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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 160 KB, 1024x682, HURR I MAK VEEDAOES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4713124 No.4713124 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people like this fatass?
I find his entire food wishes channel bad. I looked through some of his vids and could only find like 9 good ones. Honestly most people only like him because of his bad jokes, and the rest are probably just you co/ck/suckers.
He also worships himself. Just look at the description in his "welcome to foodwishes" video: "Welcome to YouTube's favorite video recipe channel, starring YouTube's most POPULAR chef, Chef John!"
Please explain why he is so worshiped here?

>> No.4713130

Hardly worshipped. Sometimes referred to when people ask for easy recipes/cooking channels.

Haven't really seen any praise.

>> No.4713137

Never heard of him OP. Care to post a link to such bad food?

>> No.4713147

His recipes are easy to follow and every one of his recipes I've cooked has tasted good. I personally find the bad jokes pretty corny but not annoying. What exactly is the problem with him?

>> No.4713149

never heard of him

>> No.4713150

He is fat and I am a pretentious prick.

>> No.4713153

I'll admit that his humour is a bit corny and overly sarcastic at times but his videos are reasonably well made, easy to follow and a Godsend when teaching budding cooks the ropes.

He's a good starting reference but nothing more, nothing less.

Plus sometimes he reminds me I haven't made X in a while or should try Y this time

>> No.4713165

because a large % of us are over 18 yet managed never to have operated a stove up until recently so a few minutes of chef John or Alton Brown suddenly makes us the new Escoffier.

ask people what canned spaghetti sauce like or mention rice cookers and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.4713176
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Are you seriously mad because a person posts videos on youtube on how to cook relatively simple things?
Maybe not everyone can cook as well as a michelin star chef?

Do you also hate Cooking with Dog because it's about pretending that the dog is the one talking?

>> No.4713217

Chef John detected.

>> No.4713229

Assblasted OP detected

>> No.4713290

he puts together great stuff for home cooks, i don't see what's wrong with him. most of his recipes have one decent transferable tip to take home with you and he covers a lot of themes like valentines day, seasonal cooking etc

you probably hate jamie oliver as well because you're a culinary sophomore

>> No.4713293

His videos don't even show him? If you can't enjoy his voice, then you can't enjoy life.

>> No.4713306

How do you not like a roly poly chef with such a soothing voice? His videos and Cooking with Dog always make me feel better when I'm down.

>> No.4713307

He's been making vids for a long time. Not all of his recipes are good and he certainly isn't above criticism but holy shit OP do you really get this upset over the minor internet fame of a complete stranger?

>> No.4713309
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Better then those wannabe chefs who NEED to be in front of the camera spilling their spaghetti. Definitely don't need 10mins+ video of that.

>> No.4713320

Really OP ? Are you some edgy faggot or something. He's a sweet guy making comfy, decent home cook meal videos. If you want to see a bad youtube channel for cooking see niko's kitchen. His vids gross me out.

>> No.4713321

I keep hearing about this guy but I don't know anything about him.

I have no interest in watching pretentious people cook food while spouting corny jokes. Just give me a recipe and I'll try on my own.

>> No.4713324

That picture creeps me the fuck out

>> No.4713332
File: 51 KB, 1280x720, 28funkalicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> chef John
> pretentious
way to assume something so far from the truth. Good job anon!

>> No.4713334

I can't help but think that someone creating a series of cooking videos on Youtube, and advertising the way that he does (according to the people in this thread), is pretentious.

>> No.4713348

I don't think he's ever been advertised. Literally watch 2 seconds of any of his videos and he's just a normal older guy. Seriously you sound crazy.

>> No.4713415

His guiness beef Stew video is nice and the recipe is awesome.
Have you heard about robjnixon? That guy is just awfull. He can't cook. He can't make videos. And he is really pretentious. If he made a blog about his way in learning cooking that would be different. But acting like you are a chef even though you can't even make anything that can't be considered Fastfood is just stupid. Also he is fat.

>> No.4713455


>> No.4713704

His food always looks kickass but I hate the way chef j speaks. Seriously. You know how he has that...idk..musical quality about his voice. Sometimes I feel like he's varying the tone and pitch for no good reason.

But still the man is a great cook and OP, as usual, is a faggot.

>> No.4713746

I've never seen anything on his channel that I couldn't make better. And that's the truth, bitches.
tl;dr checked it out, realized I'm a better cook, have ignored since.

>> No.4713755

His soothing voice, easy recipes, and clear good quality videos with easy to follow steps with good instructions and quality that don't waste any time.

>> No.4713774

I like his voice and his comfort food. Half of the thread is just OP trolling. Time to ignore this thread from now on, I guess.

>> No.4713858

I made his lemon bars. They were shit. They stuck to the pan like concrete and the edges burned even though I baked it less than the recommended time. I threw them out for the squirrels.

>> No.4713913

robjnixon should be murdered. I seriously wish youtube had a block button for vids so that I never again have to suffer the experience of watching his shitty vids in which he copies other people and takes the credit whilst being really annoying.

>> No.4713925

Just use adblock and block all the google ad servers so he doesn't get the hit on his monetized account should you happen to load one of his videos.

>> No.4713932

So you just hate a person because hes/shes fat?
You people make us skinny fucks look so fucking stupid.

>> No.4713936


>thinking this is his fault

>> No.4713946

Most of, if not all, of his "pretentious" behavior seems to be tongue-in-cheek.
He makes videos on youtube, who watches youtube cooking videos? The majority of the audience are people looking to be entertained or beginners learning the basics. If you're actually personally offended by his brand of humor or his simplicity in showing easily prepared, yet often pleasing meals, you're most likely autistic and I suggest you make an appointment with your pediatrician.

>> No.4713957

>thinking its not

His recipe is flawed. I followed it exactly and it was terrible.

>> No.4714139


I tried that recipe too, they came out delicious.

>> No.4714156

I did this recipe worked fine for me anon.

>> No.4714160

His Sopa de Ajo recipe is absolutely GOAT.

Everything I've ever made of his has been good. Also, most of that "self worship" and bad jokes are tongue in cheek. He sounds like a pretty nice guy to me.

Though, I think we can all agree, the best youtube chef is vahchef.

>> No.4714505

>Do you also hate Cooking with Dog because it's about pretending that the dog is the one talking?
I have watched tens of cooking with dog videos and I didn't notice the narrator was supposed to be the dog

>> No.4714509

his voice is amazing
I love his jokes (you don't like puns and corny jokes, tough shit)
his recipes are good
he is to the point
great personality

>> No.4714516


>look at this
>fantastic gravy
>now, in this:

vahchef is great but chefjohn's videos are much much more to the point imo
I love them both

>> No.4714525


If most people like something but you don't, you're the odd one out. You're the one who needs questioning, not us.

Get madder, faggot.

>> No.4714527

How the fuck can you dislike Chef John? I can't even...

His videos are always a good starting point and show good methods. And if you're a better cook than what his video indicates, then don't watch him, you're not the target audience. Generally people who go and look stuff up on youtube are beginners and novices. I haven't had a recipe from him that hasn't turned out well, and usually I just use his recipes as a jumping-off point or to get ideas.

Also, how could you not like his lighthearted humor, nice showmanship, good voice, and the fact that the food is the center of attention and not the chef?

>> No.4714543

I don't watch him specifically because I've been cooking for 22 years now (since I was 8 years old; the first hot food I cooked was simple frittata di cipolle) but his /techniques/ aren't bad, even if his recipes aren't so great. I feel the same way of AB (whose recipes I find generally disgusting).
If you can cook already, don't watch him: he's not for you.

>> No.4714575

>Cooking with Dog


>> No.4714593

>Dissing cooking with Dog

>> No.4714771

yeah his minestrone video is one of the most soothing things ever

this dude is backed and has probably helped out so many dudes that are scared of cooking

>> No.4714781

He seems like a pretty chill dude, and I think he throws in the "most popular" line because of his deal with allrecipes.

At least he's better than robjnixon, niko's kitchen or whatever. People actually like his recipes.

>> No.4714799

That show is retarded.

>> No.4714798

Actually that was the first time i heard bout it, haven't done anything else but watch it tonight.

Absolutely love everything about it. Except the natto.

>> No.4714826

Is this the Australian guy?
Because his pumpkin soup recipe was God awful, it was just veges, water, salt and pepper.
The fuck man

>> No.4714834

Maybe you're just shit at it anon, have you tried doing better?

>> No.4714861

Chef John is great, for once I don't have to watch a vid completely centered around the person making the recipes
Camera work is great
Narration isn't boring, nicely mixed up with lighthearted humor
It's all good, don't see how anyone could hate the most inoffensive Youtube chef, it's like hating puppies

>> No.4714882

It's bitter faggots who expect 4star dishes.

Complaining about it while their making Ramen.

>> No.4714957

I like his videos because he keeps the camera on the food and nothing else. Hell, I didn't even know what chef john looks like till OP posted his photo. I only knew he had hairy as fuck fingers.

>> No.4714962

While we are at it, what other good youtube cooking channels do you guys recommend? I've pretty much been through all of the FoodWishes and CookingWithD videos.

>> No.4714964


>> No.4714972


>> No.4715102

Sometimes you can see him in the reflection of a pot lid haha

>> No.4715131

Helens recipes ( my fave )
mosogourmet ( for novelty cooking for better than RRcherrypie )
honeysuckle catering

>> No.4715145


>> No.4715167

Fuck yes

>> No.4715185

dude he just has a snarky personality, no need to hate him. i personally don't like his videos that much.

>> No.4715209

Cayenne pepper

>> No.4715210

The roux, the roux, the roux is on fire.

But seriously, I learned the basics of mornay from Chef John's nacho recipe. I'm hard pressed to find a better walk-through on youtube about the matter.

>> No.4715216

Give it the ol' tappa tappa.

>> No.4715230

I wish he was my dad. Dude looks so huggable.

>> No.4715248

Oh my gad, dat nigga and his cayenne.

He is great for basics, really getting to know what role ingredients play, the process, etc. I don't think he's striving to be anything more, so I enjoy the way he teaches.

>> No.4715249

The upward inflection on almost every other word that comes out of his mouth drives me up a wall, but his tutorials are decent.

>> No.4715778

Remember, you are the boss of your autism.

>> No.4715797

Kill yourself

>> No.4715813
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I made them too, they're pretty good.

>> No.4715819

I don't even know who that is, but whoever he is, he can't be as bad as Sandra Lee.

>> No.4715825 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 500x333, fight me irl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with
Kill yourself twice over dicknose.

>> No.4715826
File: 188 KB, 500x333, fight me irl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with:
Kill yourself twice over dicknose.

>> No.4715827

-nice voice
-clear instructions
-professionally trained
-good camera work/editing
-funny at times (fails other times, yeah)
-the alternative on youtube is mostly amateur home cooks

that's why troll

>> No.4715841

I can't stand vahchef's terrible website

>> No.4715870
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I made his version of the microwaved cake in a cup because of this thread and it was goddam delicious. I changed the milk to half and half, added toasted walnuts instead of coconut and added Ghirardelli chips into the mixture.
Then I added a little mint ice cream after cooking and let it sit and melt into the cake for a while.
It was like molten deliciousness.

>> No.4717196

das it mane
aw jeeeee

>> No.4717277

Someone needs to start a campaign to convince him to be on Food Network Star. A TV show with him would be amazing.

>> No.4717649
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>> No.4717662

So you didn't make.his recipe at all

>> No.4717859

oh fuck. Can we just talk about how awful this guy is.

>> No.4718280

How the hell is it not his recipe "at all"? I just changed the optional ingredients of almonds to walnut and took out the coconut.

>> No.4718303

If you like cooking with dog your a fucking weeb.

>> No.4718316
File: 1.19 MB, 480x470, 1375341054655.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kill yourself, non-Yamato scum.

>> No.4718721


>> No.4718780

He's better than you asswipe

>> No.4719360

I never cooked anything he made a video of but I enjoy watching them because he has a funny voice and I want to cuddle him.

>> No.4719443

I really don't get it, what's 'advanced' cooking then?

It's all the same, cooking is cooking, just following instructions and remembering how to cook certain meat and what herbs/spices go well with what

For me total beginner level is beans on toast or something.

Chef John is intermediate/advanced.

>> No.4719530

For one, he's not an insufferable cunt like you, OP.

>> No.4719626

Beginner - follow the recipe that and use techniques that don't require much experience

Intermediate - follow the recipes, but also modify them successfully from time to time while using techniques that require experience ( Hollandaise sauce is the good example )

Advanced cooking has nothing to do with actual recipes and techniques as it is knowing enough about chemistry and physics that go into processing various ingredients that you can use them in novel or interesting ways while keeping in line with the experience you want to create for the diners

I base this classification on the fact that pro chefs often use most basic cooking techniques, and amateur/home cooks can just as well pull of the advanced techniques. It's the matter of taste and the occasion, really.

>> No.4719721

He's terrible and I don't understand why people even watch his videos. All his shit is just bland as fuck and at like...he can't even do basic recipes.