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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4725376 No.4725376 [Reply] [Original]

What's so bad about ketchup on steak?
Why is this such a gourmet faux pas, or are you just being snobs to feel culinarily superior?

>> No.4725377

Yeah, god forbid you put something on one of the most common meats.

>> No.4725385

Because dowsing something in tomato paste and sugar does not indicate you like it, only that you like tomato paste and sugar.

>> No.4725394

It masks the taste of the meat. I reserve ketchup for my pink slime meals.

>> No.4725410

So you don't like pizza, fries, etc?

Also, who are you worried about seeing that you "don't really like steak"? Does putting salt and pepper mean you don't like the meat itself?

>> No.4725424

Salt enhances the meaty flavor. Ketchup masks it.

>> No.4725426

Don't listen to them, OP

You keep on, ketchuping on

>> No.4725457

I will.
I will.

>> No.4725475

Pizza isn't topped with ketchup, and excessive tomato sauce makes a bad pizza too. There's no ketchup in french fries what the fuck are you talking about?

Salt and pepper are seasonings, not flavorings. Nor are they sugar-paste.

>> No.4725478

Pizza sauce in N. America contains tomato paste and sugar. People dip fries in ketchup.

Pepper is not a seasoning, are you retarded? Is oregano and mint a seasoning to you?

>> No.4725480

>pepper is not a flavor

>> No.4725490

>Pizza sauce in N. America contains tomato paste and sugar. People dip fries in ketchup.
You're really stretching for it here. Pizza sauce is not even marinara, nor is it ketcup. Just because they're tomato sauces doesn't mean their interexchangable. White trash drip fries in ketchup. The bars around here serve them with mayo, vinegar, or chili sauce.

>Pepper is not a seasoning, are you retarded? Is oregano and mint a seasoning to you?
>family Piperaceae, cultivated for its fruit, which is usually dried and used as a spice and seasoning.

>> No.4725494

Because people want to feel special, and some people have to feel special by looking down on others for trivial, absurd things.

>> No.4725497

Differentiate seasoning and flavoring.

>> No.4725506


Seasonings include herbs and spices, which are themselves frequently referred to as "seasonings".[citation needed] However, Larousse Gastronomique states that "to season and to flavour are not the same thing", insisting that seasoning includes a large or small amount of salt being added to a preparation.[2] Salt may be used to draw out water, or to magnify a natural flavor of a food making it richer or more delicate, depending on the dish. This type of procedure is akin to curing. For instance, kosher salt (a coarser-grained salt) is rubbed into chicken, lamb, and beef to tenderize the meat and improve flavor. Other seasonings like black pepper and basil transfer some of their flavor to the food. A well designed dish may combine seasonings that complement each other.

>> No.4725509

Because ketchup replaces the flavor of the food you're eating with the flavor of ketchup. If your food tastes good (and some people think steak is serious business), then you shouldn't put ketchup on it. If your food tastes like shit then feel free to improve it by replacing its flavor with ketchup flavor.

>> No.4725511

A seasoning alters or enhancing the existing flavor. Pepper is admitted a little of both seasoning and spice.

Also, I said flavoring as an insult to ketchup, not to herbs and spices, because it sounds like something shitty that would come in cubes or in a jar. Ketchup is a flavor drowner, it does not compliment or enhance the flavor of steak. You only use it because you like the taste of ketchup.

>> No.4725522

Nothing's wrong with ketchup on steak, OP. All these clowns claiming that it "masks" flavor are completely full of shit. Go ahead and ask them. I bet not a single one of them can even explain what they mean by "masking" flavor. If anything, it complements the flavor of the meat. I don't like ketchup with my steak but the whole thing is a matter of personal taste. There is no objective reason why ketchup is a bad condiment for steak.

>> No.4725526

It means when you bite into a steak with ketchup you taste 50% steak and 50% ketchup instead of 100% steak you retard.

>> No.4725532
File: 1.93 MB, 256x182, What the Fuck.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If anything, it complements the flavor of the meat.
I'm out. 8/10. I genuinely mad.
>this ketchup love orgy
See image.

>> No.4725539

Bahahaha what's the fucking problem with that?!
>Hey Anon would you like syrup on your pancakes?
No that's alright. Then I would be able to taste both of them at once instead of 100% flour. No peanut butter and jelly, cake and ice cream, bread and butter, oil and vinegar, or sour cream and onion either. I only like tastes that are "100%"

Haaahahaha get the fuck out. All of you. This thread is over.

>> No.4725550

The problem is that ketchup is a cheap flavor while steak has a valuable flavor. So you're getting less of a good flavor in exchange for cheap ketchup flavor.

Syrup on pancakes makes sense because pancakes don't taste good enough on their own. Apply this judgement to all other combos of food and you can tell which ones make sense and which are for plebs.

>> No.4725573

>cheap ketchup flavor
Cheap isn't a flavor and, even if it were, implying that it doesn't belong on a steak is a matter of opinion. Roofing tar doesn't belong on a steak. Battery acid doesn't belong on a steak. Ketchup, however, is reasonable.

I'm not going to keep beating this dead horse but I will say this: cooking is and always will be about combinations. So long as the combinations you create are purposeful and don't hurt anyone, you're doing it right.

>> No.4725578

Confirmed for pleb.

>> No.4725591

>I only like tastes that are "100%"
lol this

So you only eat meats with salt - nothing else? I feel like you must be so poor that steak is a big deal and has to be "savored unadulterated".

>> No.4725594

>Other seasonings like black pepper and basil transfer some of their flavor to the food.
Every spice does this.

>> No.4725596

Wow, a Wikipedia citation with zero credibility. Good stuff, glad it agrees with your arbitrary definition and delineation.

>> No.4725599

You must be pleb is steak is such a big deal to you.

>> No.4725602

>putting salt on your steak
Why not accept the natural levels of salt in the meat for an experience of nature's sublime subtlety.

>> No.4725609

>Why not accept the natural levels of salt in the meat for an experience of nature's sublime subtlety.
This. It's hilarious when people act like putting salt and pepper on a steak isn't killing the inherent flavor.

No, ketchup is bad but salt and a fucking plant from India is totally cool. Why not start putting cayenne pepper, oregano, etc. on it?

>> No.4725615

ok fine maybe i will

>> No.4725627

salt and black pepper are massively cheaper than ketchup

>> No.4725642

I never ate decent steak in my life actually, I think I ate a medium steak once in my life but it wasn't good meat or a good cook so it doesn't count. If you think steak is cheap then I won't say it's wrong to douse it in ketchup. I argued from the point of view of people who do think steak is serious business, because that's the point of this thread. This principle applies to any food, if you have food with a rare subtle flavor you don't fucking pour cheap tomato sugar on it.

Salt enhances the flavor of food, it doesn't replace it. Because you're going to say "it does if you use way too much salt" I have to mention that you shouldn't do that. Pepper adds spiciness which isn't even a flavor so you can hate on pepper if you want.

>> No.4725653

If you can't still taste something you've put ketchup on, you've used too much ketchup.

Also, you still didn't address the point of salt and pepper being "cheaper"

>> No.4725655

its not in line with the culinary tradition which i follow when preparing steaks.

>> No.4725663

>I can't think on my own and decide what I like or dislike.

>> No.4725694

If you use a little salt it brings out the flavor of the food instead of replacing it. Any amount of ketchup results in you tasting ketchup and therefore tasting less meat. This is why salt is used everywhere while ketchup is pleb tier. But I'm not a fan of salt either, honestly you can call me a faggot but I believe that if food has a good subtle taste, it should be enjoyed without any additions. For example people who dip sushi (and sashimi, etc) in soy sauce are barbarians. Destroys the whole flavor.

Anyway the main point is that flavors that complement each other are fine. Ketchup doesn't complement anything, it just makes food taste like ketchup.

>> No.4725703

...you don't know how the sense of taste works. Stop talking. Please, it's embarrassing.

>> No.4725706

Ok. Enjoy ruining good flavors with ketchup.

>> No.4725716

Salt enhance the taste of the food, now go to bed.

>> No.4725718

>good flavors
>antibiotic and hormone treated, factory-farmed, GMO corn-fed beef

Pick one.

>> No.4725721

A certain amount of salt does. Beef already contains salts.

>> No.4725726
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Why would you ruin the taste of a perfect steak with ketchup?

Are you from the USA?

>> No.4725757

Ketchup is like le forced hate meme on /ck/, just like furries, ponies, facebook and twitter.

>> No.4725763


I am so sick of hearing that one does not need an education to have an opinion on matters of sophistication.

If you want your opinions to be taken seriously you have to be trained in what constitutes a good or bad opinion. Free thinking only matters when it expands that boundaries of a cultural tradition from within. You have to know the rules to break them etc. If you have no respect for any establishment, your voice will never be heard.

>> No.4725764

I'm guessing you like all of those things.

>> No.4725772

>furries, ponies, facebook and twitter.
>He thinks those aren't universally hated by every board

>> No.4725778
File: 12 KB, 480x360, Shredder Mad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>matters of sophistication
>room temperature condiments squeezed from a plastic bottle
>made from HFCS, salt, and preservatives

>> No.4725781

But he was arguing against ketchup dude.

>> No.4725784


i don't see what the problem is. if you think ketchup on steak tastes better than steak without ketchup, why does what /ck/ or anyone else thinks matter?

>> No.4725786

Sorry, I am drunk and playing Borderlands 2. The statement still stands.

>> No.4725800

Probably because it is such an overpowering flavor.

>> No.4725831

I've always preferred A1 on steak myself.

I'll always taste the steak on it's own, first. If it stands up on it's own merit, awesome, if it's shitty meat then I'll flavor it. I can't really see ketchup working with steak, myself, but if other people like it, whatever.

If I make a steak for someone and they demand ketchup without tasting it first, they can fuck off, but as long as they at least try it first, fine. I'm not the one eating it. I can see why people would get upset over it though... they cooked this steak, spent a lot of time and labor on it in some cases, have picked out the perfect cuts for the purpose, really pulled out all the stops, just for someone to slather ketchup or whatever all over it and completely ruin all the work they put into the meat to make it stand on it's own. They're playing for subtlety and technique, and see ketchup as something to cover up their technique, their work, and make it generic. Think a musician getting autotuned to shit, it might sound better to some ears, but you're definitely overwriting the original product.

Am I saying it's wrong to put ketchup or whatever on steak? Not at all. I am saying that you might insult the person who cooked it by doing so, since you're saying that their work wasn't good enough, that it needed to be autotuned, as it were. If you're cooking for yourself, cool, whatever. If you're paying for the food yourself, cool. If you're just sitting there slathering ketchup on a steak that someone made for you at like a cookout or something, then yeah, you might make some people mad. Ultimately it's all up to you, though. If ketchup on your steak makes you happy, go for it.

>> No.4725837

Elitism. I prefer my steak between rare and medium depending on the cut but if someone gets it well done I really don't care.

>> No.4725844

they don't go good together, try cookies and water, instead of cookies and milk sometime, and you'll understand

>> No.4725845

ketchup is an incredibly strong sauce that has a tendency to overpower mild and even some moderate flavours. putting ketchup on steak will make it taste like meat and ketchup, you might as well use a cheap cut or ground beef even.

that being said, chefs don't generally use ketchup in their dishes because of the aformentioned overpowering flavour.(though they do occasionally find uses for it, I've heard ketchup can make a good marinade)

US food hipsters hate it because most common condiment in amurrica, euro food hipsters hate it because food elitism for amurrica.

>> No.4725846

It hides the taste of the steak. Yeah, sure it still tastes good, but the argument is sort of - why buy one of the more expensive cuts of meat, to then mask all the flavour with ketchup?

>> No.4725851


only ketchup that tastes like sugar paste is heinz, most of the other brands taste of vinegar.

>> No.4725857


dipping fries in mayo is worse than ketchup by far, absolutely disgusting. For god's sake 90% of fries you will ever get are literally nothing more than a vehicle for the sauce, which is one of the few areas ketchup excels at. I can get if you dislike ketchup but eating raw mayo is far more disgusting, and a good (not heinz) ketchup tastes like vinegar anyways.

>> No.4725866


ketchup does compliment the flavour of meat you cumfart. what it DOESN'T compliment is all the seasonings and spices and shit you find on a good steak.

>> No.4725873


you're a fucking retard, salt flavour does not mix period. you put salt on food because your body craves it like crack and it gives you a dopamine high. fast food isn't drowning in salt because it's quality.

>> No.4725881

>fries are no more than a vehicle for sauce
And this is why we dislike people who use ketchup. Your opinion of food is shitty.

>> No.4725890
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because strips of fried potato hold such culinary merit.

>> No.4725899

why would you ruin the taste of a perfectly good ketchup with steak???


>> No.4725901

You didn't blanch them first, did you? And yes, you can make quite the beautiful fries with the proper technique and fat.

>> No.4725906


I like how /ck/ glorifies fucking salt and fat but poo poo's ketchup. You're all retards.

>> No.4725924

I didn't even mention salt you ass-tunneling ore-ida whore. Just admit you're extremely stupid and lazy; so you defend sugary condiments so you don't feel bad about drowning your soccer-mom dinner in corn syrup and food coloring.

>> No.4725927


>getting this rustled about ketchup

i bet you have a big bottle of "fancy" ketchup sitting right next to your fridge, don't you?

>> No.4725929

You don't like that and you're a retard

>> No.4725930

Salt and fat are important in high class cooking. No, when I say important I don't mean that they use a lot of them, that's not what the word important means. Ketchup isn't used outside of fast food. You can't compare ketchup to fat anyway.

>> No.4725940


you are a hypocrite and a retard. You shit on ketchup and then proceed to treat french fries with fucking mayonaisse and vinegar as a culinary masterpiece? Just because you are a euro doesn't mean you have some sort of inherent taste gene that makes your bottom of the barrel condiments objectively superior for no reason other than you eat them.

>> No.4725947


salt and fat are little more than shit you can add to poorly made food to make people like it through sheer force. A good meal has actual merit outside of salt and fat. If you think high-class cooking relies on salt and fat you are either obese or no nothing about good food.

>> No.4725952

>beautiful fries
>now "a culinary masterpiece"
Just keep sliding those goalposts around, putting words in our mouths, and continuing to support one of the shittiest cheapest foods in existence.

Meaning born in the US and living in the midwest? Swing and a miss there ketchup guzzler.

>> No.4725955


[spoiler]I don't even use ketchup outside of french fries and hamburgers, I just don't get how you think mayonaisse of all things belongs on french fries. It is a fucking terrible condiment that tastes like rot.

>> No.4725963

What the fuck kind of mayonnaise are you eating? Are you extremely allergic to garlic, or is it the olive oil?

>> No.4725970


I don't know maybe it has something to do with taste being completely subjective and based on what your mother ater when you were in the womb you fucking autist, every time I try it I gag and lose my appetite.

>> No.4725981

You sure you're not a victim of fetal alcohol syndrome or something?

>> No.4725985

Ketchup has it's place. Serious cooking doesn't tend to be that place. Fats and salt aren't being glorified, either, proper use of them forms the base for a lot of cooking.

Ketchup isn't a base. It is an accessory. It can be made well, it can taste good, it can accent a dish. Ketchup isn't bad, by any means, but it's place is as an accessory.

Some fries might be the vehicle for sauce. That's a fine purpose to serve, if you want it to serve that purpose, but other anons saying that fries can be made to stand on their own are also correct. Different food, different preparations, for different purposes. If you enjoy the fries that are made quick and dirty, slathered in ketchup, fuck it, live it up. You should also try doing it the long way one day, paying careful attention to it, if you haven't already.

Regardless, I believe you're more interested in stirring up trouble as opposed to holding a discussion.

>> No.4725992


are you ure you aren't an elitist prick who thinks mayonaisse and vinegar are good condiments for french fries?

>> No.4725993


fuck off, pleb

>> No.4725996

For great fries no. For good fries yes. If anon had insisting on some good homemade ketchup instead of being a supermarket twat about it I might have accepted that ketchup could be made in a way that's complimentary to fries, but premade ketchup and filtered yellow "mustard" belong in hell with miraclewhip, kraft singles, and instant coffee.

>> No.4726002


but coffee is genuinely bad even in it's best forms. people drink it because it's mildly addictive.

>> No.4726006

You can't say one type of food is bad, because you don't like it. I don't like caffeine in coffee, so I stopped drinking it because of that. Decaffeinated coffee doesn't taste good. Iced coffee on a hot day is delicious.

>> No.4726009

Literally every culinary delight is a chemical craving.

>> No.4726010

Freshly ground beans prepared properly have a great flavor. I commonly drink coffee without sugar, but only the stuff that runs about 16-18 USD a lb in whole bean form. The Ethiopian beans I like have an almost buttery flavor like pecans, but with an odd sort of pepper bite.

But yeah, but people drink caffeine because they're addicted, but it's not everyone either. And instant isn't cheaper, safer, healthier, or really any more convenient unless you're on a roadtrip. A coffeemaker would pay for itself in less than a month.

>> No.4726012


but you say ketchup is bad because you don't like it.

>> No.4726016

>Decaffeinated coffee doesn't taste good.
A lot of that is the process they use to decaffeinate it. There's a Scandinavian coffee purveyor that makes acceptable decaf, but I forget the name.

A chemical interaction, not craving. Going through McDonalds because you do every day is a chemical craving, booking a seat in advance to a high end restaurant not knowing what they'll have is not the sign of a chemical addiction, but appreciation for the food itself.

>> No.4726018

He's not me, there's at least two of us arguing on this side of the line, probably a few more that have made single posts.

>> No.4726028

>The food I like is an intellectual matter; the food I don't like is a base urge.
That's incorrect. You might appreciate the chef's thinking, but you don't need to eat the food to do that. All food's judged on its taste, which is purely chemical.

>> No.4726034

But chemical craving, not chemical interaction.

We live on a macro-scale, everything from thoughts to memories, from information processing is chemical. That doesn't mean enjoying a food not of your choosing was a "chemical craving" as he stated.

>> No.4726041

>Chemical interaction
is meaningless here.

He is saying you only like ketchup because it is a mix of chemicals which people find pleasing - a chemical craving. I'm saying that is literally every food. Using a new word doesn't make an imaginary distinction real.

>> No.4726050

I never said ketchup was bad. I personally don't like it, but I can see why people do. It's sweet, sour, a bit salty. I just don't think everything should be dipped in it.
Yeah, I know it's the processing that does it. It tastes more bitter without any of the good flavors. I'm just looking for naturally caffeine free drinks, now. I know of rooibos, barley tea, dandelion root, chicory, but it's not the easiest stuff to find in most stores.

>> No.4726058

Check your targets we got friendly fire again!

I'm getting too tired to argue. It's simply stupid to argue that good cuisine can be chalked up to chemical cravings like some diabetic's sudden urge for "chicken" "nuggets" and finely sifted puree of tomato, high fructose corn syrup, salt, and preservatives.

Ketchup is an awful condiment and if you're really going to make the argument it's good because it satisfies chemical cravings then you could at least try making it yourself. It's not difficult and by your logic it should be reserved for overindulgent drunken barbeques anyways, "a chemical craving" for awfully prepared food.

>> No.4726059

What if I were actually improving the taste of my ketchup by putting steak in it because ketchup doesnt taste good enough on its own.

>> No.4726509

>booking a seat in advance to a high end restaurant not knowing what they'll have is not the sign of a chemical addiction, but appreciation for the food itself.

No you're booking because you're a fucking retard who values presentation more than food.

>> No.4726541


Steak is often connoted as a high(er) class food.
Ketchup is often connoted as a low(er) class condiment.


>> No.4726545

What? Quality, high end restaurants don't just put sparkles on a hamburger. Do you really believe that high end restaurants serve plain food that looks pretty?

>> No.4726553

But cookies and water are great together. I agree that steak and ketchup doesn't go together though.

>> No.4726641

>ketchup overpowering so chef's don't use it
Bullshit. It is one of the milder sauces out there. Hell, garlic and butter is far more overpowering of a flavor. Caramelized onions are stronger. Mustard is stronger. Hell, jus is too.

People hate on ketchup because it is the cool thing to do.

Remember, lobster used to be a poor person food.

>> No.4726654

Just from a basic standpoint

The meatyness and beefyness of a steak doesn't go well with ketchup which is sweet

Just think about putting ketchup on mushrooms

It sounds disgusting

>> No.4726675

>Bullshit. It is one of the milder sauces out there. Hell, garlic and butter is far more overpowering of a flavor. Caramelized onions are stronger. Mustard is stronger. Hell, jus is too.
This is true.

>> No.4726677

>Steak is often connoted as a high(er) class food.
Maybe in the 20's.

>> No.4726684
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>high class food

top kek

>> No.4726716

Just from a basic standpoint

The meatyness and beefyness of a porkchop doesn't go well with applesauce which is sweet

Just think about putting pineapple on pizza

Just think about putting bacon on pancakes

Just think about putting honey in a marinade

It sounds disgusting

>> No.4726733
File: 306 KB, 1600x1200, rare-steak-797265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good steak is 15-20$ a pound. You must be eating shit steak.

Also OP pic is inedible steak cooked medium. A medium steak tastes like wood and you might as well drench it in ketchup because it is butchered anyway.

A medium steak is disgusting an inedible. Cook your steak rare, use prime and you can eat like a /pol/ god.

Only a retard would put ketchup on a perfectly cooked rare steak. Anything else is inedible so it's irrelevant whether or not you put ketchup on it.

>> No.4726746
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>implying I can get anything other than skirt steaks for $20/lb where I shop for meat
>implying $20-40 for a meal is an unattainable luxury worth getting autistic over

It's just a hunk of meat. The reason plebs get excited about "the rules" is that it's traditional for poors to go out to the steakhouse when it's time for The Big Night Out (prom, and so forth), and steak "rules" are the only form of restaurant etiquette these people have ever been exposed to. Steakhouses are popular because having everything heaped on one plate and arriving at once is a surefire way to know that you got muh munny's worth and being served small individual separate courses as you would at some other types of restaurants will induce hysteria and indignation over getting "ripped off".

Remember, just tell the waiter to serve it like it's mooing, and he'll acknowledge you as an acceptable customer just like in the fantasy.

>> No.4726755

>eating all those breads and carbs

Fuck, no wonder bacon is so goddamn delicious.

>> No.4726762

so elitist its not even funny, you're an awful person for typing that garbage.

>> No.4726826

steak with certain sauces > steak with no sauce > steak with ketchup

>> No.4726844

Can you name a few sauces worth putting on steak? This is a legit question. I would like more options when eating my steak

>> No.4726880

Thinly slice a half onion per steak you plan to cook.
Salt the slices and rub them with your fingers to separate the layers into half rings; set aside.
Heat SS pan to scorching hot.
Salt and lightly oil one side of steak.
Place steak on pan salted side down.
Sear, then salt and lightly oil uncooked side and flip over, searing the other side similar. Do not cook the steak beyond rare, no matter what doneness you want.
Remove the steak from the pan.
Add salted onion, which should now be soft, and do a pseudo deglaze of the pan, scraping up bits of steak fond with them.
Add the juice of one lemon and a cup of wine per steak.
Reduce until sauce is thick and syrupy and adjust seasoning to taste.
Re-add steak and coat in sauce and off the heat.
For rare, serve immediately, for other donenesses, allow to pseudo-braise a bit until desired doneness is achieved.
Serve with asparagi saltati (blanched asparagus sautéed in olive oil and/or lard with garlic and sprinkled with grated cheese, such as parmigiano) or spinaci saltati (same as asparagus mentioned above), patate dorate (par-boiled potatoes tossed with salt, pepper and chickpea flour, drizzled in olive oil and roasted in the oven until cooked through and golden), a salad and good bread.
Top steak with pan sauce when serving.

>> No.4726881

Not him but I had a really good steak with mornay sauce over it once

I still wouldn't do that with a really nice cut though probably

>> No.4726892

Combine and reduce any of the following with the pan juices:
your favorite red wine
butter (possibly a roux)
spices you enjoy on steak

>> No.4726950

None. The only way to eat a steak is au jus, with a little bit of salt and black pepper. Just like you don't put anything on an egg, as the yolk is a sauce in its own right.

>> No.4727014

Fucking this. Tainting steak with sauce is a surefire sign of a dirty pleb.

>> No.4727062

trust me. if you are lucky enough to eat a real steak in your life, you will not even think about touching any sauce.

>> No.4727071

Ketchup on steak is plebe tier. So is well done. The only acceptable sauce is blue cheese dressing and the only way to cook it is medium.

>> No.4727072

I like to top my tenderloin with butter friend mushrooms, mayonnaise and colman's mustard. It's fucking delish yo

>> No.4727076

Worst logic I've ever seen

>> No.4727078

Ketchup is more than acceptable on cheap diner steaks, but I prefer a mixture of egg yolk, hot sauce, and steak sauce along with hash browns and making a sloppy-ass sandwich. $10 steak n' eggs done right.

>> No.4727079

Stay pleb

>> No.4727105


I put hot sauce on my eggs


>> No.4727111

1/10, keep trying

>> No.4727119


>high class

I'm sorry, is this the 1800's?

>> No.4727122

That beef that everyone buys from supermarkets is pure fucking garbage. Steak still is high class, they've just found a way to market it to everyone and cover the entire supply and demand curve.

>> No.4727127


Steak is not high class, stop fooling yourself.

>> No.4727137

Too high class for ketchup, that's for damn sure.

>> No.4727139

Keep telling yourself that while you chown down on those frozen No Name brand steaks in a box. The majority of beef is not fit for consumption as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.4727208

Steak ums are good fucker

>> No.4727210


but i do

>> No.4727504

>That beef that everyone buys from supermarkets is pure fucking garbage.
>Steak still is high class,
>they've just found a way to market it to everyone and cover the entire supply and demand curve.

>> No.4727957

I just don't like the taste. But I think it's because ketchup is usually put on cheap fast foody stuff, and putting it on a 20 dollar steak is kind of wtf, as it covers the flavor of the meat. You're there to enjoy the cow carcass, not sugary tomato paste.

>> No.4728067

>implying steak is hard to cook

>> No.4728081


The real question is when they're going to finish cooking that meat in the OP.

>> No.4728153

If you like ketchup on your steak, put ketchup on your steak. If you don't like ketchup on your steak, don't put ketchup on your steak. If you don't like ketchup on your steak and belittle those who do, fuck yourself.

>> No.4728167

sure, It's hard for me to pick a fav, but green peppercorn gravy is pretty darn good
hot english mustard (alone or mixed into gravy)
red wine reduction/gravy
mushroom gravy
if you have steak with salad a bit of balsamic vinegar/reduction goes good on the salad, and then eat it all together

>> No.4728173

this is the crux of this WHOLE argument. Ketchup is a cheap sauce, and steaks are not cheap. It isn't advisable to mix the two. If you really want a tangy tomato flavour to go with your steak, try some home made tomato relish

>> No.4728181

>perfectly cooked


Choose only one.

>> No.4728189

ketchup on steak is very childish. i prefer to put on my big boy pants and use manly catsup on my steak

>> No.4728245

You are making a pretty poor comparison

porkchops are beefy, you would do better to compare a steak to venison or bison and you wouldn't put applesauce on those or on steaks

pork in itself is a briney fatty white meat and goes well sweet flavors most of the time

you wouldn't put a honey marinade on beef or bison or even veal, that's disgusting

>> No.4728249

porkchops arent*

>> No.4728253
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>> No.4728303

that steak isnt rare you obnoxious cunt, its barely seared.

>> No.4728329

>raw steak

>> No.4728641

That's a fucking delicious, near perfectly cookrd steak you retard.

Once I had a retard tell me that his steak was rare when it looked like OPs pic. I told him he was an idiot and I instantly felt sorry for the steakhouse,

>> No.4728681

steak isn't high class, the only differences supply-wise between shit like steak and shit like ground beef is that steak has more "value", so they mark the price up.

steak and stew meat and ground beef all come from the same animal and cost the same amount to produce. It's nothing but demand making it expensive, like with lobster, and arguing about it is for middle class wanna-be's.

real rich people don't argue about the food itself, but the recipe their chef uses.

p.s. my millionaire aunt puts ketchup on her $30 steaks.

>> No.4728685


sorry, but your steak is blue rare.

>> No.4728704

Uh, certain cuts are better than others. What the fuck are you talking about? Your analogy is the same as saying cow brain is the same as a steak because it comes from the same animal. Are you that dumb?

A good steak is 15-20$ a pound, cooked rare ipwith very high heat in a cast iron skillet, nothing can beat the taste.

>> No.4728708

And OP's steak is well done.

>> No.4728713

because ketchup doesn't belong in anything but the trash

it's a disgusting thing held over from the Roman desire to bathe every food they could in off-flavor

>> No.4728721

>p.s. my millionaire aunt puts ketchup on her $30 steaks.

Your millionaire aunt has shit taste, so what?

My multi-millionaire aunt who owns several factories in multiple countries has proper taste.

>> No.4728727

>/ck/ trying to discuss economics

is there a board on 4chan that's worse at discussing literally everything than this one? even /b/ has more insightful commentary these days.

>> No.4728753

buy a decent steak and put a rub on it, then cook it properly. If that doesn't do it, then an hero.

>> No.4728829

Because flavors blend when you rub a steak with spices and salt kicks it up.

Ketchup overpowers everything in there because of the sugar and acidic bits of vinegar and citric acid dissolving the flavor.

>> No.4728859

> being mad
> sageing

you nut. you clearly had something to say about this topic, yet you dont want your post to bump the thread.... here is a reply that you desperately crave

eating a steak and covering up the taste of steak seems dumb

just buy shit burger meat and cover it in ketchup, same taste

>> No.4729148
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>> No.4729162

I don't always have fries but when I do. I salt and pepper them, if I choose a sauce I choose mustard.
Stay classy my friends.

>> No.4729168

>elitist prick who thinks mayonaisse and vinegar are good condiments for french fries?
Mayonnaise is THE condiment for fries. It always was.
Ketchup is just something americans had to put on fries instead of mayonnaise to fit their taste as well as to satisfy their sugar crave.
My two cents.

>> No.4729173

Do you even know anything about ketchup? Its origin? Or that the fucking cunt tier brand Heinz is fucking trash? It really is. I wont argue about mayo or vinegar on fries. I will tell you not all ketchup is garbage, just the sort you get at the store. Try making your own. It can be amazing.
Also no not on steak.

>> No.4729187

I always thought ketchup was only acceptable on some form of fried/baked potato, I find it too sickeningly sweet to go well with anything else. But a good sauce can add much to an allready good steak. For example, I recently went to a barbecue and my friend had made some green, thick chili sauce. I ate it with my steak and it was so exquisite that I had to jump up, dance around euphorically and jizz everywhere.

>> No.4729193

Did I by any chance state that ketchup is garbage?
I just speculated on the fact that americans are accustomed to very sugary foods and that french fries were popularized by fast food chains.
>Do you even know anything about ketchup? Its origin?
Bitch please.

>> No.4729199

Sorry about the presumption. Though I would like an answer to my question.

>> No.4729204

If you're referring to TOMATO ketchup it was most certainly "invented" in the US.
If you were referring to ketchup intended as a generic asiatic sauce, I wouldn't know.

>> No.4729209
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>What's so bad about ketchup on steak?

It's not bad, but they're not great either.

Tomato based ketchups are packed with umami flavors. The umami activates the sensors on the tongue and will enhance meaty flavors you taste.
So technically adding ketchup makes the steak taste better, at least gives a more meat flavor. However, because you're adding a bottled ketchup, you're also adding a shit load of sugars and of course, tomato flavor to the steak and that itself can override the extra taste you got from the umami.

So, think of ketchup as the poor mans choice for umami flavor enhancer. Most people don't even realize or care why ketchup is what it is or how it affects meat flavor, and those that do use ketchup probably do it more because it make their meat taste more meaty rather then the ketchup's own flavor.

There are other, better umami flavors, and they are commonly used with steaks already.
Mushrooms are a natural umami enhancer, and you'll find they are sided with steak a lot of the time, but you can get mushroom based ketchups too and they work really well.
If all else fails, there is umami dedicated pastes out there you can use as a condiment. It has little flavor of its own, but will enhance your meat's flavor.

>Why is this such a gourmet faux pas, or are you just being snobs to feel culinarily superior?

It's the same reason why some high-class (read ass-hats) restaurants don't provide salt at the table.
They think that the food they create should be eaten as provided because it's perfectly fine as its been cooked.

Some people feel ketchup's own flavor over powers the steaks blood taste more then it enhances the meat flavor. This is particularly true of meats that aren't seared well since that's where most of the 'meat' flavor people associate with steak comes from.

As I've said, there are better ways to enhance the meat flavor without using ketchup, but it does work if you also like the taste of ketchup too, that's a bonus.

>> No.4729272
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Fucking umami fad.

>> No.4729275


no shit there are "better cuts", I am saying they cost the exact same amount of money to attain as the shitty meat. The only reaason it costs $20 a pound is because your retarded ass is willing to pay $20 for a slab of meat. It's the same shit with lobster.

>> No.4729420
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Fucking umami fad.

fad or not, fact is, he is right.

umami is well documented taste enhancer and is probably why people continue to enjoy ketchup on their steaks.

>> No.4729431

>not specifying seeds or leafs
well... fuck... I can understand that it is referring to the herb but it always needs to be specified

>> No.4729437

I think a lot of it comes from the experience of being served an overcooked steak at a young age.

This is dry + parent not knowing how to cook a steak = give the lad some ketchup so he will eat it it's expensive...

A similar theme I recall involves frozen, breaded fish (do you like fishsticks?) and ketchup.

Once one knows how to request medium rare or is shown how to make their own medium rare steak...

Similar to eating Atlantic whitefish species or salmon for the first time. What the hell was that frozen Mrs. Pauls exlax and ketchup I was forced to eat as a child...

I still like ketchup with hot, fresh fries and pickles. Not fried pickles, as I have never tried them...

Get off my damn lawn!!! Alright, I'll eat one of your damn fried pickles that hit the living room window. Hold on, someone is banging on the patio door and there appears to be a brown paper bag afire out there. I will go stomp on it to displace the oxygen rendering the fire moot. Are you now knocking on the front door again? What the hell is this on the carpet? This is the worst tasting chocolate I have ever seen...

>> No.4729438

nice. That's all you got out of it?

Most people complain there isn't chicken listed, or

>>implying bacon isn't pork

Yeah, that infographic probably isn't aimed at you, but if you do get any ideas from it, it sounds like you know enough not to read it verbatim and actually use your brain...

but if that is the case, it'd suggest you're nit picking just for the sake of argument sake... back to /b/ for you.

>> No.4729457
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oh, it's the guy who thinks that a product's price is dictated by its production cost.

let me guess, you refuse to buy a cell phone because the cost of the plastic and minerals in there is only a few dollars per phone, and the network access should be "free" because it's "already there"?

>> No.4729522

For me, ANY condiment is a big no-no, be it fancy food or cheapass food. That includes french fries. As a matter of fact, whenever the opportunity presents itself, I will pick sweet potato fries any day of the week. Seriously, the poor fuckers who I keep eating out with not taking them despite my encouragement.

>> No.4729568

Cell phones have far more exotic materials than just plastic. Almost all of them contain gold, silver, and platinum to varying amounts, along with expensive rare earth metals.

Why do you think there's a budding industry to buy up old cell phones?

>> No.4729600

>Why do you think there's a budding industry to buy up old cell phones?

Same reason homeless people collect bottles. Grinding up several tons of them gives you something of scrap value.

The melt value of the gold in a single cell phone is trivial. The rare earth metals are worth more but still not more than a few dollars per phone.

>> No.4729608

>i'm a sophisticated gourmet because I know what sweet potato fries are

Is this guy serious?

>> No.4729615

It's not Sriracha, that's what's bad about it.

>> No.4729622

>meat still has a gel-like consistency
Only excusable if you're a dog. You shouldn't be acting like an elitist if you're going to eat like a wild animal.

>> No.4729637

>that shit

blue rare maybe

>> No.4729660
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>best way to eat a steak

>> No.4729665

So you are proud of having an infantile approach to foods? The wholesale exclusion of a worldwide approach to finishing dishes is both ignorant and immature. That you somehow derive self worth from this is pathetic.

>> No.4729672

I bet you put ketchup on hot dogs.

>> No.4729693

ketchup on hot dogs = gross
ketchup on steak = a culinary masterpiece

>> No.4729700

Ketchup is delicious on most things. Hot dogs, pasta, hamburgers, steaks, pork chops, bacon, fried eggs, even pizza.

>> No.4729702

Yeah, that follows logically.

>> No.4729710

Enjoy having no palate, drenching shit in overpowering sauces to get any sensation of flavor.

>> No.4729712


I pretty much only eat ketchup to hot dogs 6 mashed potates.

Why would I ever in my fucking life put it on steak? That would make it taste like fucking ketchup.

I mean,ketchup has its uses like all condiments, but for 90% percent of dishes it just show that you know fucking NOTHING about food. Why do people find it "insulting" that you can't use ketchup on everything?

>> No.4729731

You make a lot of baseless assumption...you know this, right?

>> No.4729732
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>Salt enhances

>> No.4729733
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>White trash drip fries in ketchup.
>The bars around here serve them with mayo

>> No.4729735

>ketchup replaces the flavor

No it doesn't. It adds to it.

Obviously there's a meme of completely dousing whatever dish you're eating in with ketchup, but that doesn't apply, because it doesn't exist.

You also don't even have ketchup at the table when eating steak, grilled chicken, etc.

It's at the table when you're eating cheap frozen Fish Sticks, Chicken Nuggets, and French Fries or Onion Rings.

>> No.4729740

>You also don't even have ketchup at the table when eating steak, grilled chicken, etc.
You don't. Other people do. Me included. Ketchup goes great with grilled chicken.

>> No.4729746

A 50/50 mix of A1 and Heinz 57 is preferable, but yes. On steaks as well.

>> No.4729747

>Ketchup is a flavor drowner

Anyone who says this isn't using ketchup correctly and is fucking retarded.

Mustard is a flavor drowner.
Horshradish is a flavor drowner.
Hot sauce is a flavor drowner.
Ranch sauce flavor drowner.
French is flavor drowner.

Maybe don't pour the entire bottle on what you're eating, you inept piece of shit.

>> No.4729748

>ketchup is a cheap flavor

Completely subjective.

>> No.4729754

You are now officially trolling, congratulations.

>> No.4729757

>they cooked this steak

Not my problem. If someone is cooking a steak for me, I'm either at a restaraunt or at a family gathering or such. I'm not acknowledging cookin gmy own steak or eating food on my own, as I don't have to "worry" about offending someone else, then. I can eat what I please.

If you or anyone else actually gets asshurt and offended over others "flavoring" their steak to their preference then you're a fucking imbecile and need to shut the fuck up. You're autistic as fuck, bro.

>they cooked this steak, spent a lot of time and labor on it in some cases, have picked out the perfect cuts for the purpose, really pulled out all the stops,

All of that is assumption, and moot, anyway. If it were such a hassle, you wouldn't do it.

> just for someone to slather ketchup or whatever all over it and completely ruin all the work they put into the meat to make it

You're implying that ketchup ruins things. You don't even take into account moderate usage. It's "all or nothing" in your case, proving you're stupid as hell.

If one uses ketchup, one must slather.

> I am saying that you might insult the person who cooked it by doing so

Fuck them. They're either doing it out of the goodness of their heart, enjoyment of cooking, or because they want to uphold some feign image of them being a pretentious know it all. If some jackass is going to judge me based on how I eat my food, then I'm not eating my food near or around them, much less having them prepare it.

>> No.4729762
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> If you're just sitting there slathering ketchup on a steak that someone made for you at like a cookout or something, then yeah, you might make some people mad.

Why? Are they so fucking mad or something? They literally invite others over to enjoy some food and brews, and then they turn it into some asshurt convention? It's a fucking cookout, there's undoubtetely going to be various foods, various people, and shit, guess what? Various preference in taste. Hence why most cookouts offer different options, various spices, condiments, and various drinks, as to cater to the audience THEY THEMSELVES are serving.

> Ultimately it's all up to you, though.

You've contradicted yourself like 12 times now. I'm going to a BBQ at my cousin's house. I like ketchup. I'm gonna add it to my steak, since I like it that way. OH SHIT, WHAT? APPARENTLY I FUCKING BROKE SOME RULE, EVEN THOUGH I LIKE MY STEAK WITH KETCHUP!

> If ketchup on your steak makes you happy, go for it.

I can't do that, though. I tasted it, and it tastes fine. A bit of ketchup might enhance the experience, given I actually like ketchup. Nope, I can't do that though, since I'll offend some kike who's offered to cook for me to my taste. Nope. Nope, nope.

>> No.4729764

>putting ketchup on steak will make it taste like meat and ketchup,
>steak is meat
>ketchup is ketchup

No shit, you dumbfucking idiot.

>> No.4729767
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>not keeping ketchup in your fridge

>> No.4729771

> A good meal has actual merit outside of salt and fat.

It sure doesn't.

>> No.4729779

>Ketchup has it's place
>It is an accessory
>it's place is as an accessory.

No shit. I don't think the topic of discussion was about eating spoonfuls of ketchup on their own.

>> No.4729783

> Just like you don't put anything on an egg

I like mine over easy, on buttered toast, with blackberry jam. I make mini-sandwiches out of the,

>> No.4729790
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>The majority of beef is not fit for consumption as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.4729801


You are officially retarded, though this is not news at all.

You literally think "cheap" is a flavor. You can't even bring price into the discussion. At all.

"Cheap" flavor, doesn't exist.

>> No.4729811

ketchup on scrambled eggs is far better then the gross combination of ketchup on a hotdog

>> No.4729820

>ketchup on hard boiled eggs
It's fucking incredible.

>> No.4729969

Only low class people would serve ketchup with steak, so if you do encounter a situation where you're at someone's house and they're serving steak with ketchup, the steak is crap anyway.

Any steak cooked past rare is butchered meat.

Just Google rare steak and you'll notice that 90℅ of people don't know what a rare steak looks like.
Most people are such low class that they think any red is rare,

>> No.4729970
File: 21 KB, 489x246, steak_rare-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an edible steak.

>> No.4729979
File: 92 KB, 500x375, medium-rare-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is an inedible steak,

>> No.4730071

>putting pineapple on a pizza

Americunts are disgusting.

>> No.4730093

You missed the part where I said that it's usually cool if you just try it as it's offered first before altering it. I'll admit I worded it poorly, given that I was typing that pretty much before bed last night anyways.

Mostly I was just trying to answer why it's such a bad thing for ketchup on steak. When you're the one making it, when you're the one paying for it, or whatnot, there is no issue. When you're having it made for you as like a gift, it's polite to just give it a taste without fucking with it.

Where I come from, nobody really likes ketchup on steak so I'll admit, I'm unfamiliar with it. If someone were to ask for it at a cookout on something that's not a hamburger or a hot dog or whatever, they'd get funny looks, but as long as they're not being a cunt about it, the people I know are usually happy to oblige. I come from a lower-middle class family so steak is still taken somewhat seriously, so usually the only sauces you'll see on steak is A-1 and even then not that often. It all depends on who you're with and what sort of expectations they have out of their guests.

I also believe that I intended the reasons I did as more of a hypothetical thing, to try and explain why people might get upset over it. I personally don't give a fuck what you put on it as long as you've tried it first, and a lot of the people I know are the same. I can see why people can get so upset over it, though, especially if they get the feeling you're doing it because their cooking is awful. I know my dad used to get pissed when people altered dishes he put a lot of effort before tasting them, though he had a lot of other issues with self-confidence and anger. Despite that, I felt that was a sensible rule, try it first, then fuck with it.

Still, it was a poorly worded post, sorry man. This one's probably awful, too, hopefully it cleared things up some. I have issues communicating clearly some days.

>> No.4730103

Ok, mr. my-opinion-is-the-only-correct-one

>> No.4730119

Imagine spoilers for increased wit.

All steak is butchered meat.

Polite sage for no content.

>> No.4730151

Don't point that at me. I fucking will starve sooner than eat pineapple pizza.

>> No.4730214

ketchup flavored steak; hell there's even ketchup flavored potato chips

>hurr steak is high tier and durr ketchup is pleb tier
/ck/ food snobbery
>implying you don't own a bottle or fancy packets of the stuff in your household

>> No.4730410

Food autists are truly the worst


>> No.4730710

Ok... So, just to Recap:

Steak. Many cuts, many animals, always the same process to get it to the kitchen.
Easy process too. No grinders, no prep, no nothing. If you have strong enough hands, you can get a steak off of an animal. I did not say unskilled process, I said easy.
So, steak is arguably the easiest thing to remove from an animal.
Slap in pan/oven/bbq. Anywhere up to 5 minutes of your time.
Goes to plate, then to customer/guest/whatever.

So feasibly, you could kill, skin, slice, and serve, all in less time than it takes to make chili. (Yes, yes, aging, always with the aging, I'm simplifying.

When it all comes down to it, the guy/girl who cooks it, takes 5 minutes out of their day to cook it... and becomes... insulted? When the person eating it decides to flavour it...

This is why I stopped working in the restaurant industry. There is so much butthurt. It's all just pre-poop. Get over it.

Also, where I live, beef is plentiful, of the highest quality, and quite affordable.

The only wasted steak, is an uneaten steak.

I repeat: The only wasted steak, is an uneaten steak.

>> No.4730835

I don't use any of those things. What now?