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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4733751 No.4733751 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Foods that are annoying or troublesome to eat

>yfw trying to pick that giant piece of corn out of your teeth

>> No.4733764

-Watermelon...with seeds.
-Popcorn...those hulls in my teeth damn it.
-Cotton candy...my nose isn't suppose to have colored sugar on it.
-Candy corn...get sick every time.
-String beans...I hate stringing beans, it takes forever then if you didn't do it right you get what feels likes stiff floss or horse hair in your mouth while eating the green beans.
-Hot pockets and mini pizza pockets...they sometimes burst hot lava all over my lips and mouth.
-Root beer float....because of how much it fizzes up at first when you pour the soda over it then later when you want to spoon the ice cream out and drink the soda all at the same time.
-You mother.

>> No.4733763

>that feel when the roof of your mouth right behind the teeth is burned

Corn on the cob at its finest

>> No.4733765

Pizza does that a lot. Or there will be that one peice of cheese that was missed by your teeth and you drag have the cheese off the slice and onto your chin.

PROTIP: growing a beard prevents this from happening.

>> No.4733769

>Virgin Placenta
>Hard tacos

>> No.4733776

>virgin placenta

that kinda was slipped in there with all this normal food

>> No.4733780


>> No.4733785

i just hat it when my coconut turns into a watermelon, every fucking time goddamnit

>> No.4733790
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>Hard tacos


Fucking hard tacos.

>> No.4733799

I never understood how you eat tacos. If they had a soft shell it would make sense.

Does it not just crumble away when you bite down?

>> No.4733806

>Does it not just crumble away when you bite down?

Yes. That's the problem most of the time. I think it has to do with the ingredients inside, how moist they are, and how long it rest before you eat them.

>> No.4733807

>If they had a soft shell it would make sense.
Only murrika tacos are hard shell.

>> No.4733835

Indeed. I think they were invented around WWII or something?

>> No.4733838 [DELETED] 

>hideous nigger thumb

>> No.4733844 [DELETED] 


>> No.4733856
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Might be dark Latino. Especially considering it being Latino food.

>> No.4733860

what sort of buck toothed monster gets corn kernels stuck in their teeth?

Go to an orthodontist, kiddo.

also, cracking walnuts and eating them.

>> No.4733862 [DELETED] 

Look at those unkempt nails.
I bet he uses them to do hideous negro things.
Only the unfortunate could imagine.

This is a black thumb.

>> No.4733917

You get the skin stuck in your teeth you absolute spesh.

>> No.4733961
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Have you never eaten corn before?

>> No.4733973

>>hard tacos
jesus fuck this, why do people eat these things? I'd even take a corn tortia over a hard shelled taco.

>> No.4734011

>Potato chips
>Captain Crunch
>Frozen pizzas
>Toasted bread that doesn't have a chance to soften from either spread or sandwich fillings
>Hard pretzels
>Warhead candies

The roof of my mouth is quite fragile

>> No.4734017

Eating cold on the cob always jams it between your front teeth. No other food is like that. Which is why I now just cut it off the cob and spoon it in. Fuck that.

>> No.4734021

>not shockers

I literally get physical burns from those things and even thinking about them makes my mouth feel funny. I cant stop fucking eating them though

>> No.4734024

>The roof of my mouth is quite fragile

Stop taking such large bites where you have to use the roof of your mouth to maneuver and chew your food with. When you take smaller bites the food will better stay between your teeth and not get over a bit to where it will jab the roof of your mouth. Also, a lot of people that have this problem actually smash food between their tongue and roof of their mouth. So, take note if you are doing that or not.

>> No.4734027

What was it about Captain Crunch that rips up the roof of the mouth?

>> No.4734034

Not that anon but I always had problems with captain crunch doing the same thing. After a big bowl the roof of my mouth was always raw.

>> No.4734050

This >>4734024

Once I learned what I was doing wrong, I stopped, and started eating correctly. The problem ceased immediately.

>> No.4734062

Stop telling me how to eat my cereal dammit.

>> No.4734098


>> No.4734103

I hate eating chicken wings because of the bone

>> No.4734104

Sticky ribs. They're not worth the effort.

>> No.4734108

This you?


>> No.4734138

You need to look at these anon. Then choose the technique you're most comfortable with. I do the first one.


>> No.4734149

>implying I'd ever live in massa-jew-shits

>the onion
wow I haven't seen that in ages. I used to get the paper delivered back in college. It was pretty funny because all the dumb fucks that came to visit thought it was real.

>> No.4734195


Then stop crying about it cutting your mouth.

>> No.4734211


I was just confirming what the original anon said to be true, bob faget.

>> No.4734221
File: 100 KB, 800x1032, 2013-03-26-beartato-complitaco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard-shell tacos

>> No.4734225


I would eat them every day if they weren't so fucking hard to eat.

>> No.4734236

>. I used to get the paper delivered back in college


>It was pretty funny because all the dumb fucks that came to visit thought it was real.


>> No.4734238

take small bites. use your thin bird lips to wrap around what you just bit and pull it into your gullet

>ironically, I'm the guy that takes big bites of captain crunch

I like eat things differently, so what

>> No.4734243

>all those fucking seeds

Why is it the best fruits for you have all of those fucking seeds in them? I swear to god my ex gf used to make me eat these shit smoothies she made with them, and I spend the rest of the day pulling bits of seeds from my molars

>> No.4734264
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Pomegranates aren't that bad. Just shove a bunch of seeds into your cheek and suck on them like sunflower seeds.

>> No.4734281

....so do you even eat the seeds? I feel like its so much work for so little juice

>> No.4734287
File: 27 KB, 749x558, Burt Sumpsun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Klondike bars when the ice cream begins to slip in between the pieces of chocolate and you try so hard NOT to get any on your hand.

But using the wrapper solves some of the problem.

Also Alaskan King crab when the legs won't break open no matter how well you position the cracker or slam a hammer on it.

>> No.4734294

But I hate eating the seeds. It's always such a hassle to spit them out into a bowl.

>> No.4734317

spit it out

>> No.4734329

Who would want to put forth that much effort just to eat a tiny bit of fruit?

>> No.4734343

>te amo, senor calrissian!

>> No.4734386
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>> No.4734389

Sunflower seeds in the shells.
Pumpkin seeds in the shells.

>> No.4734462
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thats why you make hard shell tacos and then glue a soft shell around it with melted cheese, so you get both

>> No.4734549


>> No.4734551

Ok well the hard shells that you're used to seeing (like the ones they use at taco hell) Yes, those fall apart. The majority of "street tacos" aka "real tacos" you are going to get are going to be soft with the corn tortillas lightly fried so they don't fall apart. If you just fry them a little longer, they get "hard" but unless you're pre-making them the bottom half stays kind of soaked with the grease so it's not crumbly, the farther down you go it's soft, and then towards the soft it gets harder, but not really much of it is actually crispy.

>> No.4734566

Apples, popcorn, and tortilla chips. Fuck those foods when they get lodged into your gums.

>> No.4734577
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>mfw I do that

>> No.4734582

chicken wings with bbq sauce

>> No.4734631

Holy shit my life has been changed.

>> No.4734677
File: 181 KB, 618x673, 1371103498858.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw huge beard and this is prevented, but soup is literally impossible to eat

>if I shaved I'd have a HUGE scar on the underside of my chin

>> No.4734769

>not munching the shit out of them and then streaming the delicious munched-juice through your teeth like a sieve.

>> No.4734778
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>mfw I just eat it like an apple

I don't give a fuck mate

>> No.4735174

A beard does not interfere with soup eating via spoon. However, a large mustache does. Trim your mustache.

>> No.4735189

>Watermelon with seeds
I just eat them. The watermelon taste best with seeds, not implying the seeds taste good.
I agree
>Cotton candy
Hate the stuff
>Candy Corn
see above
>String Beans
I like them but not the work
>Hot Pockets and other frozen garbage
Try making your own. It is a little work but totally worth it
>Root beer float
Not a fan of sweets
>My mother

>> No.4735191

Hard tacos are not a problem to eat.

>> No.4735198

Oh god, fucking klondike bars, a million times this. Especially because I'm one of those people who can't bite into icecream.

>king crab
Really? I've never had this problem with King Crab, it's always been easy for me to break open. Snow crab I sometimes have a problem with the legs being too bend and just folding under the pressure and not cracking though. Though with Snow Crab I find it's easier to just snap with my hands.

>> No.4735205

>>Warhead candies
God, those are so fucking good. I remember putting so many into my mouth that my tongue started to bleed and I couldn't drink or eat anything for a few hours.