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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4751819 No.4751819[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>fat and happy


>fit and sad

>> No.4751823

>fit arms
>fat legs
>happy about my life
>sad about dead loved ones
I win.

>> No.4751827

Meh fat and happy, though there is a balance in there somewhere...

>> No.4751830

but I'm fat and sad.

>> No.4751840

Didn't you just post this on /fit/

>> No.4751846

Average and normal range of emotions.

>> No.4751849

Contrary to what most fatties want to believe, being fat and happy is usually not the way it goes.

>> No.4751863

yes, i was curious about different perspectives :3

>> No.4751873

You can be fit and eat what you want. It is just about moderation, don't fucking stuff your face with cake everyday but jog once a week.

>> No.4751877

>tfw happy, fat, and average fitness
I win.

>> No.4751895

the question is simple. i never said it's not possible to be fit and happy or fat and sad.

>> No.4751901

Emaciated and sad.

>> No.4751902
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And you're sad because you're fat.

>> No.4751913

Why isn't fit and happy a choice?

>> No.4751931

>tfw average and not happy or sad


>> No.4751944

fat and sad

>> No.4751945


>> No.4751953

I'm currently fit and sad. I think I'd rather be fat and happy.

>> No.4751982

I would kill myself before I get fat.

>> No.4751990

OP, you sound like you're fat and sad, and jelly you can't be fit and happy.

>> No.4751996

How about fit and happy?

>> No.4751997


Happiness is a state of mind. It's not generally effected by materialism or the state of tangible things (such as a body).

I'm depressed as fuck, skinny as fuck, but that wouldn't change if I was fat, fit, or average.

If I could truly be happy, I wouldn't care what I looked like. I'd be happy looking like Jabba the Hutt if I was really, truly, happy and content with things.

>> No.4752006
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This. It's the choice I've made.
Seriously, chocolate tastes better when you eat it once a week rather than several times a day. Everyday activities being easy, never being out of breath. It's glorious becoming fit. Also I'm actually eating more now than I used to because of how fit I've gotten.

>> No.4752008


OP, you are clearly lost.. /fit/ or /pol/ would be the place to go..
/ck/ is for Food & Cooking. Lifestyle opinions go elsewhere. So why dont you do the same and gtfo.

>> No.4752010

Fit and sad.

I'll at least be fit enough for a job and be able to fit into a car.

>> No.4752015
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>>4751997 I'm >>4752006

Very true. I've found that getting fitter, watching myself get stronger, accomplishing new goals, being able to do things I couldn't do, it provides a serious sense of satisfaction. It was what was missing in my life and I'm much happier now.

>> No.4752017

Because you are a fat tubmlr hambeast ?

>> No.4752019

This is a hypothetical, Anon, and in hypotheticals both of the options are considered to be true. In real life being fat would make me even more miserable.

>> No.4752043


How can both options be true?

>> No.4752044


Fuck you people are autistic. Just because Food & Cooking might be ever so slightly related to the reason of you being a total fatass doesn't mean that it belongs in /ck/.

You all are the fucking reason i have to do extra work sorting files on the servers at my job


>> No.4752050

You mixed those up.

>> No.4752052

i am fit and happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i hope you all get happy and fit too!

>> No.4752055

>slightly husky but fit in terms of cardiovascular health from that exercise
>eat well, but balanced, with enough indulgent treats to never feel deprived

Feels good, man.

>> No.4752123
File: 326 KB, 1181x787, Vanilla-Hummingbird-cake-slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, extremely thin and very unhappy :{

>> No.4752126

thats cute. how much do you weigh.

>> No.4752139

It's not like enough exercise to keep yourself fit is going to ruin your happiness.

>> No.4752152

86 lbs and losing.

>> No.4752156

I hope you're extremely tiny.

>> No.4752161

Are you serious? Do you not understand what hypotheticals are? It means that whatever option you'd choose, that option would be true. If you chose fat and happy, you would be those things unconditionally.

>> No.4752163

67" of shortfag~

>> No.4752171

Another garbage thread from /fit/.

>> No.4752172

5'7"? You need to see a doctor, be it a psychologist for an eating disorder or a general physician because of illness, but you need to see a doctor.

>> No.4752176

you should probably see a doctor

>> No.4752180

Why so mad?

So OP you're not fit at all. Why not eat more and exercise?

>> No.4752184

been there, done that. spent 3+ months in an inpatient treatment program; didn't do shit, as you can tell :\

>> No.4752187

Do have an eating disorder or some other kind of problem?

>> No.4752189

im sorry. i know these feels.

>inpatient cost 30 grand a month

i started running and it helped loads.