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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 52 KB, 800x608, restaurant-leftovers-15580215[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4727593 No.4727593 [Reply] [Original]

>go out to eat
>table near us finishes, pays and leaves
>fucking plates half full of food left behind

Who the fuck does this? Why would you not take it home?

>> No.4727603

depends on the restaurant but a lot of foods taste terrible as leftovers. they may not have expected to be near s fridge soon either.

>> No.4727609

Wait a minute isn't that poutine?

>> No.4727612

I don't know, just google images yo

>> No.4727620


>go out for pizza one night
>huge table of maybe 15-16 year olds
>pretty loud but whatever, it's a pizza place
>they leave
>literally half a pizza left, untouched, on the serving platter

Not one single kid was like "why are we wasting all this food? I'll bring it home for later or to my parents/sibling/whatever."

>> No.4727626

Oh no, people didn't want to bring home shitty cheap food to eat later.

>> No.4727629


uh here comes the poor patrol

not everyone is so cheap that they feel the need to shovel all that food down their gullet or have some sort of paranoia that they will somehow need this little bit of extra food within the next few days

>> No.4727640
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>uh here comes the poor patrol

lel, that's my line. but you're welcome to use it as you see fit under the GPL

>> No.4727657

Bringing leftovers home is not done in Europe.
You either dine at the table or get takeout dinner.
You will encounter confusion, hushed sniggering or outright ridicule when you introduce the doggy bag concept because you'll be seen as scrooge with no dignity.
Portions are adjusted so the average diner can clean his or her plate and anything that's left goes in the trash by default.
I think it's a great idea to let customers bring leftovers because throwing good food out is wasteful but I'll never see it becoming socially acceptable in my lifetime sadly.

>> No.4727669

>not eating some of their left overs

free food

>> No.4727670


>social stigma surrounding bringing home food which you have paid for and someone worked to cook

This is so fucking stupid.

>> No.4727682


>Bringing leftovers home is not done in Europe.

Is this true? Seriously?

>> No.4727684

>social stigma around pouring leftover soup into the pot, boiling the bugs to death, and serving it to someone else

It's the same thing. Stop pretending that culture conforms 100% to your idea of rationality.

>> No.4727687


>> No.4727688

Of course not, it's disgusting.

When I went to the US I always wondered what they meant when they said "do you want a box?" after my meal.

>> No.4727689


Yes but

>Portions are adjusted so the average diner can clean his or her plate and anything that's left goes in the trash by default.

This is key. You know all those fat fucks who whine about muh munny's worth? They're accustomed to this idea that meals have to have a completely ridiculous amount of food.

I don't think there was a single time I left my plate clean when I've been in Europe. Well in Norway I think I might have done it but that was because the food was bad.

>> No.4727694

Normally I'd take the food home, but the majority of the time I eat at a restaurant for lunch before doing other things that I had planned that day.

For example, would you still get a doge bag if you were headed to the mall or a movie right after?

>> No.4727696
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>For example, would you still get a doge bag if you were headed to the mall or a movie right after?

/ck/ would. God forbid we waste even 6 oz of food, we might actually have a healthy weight if we keep that up.

>> No.4727698


Jesus. And euros laugh at americans having a stigma about eating at restaurants alone.

>> No.4727701


Did you really just compare "bringing leftovers home" and "boiling dead insects into a soup and serving it to someone"? What the fuck? You can't be this stupid. You have to be a shitty troll.

>> No.4727702

Portions in Europe are significantly smaller than in the US or here in Canada. The prices for decent restaurant meals are however a lot more expensive.

I posted about this a while ago here. My dads friend from Australia came to visit us in Canada a few years back. We took him to this Italian restaurant that's famous for serving very large portions, 99% of the people who go there go with the intent of having lunch for next day as well. At the end of the meal he looked at us all weird when we asked to take what was almost half the food still on our plates in a doggy bag. I asked /ck/ about it and Australians just said the portion sizes there make it so that people don't take left overs home. It's the same in Europe.

>> No.4727703

at this rate we'll have some sort of stigma about just eating

>> No.4727706
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Bugs is slang for microorganisms. Even children know this. Are you not fluent in the English language?

>> No.4727708

It's not about a social stigma or shame.
It's just why. Why would I want to bring a cold piece of food home that I didn't want to eat when I was at the restaurant?
I have things in the house I can eat.

>> No.4727709


I love how "taking food home" is immediately conflated with "being fat." Is it incredibly hard to believe that you may eat it later, at a perfectly normal and healthy time to do so, instead of using the food at your house? It's very practical no matter what kind of bullshit spin you want to give it, and there's nothing unhealthy about it.

>> No.4727710


>I made a stupid post and am now backpedaling so hard

>> No.4727715
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lel. next thing you'll be telling us we don't "need" cell phones or the internet.

>> No.4727717

eating makes you fat

stop doing it

>> No.4727719

>Why would I want to bring a cold piece of food home that I didn't want to eat when I was at the restaurant?
>I have things in the house I can eat.

Maybe because it's perfectly good food. MAybe you didn't want to eat it because you were full. You then bring it home and eat it later for another meal. Then you eat what you would have eaten for that meal for the next meal. IS this a hard concept?

>> No.4727714

>Let me be retarded and wasteful! I have money!

>> No.4727725


I know not everyone is American on the internet, but come on man. We're an English language board, if you get confused you don't blame the guy who speaks it natively.

>> No.4727727

You don't understand though. The average /ck/er is so fucking fat they would never have leftovers anyways. Even if they went to a place that purposely served big portions.

>> No.4727729

It's a vile concept.

I know people have been eager to prove it isn't a fat person thing, but I cant imagine anyone "normal" putting their cold meal in a doggie bag to eat at a later date.

>> No.4727733
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>everyone on /ck/ is fat
>except me

>> No.4727736

That is not true anywhere.

>> No.4727741

You don't need them.
But they are more important and useful than your trough food.

I hope it tastes good, piggy.

>> No.4727743
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>3.Informal. any microorganism, especially a virus: He was laid up for a week by an intestinal bug.

Out of curiosity, where are you from that this is not commonly understood?

>> No.4727744

I'm fat too, and so are you :)

>> No.4727751

The average /ck/er is so fucking poor that their stomach has shrunk due to the lack of food in their household. So no. They don't finish every plate in front of them.

>> No.4727752
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>> No.4727756

Kids don't think like that. But the bigger question is what kid turns down pizza? If it was me and my friends at that age we'd have polished off two pizzas. Maybe it was just a shitty pizza and no one could force any more down.

>> No.4727758

>The average /ck/er is so fucking poor

speak for yourself

>> No.4727764

Wasting food should carry a death sentence. Fucking subhuman behavior.

>> No.4727765


No, he's right. I got into an argument with someone here who insisted that it was completely unreasonable to expect the average American to have tasted avocado, because, get this, they cost $1 each. I'm certain he was completely serious.

>> No.4727766

I just got a raise last week, $25/h now.

>ahhhh the mediocre middle-class life

>> No.4727771

>For example, would you still get a doge bag if you were headed to the mall or a movie right after?

I have. Once I went and got a apple cobbler with ice cream but couldn't finish it, it was too big. So I had it loaded up into a styrofoam box and left in my car while I did the rest of my errands that day. It was summer, btw, and I knew the ice cream would melt, but who cares, the cobber was served hot anyway, so it already mostly melted.

In my head it was a good plan, but after sitting in a hot car all day I had to throw the cobbler remains out, they just didn't smell right a couple hours later, unfortunately. I was really banking on that being my dinner too, with a sandwich.

>> No.4727772
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I said average. There are always exceptions. Check out my car.

>> No.4727773


>It's a vile concept.

But why?

>> No.4727777


I've done it, but I always consider what is in the food. If it's got mayo, ranch, or any sort of soft cheese I usually won't.

>> No.4727779

I don't even have a cell phone. Checkmate.

>> No.4727783

$1 is a big gamble when you have no idea how to fix it. I wouldn't pay a dollar for an avocado simply because I don't know what I'd do with it. I don't like guacamole, so beyond that I have no use for it. But it's crazy how expensive vegetables are getting. Bell peppers are $1.50 a piece at the store here (Oregon). So you got a buck fifty for a single ingredient, or go next door to McD's for a 69 cent cheeseburger - a whole meal. Yes, $1.50 is cheap, but it's also expensive in comparison for how much other food you could be getting. I'm not saying I do this, but if someone is poor this is their mindset.

>> No.4727785

i dont care, my food stamps cover it

>> No.4727787

Are avocados really $1 in the states? I thought you guys only paid like 33 cents each. It's $1 here in Canada, I love them and would eat them all the time but can't justify the price to have them too often.

>> No.4727790

>so the average diner can clean his or her plate

Is it proper English to use diner as a noun for someone who dines at a restaurant?
I started having serious doubts after making that post.

>> No.4727792

So because you argued with one idiot, that makes everyone poor? Well, I suppose I can just assume that everyone here is ignorant and uneducated because of your posts.

>> No.4727795
File: 13 KB, 250x274, 1371687278722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>scraping and peeling your filthy slops into a poverty, piggy box so you can refrigerate and then two days later warm it up in your microwave which you then scrape and smear out of your piglet box onto your cheap bowl (trough) so you can shovel it into your filthy, pigface with your fat, greasy, sausage fingers.

I don't know why anyone would do this to themselves.
The only people I've ever seen do this are overweight families who all wear baseball hats and tshirts they won at carnivals.
Occasionally a mobility scooter.
You all make me sick.

This is an act of extreme dirtyness.

>> No.4727796

Yes, it's fine. A diner can either be a type of restaurant or a person who dines, aka, eats dinner.

>> No.4727798

Yeah. It's 4chan you fucking nigger.

>> No.4727800

Right now, large Haas avocadoes are 2 for $3 here in NorCal. I have six of them sitting on my counter ready to be made into delicious things.

>> No.4727802

That stigma is also prevalent in Europe.
Perhaps not all parts of Europe but in the Netherlands it certainly is.

>> No.4727803

I got guilted into taking food home once. It was a really bad chinese place, the sweet and sour chicken were like rubber tires, way too tough and chewy. I left like 70% of the plate untouched and started to leave when the waitress cornered me asking why I didn't want a doggie bag. I just wanted to get out of there quickly, so I backed down and took the chicken home. I threw it in the dumpster as soon as I could.

If people don't take the food home maybe it's just terrible food, so don't judge too harshly.

>> No.4727805

Get a load of this faggot.

Another special snowflake who uses the most meaningless criteria to make themselves seem superior. You make me giggle with disdain.

>> No.4727808

>I just wanted to get out of there quickly, so I backed down and took the chicken home.

Your autism is showing there, bro.

>> No.4727809

>You make me giggle with disdain.

I tip my fedora to you, sir.

>> No.4727807

Thank you for clearing that up.

>> No.4727811


buy local plants dumbass, a green bepper is 50 cents where Ilive because muh local produce.

>> No.4727813

It wasn't worth getting into a confrontation about how awful the food was, potentially get the cook involved, etc. etc. Gotta pick your battles, and that awful chicken wasn't worth the fuss.

>> No.4727817
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Another piggy who thinks he can make himself seem superior by patronizing me.

It's not going to work, piggy.
I'm normal, I don't peel away my sloppy spoils.
Oink oink, eat up piggy.

>> No.4727818

You were in a Chinese restaurant. Asians are incredibly beta. You were more beta than them because you didn't even tell them the food was bad.

>> No.4727819


Local is $3/lb where I live which comes out to be like a buck each according to my primitive math. Not the oregon guy, I'm on east coast.

>> No.4727825

Man, I definitely would've thought like that as a teenager, why would I not grab the remaning half a fucking pizza?

>> No.4727828

I never had much experience around asians, just the wanna be thugs from high school, so I don't know how beta they can be. But I'll keep it in mind for the future though.

>> No.4727831

What do you think alpha and beta means?

>> No.4727833

American portions are fucking huge, guys. You gotta keep that in mind. I'm not a fat fuck, but I'm not going to waste half my food. Leftovers work great for stuff like pasta where they give you this fuckton of it.

>> No.4727837

While the guy you are replying to is incorrect, context nigs.

You don't say a bowl of soup has bugs in it meaning microorganisms.

>> No.4727840

>Making this huge of a generalization
>about Asian business owners

Motherfucker those guys are alpha as they come. They give 0 fucks, they'll scream at you for hours or even shoot your ass down.

By the way this thread is really really awful.

>> No.4727844

the board has been noticeably worse lately

>> No.4727845

>American portions are fucking huge, guys.

Christ, this. This happened just yesterday. Was out shopping with family and we stopped for lunch, but still early enough for breakfast. So I went "light" and got an omelette. What came out was an omelette about 9 inches long, covered half the plate, and the other half was a mountain, a fucking MOUNTAIN, of potatoes, and toasted laid on top of all that. I did not eat for the next 24 hours until just a little while ago. I did finish it all though, because I'm not about to take half an uneaten omelette home with me.

>> No.4727847

Whats the point? Nothing is going to change. You're not going to get anything.
You're better of getting out there as quick as you can.

>> No.4727850


I didn't say it had bugs in it. That involves a stronger degree of literalness with the bugs. It's like saying "bugs in my stomach" vs "a stomach bug". There's a difference. Read the original post.

>> No.4727853

No we do that.
I've seen it done countless of times.

>> No.4727855


If they hadn't done this, fat ass amerilards would have ripped them a new asshole on Yelp.

>baww the portions were stingy I was hungry 3 hours later

>> No.4727856

There's no need to patronize a stinking moron. But nice try, Zippy.
Why would I even bother getting remotely upset at someone who is so fucked in the head? Pity, maybe, but no anger here. Also, I'm quite certain you weigh more than me, "piggy". People in glass houses, and all that....

>> No.4727859

yet another thread that confirms /ck/ is only inhabited by anorexics who go online pining after the food theyre depriving themselves of OR projecting fat asses with binge eating problems. i know you social darwinist nerds have gobs of money at your disposal but some don't and like to bring home perfectly edible food to enjoy later, why does this bother you????

>> No.4727860

>I'm quite certain you weigh more than me
I'd bet my kidneys that's not true.

>> No.4727861

I forgot to mention the side choices were toast, biscuit (which they make there are fucking enormous), english muffin, or PANCAKE. Yes, an entire pancake as a side dish. I assume it would be just one, but it might actually be a stack for all know.

>> No.4727862

> like to bring home perfectly edible food to enjoy later

This may come as a shock to you, but some people live in places where there are things to do besides go to the 1 restaurant or stay at home. I'm not carrying a bag of decomposing food around the city in a paper bag all night and neither should anyone.

>> No.4727864

Yes, there's a small proportion of Asians who will scream at you if you say something bad about them. The absolute vast majority however are going to walk away in shame because mah "face". Learn to deal with people from other races dude, it makes things a lot easier.

If I go to a restaurant where the food is not like it should be, a dish that I've tried and liked previously somewhere else, I tell them that I don't like it. Sometimes they just don't do the seasonings right, or screw up somewhere. Restaurants are busy places, shit happens, not everything is going to be perfect. Paying for something that I don't like is not how it's supposed to be.

Of course if I go somewhere where the food isn't good but it's either done a certain way that's different from what I've had before or never had it before I just never go back.

You new to 4chan?

>> No.4727868

>decomposing food

The food's been "decomposing" since long before you ordered it. An extra couple hours isn't going to make it any worse.

>> No.4727874

>anorexics who go online pining after the food theyre depriving themselves

Oh yeah! Well I...


ok fine

>> No.4727876
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>The food's been "decomposing" since long before you ordered it.

Oh and another thing, this isn't what our restaurants look like here.

>> No.4727880

*~*~*~ wow so cosmopolitan*~*~*~* i live in manhattan and i take home food IF i have nowhere else to be afterwards, but why the obsession with what others are doing??? like its weird seek therapy or something idk

>> No.4727881

Taking food home when you live in a big city is different. Every block you pass by homeless beggars asking for change or food and you have to straight up say they can't have your leftovers. This happened to me twice in San Francisco, it's really awkward when they eye your bag, you know they're hungry, but have to prance around the issue. It's different if you have a car, but if you have to walk, yeah I can sympathize with not wanting to carry your food around across town.

>> No.4727882
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>tells us the dishes are smaller so you should be able to finish them
>calls you fat for not being able to finish them

You need a new fucking shtick on this board, europe.

>> No.4727887

This thread reminds me of every Kitchen Nightmares episode where Ramsey flips his shit at the owner for even offering to-go bags and makes them reduce the portion size.

>> No.4727894

>the obsession with what others are doing

Oh I dunno, someone posted a thread about it and I guess I responded in line with the topic or something lol. Crazy right? I should see a therapist.


They say no about half the time here. NYC.

>> No.4727897

>caring about Yelp

>> No.4727906

>All Asians are the same, all whites are the same, all blacks are the same.

God, you're so annoyingly racist.

>> No.4727913


If you own a restaurant, it would be incredibly dumb to pretend it doesn't exist.

>> No.4727917

Racist? I'm not that guy, but if 75% of a group behaves a certain way then that stereotype exists for good reason. It's not racist to point something out if it's true.

>> No.4727920
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Well, we managed to stay on topic for almost 100 points. And now it's /pol/ time.

>> No.4727921

If you hate wasting food perhaps i have something to get you rage. /watch?v=l1AszDN_ZGI

>> No.4727923

I'm sorry, did I say Asians? I meant to say those glorious people from those other lands because god forbid I say anything about a specific group of people that everyone, including them, knows is true.

>> No.4727925

They are all similar.
Especially the common ground negro.

>> No.4727927

ah yes /pol/ is here. right on time.

>> No.4727930
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The holocaust never happened. But it should have. Also, nigger nigger nigger.

>> No.4727935


For being on the board that dabbles in different cuisine showcasing how different cultures and people can be when they are right next to one another, you're all really really retarded. Asians can and are very different from one another, stop the horseshit.

>> No.4727938

I don't get doggy bags because I don't like contributing to the landfills a bunch of plastic containers that will only get one use. Some of them you can wash, but mostly not, and especially not styrofoam ones. I wish more restaurants would switch over to the cardboard type boxes, at least those are more biodegradable.

>> No.4727941

From the context it was obvious they were referring just to the chinese, since this all came about because of the chinese chicken post.

>> No.4727943

Just stuff the food in your pockets.

>> No.4727947

The concept of "face" is almost uniformly identical in all those cultures you just wrote out. As compared to western cultures where embarrassing someone isn't that big of a deal unless they're an autist.

>> No.4727950

All backstabbing, evil chingies to me.

>> No.4727960

Sometimes I envy women, who can just wrap it up in a napkin and hide it in their purse.

>> No.4727961

>Continue to use the word "Asian" back and forth, never distinguishing as Chinese
>I-It was o-obvious! Duh!

Nice damage control.

>> No.4727968


It was a post about a chinese restaurant. But I'm starting to recognize you. You're the "intentionally misunderstand an obvious point, and draw out the trolling as long as possible with backpedal/damage control accusations" guy.

>> No.4727972

Okay dude, clearly you're slow, so I'll break this down nice and easy for you:

>Asians are incredibly beta.
>Yes, there's a small proportion of Asians who will scream at you if you say something bad about them.
>I'm sorry, did I say Asians?
>From the context it was obvious they were referring just to the chinese

Stop hiding. Fact of the matter is, you're a dumbass.

>> No.4727974

Autism defined.

>> No.4727976


Ok, I take it back, it wasn't intentional. You just have problems.

>> No.4727978

I just wanted to say that this is the best thread I've read on /ck/ in a very very long time. I am laughing my ass off at all the alpha beta autism shit going on here.

Thank you 4chan, you made my afternoon.

>> No.4727985
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>> No.4727997

>talking to the subhumans on the street

>> No.4728012

I actually just read this whole thread because of your post.

...........what the FUCK did I just get done reading? This started as a simple thread about taking food home from a restaurant. I don't think I've ever seen so much European/Amurrican butthurt, blind accusations and arguments about being fat, overt racism, autism and paranoia about food germs, something about all Asians being beta lol, avocado food prices and general thriftiness, fedorafag neckbeards, arguments about portion sizes, etc etc.

Pure comedy gold ITT.

>> No.4728014

Same here. I'm loving it. /ck/ condensed into one thread.

>> No.4728018

lol I'm in stitches, I look forward to re-reading this gem later this evening. I'm sure there are a bunch of nuggets of autistic butt-devastation that I missed the first time through. Gonna have a few drinks first, shits gonna be awesome.

>> No.4728021

it sums up /ck/ perfectly eh

>> No.4728024

And now it's a meta circle-jerk. Let's just let it die.

>> No.4728030

Sounds like your more upset at them for having the money to waste food than them actually doing it
Not everyone wastes their money on booze and lotto tickets like poor people do. Some of us have the money to spend.

>> No.4728031


Oh no, our friends on the west coast will get off work in an hour or so (implying /ck/ works) and then we'll have even more delicious buttdevestation as the texans rage about portion sizes while the snobs in Calaifornia and Washington try to act like taking food home is somehow beneath them.

>> No.4728036

It's Sunday.

>> No.4728038

/ck/ works in McDonalds, they're open on Sundays

>> No.4728039

Yeah, it's the sabbath, everyone's still in church.

>> No.4728042

I have a friend who refuses to eat leftovers and I can't understand it. He used to be married to a woman who could cook amazingly and so much shit went to waste...

>> No.4728068
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>> No.4728073

>mfw a fucking restaurant puts my microwavable leftovers in one of those carryout trays that you can't microwave

fuck them. fuck them all

>> No.4728079

Er, most containers are either Styrofoam, tin/aluminum, or wrapped in foil. You usually can't heat up the containers.

>> No.4728083


>> No.4728088

Do you not own any plates?

>> No.4728096

I just re-heat my leftovers in the toaster oven. It tastes better than using a microwave anyway.

>> No.4728108


Haha, my bust, totally forgot. Also left my trip on from /out/. Whoops.

>> No.4728122


>> No.4728142

I had to do that a few times when I knew I wasn't going to be home for 5+ hours.

Pizza is pretty much the only thing that can sit in your car for that long and be fine.

>> No.4728145

planning any meetups, fagg/out/?

>> No.4728148

Did you make that just now? Awesome

>> No.4728161

As a euro I see nothing wrong with americlaps bringing food home, it seems like a logical solution to your stupid fucking portions.

>> No.4728176


I think there's a meetup thread on there now. I haven't posted in it, though.

>> No.4728192

Thank you eurobro. I happen to love the huge portions served in American restaurants because of this. It's a shame some people feel compelled to finish everything just because it's all on one plate, I like to eat to a comfortable level and take the rest home, sometimes I can get three meals from one serving of food.

Protip: Make sure to take some things home when at Mexican restaurants. They'll bring you extra tortillas, a nice sized bag of new tortilla chips, and a container or two of salsa to go with your leftovers. Most waiters at Mex places like to hook you up w this stuff because they give it out for free anyway and they want a better tip. If my waiter brings me free chips, tortillas and salsa to go without me asking for them I definitely leave a bigger tip too because I'm not a shitbag like some of you.

>> No.4728208

i had gastric bypass, so when i go out to eat i can never finish.
i never take breakfast food or french fries with me. doesn't reheat well. anything else i would take leftovers with me though.

>> No.4728211

I always love it when I get a doggie bag and the waiter/tress still asks if I want desert. It's like I know what they mean, but it still sounds funny, like here I couldn't eat half my food, but let me stuff down a cake anyway.

>> No.4728215

>go to olive garden
>order an entree, which comes with unlimited soup or salad (they don't really advertise that you can reorder soup)
>eat two bowls of zuppa toscana
>ask server for a box for my entire entree
>she gives me this look like "really?"
>there goes your tip
>I get two full meals for the price of one

I still lose though, since it's Olive Garden.

>> No.4728229

What the fuck dude, lol. You do this shit for leftovers at home, it's no fucking different. I really hope not all euros have this retarded logic embedded in their brains.

>> No.4728235

>sometimes I can get three meals from one serving of food
Christ, this. I'm Canadian though, but one of the restaurants here serves ungodly huge proportions for some reason and this town barely has anyone here who could actually finish all that shit.

I brought home a meal once that I could barely dent and ended up with 2 meals and a bit on the side for another. It's pretty nice.

>> No.4728250

Yea. It usually isn't as good leftover as it is fresh, but it's still better than eating frozen dinners and premade shit. My favorite places for leftovers are Italian food and Mexican food. At Italian places they give you bread and salad so that by the time my food gets there I'm not about to eat a whole plate of pasta, I get two extra meals out of it. Mexican places give you chips, salsa, and I'll usually get some chili con queso. I eat half the dinner and get one extra meal from it, plus the afore-mentioned complementary take-home chips, salsa and tortillas. So I get an extra meal plus a few days worth of snacks. Eating out can be really cost efficient if you do it right.

>> No.4728255

I like you.

>> No.4728259

They were in a movie, OP

>> No.4728287


when I eat something I damn better have enough so I don't even want to think about having more

>> No.4728296

That's actually a pretty keen idea. I know years ago they used to mention the unlimited soup, or at least the breadsticks, in the commercials, but maybe they stopped doing that because people took advantage. Still, their loss, it's a legit loophole.

>> No.4728301

I wonder how many people did that.

>> No.4728305

They do unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks.

They also have this thing where you basically order 2 of the same thing for the price of one and just take one home, but the original portion is so fucking huge that you need a box for that as well.

God bless America and the amount of cheap pasta we can produce

>> No.4728309

Welp, let's have those kidneys, then. You mankey, fatty, gorilla armpit.

>> No.4728314

the funny part is that the fat people are less often the ones to bring leftovers home because they polish that shit off in the restaurant.

>> No.4728322

That's fucking retarded.
I've been married for nearly ten years to my wife, who's a chef, and we never throw out leftovers. Either they're so good we eat as is, or she takes them and makes them into another fuckawesome dish. Throwing away leftovers means one of two things: either you can't cook, or you're an ignorant, wasteful faggot.

>> No.4728324

Or both.

>> No.4728326

>I still lose since it's Olive Garden

I lol'd

>> No.4728367

Ewwwwww nigger pigs.

>> No.4728427

headphones. cant hear you mofos

>> No.4730862

so much mad