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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4769157 No.4769157[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Decided that I want to make myself some comfort food, so a soup with some vegetables I have left, but i'm not sure if some of the vegetables actually makes a great soup, like peppers...

I have green-yellow-red peppers, carrots, garlic, onions, and to fill it a bit, rice or quinoa.

The only thing is that I don't know how to make the soup base.

Any ideas of good recipes /ck/?

>> No.4769162


>> No.4769168

Tits soup maybe?

>> No.4769171

Grill the peppers. Make a carrot onion slaw with roasted garlic and mix that with quinoa and stuff it.

>> No.4769211

hey, sounds like a good plan. :)

>> No.4769254



make ricin beans

>> No.4769256

Fuck you dickhead.

And thx for recipe.

>> No.4769258


Cunts like you are why misogynists exist and why you'll never be our equals. Cry more about your precious feminism.

>> No.4769263

Do you think you impress me faggot.

>> No.4769265


Aww, widdle miss prissy got her pant suit in a bunch

Do I need to get a lawyer for the impending rape accusations you're about to make?

>> No.4769266

Nah, not really, i have more taste than that babe.

>> No.4769268
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I'm a bit confused. Everyone is angry because just for the simple fact she's female and insult her but when she insults back she's proving misandrists right?

>> No.4769269



Confirmed for 55 year old obese manlet who sits naked in a fabric-covered armchair


>> No.4769273

They really should create a /im/ (immatures) for guys like you who has nothing to do except trolling stupid shit on /ck/

>> No.4769282


Hey hamplanet why don't you regale us with a fascinating tale about how the patriarchy oppresses womynz like you by somehow forcing you to shave your legs

>> No.4769285

Go fuck yourself and come back after faping, maybe will make you feel better tiny dick

>> No.4769290

I am a hetero sexual man myself and I find it very stupid that another hetero like myself turns misogynistic. :(

>> No.4769294
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Come back with a better argument other than "RAPE" sweetcheeks

>> No.4769295


Nice samfag, cuntpus.

>> No.4769296

When the fuck did i talk about rape you prick, go have yourself a good dick in the ass if you hate women that much, it does feels good. Always remember you came out of a pussy

>> No.4769301


Silly womyn rape theorist thinks anal for women feels good, lol. Then again your prostate is probably the size of a grapefruit.

>C Section master race
Not everyone was unfortunate afterbirth like you

>> No.4769302

Oh boy are you ever an ass.

>> No.4769305

I, for one, like hairy armpits and unshaved legs. Pubes should at least be trimmed though, let's not get out of control.

>> No.4769308

It's ok, tell me all what's on your mind, I'm your therapist tonight.

>> No.4769312


I bet you are, you probably majored in psychology with a minor in womyn's studies. Am I right? When does the angry picketing about the patriarchy start? I'll be sure to address you as a gender-neutral non-binary creature when you're ringing up the returns I have at Dillard's

>> No.4769316

Wow it is so easy to put all the womens in the same basket. You could at lease judge me on the fact that I have borderline personnality disorder, panic attacks and can't work. I'm not even a feminist, i respect women rights but that's it. You're coming out of nowhere with all this. So if you want to judge me, use something I actually am.

>> No.4769324


>blah blah blah RAPE

Why don't you cry about it on your OkCupid profile where you describe yourself as "curvy" and how you cream yourself over Doctor Who while preferring to be addressed as "Sir"

>or better yet just kill yourself

>> No.4769326

Ah dear, it's not like I never tried. :-)

But don't worry I love you too.

>> No.4769330


Real impressive, you siphon off the government to pay for your four cats while you sit at home on Tumblr all day squirting cheez-wiz into your mouth. If you can't succeed at putting a plastic bag over your head you might as well become a prostitute like your mother, at least you'd have a job

>> No.4769332

Thanks for being kind. I really appreciate.

>> No.4769334


Obviously you don't appreciate anything if you've already tried to kill yourself, fucknugget. Get some real problems.

>wahhh i get panic attacks /ck/ come be my white knight

>> No.4769338 [DELETED] 

Is that a purpose for all these words beside the fack that i'm a bitch, a cunt, a retard, a fucknugget, a whore, or anything else? Your lack of sex, of intelligence of open mind I guess. Are you from Montreal yourself? A fag? A retard?

>> No.4769340

Real nice. I wonder if your mom was a fucknugget also. ;)

>> No.4769342


>lol ur so dumb all u say is cunt whore shit piss
>proceeds to use ad hominems

No, sorry. Not from Montreal, the land of inbred elephantwomen. Sasketchewan master race.

You must be delighted though, since you're getting all this attention. Makes up for daddy leaving

>> No.4769345

Let's make mentally ill childrens OP and live on welfare together...forever.


>> No.4769346


Aww, Toots baleeted her post. Hurt your precious snowflake feelings?

>> No.4769347

For that, you have credit, you have a great imagination.

>> No.4769350


>hey attention whore self let's make it look like i'm not on the verge of crying my eyes out

Whatever it takes to make you feel better

>> No.4769353

Oh really. Ever heard the Divine song.

>> No.4769354


No, I don't listen to crossdressing musicians. Changing your name over and over is kinda funny though. Are you Sceak in disguise?

>o wait sceak actually has a vagina

>> No.4769358

No i'm not Sceak or Bleak or whatever the fuck he's calling himself, i'm a real girl like you hate them.

>> No.4769360


>i'm a real girl!

Oh my god do I have to write you a fucking check for 1000 attentions because you're going to be the new transsexual queen of /ck/

>> No.4769362

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I know who Sceak is but I ain't him. Oh man, you are such an ass you make me laugh. Oh boy when you talk you fart don't you. HAHAHAHAAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHA.

>> No.4769364




You are a sad excuse for life

>> No.4769367

Poor baby. You had bullying and was abandonned and know you have to make other people feel guilty about what you've been through. Poor you. A good therapist would be good for your misoginity. But i wont kill myself for the pleasure of ego. Now let's go back to my soup, the purpose of my thread before a prick arrive for attention with his useless insults.

>> No.4769371

<big grin> Okay do so. I still wonder why you are sooo upset that you are using BIG capital letters sweet cheeks. LOL. ;)

>> No.4769374

High five to you Marjo.

>> No.4769377
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14/10 that was the best reply I've heard all night


LOL le emotes and le silly insults lelele
Was Dave your women's prison nickname?

>> No.4769379
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>> No.4770021

some people have honestly nothing to do better than being mean here. you'll get used to it.

>> No.4770161

Fuck, I am very sorry you had to deal with this.