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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.48 MB, 2592x1944, SDC12749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4730788 No.4730788 [Reply] [Original]

I went to the G-store a few minutes ago and bought this fucking thing from the half price rack because I'm poor and it looked ok. When I got home, seasoned it up a bit then flipped it over and was like WTF?

can I get my money back or sue them when I have to go to the emergency room?

>> No.4730791


learn to focus, you jackass.

>> No.4730797

You call up the grocery store, ask to speak to a manager, and get the item replaced.

Simple as that (had to do it a few times when they sold me fishy smelling old portobellos).

>> No.4730804
File: 2.48 MB, 2592x1944, SDC12747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


STFU, or answer the damn question.

also, it's the rotten piece of meat those bastards sold me for half price. COM'ON, you can't sell that shit to people.

>> No.4730808

That picture is so out of focus that what you call "rot" just looks like seasoning.

>> No.4730812


Yeah dude, for all I know that's diced garlic or some shit. Got no definition.

>> No.4730817

take a better picture and we may be able to help

>> No.4730830
File: 2.48 MB, 2592x1944, SDC12749.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


dammit, it's so rotten it's giving off radiation that's messing with my damn camera. Also, I've go at least twenty cents in spices on there and my time and gas, not even to mention the hunger pain and suffering how do I get fully reimbursed

>> No.4730836

Just make a fuss about it to the manager.

>> No.4730845

You sound like an immense fucking faggot.

Oh, don't call them up and get it replaced or anything, just bitch your heart out like a sperglord to an anonymous cooking board.

>> No.4730854

assuming op that you found the other half without seasoning, my guess if you think the seasoning is the 'rot' and theres nothing wrong with it, that it was put in the half off rack because the seasoning got on the meat when it wasn't supposed to.

>> No.4730858

Each picture is shittier than the last.

>> No.4730870


This is srs, those bastards are killing people with their putrid meat sales.

>> No.4730876


I told you it's the radioactive, bacterial magnetic interference and you're right it's getting worse.

>> No.4730892

You are a fucking moron.

Call up, "Hey the meat I bought was spoiled," then you get a fresh cut. Done.

Instead you decide to sperg out on the 4chan. Have fun with life faggot.

>> No.4730913


Yeah, but I got it from the half price rack and they're gonna' be all...wtf did you expect? Then IMMA be like, WAT bitch...
he'd be like, GTFO store
be all, gimme my monies
he'd be all NO, I'm calling the cops
I'd be like fuk you bitch lets go
then he'd jump kick over the counter, this is SAAAAAAAAAAAFEEEE WAAAAAAAY

>> No.4730915

Are you old enough for this site? Or just off your meds?

>> No.4730917

you should eat it to feel as terrible as you actually are

>> No.4730947


screw you, whores...I'm the victim here they sold me some shitty ass meat and I know they're going to give me shit about the discount rack.

>> No.4730952

If you ask for a refund there is a large chance they won't do anything and a small chance they'll refund you. If you do nothing but bitch there is a 100% chance of getting nothing and a 100% of being called a bitch faggot by the internet.

>> No.4730955

You don't know until you try, faggot. You have two options:

1.) Fucking ASK instead of worrying about looking like the sperglord you are right now
2.) Sperg more about whether or not to even fucking attempt to change something for once in your godforsaken life.

Yes, I mad

>> No.4730962


it's embarrassing enough buying the meat off the discount rack with the bigass neon "I'm fucking poor" tag on it, but I thought there was an unwritten rule that, they don't take that shit back because they already told you it was fuked up.

>> No.4730965

You're a bitch faggot.

>> No.4730968

What's wrong with this exactly? Spices and garlic?

That is garlic right?

>> No.4730969


If you call me a faggot one more time, I will srs'ly internet fight you.

>> No.4730970


>> No.4730976

You're a fucking faggot, eat the meat and get your food poisoning. Maybe when you shit out your fucking guts your balls will drop and you will finally realize how easy it is to say, "Hey manager I got some meat at your store and there's some sort of rot at the bottom can I get a different one or at least a refund"

>> No.4730979
File: 993 KB, 500x400, still chicken dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh shiiiiiiiiiii...it's on now.

>> No.4730982
File: 1.41 MB, 320x176, tasteTheRainbow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.4730989
File: 97 KB, 500x333, r'ly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>calls me gay
>post carebears

projecting much?

>> No.4730993


wait, so you're saying I should eat, to get some kind of terminal disease and file a law suit?

>> No.4730997


Holy shit, Damien? What's good. Sorry about the meat, bro.

>> No.4731002

hurr durr should I actually slip and fall before I sue

>> No.4731006

>hurr durr I should sue on the grounds that I'm retarded

>> No.4731010


You're as autistic as anyone else on an "anyomous cooking board".

Bro, you aren't alpha. You aren't cool. You're so fucking beta you can't even ask for a ketchup packet via a drive thru.

You're the same kind of douche who has a mountain of fast food remnants, chip crumbs, uneaten pizza crusts, all in your back seat.

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.4731015

OP pls.

>> No.4731034


cool story bro, but don't even eat fast food because it cost like ten times more than the same shit at the g-store...but I kinda like your gib.

>> No.4731039


Dude your entire car is full of Wendy's boxes and wrappers.

You aren't fooling anyone, fatass autistic Wendys-bro.

>> No.4731042

>not In-N-Out

>> No.4731047
File: 12 KB, 200x200, bros.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw when me and OP brofist
>tfw you continually insult new posters, claiming all of us are one, just because we disagree with your fucking stupidity and inherent retardation

>> No.4731050

>not having posted since as recent as June 2013

Jesus Christ you don't even know of Milk Jar Guy,

>> No.4731051

>being scared to complain about getting rotten meat
>anything other than being an omega-tier fag

>> No.4731053


bro, I could get an entire gallon of no-name brand ice "cream" for five bucks, let it melt a little and add some imitation vanilla and freeze dried coffee crystals then eat frosties until I pass out. Why the hell would I pay a whole dollar for just a sip in a kiddy cup?

>> No.4731060
File: 486 KB, 500x250, 345.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ah yeah...there's one cool dude on /ck/.

>> No.4731086

>Milk Jar Guy

is that the same dude that post once a year claiming to make wine with his own spunk?