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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4766488 No.4766488 [Reply] [Original]

Looking for vegetarian recipes and meals. Any input would be lovely.

>> No.4766491


>> No.4766546


>> No.4766550

Meh, not a vegan, could be worse. Veggie is pretty simple its just taking out meat. Plenty of dishes don't have meat. Most have dairy or meatin American Cookery.

>> No.4766807

I don't feel like typing out specifics, but if you wanna eat diverse veggie food, check out the cuisine of a few countries whose staples consist of mainly vegetables and/or fish... Can you still eat fish?

Anyways, Indian or vietnamese, as well as a host of styles from other asian countries come to mind.

>> No.4766838

Hey, and if you're a vegetarian who can eat beef and chicken, check out American cuisine! (Sorry, your advice is good, but fish are in no way plants...pescetarian is the usual term for someone whose only animal consumption include fish and shellfish).

>> No.4766876

Worth a try OP, try google this: lotek

>> No.4766877

At least contribute SOMETHING to your thread.

>> No.4766919

1. find bush
2. graze
3. ?????
4. still fail at life

>> No.4766981

I don't have a recipe, but crushed cumin seed and red pepper coated dense tofu skewers are fantastic.

>> No.4767105


yummy hummus

>> No.4767169
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my main motto for vegetarian cooking is not to mainly look for vegetarian recipes.

Look for traditional dishes that are veggie, sure, but instead of looking for "veggie bolognese", look for real authentic bolognese recipes and then improvise and try to think of ways to replace the meat.

I love to buy large amounts of seitan/tofu burgers. They can be diced for chili or ground to make a ground meat substitute. Also try making chicken/duck dishes with chinese mock duck/mock chicken. Made "Coq" au vin that way a while ago and peking "duck" in mandarin pancakes last week.

veggie food can be a lot more than you think.

>> No.4767197

>South Park meme nobody has used in years
Next you're going to be posting that outdated Maddox picture.

A lot of the time, I find mushrooms work as a good substitute for meat (I've seen mushroom bolognese, mushroom bulgogi, and there was an article recently in the NY Times about using chopped roast mushrooms as "filler" for hamburger patties), without having to resort to weird esoteric ingredients.

>> No.4767297

Don't have a recipe for you but you could try making falafel

>> No.4767339

That's a possible way to go, but, in my opinion, the best way is to simply not to think of vegetarian cooking as "replacing meat". I've been a flexitarian since I started cooking for myself and the best veggie food I've eaten didn't try to replace meat, it actually showed that a meal doesn't need meat or meat replacement to be good.

A few ideas:
>Vegetable jambalaya
>Lots of non-americanized traditional italian food (Italians used to be almost exclusively vegetarian not so long ago)
>Most of traditional indian food

Is right. If you try looking for veggie recipes from an american or any meat-loving cuisine's perspective, chances are the recipes will suck. World cuisine is where it's at for vegetarians.

>> No.4767344

First, a recipe for OP since that sauce looks delicious.

>> No.4767388

>Don't try to substitute meat in meat dishes.
>>Vegetable jambalaya
A meat dish.
Most typically made with chicken stock
...a side dish, unless suddenly mashed potatoes are a whole meal unto themselves (and generally eaten with dead pig)
>>Lots of non-americanized traditional italian food (Italians used to be almost exclusively vegetarian not so long ago)
Yeah, no. You veggies really, really need to stop claiming stuff like this. It's practically never true.
>>Most of traditional indian food
Here you're on point.

And I'm not getting down on veggie cooking because I love it from time to time, but just wanted to point out that your advice wasn't really on point.

Now, as for OP: think on the meat in this dish. If it's a robustly flavored meat wherein the process used to cook it is meant to help spread the meat's fat/flavoring through the dish, likely there is not a good veggie version. If the meat just happens to be a part of the dish (like one can think of veal/chicken in veal/chicken parm), then substitute whatever you think'll go nicely with the rest of the dish (mushroom, eggplant, squash, whatever you're in the mood for).

>> No.4767415

I didn't claim my recipe ideas weren't meat dishes.

Also, my grandpa who lived most of his life with Italians would beg to differ.

>> No.4767424

Also, by "not replacing meat", I meant "not systematically using tofu/seitan/tempeh or other meat substitutes in every dish", not "make completely originally vegetarian recipes".

>> No.4767460


>Looking for vegetarian recipes and meals. Any input would be lovely.

1 - go to the nearest park
2 - eat grass
3 - ??????
4 - PROFIT!!!!!

>> No.4767469

I always find breaded cheeses to be a great veggie dish - it can be either a starter or a main course with a full-flavoured salad (I usually go for a Greek salad). Obviously you'd have to research vegetarian cheeses but things like halloumi or paneer work great.

>> No.4767553

Two words, motherfuck:


Suck on that, BITCH

>> No.4767571


Yah Welcome

>> No.4769068

And this is the state of /ck/. A bunch of babby manlets that get irked over food that doesn't have meat in it.

He asked a fucking question about food on a cooking board. For fuck's sake.

Better make another fast food thread.

>> No.4769073

Maybe you should blame the nightly vegan threads for that.

>> No.4769075

fuck of back to whatever fruitarian forum you rot on. /ck/ has always taken issue with oicky eaters