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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 610 KB, 2169x1437, DSC_5092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4720477 No.4720477 [Reply] [Original]

The special in my restaurant today. My co-workers brain child, I took the photo. Elk tar tar and hawaiian style salmon poke in cucumber cups.

>> No.4720484

>elk tartare

Isn't that kind of a risk of toxoplasmosis?

>> No.4720482

>you took the photo
>leave literally one cucumber in focus while the rest of the plate is a sea of blurry pink shit
god damn man

>> No.4720487


it's called bokeh. I learned about it from /pee/.

if you know wut camera iz gud you'd understand.

>> No.4720489

I have never gotten pretentious-as-fuck dishes.

Maybe when I make enough money to waste hundreds in a single meal, then I will understand.

>> No.4720491

i don't think artsy fartsy macro lens shots are a good idea when you're trying to demonstrate food

>> No.4720493
File: 142 KB, 670x604, pigs-at-trough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


oh good, here comes the poorfag patrol

>> No.4720505
File: 1012 KB, 4928x3264, DSC_4844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I had like 2 minutes to shoot before the plate went out. I also don't shoot food much. Here's a better photo from the other day...

>> No.4720511


Not according to the chef...

>> No.4720513

Maybe one day too, you will learn the meaning of hard work.

>> No.4720515

again, your choice of focus and framing is really fucking weird, but that's a pretty neato shot

>> No.4720518

OP here, i chuckled

>> No.4720523

>implying I don't work hard
>implying it takes more than a lower middle class income to afford a nice meal sometimes

You didn't even like the crockpot.

>> No.4720526

>implying lower middle class jobs exist

>> No.4720528

I can get a nice meal for $50 tops and actually be full. That dish looks expensive and meager.

Either way, I'm I don't think I will ever budget to throw away hard earned money unless I can literally throw it away.

>> No.4720533


It's obviously part of a multi course meal. You'd know this if you ever went anywhere nice.

>> No.4720537

It was 20 dollars. Not too bad considering the hours and ingredients.

Also, we are a resort, we don't serve multicourse unless by special request.

>> No.4720542

Looks like cat food.

>> No.4720539

I have, when being treated by another business we contracted to. It was ridiculously expensive.

>> No.4720545


Ahhh hurr keep on bein funny /ck/

>> No.4720546

Just tellin' it like it is.

>> No.4720559

Doesn't seem very planned out as much as the chef trying to tryhard for pretentiousness.
>delicate, thin arrangement in the middle
>big, bulky cucumber with poke dressing arrangement ontop
Christ, the flow of that dish is ridiculously absurd.

>> No.4720573


We are line cooks. Chef gave the okay, said net time make the cucumbers smaller. And yes I agree. But damn if Elk ttar tar is not something I thoroughly enjoyed.

>> No.4720610

it's tartare*, fucking waste of carbon

>> No.4720612

/p/ here

your photo sucks and rushing is not an excuse

>> No.4720633


>> No.4720651

Hey /p/ OP here. check my thread on /p/


>> No.4720705

This looks inviting to try, but gives no indication on what it might taste like.
My two cents anyway...

>> No.4720821

your bro's poke looks like shit bro...and whats that shit dribbled all over the elk?

also....how do you mix poke and elk? it doesn't sound very natural a combo

>> No.4720911

Whats your hobby? What do you throw away money on?

>> No.4720922
File: 72 KB, 463x500, 1333726765462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So op where do you work what kind of restaurant?

>> No.4720936


Are those cucumbers hollowed out? If no, then thats a lot of cucumber. Otherwise id eat the shit out of that, I love tartare anything.

>> No.4721082

What the fuck is that pink shit?