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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4733072 No.4733072 [Reply] [Original]

The simple formula to cure our obesity and health problems:

Less empty carbs, more complex carbs
Less red meat, more fish & vegetable protein
Less sugar
Less dairy
More fiber
More whole foods, less processed food substitutes.

Am I right or am I right? Notice how I'm not saying to cut anything completely out. The key is balance and I think most people who go on these dumb dieting fads forget that

>> No.4733079

you are a pioneer, OP

>> No.4733081

Sorry OP. Your cause is noble but this board is mostly fat autists taste testing the latest triple cheese refried puke burrito from taco bell. Your warnings will go unheeded

>> No.4733086

>Less empty carbs, more complex carbs
>Less red meat, more fish & vegetable protein
>Less sugar
>Less dairy
>More fiber
>More whole foods, less processed food substitutes.

you sound fat with a boring diet, could there be any greater hell...I mean r'ly.

>> No.4733085

The point is that all this is obvious but people and nutritionists ignore it and are always looking for the next fad diet

>> No.4733091

Nah, that's too complicated. I need a single oversimplified rule that I can follow without too much thought.

>> No.4733092

this is because everyone wants to believe that there is a quick fix for everything

>you're telling me i might not drop 50 lbs in a month even if i eat that healthy? fuck that the atkins diet tells me i'll be skinny in 3 weeks if i follow it

why do you think infomercials still exist? people, by and large, are fucking idiots.

also, real nutritionists don't ignore it, but they do realize that real information usually goes in one ear and out the other while their client is thinking about going home and stuffing their face.

>> No.4733117

I always thought the trouble with nutritionists is that they're concerned about nutrients, rather than food

>> No.4733156

>no dairy
>no (processed) sugar
>all whole foods

Fixed that for you. You can thank me later ehehe.

>> No.4733167

I've been losing weight from increasing my fiber, cutting out meat, and drinking at least 60oz of water a day. My poops are magnificent, my farts rancid.

>> No.4733280

Eat at a calorie deficit to what you're day to day needs are. Thread over.

>> No.4733916

Tons of problems would be solved (including achieving a calorie deficit) if the meat portion was half as big and the veggie portion twice as big. Lightly oiled plx.

That said, our parents' generation was a culinary black hole, a zeitgeist of poor cooking and opting for fast food and unhealthy alternatives. As a result, the veggies we (as a whole) were cooked were piss poor in quality and execution, leaving healthy eating with a bad taste in our mouths, pun partially intended.

The only way out of this hole is to cook our way out. Procreate, /ck/, convince our next generation that veggies are not only good for you, but they're also good eats.
- AB

>> No.4733968

>>less herp, less derp
this will certainly help a lot of you over eat, but the reality is you can live to old age on "crappy" food if you don't eat a lot of it, note i do not mean processed cheese or anything, I'm just talking stuff like bacon and salted fat back on toast with an egg and an orange. enjoy your breakfast. but it ammounts to basically 2 strips of bacon, a half a piece of toast, a small egg, and a small orange. it's a light meal some old guy lived on for quite some time. the most important thing is to eat less. I'm not saying thsi from an position of jaded experiance or bias. I overeat plenty. the reality is I'm just not cool enough dude to resist the temptation food offers, particularly when I like cooking it.

>> No.4735295


>> No.4735301

fuck that tabouleh looks good, anyone got a preferred recipe to share?

also yes OP agree, and I hate fat cunts

>> No.4735334
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Well tell you what OP, why don't you list some recipes. In before sign up for lifetime gym or something for the monthly magazine.

Lets see some healthy dishes that look tasty.

>> No.4735360

Weightloss farts trump all else, combined with high fibre and you have some serious noxious waste.

>> No.4735382

No, they actually know what they're talking about (the ones with degrees). I've worked with a few at hospitals. I met one at a nursing home that had no degree and was a fat fuck who had no idea what they were talking about and turns out she was just some lady.

So yeah, I can see why you would think that

>> No.4735401

>Less empty carbs, more complex carbs
>Less red meat, more fish & vegetable protein
>Less sugar
>Less dairy
>More fiber
>More whole foods, less processed food substitutes.

Ok I agree with some of this I would change the "less red meat" part to "pastured, wild, or grass fed red meat" and the "less dairy" to grass fed dairy" and I would add "eat more fermented foods" to your list.
That doesn't necessarily keep you healthy, just not overweight. There is a difference. If you aren't eating a variety of nutritious foods and eating less calories than you expend but the calories come from non-nutritious sources then you are only addressing the obesity problem and not the health issues.

>> No.4735402


You don't have to be certified to be a nutritionist, a dietitian is an actual medical professional.. i've seen both, and my dietitian has gotten me on a balanced diet.. Lost 150 lbs since last year.

>> No.4735418


The simple formula to cure our obesity and health problems is to get fat fucks to control themselves.

Its simple. You eat less calories to what you burn to lose weight, you eat more to gain weight. Its not a case of shit like, "Fast foods makes us fat. They shouldn't be allowed to advertise" etc. I could live off Mcdonalds and not put on weight simply by controlling my caloric intake.

>> No.4735419

>Am I right or am I right?

You are wrong.

Calories in - calories out.

It's trivial to get fat on the shit you listed.

>> No.4735421

What kind of fucking monster puts onion on that?

Holy fuck that pic made me angry.

>> No.4735424

Does beer count as empty carbs? I'm saying it because usually if I binge drink I lose weight because I stop caring about eating so I hardly eat a thing. MFW I'm cracking open a bevvie.

>> No.4735426


All these fucking shitty diets. No sugar. No carbs. Green food only. It doesn't matter. You're exactly right calories in - calories out. In saying this dont eat shitty food all day but in moderation, you will lose weight but other health issues may arise.

>> No.4735427

You being drunk, and not eating only harms your metabolism.

Thin doesn't mean your healthy.

>> No.4735432


Calories are not the only thing to consider, white bread has more calories, but the gluten in whole wheat are much easier to digest and easier to burn off.

A balanced diet doesn't mean starve yourself, it means to control yourself and maintain your recommended doses of vitamins and minerals.

>> No.4735434

err I meant to say, who wheat has more calories.

>> No.4735437

>but the gluten in whole wheat are much easier to digest and easier to burn off.

This is what the idiots who don't have celiac but still buy that disgusting gluten-free shit ACTUALLY believe.

>> No.4735439

I'd rather be thin than healthy. Life sucks anyway.

>> No.4735447
File: 208 KB, 612x788, fat guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating less calories than you use is only solving half the problem. Relying on non nutritious foods while still maintaining a healthy weight will still give you health problems. Obesity is something that should, absolutely, be fought but eating good food is just as important.

>> No.4735457

The simple formula to cure our obesity and health problems:

>> No.4735460

This sounds great except I heard palm oil was really bad for you and in Spain and Italy everyone uses olive oil for everything and yet have a higher average lifespan and lower rate of cancer.

Not wanting to sound like a know it all but how would you explain that?

>> No.4735480

Eat various foods and you'll be fine.

With golden wheat and potato poised to fix the last vitamin deficiency that's still common, you'd have to be a real dumbass to wind up nutrient deficient.

>Don't use perfectly reasonable cooking oils
>Coconut oil
>Palm oil
>No palm kernel
Enjoy your trans-tier fatty acid.

>> No.4735492

>processed is now a buzzword for bad

fuck this gay earth.

>> No.4735505

I lost 65lbs by cutting out junkfood, lifting, then eating vegetable based meals 90% of the time, only having animal products once in a while. VERY little dairy. I still eat things like pasta and white rice, but avoid sugar.

>> No.4735534
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I want to believe.

>> No.4735538

Isn't palm oil the reason the rainforest is becoming extinct?

>> No.4735540

That and vegetarians

>> No.4735549

Palm oil plantations are destroying a lot of Indonesia and south east Asia's rainforests, yes.

>> No.4735585


i fucking love tabouli. if i went vegetarian i would probably eat it every day.

>> No.4735602

Use rapeseed! Support my local farmers!

>downturd conceives

>> No.4735613

>implying obesity is only caused by physical factors
No, if it were then strict dietary supervision and food guidelines would have solved everything by now. Obesity is just as much a mental problem as it is a misunderstanding about proper nutrition and lack of exercise. I literally know people who don't feel hungry but feel they have to eat because they're so used to making it a routine, or comfort eat. And do I even have to mention how some food corporations purposefully make their foods addictive?

And it's only anecdotal, but I've never seen an obese person that didn't come from an overweight/obese/food-motivated family background. It's very rare that I see a fit family and one random family member is strangely obese. When your friends and family enable, or are fat like you then you're less likely to see problems with your lifestyle. Or worse, if you actually try to change they'll just pressure you back into old habits.

Too much emphasis is being placed on the assumption that fattie fats must only be pounding their gobs with sugars, carbs, and fats everyday to be how they are. That assumption hasn't worked to help solve the obesity crisis and I don't see it happening in the future. The sooner people realize obesity is a multi-faceted problem, the better off treating obesity will be.

>> No.4735618

I am always hungry

Life is hell

>> No.4735621

I'm making my friends fat by going to their home and cooking delicious meals a few times a week.

>> No.4735623


>> No.4735627

I agree except for the dairy part, nothing wrong with some cottage cheese, yoghurt or whole milk

also cal in vs cal out

>> No.4735630

Can't be friends with normal people so you resort to being the feeder to a bunch of starving jabbas? What a champ.

>> No.4737235

Hydrogenated palm oil is bad for you, palm oil unadulterated is fine. Actually a lot of butter is also used in those places too. There are other factors at work here. The people in those countries are typically more active than American are and less processed foods are eaten. Folks that eat a traditional diet that includes whole foods and eschews processed foods also enjoy good health. They will also see less incidence of cancer and a longer lifespan.

>> No.4737240

Dairy is addictive.

>> No.4737263

To everyone saying cals in < cals out is what really matters, you're correct to a point. It is what really matters in weight loss, but I feel like if people ate healthier, more nutritious foods as stated in OP's post, they can get a grasp on nutrition and feed themselves well so that they don't feel deprived or feel like total crap which might make them go back to their old habits. If someone ate a caloric deficit in ramen as opposed to someone that ate a caloric deficit in fruits/veggies, the second person is much more likely to be and feel healthier and less deprived of nutrients which is great for long term success. Both would lose weight but the likelihood of those eating habits being maintained is higher in someone who eats a balanced and nutritious diet. That's my take on the whole thing.

>> No.4737417


>The key is balance and I think most people who go on these dumb dieting fads forget that

Personally I think that's just what weak-willed people say when they can't get themselves to stop eating shitty food. There's balance in foods that are healthy, throwing in other shit "in moderation" does not cause more healthiness

>> No.4737420

It's amazing what you can get away with eating once you kick sodas from your diet.

Stop drinking those. Seriously.

>> No.4737423
File: 1.08 MB, 977x1263, the dairy industry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>nothing wrong with some cottage cheese, yoghurt or whole milk


If you're from /fit/, disregard anything you ever read on that board

Also, calories in v calories out only applies to weight loss/gain. It's not a rule of thumb for general health

>> No.4737752

Thanks for the direction my friend.
Now where is the path?

Oh, there it is, shure, thanks OP

>> No.4737787

theres nothing wrong with dairy, fuck off. I bet people screaming about this don't even know rice gives you stomach cancer. Everything kills you.

>> No.4737793

Oh wow OP, you're some kind of genius. So you're saying that having a healthy diet is better than eating fast food. Damn, someone give this man the Nobel prize.