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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4735990 No.4735990 [Reply] [Original]

You are working a cashier at Jack-in-the-Box and the team has their hands full dealing with rush hour. A couple of teenangers who look no older than 13 approach you and want to order 100 tacos. They flash some money to show that they are able to afford it. 10 other potential customers are waiting behind these teenagers and the drive thru is packed. Also your co-worker, Jim, looks upset and is working a bit slower than what is optimal.

What do you do?

>> No.4736005

Shoot the hostage and do a barrel roll

>> No.4736009

make the fucking tacos. you work at a fast food joint so most likely you contemplate suicide and most likely don't give a fuck about anything especially the people in line.

>> No.4736010

>You are working a cashier at Jack-in-the-Box
>What do you do?

Quit and get a ride back to my farm before my animals starve and the weeds take over my crops. After that, I'd probably see a doctor about blackout and missing time and hope this isn't a reoccurring event or a physical/mental problem.

>> No.4736024

Take their order, and of course their money before any work on the tacos is done. Inform them that it'll be 10-15 minutes, and hope the kitchen guys know how to work in batches and aren't stupid enough to throw 100 tacos into... whatever cooking device they use for those things.

They're paying customers. My nose is just grindin' on that stone. The kitchen crew knows what it is.

This is, of course, assuming I'm a mere cashier and not a Franchisee that happens to be working the register. In which case I'd tell them we're out and refer them to the next closest location.

>> No.4736031
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My family's obsessed with Jack in the Box tacos but don't live near a location so they always buy 100 of them when they're passing one on the way back from wherever.

They also never order them in advance which I found out after asking because I've never been with them when they've done this. I told them that they should because it's probably a huge pain in the ass but I never asked again.

I feel bad for you bro.

>> No.4736037

Make up some bullshit how it's limit 10 tacos per customer

>> No.4736038

get boss, let them know about it (the whole situation) so that you don't get in trouble/waste food/waste peoples time before accepting to make the tacos for them (assuming it might be a prank)

>> No.4736044

tell them they have to call in advance for large orders

>> No.4736045

cmon guys im crazy (in a good way?) and i know you can do better than that

>> No.4736050

Not take their order because they're full of shit, and flashing a bit of money doesn't mean they're about to pay for 100 fucking tacos.
I'd tell them to bring their parents in and have them order that much food for them, how are you supposed to know for sure it's not some stupid prank to just waste your time anyway?
That's bullshit, and no fast food company relies on the business of a couple of faggot teenagers.

Take the other ten customers while the kids sit around and whine about you being an ageist.

>> No.4736054


that's just annoying and the defecation is prone to hit the oscillation

>> No.4736068

Do it but inform them apologetically that it might take a while because of the size of their order and react according to their response. Have If you're a cashier slow down the line by 30 seconds a person so you can jump in and help.

Lets assume you have 4 people working, 1 cashier, 1 drive thru and two people doing everything else.

Have one of the other 2 people focus solely on the tacos, and the more disgruntled guy on the normal orders.

the taco orderers might feel regret seeing and consider ordering in advance. Probably not, but just don't freak out and don't get too frantic, that's when people freak out. Work at a pace at the threshhold of your comfort as so to not scare other customers into thinking they're ruining your day.

>> No.4736078

Considering they pay up front tell them they will have to wait for a long time and then make them batches of 10 tacos a time

>> No.4736080

>posting with a blushing anime loli pic

>> No.4736097

Fast food is all about catering to hungry stoners! If they want to spend their month's allowance on a taco run, who are you to judge?

Ageist faggot.

>> No.4736099

>tell them it will take about 20 minutes
>if they still want it, ring them up
>hand them receipt and ask them to take a seat and they will be notified when their order is ready

>> No.4736142

I'll say that orders above worth of 20 dollars have to be paid upfront. If they pay, I'll ask them to wait in a table, flag Jim to take over the counter, and go make those 100 tacos without bothering to hurry too much. Unreasonable requests are most often filled with unreasonable results.

>> No.4736156

Ring them up unless the place has some sort of policy that forbids you to sell 100 tacos

>> No.4736240


if they legitimately want 100 tacos you shouldn't be a grouch

>> No.4736377

Depends on my disposition and situation. If I've been there a month or two I would tell them they'll have to wait a little bit for such a large order and then try to make the tacos while still keeping up with the others. If there's a manager present I'd just as him what to do. If I've been working there for two years I'd say "Okay" and cause all the other people to wait because by then I probably wouldn't give a shit.

>> No.4736397

Order up faggot.
There's really nothing else you can do.

why aren't you working in a restaurant?

>> No.4736407

Don't you usually pay up front for fast food anyway?

>> No.4736422

As a manager of a fast food place when I was my second year uni, I once had a similar problem (an order of 100 mixed pieces of fried chicken).

I explained that if the order is desired immediately, that it would be impossible to accomodate as the fryers could hold only about a quarter that amount total (24 pieces) and to prepare that much would take about 90 minutes. I assume the same might be true about Del Taco, swapping "fryer" for whatever necessary piece of equipment they might use to prepare their tacos.

I informed the guest that I could consider this order a heads-up for catering, which is handled and processed by regional management who split the order evenly between several nearby restaurants, but catering needs at least 12 hours of notice to accomodate the order. The order is then prepared fresh at each restaurant, picked up from each and delivered, ready for customer pick-up at his/her/their restaurant location of choice, freshly cooked within minutes of their desired pick-up time.

As a cashier, though, I'd just call management over to have them deal with it because my job is to take orders, take money and return change accurately and efficiently. A cashier's job is not to think. That's management's job. Cashiers do not get paid to do anyone else's work except cashiers, full stop.

>> No.4736445

>working at target
>had been there long enough not to give a shit
>little black kid shows up to my electronics register
>buys a zune for ~$150
>pays $35 in rolled dimes
>I have no space in my register for rolled change
>I have no cares
>unwrap dimes and pour them into the dime partition of my cash tray
>it's totally full
>sell zune
>dimes fly out of the register every time it opens for the next couple days

>> No.4736453

You're a manager though. In 90% of the other places the cashier is expected to take the order and everyone else is expected to complete it. I say this as someone who has worked for 15 different managers, only one of them would have handled it your way. The rest would have panicked and called corporate or yelled at us for asking when we could have already started in the order.

>> No.4736464
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>at a concert talking to the band afterwards
>they ask if there's an ice cream place nearby because they want ice cream
>tell them my friend works at this restaurant that has pretty insane ice cream combinations including one of those 4 pound of ice cream challenges and is open until 2am and serves beer
>they ask where it is
>figure they're just going to go get ice cream and fuck off for the night
>tell them
>they turn around and tell everyone the address and name of the place and says ice cream is on them for everyone who shows up
>60 people show up

Luckily the place had a closed down room usually used for private parties.

I felt like a dick at the time but who the fuck's going to pass up free ice cream? The band probably slipped a bit of money to the servers/kitchen/whoever when they got there anyways.

At least they also served beer.

>> No.4736485

See the bottom of my post?
>As a cashier, though, I'd just call management over to have them deal with it because my job is to take orders, take money and return change accurately and efficiently. A cashier's job is not to think. That's management's job. Cashiers do not get paid to do anyone else's work except cashiers, full stop.

If management gets upset that a cashier does this and the restaurant in question is a chain, sending an email or making a phonecall to corporate to complain about management's handling of the situation can be good for the restaurant, the chain and the cashier.
That's actually how I moved up from cashier to assistant manager (which is just a glorified gopher, really), actually. I won't bore you with the details, but a manager handled something incorrectly, wasting a lot of time and company money and belittling staff in front of customers, making diners feel uncomfortable. I ratted to corporate, he already had "strikes" against him, he was sacked, assistant management moved up to management, I moved up to assistant management and we hired a new cashier.
Corporations generally desire efficiency above all else and surprisingly welcome and listen to employees who take such motions.

>> No.4736490

It sucks when you're in this position and you're allowed to think.
When I started my current job about six months ago, that's what i was thrown into. I took orders, made the food, and made decisions.
And now im a manager.

>> No.4736492


Corporate doesn't mean shit in franchises. If I called the owners whose numbers weren't available to anyone anyways they would have told me to call the manager and I would have just spent 20 minutes getting a hold of myself.

Obviously you were an ideal manager in a good situation but that's not the same in most other situations. An angry email to corporate because you felt flustered doing your job is a great way to get fired.

>> No.4736518

take their order and money inform them that since its a large order it will take 10-20 minutes , finish the other orders first then work on taco

>> No.4736520


forgot to say but thought it was assumed
have them pull into the front and park to free up the drive through

>> No.4736526
File: 112 KB, 500x418, Oh stop it, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, true.

>ideal manager
Pic related.
I just did what I was paid to do: manage staff and keep a restaurant running as efficiently as I can and nothing more. Happy, well-respected staff who know precisely what their jobs are and precisely what they are expected to do are generally more productive than miserable, poorly treated staff with amorphous, ever-changing duties who are not given direct instruction on how to fulfill their specific tasks.
Generally, if any chain location is worse than any other, it's because it has a shitty manager.

I know that working fast food is not the ideal job for /anyone/, but that doesn't mean that the staff should expect to be treated badly or with disrespect and any manager who does treat them this way will reap what s/he sows: poor productivity, lower quality standards, unhappy customers and staff with shitty fucking attitudes that they bring with them when they move on to other jobs.

Polite sage because I think my role in this conversation has reached a logical end.

That's what I'd do as a cashier in that position OP.

>> No.4736536
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I worked at the smallest starbucks in the city which also was the last one that still had manual espresso machines.

It was a weekday and I opened with our manager who was a very hands on manager.

She left to go to the back and do some shit and for some reason our rush started early while I was single handedly already serving 3-4 people drinks. What she assumed and what I hadn't realized is that during this time period someone else was scheduled to start who didn't show up.

The manager was in the cellar which is basically like a crawl space underneath the building trying to clean it off and she didn't tell me where she was going beforehand so my initial yellings to try and get a hold of her went without response so I went back out and proceeded to take out a 35 person line without breaking any standards and without going too far over the standard time from transaction to beverage receiving while also handing people pastries and changing out the coffee pots to brew new ones. This went on for 45 minutes because she was too pre-occupied probably because it was a relatively big project she was singlehandedly untertaking because she was a tough bitch. Eventually she comes out with 9 people still in line while I have 10 things going on simultaneously acting like a whirlwind and still managing to wish people a nice day before giving people exact change. She walks out confused after finishing her shit and asks "where's erin and chase?"

I, too busy say "didn't show" while continue working as a whirlwind while she puts on an apron and washes her hands hurriedly before walking up to the register with the same restraint but horrified "hi what can we get for ya" that I had been blurting out all day.

We get through the rush and she promotes me to assistant manager, calls in some people early and pays me double for a full day's work halfway into my 8 hour shift.

The district manager fired both her for giving me extra money and I quit two weeks later.

>> No.4736561

>The district manager fired both her for giving me extra money and I quit two weeks later.

what the fuck man

>> No.4736583
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She was moving and quitting anyways to live with her boyfriend who was moving for a job (he was the guy who got me the job) so the DM thought we made up the entire thing to promote me even though for the year prior the other supervisors were recommending me for the position. I wound up getting an easy desk job down the street thanks to one of our customers but that only lasted a few months until the economy crash fucked up everything.

It was a pretty ridiculous time and I honestly didn't give a shit about anything during it.

>> No.4736957

7 rolls of dimes isn't that many... They fit three to a row in a bill slot. If your managers weren't paranoid, keep the rolls on the floor/tucked into the desk somewhere until end of shift - if they were, page them and have them take the coinage on the spot.

You're a lying liar, though, as coin slots can't hold more than three rolls of dimes and you'd probably have gotten reamed for putting in even that many.

>> No.4736961

I don't like it when customers think they're being clever by paying a large order with pennies.

"It's lender tender and you have to accept it! T"

>> No.4736987

"Actually, I have the right to refuse service to anybody, and I'm far too busy to stand here for five minutes and count out pennies. There's a CoinStar at Food City. Have a nice day."

>> No.4737004

Complain about it on 4chan

>> No.4737042


>> No.4737050

Call the manager over, have him make the decision.
In fastfood places you pay first, right?
That would likely fix the problem.
If they do pay check the bills.
Since this is a worthless menial job you can also scream at the top of your lungs, "I quit", walk out, and live on welfare.

>> No.4737059


it's illegal to pay with pennies in canada, you can get fined for it.

>> No.4737074

Not a fine, they just don't have to take more than 25c in pennies - that's the limit of the penny's spending power per transaction. It's an awesome law - I looked it up. I wish USA had a similar one.

>> No.4737347
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What if you paid your fine in pennies?

>> No.4737365

Ask them to park to receive their food and tell them it's going to be a half hour wait. Gradually work on their order and walk it out to them. Do you guys seriously not into park and deliver? Just about every place has a place to park and some neck-breather that would take a walk outside for a customer.

>> No.4737366

tell jim to escape before he gets blowed to smitherooms

>> No.4737367

Your district manager sounds like a coward.

>> No.4737401

I've worked at Jack in the Box, and if it's that packed, you'd have at least 4 people in the kitchen because it sure as shit isn't graveyard shift.

So it wouldn't be a big deal. A pain sure, but I'd take their money, key in their order, and let them know it might be a while. The other customers behind them also will be informed it may take longer because of the large order ahead of them (as was standard, whether it was drivethru or dining).

Also if I'm front counter I'm not frycook so I wouldn't even have to worry about it. I'd just handle the front counter shit.

>> No.4738260


That is 300 dollars worth of tacos or something, eh

>> No.4739256


.99 x 50 = ??? + Tax

2 tacos = .99

>> No.4739303

I would call the police and tell them that the teenagers made a bomb threat.

>> No.4739327

Call the cops, they obviously have weed on them.

>> No.4739360
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>> No.4739403

put an extra person on it for 20 seconds or 30 for such a big order.

>> No.4739415

Tell them they need to speak with the manager. Then apologize profusely to the world for using little girl anime.

>> No.4739666

Tell them to fuck off to Taco Bell.

>> No.4739675

Tacos don't really take that long. The problem is quality.

>> No.4739691

You can cook Jack in the Box tacos in batches of 8 at a time. Deep Frying, putting in cheese, lettuce, and hot sauce then putting it into a wrapper takes roughly 3-4 minutes.

>> No.4740194

I giggled with glee every second of this.

>> No.4740804

Taco station doesn't even take up a big part of the kitchen.

>> No.4740850




Fuck, why not just 10 pounds of ground beef and an asston of tortillas and a big ass bag of cheese

>> No.4740863

UK has a similar law, our pennies are only legal tender up to £1 I think. The rest is up to the cashier

>> No.4740878

>UK has a similar law, our pennies are only legal tender up to £1 I think.

The Coinage Act 1971: 1p and 2p coins are only legal tender up to 20 pence.

>> No.4741407

Would farthings still be accepted at all, or would you just get funny looks? Are they worth more than half a penny these days?