answer instead of the regular pompous sneers.
I am in no way an expert on the subject but those tricks were a great help to me.
If I can help others by passing some of those basic tricks on why not?
I'm open to any constructive criticism by the way.

>> No.4771794

uhh..well...sorta mostly no ..you can have chicken sushi and steak sushi..here read this...

Sushi (すし, 寿司, 鮨, 鮓, 寿斗, 寿し, 壽司?) is a Japanese food consisting of cooked vinegared rice sushi-meshi (鮨飯, "sushi rice") combined with other ingredients (neta [寿司ネタ]), usually raw fish or other seafood. Neta and forms of sushi presentation vary widely, but the ingredient which all sushi have in common is vinegared rice. The rice is also referred to as (shari [しゃり]) and "sumeshi" (酢飯, "vinegared rice").

Raw meat (usually but not necessarily seafood) sliced and served by itself is sashimi. Many non-Japanese use the terms sashimi and sushi interchangeably, but the two dishes are actually distinct and separate. Sushi refers to any dish made with vinegared rice

>> No.4771798

how ever I do agree with you ..they should be considered an abomination

>> No.4771835
File: 1.07 MB, 3393x3175, スシロー.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I visited a スシロー during a brief layover in Japan. They had everything on/in sushi, including different preparations of pork, nattou, egg, corn, meatballs, and other things shocking to my western preconceptions of the dish.

Lots of seafood too, naturally, but if half of their rolls were served stateside, I'd have berated them as "western abominations."

>> No.4771846
File: 73 KB, 640x427, sushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, ignore all these tips on making Japanese sushi. Pic related: American sushi is best sushi!!

>> No.4771864

Needs more ketchup.

>> No.4771894

saving this for the next food gore thread

>> No.4772129

make individuals. Also it's your first time you'll probably make ugly rolls, but they'll taste good. I don't personally understand using celery--it brings neither texture nor flavor to sushi, but that's just my own palate.

>> No.4772154

Drop the celery, use cucumber.

>> No.4772335

dats how i roll

>> No.4772425

Don't listen to that one angry retard. I found your tips to be incredibly useful, thanks for writing all that up. (not OP)

>> No.4772439

The other day I got bored of using the same white rice, so I poured half black wild rice in it, it made the remaining glutenous rice all purple, it was fantastic (I made it with picked radish, prawn and celery) and added a nice nutty undertone to it. The orange, green and purple really looked cool.

What im trying to say, have fun with it, I ususaly stick to 3 fillings tops, but there are so many combinations, have fun with it and experiment, it can only be horrible

>> No.4772446

First time, you want to stay away from expensive ingredients like fish.

Fish also requires you to work quickly, something you won't be able to do until much later.

>> No.4772455

Smoked salmon is beginner friendly.

>> No.4772465

So are prawns. If anon can boil em properly then butterfly cut them, he can serve it nigiri style. Not much going on flavorwise, but it will look enticing.

Imitation crab sticks too, if he likes.

>> No.4772700

Screw that, use blowfish! You won't learn to swim in the kiddy pool!